Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1961, p. 4

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tkihmmbm pbmdmff tllo spofts boat dlldr tinmay patched and burrwl for ills bnsehull litter- medliites siiluixmy i of the reasori opener and wluil emetyed uivm the shamble of luul veurs luum was fitlrlv prehbiitiihle tor limn who turned out in ehlllv weather for lhi liiniijiinul some ol i la players vvijro u yent utiler in ex- perleiue and mule u ihim look- d mil ol pluee jjn inlet mediate company three of them were luitrmviid for lit tvuiivlim rnim lum veins juveatten unit lliev pleked up more him uinn the iluh veteinnh in mime liiviueu in well us pluv- iiiii their posllloitx nlmm1 i law lessly iike ull openeti luiw- evcr i lie game kuflored nxim inn cximhuiv ll televised innoi loop ball however the team were far trom being in shape and it will he mulveikon before thev ntthelr stride my ihml il wouldnt mirprim this curly hcatlad serlbe it tht local arent far from llw lop of lh food old llhlton county circuit in camphfilvillr i n vkloilit dii the alton iluh showed ff one ot heieuil plaveis from fiiielph ihc hope will be in an allan unilnnn this emestei lies 1 pitcher mil h mime i- llmvle ciiin lie hurled lor sli innlniis miinst the llliiiers mill ton cminlv ilftunplons these muu eirv illiminu onl wen hit and three runs heloie being relieved bv john ciimiiniiham who went the rest ot the dis tance cunningham also pinei a roller role in siiiiulns oiener dude switched the inlleld around from other ears until it is hardh ixvognuable at itrst bate lie had llamld tounle at tecond was tern masales oc- cupvinu n position his fathei owen pliud with tlklirmton toi manv moon plaing at thorl is paul law son all star first base man of the league lor cars paul ptaved the position as well as lie did at first brian mecusiall another juvenile held down the hot corner behind the plate i ross morion who iust needs to brush up on his lluows to sciond nnd he will be n lop receixcr we would tay the experi ment in switching positions is success to ibis point everyone knows death is scheduled foi each one ol us at some lime or other hut it was a shock to see the demise ol georgetown manager chick jew ell at saturdays game the genial nnd populat managei had mam friends here made when he man aged the ittcak tin a season and for a span when he im a busi ness in town 1 he was a compirattcl oung man in his 51st ear alwas a keen spot tsman he had a lui to do with the formation of hie new gcoigetinvu tuutcball club his son chuck a promising voting pitcher hurled or acton loi several yetns the sympathy nf he ettlln community goes la chick lew- ells family he will leave big vacancy in the llalloti baseball iceua where his presence lent a dlsnlly in ihe players bench p imxici andrkwk and pete luwsmi indents or acton ills i lei high school will catrv the school minis nl the ontario rederatlou seiondaiv school athletic aisneliillnn traik and field meet this saturday nl file ontailo veterlnaiv lollege i mil gnelph compehitg in ihe events will ho nlhleles fi mil seuiul schools in on i alio flime oiing lnuk and held slut is- expelled to mocl uiuie kldij toronto sihool ilmmplun lor ihe one mile ihamplonshlp alton stutlcnls aiv hopetul iheli lepnsetilnlho will cop the irown i lie alton athlele has uun niiiiin honois uinning imdei ihe ioiois ol ihe ctuelph legion riuk leaiu and ills lellow stud cuts and main tilends aie look inn loimilld lo another implu iking added lo his asi mllei lion pete luwson acton stnr of ihe pole vuullhig event during ihe local meet will enter com petition against olher schools kveryonels confldenlhli first try al ihe ontario cnmpellllnn will be successful bhatnits guhpirs junior a ksvlull liii is iiliul illnll- inii its fiimi the tusiomcrs 4ind us no woiuki loin ot ihe cluhs hitlcr pcitot mrts umu