Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1961, p. 5

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t tk acton tfe pnm thurtdiy april 7thy 196 t i to rector minstrel show in news i srvlci nl st john church sunday won wall atttiiuled when huly communion wan colebiuluil wllh e sllpp henor lo the rector key ii b slokroer fol- luwluu ihu church wirvlco ull iiiljminuil lei the rtnrluh hull tor u ivmiiillii willi dr anfhuuy kiiiuhcoic ulvlnu mi uililress in lnjliulf fkiv uiul mrs h b klivbrtvlt uu prononwd -uusm- with ii casserole iiiki wiirmtfi hniuuhl loiwiuil hv brunilu sllpp nmicy meridllh prewnlutl mr sliikrtvl wllh iim klv sink- reel ivpllid flninuly und thanked llu vnilnrinulr i he uiriu dr k ii wiiller ulso read letter from i hie iikiuip rehuidlnu the rector lininu si john vhurch due in rev stokreelvlnrtic unioniil l ihihh in mniuclliin with the two i inn v lie ul alton mul rock- wiuul aiiiioiinceinent wui ulso mnde ul i inlnmei irom erin who will like uver si johriumirfrch eurly iui nuiiith limine the sikiui hour pr walter liiltiiiietl the uulherlntl thil rirluid hirrl in re inker of the ehinvh would lie lelehrnlinu in- ioul hinhiliv miimlav april n tiilliweil hv till prevent join- inn in vihiiii him lltippv ilnitiiliv relievhinrnls were wnetl ntl iniwiil time vti -n- ived h ill xuailrtl show kivkmottl teen town mhvpel stun well mended fridav inj sttiitlt en-nine- devpile iinlit iime uealhei eiiiulittnil- ltuev tjiertv wiv inlerkniiiur with finl men boh clellatlv u ratittv kv lixnnnv av kmw- tvill jtkbtllin a luutev jutui jolllffe n rufuh joan mccun- hell us tumbo unci john fliulley uh sumho prior lu i he program mux ic win mipplled hy wutoti orchenlru lhirlnu the proiiruni un v kl ueiihum conlilhiiictl sel- ecllodk on- ilk iiceordlon follow- ill hy n quurtelte of yotiiiu folk contrlhilllnu iiccnrdlon uoleithins jtevkfbnlmmnw lilnnm uw- vocul nnmbum lllahllhl uuiii- be is were old mncdnmilcl uiul ii flu hi by the entire chimis rom eo unci- juliet hv mury tliuniniy und fred nluhllngttle ii medley number hy ihe entire chonu lup dunce hy duvld schneider und u puiiloinlnit mint pupulurlty the pmaram for the allow wwf made up by ruth muwielle mils- letd director- wan georao mh idle sr neur llie end or the nio- urum ruth mumiolle gen miiv vulle mill duvld llenham were recipient of nreuentulloim appandkltl tiievduv night of hut week john ciirnev elder vug ill mr und mtv flunk tnrnev under went un operutlon tor appendic itis in tiuelphcienerul llnpiiil i utt report hi coiullltiui wtiv luwirihlf mr and met a and ieorue htiytle are iinprniluu lolluuing their bout with the llu tunurululationi u mr- and mi thurlet packer fumierlv of rockwthul who vverif inanieil thsr saturday in st patriev- church iuelph ml packer vvat ihe funnel mis iihiii haiti win ol hiirlinyttm thev are peudiii their wedtlini hip in the unitrd suite nut on their usuin will ivcklc in iuelph appreciate group at ceilidh gaelpk daace club entertains tnv jihcivo in aumi yuc t sjivj km jk cvilulh ihi in v ihc vraxn ki w 4- o sivh ivinv futv vhc wv twuij lh 11u latniinnl ivv uih k anl v v lkvxl b hill wil tvjv ivjin un viv ivii wam tn iuc oiklph c ixvisc club the fail twv isvrmc nn anj c siarj stuhvx- tkiw tik- ittj 7rt ctv lr ml klrv j twstf mr a vlrv d tvhct u- mj urv j ouikvhon1 fi ttjt mr jitj vliv gtowts anv rtvi iivtfti dvlpn r mr ru urv r buchanan imvijcnt hr counti- ixin club and mx a lvuhcvi clijt irjp mvv c t mii j b dnna rrrnu s r r a ton b vr t riajjk- i-nir- ovtuaty a iiumbor or tfockwood mem bern or guelph golden alio club ul tended the zone rully held in kitchener recently when plant were inude for ihe southern oiiliirln rully til he held in june conuralulntfont lo mr uiul mrt fiswuld meudow who cele hrateil their mill weddluit mill vcrmiry april 25 telchriile annrwrmry mr iipil mrs uswiild meulowi miss siisiin kelsii mr and mis fred laulbeil anil mi carl meiidoivs were uuesis al lilt home of mr and mrs ieiiiye moilhiiar klleheiierou ihe oe iihiiiii of llieir llllh weddlnu an niveisurv siliiidiiy april 22 mrs