Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1961, p. 4

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fir the aetofi fn pflmi thurwley march vfh 1w1 spilling five pins at acton bowling lanes by ken h 0 l fo r d high school february 27 ftubols mnilir ii u two and lolali win from the ilrsl place- teddy hours and would hiive mudc ii tlinx- bin jim bulloiiyli tame up with n hoi 320 in ihe mlddli chukker lo pace ihf bears slniflf game win hullonuli wound up willi a 6a6 iridium ills triple and slnnle were the hesi trundling done by either learn sapphire snap lining slreuk the sapphires snapped their losing slreak al ihe expense of the hi carbunys for n iwo and tnlals win no big tricounls in ibis affair but singles showed up on ihe score sheets for el ca bonus il was don harris with 20a for the sapphires il uis john foley and helen hop kins wilh a brace of 211s yogli kick rock ailde youis found ihe rocks no stumbling blkk and kicketl ihem aside lor a ihree jjame win with bin t masales making wilh a 696 triple mike mattocks came through wilha 214 solo rocks hul ihe scores hut couldnt make them pay off gallopin tir masales 222 and jill hursl 2w hi i for singles and don price tripled with a 714 league standing tvililv bears 14 the rocks so vogis 78 el ca bongs 71 j the rebels 60 sapphires 57 reardmore rebruary 27 luppers paced hv ihe triples of ernie lawson 617 llirr- rogers 624 and the singles nl john dennis 231 and 213 along with john robsons 240 moed up lo a first place lie uilh deons when ihev took ihe leilherellis lor a tuo and totals po the almost had first place lo themsekes bill leatherelles nosed iihmi out in the final game h 10 pins joce masales was leuherelus lone scorer in ihe upper strata wilh a 626 triple muikokas grenu skids muskokas gi eased lhckhls iinileithi- dexons in a big vyl and hmdetl the eistuhile luml- ers a ihree game defeat wilh srce flisnik 608 bert fowler 62 tuples plus al roachs 206 single sparking ihe win dewms hul an off night hut good with ben hiois 21s md andv pap- illon 20o being ihe onl mention- ables wlilrlyblrils give supers- bird who ivbtrdswrre tuned up tor iheil po uilh ihe sttpcr soles and guc ihe supetvtlie hiril im two games and totals whirling ihe big ones lot the whirlvhirils uele roger- murra 618 boh broun 612 and pal waldie 737 hariv rogers had a solo flight lui the birds wilh 213 phil le- suelii s 704 stood out tor he juipci sules in the triples with bill houell 202 ckrrv lamirche 232 mil lid parent 224 being ill l to with ihe singles 1eugue slundlng oiwms 84 llppeis 84 mus- kokas 80 whiilvbirds 8 lea- iheieiies s8 super soles 46 legion ladisc rebmarv 27- conihuskers were n taking too kimlk lo the islilul thinkers stepping on iheu lieek and set out lo cuirecl ihe siiiiiiiiin in handing ihe ihinkeis i ihieigame setback the ihinkeis ined to lilu im i mm in ihe hind bin missed ihe gonldiin in 27 pins muikn hills uilh a tol inpli- uul dons augell uilh 2t7 single spm hglileil ihe i n uhuskeis in iiinpb wislilul ihinkeis hhs lllllh illlliiek uele ul llu- uihlul thinking lp i lh tuke 2 toiul i 1 s nluil iheu name 1 llllilh i mil i out uhit uas and made it 1 kui ami tiilil win liuin hie llopelul i 1 s well- all sel jo make it 1 p win hut hopvluls sijueil a lluul game un mal cooiii- s 20s and 20 singles pui1 tin i i s llopeluls ihiivi l lkiur niglils gave ihem ihe odd point for tot als lo go wth their one game win sophie oehlrlchs 206 was roses best score asters came up with iwo good triples berv jordon 687 and joan schipper f liugue standing mums aslels 88 roses 77 cinuillons 68 vlblels 67 glads 66 service leaotie february 28 r for the briel span of the firsl game ys men were oul of first place but got hack in a hurry when they won ihe next two and totals from thei micro plastic crew ys men dominated the rolling with tripl es of paul laiyson 633 fvle somervlllc 621 and waller dub ois 604 earl masales wised up in ihe last game to turn in a 244 solo two of ihe micro bovs made with ihe singles leo mc- fiillowav 212 and 206 bill filing 271 and 213 wuiriora take mckupfc walflors hail hopes ol regain ing the lop