thm at ion iv lc i lustm pilkitt up two hits loi iik iluh as lhe dclcatiil pixston ssuiiiilav millon rttl sox lonml ihciusfliis in a picilkanuiit sinnlai to llu- at ion inloniiiliatts saliutla hikii llu tolltt tctl tinl seven platis lor i he baseball openei it hionto thev talletl mi the illinois i u help but lost tn the biaves htonle meanwhile was ilohheieil 2s t2 b oakvillo oaks at the port town motulav roil cnlheil ihe ttust ol uelphs iukke roals is pro- luhiteil irom plavmtf hotkev next season ciilbet t sntfeietl a sen- 1 oils spinal iniurv in a tzanie with st michaels when he slipped antl fell into the honrtn an opera hon in i lit stales toiietted the inpin but he must la off anv iktivitv loi a eai he is pio- lubiletl liimi even tvinji shoes riemme oins in uishmg ches pextha a speetk letuin home altet uiuleioitili suijer loi in tcmal iiiiuies stilleittl in an at talent saluulav opening 1961 b fvisiting mgr dies at game tragedy mm reel ihe opening ol ihe cai iianehall season in ac tun salutdiiv arieiiioon during i lie elglith inning clunks chick jewell popiiliu niiinagei ol the i lulling leorge town irani suncivd a heinl scl hi c- which prmed inliil within a lew jiiliuiles piompl iillemlon lioiii luisiilv sunmiuned iii w i c kenuev and an luhnlnloi new lulled to leilte the llvcar- old iniuuigei antl he died heloie he iiiiild tie uimid chlik was well known in al i tm he npcialod an nulomo- hlle pints ivtall oiillel in town loi a lew months and also maii- agid alton intel inedlalis in the season ol idso anpaienllv in exiellenl splrlls duiiiig tile game chlik saw his learn iiieiciiuie a lluee inn lend ailon chalked up in riulv inn lniis in the lop hall ol the eighlh with llu- suae lied al w going inlo ihe hoiioni hall ai ion si oi id two t tins to lutge nhiad u chlik was well enough lo iiiesllon one ol ihe umpires tie iislous a lew minutes hclorr he toppled oil the heiuh willi the latal seiiue lvnn mil men 1orgetowns pitching uiaih asked ihiiottl townslev to hilng a doiloi immedialek and i loyd llobinsoii milniileeicd lo go loi dt keiinev dr kennev was ptpnipl in ai living hut despite all his eloils ami the use ol a i tsiisc ililui chiilcs lew ell died a lew minutes allei the doiloi auiveil 1 1 was a slunk to the spectalois al the opening game and luithei play was lei i to a fuithci dale coionci di a sieis u mil ion said torinai tliiomhosis was ihe cause ol dcvlll cain hurls first six frames campbellville drops acton at ton out stoietl town th campbelhille made an ajispit ious debut in fiont of a large crowd mnnduv b ttumping at ton 7 1 the name was close un til late innings when campbell itle starteil to belt the acton pitching howie cam stai teil on the mound lor auon and uasv plated b john cinininhani in the seventh he allowed onl three ixins oil loui hits ganv field the winiui woik ed the first six uimtis lot tlu defend in b hallon ban pious al lowing one mn oil two hits he walketl one antl siiik tint unit brute hamilton shut in two innings on two hits walked one and hit two ballets in the ninth jat k robots al lowed one hit and stuuk out thav acton starts well acton took a 10 tel in the second townslev was siie on un error jd van ted tt sttond on mortons single went to thud uhcn a pit knit t pla went wion and stoivd on a lieldti s k campbellville tied it up at i i in their half ol the sevond wlun earl cainis suikiletl was pushctl on to sevond when i aton walk ed went to thud on an intitld out and svoiwl v kin s single eii i cairns scored aain in the foutth to make it 2 1 he stan hkn9brson htesmthgum foiled winiiiove al setond alter the latter had singled went to setond when faton pitked up his second vwsctutivc walk antl scoittl when leoipe chestt i sine ltd into left first homer it was lai i can ns apain in tlu sixth when he hnmeicd ovei the nht held ttiue to make it i lot campbellville with