ciiiieiiin klkliinu and mrs albert shllllls huih ii ililv ljstweek vhltlnirlrlrnils in i irs- ieler und iuelph mr und mrs allien shiillk visited ii lends in llmiiilion tec- en i iv misses minnie and coleim nl- ckell ivliuned home lusi week inim diilulli minn where thev hail been in connection with ihe passiiiu ol llieir sister maruarei mrs ames a mouth aun in ihe absence ol john hindi rev fred williamson nl iuelph conducted service ul ihe iresbvl eoaii church sunday iimiiiine veekenil und siimlav visiiuis mrs maruarei morrlsim iuelph james vviv iiielih fuuene phillips call mi ralph llii son tilld son peter moinil for est mr and mis aitliie speei ciielph mi filmlie ainleisnii llllnlloid pot luck supper and elections at dublin institute meeting mrs j d miicphewprv ksiijs luu rownship wus ihe hostess lor the uiiuiulnieellui of diih- lln woiueus lusliliile on iliius- ilny evening a delicious potluck supper cniupoeor ol siiilliiied luiluloes hot hieiil loaf cold tills lellies villd rellslies pick les macaroni heuns lolls ut biscuits cake pie lulls it f creiin ami ttillee litis eoiiveit in ihe ladles iotlnvvinu the dinner ihe icuul t uieelililt look place ivitb 1l hi n u i- illvtk hie piisl oi- ciipyiniiilieeliiilr fur llie open inu esetelses in iuswei lo llie mil call mrsc r siiimrville irceivrd pavmeiil ol feis lor llie vin ilm nl a siibsianlill iloit alloii will be liiiivaiileii lo llie in ull in crittcci smielv meet inu heimrlu mr ceoriie robeitson revnri ii on ihe t h ilimer held on april iv ul llie inie room oak vllle which slie und mrs ii lllv ill had ulleuded us reprcseiii alive ill dublin woiikus luslll lite kcporllnu on il receiil ivitl lit iliieclors uicetillii held ill milton mrs- maiisti nellls nm iii null ihe 111 ol llie 111 1 1 i annual a mav hiibit b will be helil in knox pusbvleiian iliuuli in ieoiuelitivu minlioii ivis maile pi ihe auniialbus nip anil ivlitlen 0utiesllii0s ol pll e lo uo weie elvto hi llu toiuoilllte iu thuije -lilt- bov ale kill al llie creek cveiv niiilu allei si hool thee tlavs ll inu lo hook llie siltkel iii il ale piillv lliltk ill llie hal r mrs diuicun vlfal reported ihul u sullslucloiv culleil loll will be forwurded in the llinuilluii muiilul meallll amh iilluil a ipull will be quilled for u- form er member this weekal ihe home ol mis ieorue ruliertson mrs alex meur presldeil ul ihe ilet lion nl olliceis mrs minsel nell pieseiiled the lliiltlillil lu iiiiiiiiillltes repoil which was composed ul hersell mrs wlhnei walkllis and mrs melvill mecul louiili ami the lollowlnu 111 of uiriceis lor ixil i was ninuil itid instulleil mvw mrleoin li pieiilni mis ii i ii v i li pifsidinl mi mi llllvie tlisl in t- piesideui mi iloncan mol- lal seciiiid vice prisiilciii mis ci ilk al ml roll i eiltlii vllftis iliei mi c iliillnii asslslaill ieiellla ireaoier ml ii hlvllj pillii ml ieoiue uobeljson iissisiaut pianist mis william llaok iies lepnilir ml i llenois hi null diiei inis mi- has rboinnsiin mi t ii newlun ml m s el vllle mr tieniue lob illsllltl illietlol ml ii illvib iliaiu iliniil iloiiloi ml m nelll allilllols ml i le sih i lllf i ml i t dtiinl piiiriiii oiiiniiiie mi n lllloll mi ales neo mr william mi luivie mi willi flank ollal i iilllllllllee ml w iihii n mil mi hnle m i lii iiimiii pnblli it-lilliin- mi ieiiiye uohii lou vllllii i ulii nollee ml i liuhiv i eiinlon mi ii moll il mi hil hi pnii mi n i minn mi i ii matpheimiu anil mi- i ileii ni iiiili oiioiiiiii-i- mi ai neo mi ii moll ii mi m nmumw um wars rjiveu lo uvary rilnnallui linrj ilio 1jli vliool d4nr imsi frula lodhlll rlr64firl in hawalltur rosluolw iliulillwrl lliib horti silll inurnfjar mr w rlikbtail ns llurnly mary irorn id rnjlil ai aniiblln liny mr ilio iiiuiual tlanin south prtillir ulmrcirl rjijint lo ihwu lillet ialijrtil pnijnl and 1ml ovoiirloi riiiinlnly 4l yin n mi ni mi willi n m luivie mi ap ii lllllhe a in mi- lllllt- vi ii i lee film aliiiii mi anil ml ivle m 11 i h id i 11111 liiillal nut mi i llltiililp hi miiiii nell siiiiu i nil inc ml i oi nnl t- iii nl- mi lluilirilil klim ilv ldwuiil