spot bill il went aglimmering when the pickups had ihe nudacilv to win ihu- midtlle chukker walflois lop irio ol limber lopplers were john couture 671 ray evenlell 66 and earl goodwin 620 duke brown was the triple ihrent for pickups wilh 6s3 gerrv lamarche turned in a solo effort ol 249 league standing ys men 68 wniriors 67 micro plastics 49 i pickups 25 industrialcommercial march 1 als snack bar hoys were a hot bunch ol irunillers in ihe firsl game anil ihev sel reliable taxi back on their colleelive heels things were ilil- ferenl in the second anil third when reliable swung into high gear and clicked for ihe wins als came in with ihe odd point lor totals on ihe strength ol their hig lirst game win tops in triple trundling for reliable were jell frvcr 713 101 pete homer 660 and ed megillown 647 als triple- stars weie bill lohnsione 789 309 don grem 752 and spike spires 642 rogers pull upset jollv rogers pulled an upsel and hoisled ihe viclorv mag loi ihe first two games against the govs cartage the call and haul bovs managed 10 lute awav iwo points when lhe snagged ihe last spasm making with the triples lor joll rogeis ueie aihc while 681 and who near 657 herb dmlds called home gins best tricounl a 640 biggest upset al delivery pulled ihe biggesl upset ol the nighl when lhe bested ihe highly rlled iga al sijueeeil oul the lirsl ginu- uin b 11 pins diopped ihe sec ond hv 42 allien bounced hack lo annex the lluril game anil totals jim hall rang ihe triple hell loi al uilh 671 and carl dcfoicsl uas around long enough lo chalk up a 464 double having good iriplcs bin still fuixed lo lake jhe short enil lot ledgeis were frank gunsmoke iivme 701 jack bullough 690 ami hill shannon ml leugtie stunding als snack bll iii reliable litxi iii ledgeis ig 103 gins callage 7l al dehul s3 jolli rugets 5 89 s ol im tse ii h- if pie inn 11 1 li ad ng il iii dlcji ueie mu ki ii lis 621 min timin s7 111 1 1 aug ii 1 cuguc standi c t mill keis ss shlnl hunk is 7 ii eliits 7s 1 1 s acton ladies h i benson sluics weie ig uinneis in il aclon s the slepped on 1 1111i1 i stall- but good lur uin bensuiis tossed a nujile ol inn- triples 11 iheu i llo iiiei 685 and janet i ilinuni m5 jkkie nolan uas linih s tuple shoolci uilh 1 j t20 giiumng singles im tjje real i slauis ueie diinne spiel wigel 211 juan ban 204 jean m1ph11l 208 llsle suill 207 anil 241 conuius heel und toe in finale the micalhiiu senues had timnii shiks hanging on the lopes im the li then the i mon in ihe llu lie loi snoeil the odd 1st luo games 1 s heel and locil a lug uin and liinul loi imals bl i el ii ue springs nursery nuaix 2s mums made the 111 llu- pnkess i 1 iples uent ihe biiaid loi both teams h bill micalhuifs ueie donna klapek 2ss kmghl 201s helen lloli in 1 this llgles loan 220 i lui game and uouiid iii uilh the odd iniinl tslollls when ihev me ihe laiiialioiis and leminieil seui- on hie lop mug allele nolan s old milium and aaciihi bailei s 23o sinele hehvil out ihe munis jo insuvs 230 solo m the cai nations last game pand ihe single uiu duds make singles count glads made iheu singles loiml lor a lllliv game win iiom the vwttmt wrtinmag u 8m l he uiliurii the tirsl lll wagnei 201 in ihe 1 sicoml und wagnei again in hu ll ipleli ihinl with a- 27 violets mst couldnt hiu k up miliiciililv 624 triple and timshed up uilh 1 icro counl the diopivd a tudchie in the first in seven pins aaum haw i big game rps clipped aslcrs hv 14 pins in the first gut hv a second i ivtme win wih sewn pins then fts elobbikd by plentv in the amen big thud gninc t 010111 si ui singleli lovill urim take pruusen lovell bios ueie a luo ami lolals utiinii lium ptouse mol 01s ujth kdi ma robinson 767 1 37 1 and veiua aihu 7112 along uilh inula linells 217 solo pamig ihe uin piouse moiors sismiil headed loi a i- on the uill sheet bur iiughl lue toi pin- ihiid pnine lo giali a wm ivggv lauson s- 066 mple sikki 0111 uiii will lounslev s 21 s single league slandbig fn lu1 ihc wlvs bilii wilh md iiiplebiil the hcn hdlid n liki- iwnn lor a win inlm tuke 2 ch wutiwit iltlllllis mtllvcl hii 1 fll st inirnt- win i nun llu tiii 1ak h rilnvc flns llutt