rhttatiaaattawllaaatimfiaivamavbwr miifcufmi iiir i niviimririv a thfcadoni fraa pfail triuraday march 8nd 1961 ater floods park area at result of mild weather at trenult of mild wvulhcr the young people ofllw village have been deprived ot ihdlr open air rinktoiliolnlng the highway slfice inut wcekn rulnnkho rlvev ha rlun with wular nrnnlim over he loe the pur in under water with jim muivcn butnh atirrounu- ed the drop in the temperature over the weekend ciuineil the high wuter to revede there u no daiv ger of- flood condition the sucnirnent or the lurd supper wai uhaarved ar the pre byleriun church sunday morni ing during the ertee revkred wfillnmmiii or guclph wan present andoiriclilted a st johns church n the afternoon jervlce holy comniun- lon wus celcbruted with eshipp uk server to the reel or allend funeral douglas mcnubb und richard iliirrk were ill georgetown sut- urduv unending the funeral of thejulc norman burna numer u llnriil wivalhs bore silent tri bote in the memory of ihc deceuv ed sympathy is extended lo mrs murliin duiiis iiud also to other members of the family circle and relatives interment look place in everlun cemetery friends of arthur clow will be glnd to know he is progressing slowly in guclph general hosplt ill following a lengthy serious ill nets congnituhillmk lo mr and mifrrusscll gordier nee velrha wilson who celebrated llieir 25th wedding anniversary recently a good number of hockey fans were in guclph and hamilton tu witness guelph win over hamil ton thursday evening and to see a ll score in guelph friday evening guelph team led ilie league the euchre lihil dance sponsor ed by the local firemens assoc iation was a success friday even ing with a good turnout bsunoclcburn girls hold twameetings the biinnocuurnh home- making cuib helm their first meet inn on saturday february 18 with u uirls present linda unham was elected president ruth coles secretary marie mit chell treasurer and margaret morrison press reporter the work of the unit featur ing fruit was outlined by the leaders mrs s morrison and mrs s matthews as this is completely new project added to ibe liut of units it should prov interesting second meeting the next meeting was held at ibe home of marilyn madill on saturday february 25 there were 15 girls present at this meeting margaret morrison demon strated making fruit shortcake and marie mitchell made a jel lied fruit salad the members sampled the results of these de monstrations during lunch at the close of the meeting the next meeting will be held at the home of linda linham on march 4 eden crest lists aims of institute mrs b wright eden mills was hosiess fur the february meeting ol the eden crest wom ens institute which despite the bad weather was well attended 18 members answered the roll call with a game tor voting or adults a i a party auittcsiton was made that d lack ol interest by mem bcrs the institute consider div banding and joining the eden mills institute alter discussion mosl members toll thai the aims and ideals of the institute de veloping better home mutters de veloping happier and more use ful ciiieiis st insulating and training leaders encouraging ap preciation ol things near at band were being bogged down bv reams ol unnecessary cirespond- ruccand that rbe better part ot the meeting was taken up with business program time limited members felt that convener after preparing an interesting program were not allowed en ough time to present it it was divided that in future the bus iness meeting would start at 8 is alyitehd at is with no one sub ject to be discussed longer than 10 minutes it anv businev is not settled during this hour it is to be shelved anauctton sale of winter or spring clothing is to be held- on tuesdav v ift the conveners mrs c ah ram and mrs e wtwuichouse pres ented a program on entertain- my three members gave menu suited to various age groups ranging from sandwich ice cream and cake for sis-vear- -old- anditbo mm wt b-vtim-viits- etc tor teenagers to ehvken casserole gingerde gelatine mold and pineapple mange i hi fun cake tar the older ski a game of charades wa much enjoyed each member actihg out n song title htch was verv fun ny some members were better actors than otherj lunch was served bv mrs w dunbar and mrs g stevenson the neit meeting l to heiavltii tb weumv bakery in kitchener mrftdvo mcfurluite vum- recent guent of lcy daughter urnl mttvlnruw mr and mnt ralph hodgion tit mount- foromt mr and mr smart mcdonald v i idled re u rive in bkmi on kim- duy weekend und sunday vullnis wayne honking oueenu utuver- hv ktnjxttm mr and mm a sneant guelph with mr und mr henry m cooper sim mc lean fergus mr oiil mrs chnrlc robcvl vm odtllc i vern on meadows inu friends kitchen er mr und mm hugh grulutm spent saturday with mr mul mrs don tim mabr guelph youth pleads guilty to charge