hdiuxlajeuivi6ilm s personal notes of- adontwtr vhlllnoootoftowf point and of vliltor in acton homar st i i i mrhurull wllei nnctmiw uiiirk wile iclt tuewluy on u trip la fluridu mr urul mm vtoit arulomon pon- ihc wcelairid wllh rriundii in port colboino mix h oin jiiw iviurncd from vlnlllnu hur tluhlur anna and funnily in cullrwnlu mi- undmfn gordon riiwn of hmnlllon vlfud with mm mc- mjllun und bui ililh weok muttculhurliw allun vbiltud ul tht home of hur- brother mr rnu alluriln toronto dtiijnd the weokend mm iloreme robinson of guelph fcpeiil till weekend with mr und mis j la rublniton luke ave mr mill mm hurry kiiimumi and children of surnln were weekend uiiiufit o mm g r somervllle musler kevin perkins son of mr und mm t perkins has own li palliiil in liulph genet- ul hohphul thin week postniiintei oordon mekeown attended the two dnv eonventlon for imihlinublcih in toronto tueiwliiy mid wednemlay mr- tlwimufc orourke rnuret thut he in u put the friend of lent in u toronto hoiipilul und nil hope for hltn u prompt recov eryto good henllh mm juak frurtk him been en uuaed us cunuul labor hi the foul ornic nrid will repliiec mm k reld who ir leaving this month in the rocijk midwinter umlnuilnnof iho rovul cijoie hiindi mr arthur liwer jkiiviiloiv of mu in juflph jim hurst 4 arthur sli was iaiccehidul in oblulnlilii lief iirade five eertlflcute in rusrui mks sandra blylli diiuiihiei of mr und mm hiiruce hlyth niikhiiliiiwdyu wiih siiecessrul in fiasslnifwilh first clnss honors n hinulna evumlnallpnh sel by the hovut conhervulory of mus ic in iuelph recently conuralulmtlonh lire cxlcndcd to miss twwithy okouike diiuuhter of mr und mrs jnmes l oroiirke in obtulnlnu flmt class honors hi grade one violin tixainlnullons in giielph by hie royal conservatory of music re cently mac spriiwiwrs one of the representatives of the halton surety council ullendlna ihii ontario safety council meellnu in ciuelph on tuesday and wed- mr bnilmmnorinimsiiiiill oflnrsdnvnf laid week other hnf nlumirn falls and mrs w t a bell will kulherlne of toronto were sunday uiiests ol mm r m macdonald vezuubtmrtcztsatsumij eon representultveu were jack taylor riirllniilnn find al fran cis halton hriccilturul represen tative m5rtearn literature important role the reuulur meellnu of knox presbyleitiin auxiliary wms- was held in hie home of mm r ft pinker tlnjruduy iiflernoon february 9 the president mm o morun opened fhe meellnu wllh a sliort article on the brliliie christ built for man and prayer followed bv slnyjnu tell mc the old old story mm fivd anderson and her committee tiuik chuiue of the devotions and he sludv on how fhe presbyterian wms shared in providing christian literature uround the world ami the vnr- lous types of chrlstlun lileruturc mm anderson described the help fllven to the honenullsh sncnkliil uroiipu in canndu mm a m mcphcmun told of the work across the xeils in british olllana forniosii india i jitln america africa overseas chlnu ulltl the koreans in japan work of scldty miss d folster spoke of the work of the bible socleiy uud how it provides bibles translated into the different lannunces the bible society can serve all the jkuij u t silvdrwood churches and help iheni lake the bible into all the world because it does not interpret the scrip tures but provides the scriptures fur the various churches to in lerprel to their twopla they also provide the scriptures in braille the oflerlnus received in the wtnlil flay ol player service yo toward assisting in producing christian literature lor many parls of ihc world mrs fred colo read the scrip ture lesson followed bv a brief meditation few who go read by mrs anderson miss uillie moore closed this part of ihc meeliiiu whh pruver a season of silent prayer in memory of mrs w cooper a past president of the socleiy was observed scjltoncc prayers were offered by mm c hansen mm r l davidson mm mac- ariliur mrs kennedy und mm bennle after the business part ol the meetliig was