j zc perstnal notes j j of aetbnlans yilllng outoftowp points and of visitors jtnacton home mr bovdclnik was home- hum toronto ltsif wockrml 11 ilchrv tilpps rclllined home lhk week horn 1 holicliy in cnliroinii mr and mis c rouniilrison vlsiltd on snndnv wiih mi and mis kelly 1lilninum in oak vlllc mri t mtfvjauiihlim or b111c- blldtc usilfd with lul sulci mis g w mnsiles and family this week mr william cole ird i me has hecn a patient in ouelph general hospjlal having nndeumine an operation ictontlv hipli schiuil stmlenls allemled the college r11vjlyit the oac cllilpli wednesday they tiaiel ledhv bus with leuhel mahitl bevan rockwood miss nancy anne ritchie of lutknow spent a couple ol days last week ulh bei yiindmolhei mis mary mcanley ol acton colleen perkins duihler of mi anil mrs i peikins was a palienl in guclph deneial llns pilal last week lnuliigiiinj 1 ion- sil opelatlon mi anil mis loins honnehe hae been eniomiiu a two week itiiliflnv in rioiitl1 ihev tiuelled ia jet plane and aie expected home tomorrow f asf fndav tiade ii sliulents with mis rogeis went to loion lolhev toured ihe museuni and saw the popular exhibit otjvan gouli paintings al the art gallery seitelar manager of ihe can adian weekly newspapers assoc lalion bill teller and miss wynn allnnson ol the c w n a office staff spent wednesday afternoon a 1 ihe fiee press acton juniors tip county in completed projects rev r r connor accepts call rockwpod eramosa churches rev r r connor ha kclpled a call horn ihe roikoiul uniiftl and niimosi siont liiulh ind uill lake up his new dutils on mnv i rev cunnot tonilslioin walluitrff oni mr llfivtl miphnl irom wcm ern ciinula has hctn visihnu with mr and mis alhcil shullis and mr and mis ro young ul the tfljlapu mr and mrs alherl shnliisand mr and mrs rnil lambeii at tended the cuulph golden ajif piirtv n tlmisdav it the yw ca a number of em hie fans horn rot k wood ueie in ospiinye til luw evening at the hi monlhlx wl eikhri lu id in die school mis j m lloskins wissuppl teaching in lhi al ion hith stlmou on rnda t the mam hands ol rkiiihi hams leniii to liain or his ill ness ik is ill tipi i at inn nl home of mi and mis j butch nl ihe piesln lei iin mansr mi ami mis ra knoops hm returned to then hoinein tin illuiie a i let spending the past three months in oupon 11 s a miss susanne kelso of himil ton leacheis collide spent llu weekend with hei p lunis mi jind mis hank kelso umehouse wi has trip via mrs de tiu maith meclin i inielmuse ivotmns inslilttu was held on 1lunsda al ui noon at llu home ol mis kn kpattil k mis roiildi lev piistdmp i he nueltni opeiilii uilh lhcmaple i cat mlownl b the 1 01 li s piivei in unison 1 he toll tall uas ansuiietl in namiiil n cjitaihan ntw stailini with the iik m he i s initial ihe i limn iiul 1 1 n 1 1 upoil uis lii en in mis ohu i1k ptesid rut i em null d all uuunuis to 1 114 c then tepoiis uad loi the luunial iitlltiml in apt il i tilltiw inj i hi hnsini ss mi w hiiin binun loiimiut ul dtiiir ship aiul diuiiitmi took i hat ll ol the pioliiain mis kiikpatiuk jiat hisiuiual usiauh hl iin then anu uw mis t st n ii home uiimtiiiius itul luahli wtuk wilt ihslriil nu no num juiil mis hum hi uwn i ihi n triends of mrs stewart mac donald will he sorry to icatn ol hit illness due to a throat inlet lion and wish fot net a speeih leuucu i j avlts lias taken met the duties of idiu coniinissionei loi the mllaye ol rockwood weekend and sunday gutms mr and mrs muuricc huitl vves- ton onl with mr a mis ge bawie and helen imr bnice and miss sheila hoskinp hamilton onlano with thlir mother mrs iz m hosking mts tred pierce and mastei petei pierce ol alrfa sited wi mis loni piliee ami mi amle ciolt on 1hutvla mi unite tiuseott has sold his honu in the mlhpe and uill he tno hilt to ahei imle in the iirk sum met wheie he is build ihl i iilv ilsielence mi and mis d matphnlane aie isiuiij iclalils in mount i oft sl i i lends ol mi los oub are soi i to k h n thai he has been sill let in anotlui allatk ol asth ma al hope loi a spmlv ieeo l i i i lends ol mistu biadk wil son will ht pleased tu heat he is able to he hat k al sliiooi alter sul lei ing horn an eu m tee lion round world vries pictures ship and education pot hole counin mi s gisln alii kiiltuie and canadian imlustiies siiowll a luau til ul ai 1 