out out in the bottom ol the seventh mixue singled and tatcu iu the wav home on hen tit rstm s simile the littt i went iti snood on the thiow in and wmgrove s doubl lelt field line win- gnve advanced to thud on an uttield out atul stoicd when ht wtuked a douhle stealvvith bill can ns 1 ins made the scote lead l i he tmal run was stoivd in the bottom ol ihe eighth stu king campbell v dies rookie sec ond baseman got to second on a twohase eiroi bv actons thiitl baseman he was sac nkied to thud and scoietl when mtnue singled to centre two acton pitchers cain pitched the tum six in nings loi at ton giving up three i tins oft set en hits he walked two battels cunningham ui two innings gave up tout ixins tilt ituir hits he walked vne paul lawson singletl twice loi aston while tou nslt v moi ton and cunningham euh singletl oiue iarl cairns ltd the camp bellville attack with a homer and a single al umgrovc douhl- ed and smglctl while ken moore and stu king each singled twice stan henderson elmer drvttge and geoige chester all singled once foolnocm stan henderson campbell illcs gixat third base man was plating his vkth name a a cumpbcllville inter mediate son acton chalks dp early lead llleilloll nl lluee luveullis in the ilddled opening dav liiifiip iialil nil foi dude i ludsav s lilteilliidiiile itasehall lull sat llldliv ihe tllo lieel looked mil nl ilaie anil supplied some ol ihu lilg hits as ihe alton chili went oil lo jiii eailv had lignlusl in oijmiowii in tile hallon conn vouno nookiks ore keeping llm vetnrnn inlnrmndlnln hull pliyeri on ihe hop as ihoy hnllle lor position linn lummni salurday aflflrnoon acton morchnnls playnrl llmir npannr in the park with georgetown and the gums was callml nl 3 3 whim ihe gaorgotown loam manager dincl of a hoarl ntlnrk iicliirecl above prior to the game kneeling in front aro two roorini john laatherland and terry masnlan back row aro scolty mrcrinlnll john cunningham and ross morton veloran jlayers sfionfo pope tim aclon froo pros thursday may 5lh 1961 blahlc hamilton 90 soccer clubs first win looting three yoius home m the lust half and anothei six in the linal al tuns maple leal sot- cci club defeated hamilton hi mania sunday afternoon nt ihe high school i omuls it was ihe first league win of ihe season lor the at ion tltib against two del eats and thev wete lull value lot it centie foi w aid tony crimes and diminutive lativ nolan pac ed ihe maple i eats to then win vvilh three goals each and thev wea going eoiuenis both vvavi hamilton could do little with the stilt deletse the aeton club put up right horn the opening kukoh win toss alton aplam peler scluffei won the toss anil chose lo pl snto the vvinil in the lirst 20 minutes the plav was km lv evert moving fiom end to end then after about 2 minutes acton gave the timed ot close to 100 something to cheer about as centre torwai d tonv dimes smashed home his first goal of the alteinoon horn then until the final whis lie il was all aclon lauv nolan made it 20 short- iv afur mil iust heloie halt time actons 1tv earold i ighl wing baiiv shepheut made it thiee which was the hall time i vtoic home game is against al 2v on smirdav- oakville 7 113 acton 010 000 000 campbvl 010 101 30x batlcrim j acton cam cunningham 7 and morton campbellville field b hamilton 7 j ro berts 9 and wiiifirove i in the sclond half acton went on to score six moie goals and the maiksmen weie lony dimes two lnirv nolan 2 hob martin uell one and al synell one this was the fust time the leafs had been at lull sliength this season they were very im- piessive and with two new sign- i i t si minor ball in spite of the holiday week end a large number of young sters 16 veais of age and under a mended the first registration for acton legion minoi spoils base ball monday evening pioiect chairman jack bui- lough was swamped at times wiih voung recruits