hail id 1 i t kick aiul wiitilv tin cats win llu nvl iwi nnil iitak allhoujli tlu- htmllms almost snaivtl the- last pimc btlnp just sluiri ol a win hv 2a pins- l4ui cats vrrna arbics 24 sinyle tcatmvtl this altair ixnriie standing calencrs 113 tiljlt cats busv blcs 69 hnntc 65 acton major march 2 tcnpro lore ipl the tiger cats with the full in tention f kntukinu them back to their native hme but the cats alter the first came set back rallied to win the next two and totals the cats win was spearheaded bv jack bul- loutih 708 311 mike bctinctl 683 315 and bill williams 662 ten pros top t rio wei e b b brown 703 ralnfc barton 688 and gord cotilighan 682 rllllnrds tnke imwrtnnt win aclon billiards came up with an imnoriant three yame win vhen ihev slopped the casarin rivers cold up to scratch lor the cue bovs were jeff frvcr 718 bill johnslone 671 and al roach 645 hotel take 3 games firelighters were in the usuat benevolent mood and allowed ihe opposition m this s instance dominion hotel three games dominion hotel were taking no chances and had hank harle firing a 752 tinnje masales 652 and bob skidlrmore 646 the fiiefiyhtcrs turned in two triples bill knight 648 and bern van fleet 647 jack pink hit a 423 double trusi the firelighters lo ilo the unexpected ihev posied a new record or i at her bob martin did when he hit a league low of 74 martins re marks alter his record game ale necessarily censored league standing tiger cats 126 casarin theis 93 ten pro 87 aclon billiards 84 dominion hotel 7s firefighter v acton friends march 2 ted jennings 706 tricount uke zajacs 210 single along wilh harold fergusons 217 and 205 ditto were the main reason sputniks took the major part of a 52 go from tin sugai jets jets snvedjhcmsclves from a shuryut with a lisi game win jets missed out on inples but saved lacn with singles john cunnmghap 209 dot earle 200 and johtyrtthapman 213 euncs have 7polntcr fieenkaies spotted their scores whetc ihev would do the most good kiv ross 210 in the lust had dcfoiest 237 in the second and beaei baxter 218 alun with dcfoicsis 345 m the jhiid and il uas a sevenpomier lor the disies deforests 34s mnished off a 752 tiiple the op posing sad sacks loss could he attributed to no smiles t no tuples rarebits come to life j usi when rai chits seemed to be o i of the plawill picture the imii lo hie and knocked satellites oul ul nihil with a thiee game win scutih ml- cituheon was iheie m the clutch for rarebits uitfi a mm triple and ha 1 1 coles tolled a in ace loi gtiod incisiux 21 1 and 227 ikn i rogeis uilh 212 aiul tae mifacheiii wilh 20 iiuul lo gel sal el hies mio oi bit withoul sin cess ieugne standing sugar jets 08 sputniks 5i satelhles 87 i ieen ilasies 64 raiehiis so sad satks s8 acton mixed j match 3 baiuhis siai led out to cut the wamlcivts down lo me and won the tu st game i hen ihe uandeiei s el mil tn pioe ukii claim to hisi plu e and vuin ihe iui two her i joidait headeil up the tuple do ision ot watulctlis wilh a 727 lerrv funk 2t iileen giant 211 and slut lev mnoic 27 topped ihe singles mai to casann 71 nid millie still ffis weie up m ihe tuples lu huuhis with 1 es idmaii 217 and hon dds 2h mai king ihe singles pie in the sky ll was pie in the sk as tu as i agles weie voikeined i he tluew sliaggleis lot a ihiee icaiiie loss snaggleis n ed haul to wm the ihtid but weie sin -r- h pin single wlthhgblil th nllnft toi l it wh ruphlr kblikk 723 hat iv llltni 228 man in ochtllth 21 nnd 207 don ire i ii 201 mid 2m snapgui ttnltts weie chen i mm ton 221 iknn mottuv 22s minion lopr 217 and jim rtifw 227 twit cltwr inttini the liisitwtt pniiuh lutweeii kiiiuvrs and alonts weie i in v ones aitims took he mi si b live pins and smicei stole the seouil l one pin i 0 llilnl and de idlng game was all smicei plus ihe iuld polnj lot tolali saucers pum h hue wits llph mahlu 728 im mi if a icvcii al of hum trnm thinsdav nlghl calls im a valla test out ron whhhiun 603 willi ti iples wlm i mm id malcolm 678 tom phil iesueiii nnd w2 lioin helen jrsueui atoins should hme iited moiv lhan one gaiiw hul i i wasnt in ihy eauls league stuiulhig waiuleicis 108 