r elghryslxth yetno 46 actsn ontaftio thursday may 25lh 1961 pm alllhvlllawl m ttavntttt cthej watt lv ttiat poal offloai imihiririwnlt oitw ten pagi5vn cent 60000 in sight campaign hits 49472 mark two new police motorcycles modernize opp detachment nun nuhm koor udouctur received his first class seoul badge monday evening the first scout to obtain one under the reign of the now scoutmaster bruce williamson roger who is a jroap leader passed all tests with flying colo s and was commended by the scoutmaster figured above left 10 right are scouter williamson a s m georgo margrave patrol lead er roger udouceur and asm nail miller gbest speaker urges formation of qomm unify safety council urging establishment of u loud safety council louis hodglns representative frum the depart men of transport outlined the history of a sufolv cuuniil ilur ins the rolory club meeting tuesday evening mr hedging luld ihe rnlurmns a local safety council is compris ed uf a group of citizens deter mined lo make their communltv a safer place to live by fighting preventable accident- the guest sneaker pointed out the highway safely brunch or the department of transport luul safety promotion officers ready to assist at all times he noted there were munv valuable pro grams that could be adopted or stimulated by an interested park ready the purk is being spring cleaned hy caretaker hoy am oil the grass is short and cusp unci small bonfires arc consum ins brunches anil rubbish swings werent up long belore the first put runs ol the season spotted them rishernicn arc sitting in the sunshine along the banks an article in the toronto glohc and mull luting attractive spots to go on the hnhdtv included actons prospect park on the list group in order to entourage safe- iv the department representative stressed thi various suletv pio- niotion campaigns stimulated hy ihe council including water home fire farm and recreation a salety he pointed out a safe ly ouincir could be organized itnnildiatelv by contacting he highway salety branch tjlmzjmtjntzhiu41ljxm3 ten steps in organizing a sale ty council were on i lined special guest pi est nt lor the meeting was constable ron rup cil ol the acton opp detach ment who was instrumental in starting the satelv council while stationed in miltun other visiting rotanans were gordon gowland and jim dills from the milloiu club j- decoration day sunday june 4 parade service at cemetery decoration day in acton has been set for sunday june 4 thisfveai dunng a committee meeting thursduy may 8 plans weic finalized when sponsoring otgamation representatives were pescnt this year the parade will tie viale slightly from past and the bnel pause at the cenotaph en route liom the cnr station will not take place the main set vice is scheduled lur fairiew cemetcr and aelon citizens hand will play sacred music everyone in town and the sur rounding district is invited to m it nd and assist in deioiating gtavts of loved ones membciv of ogamations will place potted plants and wreaths at graves of veteians huried at fan view and dublin cemeteries a weulh will also be placed by members of the legion at the caun in the pioneer cemetery the paiadc leaving the cnr station at 2 30 pm will nu luck aclon citizens band aelon jun lui pipe band and guclph pipe band mcmhus of municipal council derails uiganiations scouts guides cubs and biuwn ics wil take pait committee members arc hope ful a lu gc crowd will attend this annual service and take pai t in decorating recent staff changes in the de tachment have seen connt dave richardson return to work after elaht months leave of absence following n so r tons accident const ron slratton has left the fioliee work lo return to school nsrondpfjlur oi r of niagaia falls hns joined the foice con stable richardson was hospital ized last august 10 when t es taped guclph convict he was chasing forced his emiser off the rood near acton and he was injured north hidton opp detach ment was modernized i a tit week with the arrival of two new har- leydavidson motorcycles which will patrol provincial jitehwayr 7 25 and 401 through northern uulton corporal charles wllklnsorv said the motorcycles were need ed to cope with the heavy influx of traffic the local highway have keen over the past few years he added it wtis part of the opp plan to equip more detachments with bikes constables al miles and joe rcldcamp will operate the mo- torxyeles on dally shift of 8 am to 4 p m and 1pm lo 9 pm the