concludeil the meetlnu closed wiih the lords prayer a social half hour was much enjoyed liiyiil i rockwooo tho acton freo pros fhundny falirukryt latlt ivai benefit assists child cuchre play prominent the benefit euchre and dance held in town hall last friday ev eulnu in beluill pi jlminy funk was- well attended jimmy s ninny fijends ure- ulad to know he is liruduully iniprovlnu from his ser ious spine injury in connection with cuehre par ly held in the parish hall last wednesilay evenlnn eleven tables were played sponsored by the womens association ladles hluh score mrs normanwllsun low score mrs fiihrmnn- mens filh score ifiuvey jesln mens lone bunds oswald- mcadoivs low scoiv mr lyons- memlums ol the golden aiie club irum rockwihid cnloveilllii film of rev and mrs dales trip around the world rev ode was minlslei4 al barrie hill a nuinlhr ol years lino mr aiul mrs alhcil shullls are speiidjnii snnve time jn itlelpli al the home of mr uullmis j-ras- er pliimmei wllife ihc plliinmel iamilv aiv holldayinn in luuiila mr ami mrs flniei mccannrll aiv also holidaying in flujlda il lends mil mrs nellie lovell eifivl she is in si josephs hos- pfiul guelph wheiv she under went mitiiery lasl week fi lends ol mis joljn garslnnu uivsoliy she was a shiilliioi a lew days last week due to un ear inleclion mr ami mrs iluuh graham uc coiipanled bv mr and mrs don tlmms and son brian ol guelph visllrd mr and mis alex gra hum ol oakvllle slindav mlv i pleive visited nicnds in guelph ritrcnlly mrandmls arlluir k 1jiomastiiy smwllnii a hw iavs wllh mr und mrs fred bay amllamlfytn ancasler muster wesley harris and little miss rose marie harris arc stay- inu wltji ml and mrs stanley hariis while their piuvnls mr and mrs ioiilinn nils are away no a holiday weekend and suiulav vlsliors miss maiiiarel lonrr of 1or oiito and mis james lfiwcusmd palsy ol iitelph wiih mr and mis henry m cooper miss pal lliiyd ol porlireill mr biv4v jloskluu ol llamll ion jujt hear reports make donation during limehouse wl meet interesting husband recipe heard at womens meeting tik silvcrwihut wunun luslj- lute iikm nt the luihie ul mis k c limkiiv with the pixsulcnt mts william norltm in the chair the meeliny upeneil with the instiltile oile i ol to wed bv murv slewiut cutkvt roll call was answeivil bv yivinn a veuetable or fiiiit startiiti wiih tines inil- tul plans were made to celehrale the 111 h inivcisary with a fluelue in stewarttuwn hall in march to attend conference mis claix wilson was appoint ed to a lie mi the presidents con ference in ciuelph may 4th and 5lli donations will he sent to tile mental hospital and musk festival mrs cieorge ironside und mrs leoiye burl attended he 411 leaders training school ill milton thursday and friday the meeting was then turned over to mis mans iindeaur mrs marry scott jave the current ev- tills mrs ceorie henderhon jr yaw a iwulinp lnm an old cook- btkik puhlisltcd in 1871 among ihc lormulas lor picseivinp tniitr and veueiahles was this recipe howio preserve a husband choose wllh care be caret ul of your select ion do not choose one too younii and take only such varieties as have heen iviired in u ytknl alnuii phere when once decided upon and selected let that part remain forever settled in hot water some insist un keeping iheni in pickle while others are constant ly yet linn into hot water this only makes them sour and billet i ven poor varieties may ik- made sweottonctcrnndiiooti by tiarn ishim with patience well sweet ened with smiles wrap in a mtnltc of charily keep warm with a steady fire of devotion when thus prcpurcd hushands will keep lor years and improve with aye at tlie close ol llie meeting mrs william norton presented mrs george henderson sr with a pol led plant in honor ot her 84th birthday tea and strawberry shortcake was served bv the hostesses its a small world until vou chase your hat down a- windy street mrs roujjhly presided for he meeting of limehouse womens institute held al the