aloms 8 sail cers 87 handiis 76 snaggleis 74 fables 70 veehnunder march 4 iii foriune siill ilogs ihe hawks after losing the tiisi game to rebels ihev weiv their way to win ihe second bnl rebels nipped ihem in i fie last irame and emerged tiuunphani by lour pins yogi beais bowled steadilv and it paid oil lor iwo game win from ihe fkers siooges hit the win jackpot lot both games at the expense ol ihe second place stooges and i lie double win makes them a threat lor the second spot dig doubles topping the big doubles was anne vale wilh a new league double and single recoul lor the g 18s227 412 coming through wilh the other big doubl es were tei rv churejiiji 149165 314 jackie bullough 123213 336 brian sheridan 20s143 348 bobby turkos 182150 332 steve gov 134187 321 fred laniirv i7v186 359 joan palmer 163155 318 lorna mac pherson 155155 310 frank morton 180150 330 jack pringle 142134 276 john dunn 124140 264 bob andepon 123- 129 252 riia mccrea 97154 251 gerald dick 153110 263 bobby browne 125137 262 league standing rebels 80 rough rideis 66 siooges 63 fivers 51 yogi be 39 black hawks 31 headpin hifites it was hoih a cause lor jubil ation and despondent lor the aclon intercouni teams van norman flcclriuans were hosts lo their town rivals the acton met than is and clohbered them hut good for three games makes van normans lhames of that fourth plnoll sptii that much brighter norma robinson scored a double award she came m with a 767 tiiple which included a 337 single anil rates both ihe acton drv cleaners senices and ledg eis iga foodstulls gil malcolm with an 804 triple picks up the pauls clothing ouhcr and had de forest rates lhe gor dons hardwaic award tor his 34s single the thiisiv te nunders bowling the best oer their averages lo stoic on the reinharis seven up and -coca- cola heei ages weie anne vale bobb turkos jackie palniei and fied landn the local gals 1 marlin chenl morton millie stitt joan knight and bcrvl jordan who made a hid for the molsons ontario singles last sunday did not disgrace themsches hut fail ed lo make the top 16 thc have the happy thought that iheu stores ueie belt er than some of the stoics in the mens division ossie keeler the mightv mite from oshawa ciatkcyl the mens scores u ide open with a 2401 pinlall loi the eight games midge tox ol hamilton- who is no stranger to alton bowlers giahbed oil ihe loth mil last plate in the gajs illusion wnh m eight game piulall ol 84 and thai am- igti winds it up adios second special canadian farmers tour scotland england walci uimiif moiitiiil apt il 14th ritunun moiinil mi mi 63500 inclusive ani i ii niiiiis ill pi t- urns illsluil tlllllls vimi iksi 1 ii ills histtiikil pluis m- liuluij ilislou ruins t mil i iiiiiiiioiiii ik i mm- in uiiuisim i uwtin f l wright n uiiiiin stui i acton ontario phone 95 li w bi v cuniiii tsil isliti- 81 hillson silik micilluiii st- iimb hiulisi- miitms thursday toppr much l martins mi triple anil lil mai lulls 2ui mntili- iii-i- i hi- lintlilinliis uf llu- clitiliiis tlnw isanii- win luini the busy bivs joan kmglii und bowl bowl for pulalur bowl fr humi make it a date for i saturday nit go bowling acton bowljng lanes phuw mt mkmbek omta it uala si knocks its not what opportunity does to a man its what a man does with opportunity march 9 1961 to the citizens of acton there are many of you who will read this advertise ment who have experienced layoffs or perhaps felt they were spending too much time each day driving back and forth to work who have at one time or another wished they were in business for themselves there will never be a better opportunity to remedy this situation than now the sun oil company will make its service sta tion in acton available for lease on the most favorable terms and provide a six weeks training program with sajary and expenses spring is on its way and if for any reasonyou are unhappy with your present employment take advantage of this opportunity for a more rewarding and profitable future for further information contact m p earl 72 earl street kitchener ontario telephone sh 32153

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