detachment will htlll retain the four cruiser tars that arc presently in use the police station at milton will soon be on l fit ted with a base radio and transmitter for radio contact with endiicht dh t rit t headquarters at dundaii provincial headquarters at oueens park and other detach ment bases included in the in stallation is a 70foot relay an tenna lo be erected behind the police jbtafjon it will operatcxjnjnailcjji the ev ho watt power corporal wilkinson said the detachment will he having ms first female addition sometime in june a trained stenographer will be transferred here from mount forest vm very optimistic r uhc final outcome ol tbe campaign stated chairman johnny guy as he analved repoits o progress oh wednesday evening we have reaclud a total now or s49472 and when we finally clean up ihe campaign 1 m sure we will rench our objective the next 110000 twill ik much slower coming in because ihe place that a iv ml will require indl vidua nt ntinn tttmmiier 1 oinc younghlut tepnrnriharor the 4t72 v ol ihe pledges have been cash donalions 20 aic post dated cliques and the remaining 43 are payroll and bank dedue peanut blitz this weekend members ol the aclon ycns club spent wednesday evening unpacking and checking cai ton after carton ol peanuts in prep aratinn for their annual peanut bill this weekend over 124 cai tons of peanuts peanut butter and other poods were unloaded from a truck wednesday morn ing and mules wcro checked hoi ders piepared and final plans proceeds from ihe campaign as sist in the operaiton ol the acton ymca the y mens club members will he knocking al doors and bhltng the streets on the weekend hoping lo raise funds fur i his worthwhile project kmu the- uveruge of all plcdg es iiuk been slightly over 49 the response to the canvass of the rural areu by the lull fair board bus been mum en xouruglnb i ie piesuent nino urn i tin repot is that the van vim is progressing steadily but iium been somewhat delayed by the lute spring season it is ex netted this section of the cam ptilgn will he completed in uxm other two weeks gord mectileheon in chaige o h miic to h fimtcran vnsstrcrnrtr his section is piactieallvy com plcted only a tew calls have el lo be made and we will linish them shotlly he praised given their ma ii1 llie rccvpllun iihtl hol canvassers- while making culls curd ilcuttv chairman of the business canvass reported his committee wni completing lt mils ut the present time lite response hy former resi dents to ihe nppeul has been quite iiuod und contributions are continuing id untie in report ed livusurer uirne yntingblut clmiimun guv urged if there is unvyte who will unable tu pledge whentho canva hilled ami uuw feels he would like tu make a pledge set in touch with hie committee we will be luippy lo lull uguln km ut tjat six room central school scheduled for limehouse the new central school for esquvsing school board area number one to be erected at limchomte in expected to contain nix clauuoom and wilt be erect4 school on ed on property to be purchase from fred brooks first preliminary plans for the school were presented to the board tuesday evening may 16 and were discussed at peat length by the members archi tects for the project arc barnctt and rteder and ncccskarv chang es in the plans will he finalized al the next board meeting after tentative estimates are re ceived tdwnship council will be advised for debenture purpose mis douglas secretary of the home and school axkociolion was prcseni lo advise the mem hers or the association activities during the past few months expected registration for the september term was reviewed and it was agreed to engage two new teachers lo handle the over flow these teachers will con tinuc to teach in the pew central completion of the building wire on line causes blackout residents suffered a 25 minute blackout sunday evening when power was cut off in the rock wood acton area ontario hydro workers soked the problem aller tracing lines from the main feeder slat ion in guclph und located ihe trouble on a pole near the eden mills euloff al no 7 highway a roll of wire had been tossed on top ol he high tension feeder lines shorting the ssten and black ing out the area suit pint eager youngsters crowd around jack bullough at thoy watt to sign up for acton legion minor baseball this summer monday evening in spite of the holiday e large crowd of boyt was present at the m z bennett school grounds to sign up most of the youngster came