home o mrs chailes meredith on wed nesday february i the meellnu opened wiih all lnijiin theres alonu lotm hail nulniltnrnirtwetrby the ronls piaver tilth e were 10 ladies prevent and roll call was answered bv an anuisin iutideut in my child hood send donaltntt in the husiiiess discussion h was voted lo send he usual dona tion lo the llallon musical lesii val fetters ol appiit ialion loi hill boxes weie read- mrs kirk patrkk reported onlhe maialhon ctnhtc mil als4i pivsliled lir llie lollowiii piojiiin as convcin i of hisdirkal reseirch mrs lltr ry brown citienship and luluca lion christmas it ihh6 mrs i unjilish- nome fa onomk s ami fifst sale held new hays arena uniformly yood prices were paid at the firs annual invitat ional ai holstein sale held at oak v ilk rchiiiiiry cattle sir ed by bulls i mm ihekemplville ouinle cen hal hamilloii wh- erlimi oxloid brampton and vs sex units in ontario were oiler- ed tbraveraijc price paid was jss9 each lor m head or a total ol slft7x although there were no sjve- lacularlv hieh prices alt hut three head sold lor al kast 5o0 each heallh suspended sentence on li ill it control and mrt kirk pittrkk hislorical research port credit as a city ctirrnl l cinrenl eeentw weiv ivikl lv mis f kam and the mulio kiep vmi- eiilhiisiasni and lel vnut hii llufiivs was well nix pared and read bv mis w mit chell a pleasing leature ol hie allcyn0011 wl a vocal solo by mi f karu bless llus house and mrs hmiplilv a pinncdoi te selection ivuxieme valse both munlhis were much enoyed mis kiikpatrick read a paper eiiiilled ld times in onlar v the meeiing closed with the oueoiiallei which ihc hostess and social coinmillcc sciveil a delicious lunch bensons shoes miwhwwww womens pumps and oxfords 99c pair weekend special caroline nurseries garden centre 2 miles west of acton on highway 7 south sido say it wjth flowers going to a dance coasages 100 and up get your double tuberous begonia bulbs now isc each 8 color 7 days a week to serve you hours l am in mx im floral designs for all occasions fro dlivory new telephone number 37 day or n1te imperial veterans assoc 3800 cash bingo saturday feb 18th 380000 in cash must be won 20 games regular extra canlt 23c ijurh it s0 games skoals j cikro tar mm limhgmu i t- smmicame giant jackpot- itlm pw card ciili 200000 plus 50000 u btad la si no smrlimfj vim pm doara op 7 pjh mmph memorial ga ckiufwlwor u y r mtl tlwwl h final sale all winter wearing apparel boys i girls lined jeans sics i in rx vulun lu s29r 149 girls i ladies- fur trim head snoods value si now 89c pure wool head scarves asst colors now 49c mfns wanned shirts value lo f ih now 139 girls dresses odds in0s 111 i all sixs 2 to x value ft j39i 189 infants a childrens headwear wool knit axsl tolnin mil slk reg price to jij9 now 98c boys mens ear flap caps o in 7 i valjuc u 9tc now 59c bring the whole family girls ear muffs were mc now 59c newtons 5l store evening sessions 730 to 930 pa monday thursday feb 20 feb 23 afternoon sessions 130 to 330 pm tues feb 21 wed feb 22 fri feb 24 canadian legion hall in acton conducted by pteaph jane wright -free- -hiiiiiii- bonus tapes free monday thursday a bag of five roses flour fd cc i you- may l c e w a 42 pc setting of stainless steel flatware bit bags of groceries i5 each0ay win the new westinghouse fully automatic 30 electric range coukilsy of goodlets economy hardware georgetown ont phone tr 72551 free prizes free prizes plan a visit to our new westinghouse appliance caravan see your dealer for details tf free door prizes westinghouse light bulbs the following food products fea fliuhmnn corn oil mrg chtamj snbom code royal initjnl pudding magic belting pewdar ogijvla caka mine watlihohoum light bulb gay liquid dvtwganl flaitchmannt dry yail domcthc shortaning pel intlanl skim mjikpowdar charry hill chaaia blue bonnat marg tndar laaf tea ogilvi oat ingschool java ingartell chaa fiva rata flour sluart hua fail wrap wauan bad sunbaam brownnsarve rail