remanded in custody for naeek a hyeuihilil aclon youth plcndcd ulilliy in nmultrulos couil in milton miiniluy lnoriilin to coniinlltlny wlllul iliiniuue mul ilrlnklnu while uiulcr iic ilr wiim lemiimliil iii cusliuly tin line week nwniiinu n prenerttencc re- pnrl he was tolil bv iniiulsllnif kiimelh liittiliii yuil have pleuilcd utility to n very scrluim criminal uhcuce that citiikl earn auavlimun ulitrjuv ul up lo ii years in iill the uvcuscil vmilli pjcaileil sole ivkpuiislliilllv in the ulamuue caused a liiyli scliuul teachers cav fehriiiirv ih when twu islile whiluws wtivsninshiil nut mul the viulslilckl inukcn he alsfi udnillleil ilrlnklnu while under aue and havlnu piisscssiun ol hat sufjul leniency magistrate lanuduil sulci ihe cnuriwas mil prenoretl lo ac- cent the ynuilis lea ivuurdiuu hie mure serious charyc he suy ticslcd ii hie accused arraniitd payment ol the hs7 tlumiiue ilie jcruwri mliihl lie disposed to ac cept a pica of ulilliy on ilielcs ser churue the vomits father addressed the court in u plea for leniency he staled his sun hail never hern in liiiihle hcfoiv and saiil heer had- been 1cspuuslhlc for the hoys actions he snuucslcd soiiu- hilly should he done lo preveiil vendors imm sitpplvinu drink in teetfiijers march emiie in like a lamli weddesdav cnn we expect a ikxv ilku exit heavy damage resulted from a fire sunday morning 11 ihe residence of mr and mrs h wilkin son main street firemen arrived seconds after the alarm sounded and found smoke pouring from the building donning smoke masks they entered ilie building lo rescue any occupants but learned everyone was away for the weekend an oil siove burned a hole ip the ceiling of the living room and after burning a large hole in the floor the slove fell through to ihe base ment the picture above gives a small indication of the damage kj9itivr heather club to cater to ice carnival skaters the regular meeting of the heather club was held in the churow basement february 22 hflie meeting opened with the president mrs h oruiirke in the chair prayer was given by mrs mary mann after which the scrip ture was read by mrs lil mclen nan the secretarys report was rend and roll call was answered with 14 members present cut down losses plun projects plans were completed tor serv ing lunch lo lions club skicrs and members alter the ice carni- al also lo caler lo the ladies aid dinner march s arraniiciiienls were made lo holil a bake sale march 24 alter mipaii hcikiliiliun lun ch was served by the committee in charge fire bureau blitzes farmers a blitz campaign against mounting fire losses in rural hal- tun county was launched last week by the countys fire pre vention bureau meeting in mil ton the bureau comprised of firemen from hallons nine bri gades and other interested citiz ens announced a farreaching program to emphasize the need lor fire safety tu atl halion tann ers weve had a lot of bad barn fires and i think we could ac complish a lot it we encouraged the farmers into taking nuyv precautions around barns houses and outbuildings said trafalgar fireman bert crull a committee of mr crull milton fire ebiel a e clement and trafalgar fireman don cherringiou was ket up to form a unit ol huivau speakers for farm torums 4h clubs and other tarm organial urns new literature aimed at ie- dactng farm j ire- losses js also tu be studied studying fire prevention mat- erial for school children it was suggested the bureau adopt a prize swtem similar to one used in milton last- ear classrooms i in each school would receive a banner for the best ettort m a home fire inspection contest qakyille fire chief doug wilson was gien authorization to tines tigale prices on printing spring cleanup week promotion mater- j ial a slight balance in the bank from isw wjs designated to ward the spring cleanup pro- gram chief wilson announced he would be attending the next meeting ol halion countv coun cil to submit a report ol the bri gades activities during l the bdreau is tinanccd through the annual ii unity donation ami memberships from ihe arious lire brigades the bureau reetived a letter of- commendation liotn ak ilie cuyncil-congraiulating- the toive on winning an honorable men ion in the recent national iire prevention association compciii- man it r psihiaiiisi u uitt has developed an iuleilontv cvunplex ilnc w i keep iki that va robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly p head phone guelph ta 43071 i 50 st georges square review water problems during council meeting v fixim pugc one tltiliiucd willi wtilor uamnlun pco sorvuo w tflit k7illlkn 11 owe wns uppiiinilii nt ilnu hiiurd lor hie hill- mil hi ilixjjii- viicimiv i i ik- illijn7iiliiii it j ifsl mr kltwlmi lolil ciiiiiull ii tliliv rinuliir wuh ixjimk iviiluil mul im miilltil nl li cokhir j71 per innnlli until ii aiilijo ilcierniliuu if 11 pilllluiicm