equip ped with glovo and ball and were anxious to start a game going immediately after the names have been sorted out and teams formed players will be notified and the games will gel under way all day tiasji llfcrtsw 30 hiking guides pass testis num j council requests owrc remove chlorinator doh recommends 40 mile speed zone in acton h watei samples we arc getting back don l iniheau am need i of vili i chlouniiion i think we should take u out till thev owrc sa vc have to hac watei chut malum die tared mavoi johiun gov at i tliesdan evenings coiukii nuti ing the suhieu caun up akmg with the tinlal on t ik w iici chloimaloi which was nisi illid in the watei swem at ilu turn or the walcl mhlein i tie iim wintei othei couikiiiois eon curred with this suggestion ul by motion aulhoriid the ihlot inutur s ivniov al 1 he o u k i wax tu be no hi ted til th action additional intoimation is m k mtutvil on what ution ottu municipalities aic taking on ilu july i dinninioi 0a imltdan july i hi oar tails on satin day und there is souk mashim in cuuncils ujind of the adisa bilus ot deelaung anothei tuiti dav on either the iiulav pu ceding 01 the moiulav following the dav support decora luw day cvril lcighton upuhtitiiil the devolution di comnuite attended the mcilmg and u queatei council s supioi i oi their chorls council agived to iaflue u proclapiation teclanig sunday june 4 as lkcouuum also tip lor its thud leading and passed was the lux elm i s assistance in law authoiimg ilu tiul o enlist additional help lo light lues when ncecs sai i appointments in bv law to the oiunultei ol adiusitmnt w u made ken llaidman mums lor i thiecrtiai appoint nieiit e spu inc j urn n i new niein bets appotlllec lo ihe committee welt hie k dohel l till ji1u1 h t po2 atul g mekeiuie ull jtiiu it i lsv3 rax abie ol longheld road was appointed on the ivcoin nn mlaihin ot ilu aelon llvdio comnttssion to till the acaiu on the eoinnilsmtin eatlseil b the lesinatton ot ui g oakis ajutcuhir lo schottl the assevoi jttlm i ailoueetu was aulhoued u attend the assessois sehmi in hamilton tin lunr 2t1 anvt 21 it was aeleel to tin ism ssor a havel allow aiui 2tw pei ve it pavabh montblv 1 his anumtii is te cover ins normal elav uelav expenses ate ndanee at nux tings with the eeuintv avsesstti aiul the annual asse vsoi s illslne t niec tlllg all othei meetings seluon or con wen i ions must have prior appro val tt eihineu pa and tu have uuuii iw tuuuum tcaelmg liiiul u htd ptcpaitda ull all ewpctlse accounts be slip- poiteel bv vouchers and in lot uiv a cpent accounts be it emttthl and supported bv voo given it third and final reading chcrs where possible laded lo the bylaw had been rem twice gum the suppoit of u majuniv of councillors and wcrvi return ed to the udrntnutrufum iummit toe for further study there wu considerable discussion pronrams produced tile don control bvluw author- urinj the town to enter an agnc meat with cecil robertson wa it third and final reading bylaw had been real twice at a previous meeting und some minor change in the agreement had been made prior to ihu third ttefwry keeve jack llagi ave it pm ted a ceinimiltce ol count v council wis mvcsiig ilmg the esi ibhsb nu nt ol a voeahonil se ihhii m the count v hu question was laised on eoituelltoi les puln s enquiiv ol llie ailv isabihtv ol in vcstitmiini the likihon ol such a seiool in aelon ihe pun nice would assume the e ipitil cost ol lonsiiuehon wluu the mum cipahtv woiilel be ilsnsihu kn a pot lion ol the oxtaiinu eosts coutieilloi i tank loth asked lot a upoit nil the plug ess ot the street sign piogiam mavot gov advise el the noieei was un clcrwav ami sonn thin would be doiii this sunimet ri tilai un tut hi v pavuu ills fot tile hulltoe puujiased e trlv this veai iu auihoiued toi auloiniln pa vim nt consume dcpomis siiikiuiiiin io jw ieeic eicehlcel to vai leuis accounts sewage plant report an owrc icpotl on the op 4 ci at ton ot the sewage tie it ment plan i tollowin an inshctivui oil i i ibl1l us 14 was leee iveit re i eommendations eonanud in the ixpkm i uie ihv ik nit instuulcel painting ol tin hvdiants iiul light standmiets hv lhv town wel ks elepai tluent wjs lecoll me ruled the tin commitui reported pxuptrial ik presented lo the 111 lor a new tire ajjicei meeting with township repre sentatives was to be arranged notification ot a delav in the reconstruction ol lighwsjv 7 on oueen st e wo received from the department of highways the project had originally been