anihim ul ol ditli t ml hulls and spoke ol iheii dd lirrnl food and health allies mis nuble nave a uaehiil hum the n midship book in plaet til the motto mis hi own called on mis he i ies wliu look eieimmii tin a wotultilul nip aiound the woihl in putuie antl stor i uimhh was j li with llu ik uiiilul puiiiks mis nuble thanked mis acton junior tat men learned friday cicnhitf ihuy thev hd completed nunc piojecb dining i960 than the lluve olhei clubs in hallon county duiiitu theh annual dlnnei incctini in rlwn- cvei chutcji williajn marshall pteidenl o ualtrm junioi faimers told the yuthcnnb ol 60 memleis and uittsts the adun had un enviable tecoid he comtnended ihe dub on their uoik ihe lomth annual banquet and dance was tyuhbuhtcd hv the eleciion of oriiteis lor ihe 1961- 62 ke a son and i uieneial report or j he clubs achievements lor ihe past veaf outlined yenr past president jack marshall mastei of ceiemunies foi the e emng in cmlltnintt chrietcnt sichievemchls stressell the sue cesshil dantes ihe bus tup to toronto lo toui places or in tec est iudini competitions panic ipalion in acton and milton tall tan s sporls debating awards assistance to the retarded child lens school parents nitihl and the diama feshial as well as main otlui impoi an ew nis diiimi ihe veai ajitieiiltuial lepiesenlalne al fiancis spoke hi iell brmninp j church stirred by spring work on 1uesda mauh 7 the wo men s assoc latum met in the ihuich pailoi ol at ton unite d chinch wlth mis wildeispm pie siding ms c heller was pianist all joined m sminni ihe ode mm lepetllinji ihe piaeis the ihefne loi match devotion uas the chinch al larjie mrs sholmts was in thai ye sciip luie teadinj was isaiah 6h the month ol mateh is not onl a bltisliiinji month but ii is also a bustluil month as the rhoiiidit ol spi mt elaenml dtiuh home makeis ami skies nc disiuihed in the swill wiiiljs i buils n tinning hum wai mei climates so also should llu thtiieh ht siuud io woik honi oiean unto ocean as one botlv in c hi tsj towaul that lilopioiis da ml 1i pioinisetl wlun msttatl ol the ihonis that iinpeik his pioiess shall come up the pit i n lelushlnji mm lie ilee hymns 22 aiul 24 ueie sunji the pol lutk suppei lot v a mem he is whuh was io hae been heltl mauh is is postponed till mai eh 22 quilt to halifax mis 1 ambei i nae a splendid i e poll on quilts made and sole uiu quilt lmime all ihe wa to hahlav one will he tiixcn it a lamik who lost i lie ii bilunjjins in hie iiecnth llu toll ldl was answeud b the woul harp 1 he m i pn h benethe lion bioupht tlk metluij to a t lost a loei liitu h ol mulhns tea bisliuls ami loukies wis siitd in mis puke it mis cleave mis mioiinakli aiul mis lu oimls on bi hall ol ik nut imp and saitl iht wne deepk piale- t iii to lu i lot tout lilt lluu wete ii numbers and si sllois pus ill the nuuinp t io- snt wih ihe out en the hoiess uul social loinunttet miui a di ik iuus hnu h iree tings from the department of agriculture nnd tongmlulnt- ine- ihe club on their nieces cud veur misk francc uimpntan honie economist uuo commend ed the club on theh udiiinec- nmnl during the jtfnr and shess- ad the immrtanl of theit work slide of officer mac spiowl guve the report of ihe nontinating committee ahei which the tollowinu slate of of heeis was elected foi the comlny jeim n bdvs division president jcthn mclean vice president ron hayward past president lack marshall wecretnry treasurer bill piilc direclors keith an- del son getiffle robinfidn sandy buchanan and jnck fernuson glrlu piijs president jean moffat iptcepresident dinne sandel son seeixtarv treasurer jean britton directors kaihv norish and sharon blyth dis- irict director pat buchanan at the conclusion of the husi ness session everyone enioved danemp luuie musil of john curnes otcheslra at biookmlle hall with r i daudsonas hoot manajjei robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists lllllllllllv i p ik ul phone oueiph ta 43071 si st gorg squtr harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all maks of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 34 hour srvlc the best in styles and fashions tliil apiioil i ler fve mil j pnas lo fn hu i i l diric1 ipom manutai rurers in toronto montr i al newcrk stycish coats fashionable dresses sportswear millinery accessories we feature the