liislullulliin whs irv cunr a pcrimiiurnt inkiillllilluji muutj coil npproxlmnltly jiwk to munnlng lltuird llilili lnwr whs iippnlnlfd in lit- ilutinl hikf iii 1 luiisdcl by wlillliuni ihf link whs iiutlinyimj lo issue it iiiiildiiiii pcrmil lo iliv hell teleririiinit co lor iheclitv hun lil ii illal exiliiiinielinlfdliiii i oliuuli mul luuiii siivrls miiyor tiny informed eoiinell ihiiljjie pnitiviirv meusiires or uitnlyiilion was iniimesutl in ni- ilikllilu il llnsie ueseue course in aclilil he snmjested ilie hninlny wnilld lie iisrlill in lols ol ihlii hesidis wars the pi in is in train reseue leiinis ol sevtn nien ejit ii wlio inlulil lie i roin ilie various industries and- 01 aaniiiiiiins ol liie iown tile lolliiwinii acioiluls well appiuved lor piivnieijl town ieihrul accnuiilu i lillon ketiisliv ol lit t 71 syiunii iiaidwiiie sh jiek uiillev cai lane hl2ll nellls ciiilsliiieliiil 4kimi inillse molius 2lill riioillpsiin molii- 170 0s ai inn m s 1177 j ii maekeiiie 2diw avniif hrc 1kih7 cellilied lileel ail i s2hii ml 1 i lailom ein vll ciiimilii i aw hook 4sk assoe nlassess ollietrs irtlx lilllevsllowes 21 ml mr ken miiihmeni loixi iluiiard kimnp a stencil 4445 harris stalionerv siore 1211 l kmcwillianiscai 1640 onlnrio pruvlnclul iolfte 181522 out riiulpmenl a supply iiseliel scuinllllc i- cunuiliiiii llriiuu township nl lsiiicslnii ruvul cllv amlullunce iknl nl lleiillh liikeilew cieeiiliuuseu john h iruiik aflnn wulillnu hay ttiimipsim iuelu wallace a tieiniiu aclon llnc hulled ins liirilled miwll denny mayiir j llcioy mr l aduhv nowpian illiuk i shoe- maker hotmail tnuslriktioii aclnn imvc r hell telepaoiie co firaihs molois hills ilinllnit 1iihllsli i ii ieduer coiinly ol hallou mr i k mewllllams ii i ilai low lulerualioiiiil waicr sup iellv cash assoc ol ouiaiio mayors hi keeves nielluile metels hum metal induils 9110 11411 4062 hh7u 34b7 21u00 h81 iux 410110 2ino 2wdh 126 i2iu 71ji4 1m ik hi 140 5m00 lshiiio 2wd2 71 20511 2lht 51110 26ro 1140 m2k 1500 4515 20 hi 4407 22h4i jh7715 65 i 04 ill illll accoiwts ai inn ii ic ijulled iis limlied m salelv supplv co 1111 teliplmiie co order sketch drawings of new sunshine school sketch druwlnu il the new sunhlnu seluxil fur heliinkd children were culled ittr nl li niellliiu nl the 11111111111 cnninill- lee ol llil- niiith iliiiliju assmln- lion ihr keliudcil chllihvu in n nieellnir in mllloti on tiiesdny evenliiu 1lie coniiilllliv made lip of re- preseiilallvesjroill mllliin acion und ieoriielown had vlslled u iniiiilul ol similar hitiihiu al nie sjiil lenliiilveplunii call lor ii llnve nuiiii school with a pilncl- pals olllce and ilieriipulu room with a liitseineiil under ilie luillil lif htihlli school liispeclorit i mc neil mid khomlinui were ptv senliil the iiieelluu mllloil iv- iiesejilnivi were ci aildiswi j cosliiimi mid tin illicit j mm tin aclon ivpresenlullyes were j t illliuilell anil mis i hnckner cieoitteliiwn deletialeh were thiw mas t lciimsnii ieorue c hew son und miss jean mackenzie school principal mrs jvttarbiy iitkii ittleiuled on iiiiarallon or iho iikelch driiwiiis i hey will be siihinllled lor ajiprovalitl ilie dtpmliiienl ol lducnlloir ttie school wilt ik hiilll on u llorijhv site recejllly piirchused ii ilie sea is calm and ihe air perfectly clear il is pnsslule lor a iierson 4n an airplane to sec a siilimmine siilimeined lo u deplh ol alvolll 611 leet the population explosion means ihal even witli a record crop ol political candidates some llahich are noine to have to o unkisseil acton lions club ice carnival postponed from february 28th will be held this saturday march 4th in the acton arena at 730 pm if 3 skating clubs it comedy xlr hockey breakfast gems grade a large 45- carrots j0 ai pely io green onions radishes 2 bunches 2 bunches 2 23 15 15 du i i en i oj lb acton creamery limited phone 53 free delivery tradition behind this ndiiiit ocean steamship tickets cruises o nmkinp im- spring mil suintik r siilntt book early f l wright m wilhui si v acton ontario piionf 5 harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phoni ul s99s4 rockwooo 14 haw satvica qlaiity that fori brvand the ordinary to puase the particular it rxprrurt ittrlj n- creelh in tvrry diuinclite bunk lint tttry youinmind bukk fraturt reliability ihal resulii from tht txhauslirt it fling andconmanl improvtmtnl a firry buirk cortipaatnl anolhtr rtaum hy buicl is the mirttandin autoniohdt again this yrar listictio thai prrfrclly malihrt your in n gid unit and plrasts ihr ditrrrmng eye sett buick apart in a class of tlrgante and comfort entirely its on a oimhai motors vaiui huffimjl urr it etrrm fft franklin prouse motors limited 351 queen st e adon phone 6 far mia bail in nma aaaoanarat malar pratams waaltly cbatli lata tv lltknaa far lima ami c t kva t tava a jj4 i ka-i- si aj jfyftavaa v- 44 a rf j