wllvm iiiiiih in ml lieilili mi ii ii- vl ii m m flilloiilh 1 1 i- mi l hi in nl il inillli mi i mollii ii ii iim n hi m ni iii mr- i wllon lie i mi i llompoii nnlliiria lal ainlnli mil m l hi if m- ull mi i ll mill ii iili i ijiv amni iiii- l ll kl mr- mi r lui lirri imtr irieiriiiii y unit lyyil f rvjar llfyit ittll illnir mm- ii toil mi- iiliiori lu i ll- 1- flpen play thvre was a vehvlioir b pihi phil citltlitk antl i in lent e duhv ol tlon juniin pik- hunl jack mceuhie bnyetl in veisabililv vviih 1 st ii shoe tlance and a i an eiuinc ihe highland i luli i al bin n t leal a an item vtlnili hitnitil umi ol laughter tioin the ailibeike when don dimle ol cntlrh yne a monoloijiie ol the aj iile ol albeit atlheihi he ta ailrl at ihe piano nv hi ttle mi kalhlccn dnule who alt aompanied mis donna ren- nick aiiii mr mcgcichie an illiacliic ho lunch lias pixviletl hose ut lettoieis teie- tld uiul s li wi nellett tor the retarded childicn dancini mit luelv ami tbeiv teiv mam leivl iihen niiilnitiht appioachetl mr wilson announced a pi ae- nce niyhl lot adulls and teenaiieis j01 salurilav april 2s in the y lur the comiiuinits siht in june lived 70tears on homefarrn s k lindsay active at 92 h l fw ltrd all his y k t j mi and ihc pusl 70 i k i limcikhic passed j i s jvcph s inipi i jl cskrh oi wvjjuvduv al 2 vvirv v ip- he had still ixvn d- iv iiht vlka it the fjrm tuio he tv is i vvltl j brijiv whiti he vin tjwvvt ill tii- uvks v wnt tv the hopuil lihktil h-nui- will n- hek it the runilev shvknitkei tuikitl ikniu- mi rruft it 2 so pm and inieitthnt will tv m bfitiew kiiikun chitiev beaun of ual- imatut i luted ctuiuh will euii- dikt ihe hi ucs mr i indi wts ktixe in llu- wui k ot the ihuivh m xkninjier sens j ni 1 indni was kim oil tlu siih line ol iqucsiij von of ihe late abraham liiuka ami niatxih mles who uciv knh txn ii in ifclam 70 yearv ul llmctuuiw when he ui niariiod in ul lu nuicil iui ibtut lour mikt awa and inod thoiv ccr sinet laiek he had nuule his honu tluiv with his daujihtei tis moi- tan madill and mi madill thev vnilehiated ihen oth wedding an- rioisir in wso an in w5j had a tamilx itinnci pails lor htshth bmlula mis lmdsi died in october w mr lindsay was a iiiistee un esqncsiin iumiship schtml ixiard j and held arious olliees anil was a life member ol the aelon aji i- eultiual sikielv j me is surxned in one son and- tii ktauhteis 0a id ot aelon mrs b price lhit lie l ot camp- belkillc mrs mauill three uraruft ehildrvu inti vvo yrealjiraiul- j tttyldien he was predeceased b two brothers jack and jim ol erin township mr lindsn used lo enjov help- inn witli the chines thais what keeps me active he said tin his th biitlula african safari film- seen by over 400 0 er 400 w alcheil w i h keen interest lilms tit alt limas afric an safari at ihe lniied church on thui s4i1v ol las week and monday ot thi week mr lon otteivdhis lactnatjny lilms tiiv ot charge to raise inonev itir the junior agt senior choir last lhuindav aiul lor nit h the choiis ami youri peoples momla rae west ot the choir introduc ed mr loim each eehmi some from ouiottown attended includ- nifc uallinatad cubs and scouts milton lutt4m milton frisjt april 3839 one foot in meu color wiih aian uih and don murry also the rocket man wiih charles coburni and anse francis muntua may 13 col with marilyn mqmroe and robert mitchum alw tmfnv- with vincent price mmmihm may 34 oets make love color wuk iiaulyn uonbob and yves montand don t break the chain when someone stops advertising someone stops buying when someone stops buying someone stops selling when someone stdps selling someone stops making wi en someone stops making someone stops earning when someone stops earning no one can buy sell or make or even advertise so advertising greases the wheels in the chain of events that enable our making a living and that spell out the progress of this community dont break the chain advertise and do it regularly la the acton free press ustntekstand value docs not stop with the front page phone 600

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