new jlfy laminated knit coat your cntr for ldit nd miwt wr charge accounts budget accounts layaway ptans family surprise party held for mr and mrs sam holmes when mr and mri sana holm es of- bower ave went u the skvliitcr hotel toronto satin day to hiu dhmei with iheii dmilthter und son hi luw thev diwoered 16 of ihelt famllv und friends walling to surpilsc them ihe ktasion uas ihcli 40th ued dinjf linnlieimirv on march 8 1 he delighted c tuple- enjoved dinner with ihe uioiip all toyeih er ut one tjihle mis holmes uas yiven a coisitlie and mt holme a houtjinnicie when lie mink ciarv was amounted on the lottdsrhakei mt and mis holm es letl ofl the dancitil to amifi tnsiiry walty wlth them iere luo sons nnil four daughters mrs orvllle el liotl marion acton mis iwil mcaulev cjtrnnces don mills mrs ci nnston gi lese chi is 1 acton boh niayara talis mis no carnival unseasonable weather forced the cancellation of ihe lions eluh ice caiilival post poind once pit iouslv lo last snimdav litihi pi oi teds wete to ltae lui n lot attilicial ice milton imsfeayj milton frl sal mrch 10 comanche station color uilh randolph scoti nancy cai i s 11 mon plu the young land cbler willi pat vvani yvtlnni irak tuei wed march 13 14 15 squad car lull pali brian vici rait ptui trapped in tanoiers uilh idmond pijrdon ci ncvii vt patr acton lions lub ke carnival admission ticket refunds due to the large number of admission tickpts sold it 15 impossible for us to coriticl all buyeis personally for a refund in view of this adults wishing to obtain a refund on their admission tickets may clo so nl the following central locations lamb rw estate- e t marks grocery store both on mill st acton or by contactinrj any member of the acton lions club up to and including saturday march 18th 1961 may we take this opportunity of thanking jsyeryonc for thii support 7ue gamea styu subfifr formerly pallants eggs save 13c 2v2 doz a large 99 parsnips spinach lettuce cabbage 34 oz poiy bags 10 oz poly bags large size 34t firm heads 2 for 35c 2 for 35c 2 for 29c 7c lb acton creamery limited phone 53 fftee delivery ccul uuildhun june ottawa and our it of georgetown of lhclr14 uiolulchlldirn two ucre there air elliott and mr george oukcs iliey a i wo uusfti one grcal uiundthild oilier gtittv unued later in the evening vr und mis holme were pre vented with luggage hv the fam llv und the couple will make good live of it foi they plan a trip lo lielaud uvs1 summer tvudllnr foe iwil licence is still maich i the acton free press thursday march 9th 1961 department of highways allots acton 22000 the ontnilo dipnliticmi nl hmliwnvs iimiiiuikctl ihii week i liilil ul j22ikh his luin iluilull ui llic town ul aliuii uir iiuiiiiil cxiihhiiiics viikiiiic fin sulisidv of ihk imoiini simki i tin now tonsti ut lion mil s17imh fin iiiiin- ifiiiiilf piirposts tlif onlv dcpnrlmcnl nf lllgli uivs ulllk iii till jum lluilllhl fin llns viir is tlii pnrlliin of liuinlxi 7 lughun liuni no 11 it niiilnpton wrsicrlv to george town or 1 dlstuiice of 6 6 mlteis llns woik iik hides irrkllmtf draln- iuf iinuliir liase mil piimntj 5 for aplfliance and tv repairs manning electric call 230 insurance meaner r for iho emptoye inouranco la onablincj canadian buainesa and indunlry lo provido cmployooa wilh a lughor lovol of job oocunly ihqn evor boforo assuranco that monoy will bo avatlablo lor ropair or roplacemont if diinntor otrikes a placo of bunlnssa contributes lo sloady omploymont foi all canadian and lo tho poaco ol mind of evoryorio iaat yoar tho companion writing fro auto mobilo and canually insurance paid out moro than 50q million dollars in claims qcroan canada roal evidence lhat inauranco in dood moans foaco ol mind jux canjuda mstnuuvce moeration o bthatl oi mot than 200 compalirtq rjmpont wrtfuig fui aukf ubtjt anj cjuuajty imiuunc r serving in so many ways the red cross looks lo you the humanitarian achievements of the red cross depend on your generosity your dollars provide and carry on he essential- red cross services and programmes in your community this year think of the many ways the red cross serves youaind your neighbour then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your meahs a generous donation will do 0 mugh for so many in 1961 needs vour help now the bank of nova scotia acton onl l