scheduled for this year but ho to tbe iiii al areas tire ajji cement a now been postponed until 1964 flu cosi ol the warning signal insttll iiinn on mam st north has i en established at 914027 t7 the towns portion of this 12 is charged back to the couutv hecause thu road is elassed as a cuunty cumiccling hrik ilu pi pari ment of highways has snhmitled another proposal lot me teasing the speed limils on the eastern and western llifehveav 7 appoachc lo the town the piupotul calu fur a 40 mile ix r hour speed limit on oucen st last for 1800 feet east ot ihe town boundary to i ihw itxl mstde the town limits appiominatciv tu the muytuir re stain uit on the wcm side of low n l he pi uposal would make 1 40 mile per hour zone west i mm ilu corner of main st nor 111 ind guelph st west for a distatiec ol 2 400 feet a studv by live department show id the speeds on oueen st in the pie sent w mile per hour oiu averaged 46 lo 54 miles per hour i he complete mjrvrv ol i i at lu also showed chart 92 tu ol the dimen within the mam body of tnt town obey the 11 atlie laws the clerk was tn- struded tu make an enquiry to sex it the depurtnvent would make a si p on highw 25 t die southern end tj4 the town j councillor dubv yiyf of acton position in rrnnrri to fireworks after the past week end of tragedies fire chief jack new ion read the fire bylaw which does not allow the sale or discharge of fireworks within the town of acton the clerk was instructed to write the industrial commission lo request a report of their activities continued orj iiii tuo loaded down with packsaekv cmkiiig utensils a diy s supply ol food and outlined in hiking garb q girl guides lelt the scout hall saturday morning headed by acting captain mis j t hui si they proceeded brislf- ly al scouts pace lo the south spimgoll no 25 highway where ihev passed lesls roll call was made hefoie nine o clock satuiday morning and al lei mips were chic keel and compasses set the band ol ar dent eampeis headed mil along t 2s highway and within a shot i lime wen busy making eamplircs tough luck most of ihe eamphtis wm j suee ess bul one unloi tunate guide alter living evervlhing in he hook tailed lo gel lur lire hi so hot towed 1 it tends to cook her hanibuig and bake po tatoes uui ing the tlav lonp otiling the girls passed tests in nitiue trad lire lighting and scout pace and wete kept on the hop at tempting lo liguie out ihe problems all was not woik for the gills however tune out was taken lur enoyrnenl and more than one guide fell prey to some prunk pulled by a chuckling mate tired and somewhat weary ihe young hikers arrived back ut the scout hah 111 late alternoon with a much lighter load than lliey started out with and in good spints all the food had been consumed and many of the firls were heading home fur a igbt snack before supper c ofc rural neighbors hear speaker at meeting a meeting if acton clumber nf comniltxc uith ruul cuesls heard uucsl spcikcr j i white luck runner ilalton ugniiiltimil iepilmntitive utnline priblms idnd by the funnels lmliv ihe tlimili meeting in knn ptesbv lrtan thuieh wtilnesdiy even ing muv 17 wis lhmed by dave manes in the ahselkl ol ugriiiil i11111i cunimitttc chairman jlenn white the guest sntakcr gan a vivid and complete outline tit prob lems in the agikiiltural held as compared with induvtry and com meice he sliessed larwif costs as king an important factor in increased process an open discussion was staffed with noimui uiaida chamber secretary acting ns moderator dunng this period everyone en- tiud the discussion regarding piohlems common to industry loiumtrie mu agilcultuie mivor john ii my chairman of the at ton communltv centre committee praised the mrul and dlstiicl residents tor their atti tude toward ihe omimmitv cen- tte ampaigti he noted the re sponse had been a great boost and tveryone had taken the at titude the new community cen tre is ours knox uidics aid catered for the dinner 1 ui ltvi itoixli3 am jawtu u nummt oau oukms stratehad thair laos safurday whan they haadad at scouts paca to ma south spring balow acton for an outing to past tails tha aagar youngstors ara pictured abova with thair acting captain mrs jo hurst who was in eharga of ma hilus during ba day girls pataad tosts and anioyarf istaylno ji on ach other on of the important feature tf a hll w food mm this cor above prior toi unv or mm tmpunmm iwram t mmm m mwi s lity was in good supply the girls ar ptcmew wvbigtf scout iiatlvthtlr h a ar rlt