but everyone kept in line nnd waited their turn to hand in their names in view of the number of boys who were awa loi ihe weekend ihe sports committee aie hold ing another legist rat ion next mondav at the m 7 bennett school giounds at seven oclock keys made whilt you wait hinfons 5c1 store jem drivein eatre i dri 833 oimctions tha jam is 12j ml las watt m acton en no 7 high way half way batwaan rechwaod and cualph turn laft at farfaat oaraga to arrive at tha drivaln thurm only may 2j sevn thivos ctnemasiih toward g robinson plus on dotir technicolor anme baxter rock hudson adult entcnalnmenx frisat may 2127 the sheepman color mil clnemnwope gli nn tord phis francis the eomeilv with a tufc donald o connor montues may 2930 suddenly latt summir adult enlartalnmant il1zabcth taylor -pliu- fpur girls in town color and clnemnmupe george nader julie adams wedthurs mar 31june i happy anniversary david niven mitzi gaynor plua macumba love adult ehtartalnment color rkec piayorounos snack ba shew nightly at duab chiumin unoh ishsh ahvaya cirtoen lllts tills meek i lit v shimld fllilh well 111 llle sliihfnips i ills siiumiiv alton irntls lo lltillllllon lo pltv i ist i ml uun ej in t icinite lixlini i iil i lul hopes to iiiil ini xliihlliuii yiiiu on siintlis it t im p in 0 aunn hlpil sihool yioiintls at lonross moilon i revel p il ii iotwisl lenv m is iles 21 iuil i ss biiiii miciislill hi miciislill ii il c- i n- j 1 1 cunniiitfhiin il p jlii iif itmlown iii tile v fi iiwue openei i lie yillle whs illlilli tiiiiiiiu due llleil lo tin iii ihe iliiuh sports coundor internimil itimball hiihirdnv mnv 27 dtmdis nl ai kin widnendiiv muy 31 at ton nt milhm pr we hahtu i hiirnrv jhni i vifrn muk ui a top hticcer ihiitlitvmiiv 27 alt ion ol i iim riul uiilied lliimllion death nf leollielowu iniiiinifei link icwcll wlio tullapwed vvllli a hem i atlaik sfioillv uflei at ion uiiibbed it 1 lead 1 1 is pnhsihlt the lemnindii ol the yauie will he phived al n hitei tlnle ihe ai ion i lull i ludked up 20 had in ihe llrsi inniiilt wlun i il old i owntlevs inn il hit sin fli si on d ijih i awsdu and lei iv miisiilis who win on with hits alund ol him in the scund i unite mr tan mtfilsfall laid down u per fit i hunt fell 1ivii walked and lifiiv mas ties singled in si on mi litlill it yivi- hie loi al a ui lend mirie was no more voting unlll ihe eiihlh but in the in i leival john imninjihiim lashi d out n i lollies line single in hie ihinl nulv lo be led slvaudi d mil in aijfhi douhled lo hie i it i track 1n riuht held hut was tanned jis he iiltempled third fill irvet who was pfllhin slnlifs up until the eighth weak c ued rnomentaf ilv when n w ii hit hall went ihroitfh thud siiiitun the first frtorjetown tun i ik n link harimuer loimif at ion l hi id baseman lofled a hijh oni inlo lenlic field ft was mis indue d and rih hie made il ihe dude haslilv lneild jolin umiiuifhim on ihe mound ind he 1 1 lui d the suit hut tint hi hue uattanyet hid hit scon un a in idi t t hoite hi i in mtfuslall ljneted hetu love llu iorjii lown tluhlhand it with a imitle to ltntre in ihe boilom hall of the ciylilh to tail an ai ton ndlv lirhm cu kills jiouridcr to ihe hitx was ihnncn lo se ond lo irv lor a tlouhli hill al hands u re safe i wlun the throw was dropped a passed hall a i home mil the tiinrii is adviiuid a base itoih runneis scored as jeff pivii laslud a lroiindlr throulh third with jefl hold in jr up it si i ond phil mi cms tall s hijh infiild llv diopptd in the hole uound the mound and acton had luo nun on when the imc w is iall d jfl irver was stinv wilh hits n on the aclon mound limiting j ceorelovvn lo four while dove wis nn kid lor eiyht district meet flu fluirici field cluv lompi fnlon between ienrmtlown md ion alton nnd filn will nssun vpetialois o keen lompi tliion iin enliiul4 rom all inui schools miike iheli hid ini ihatupiou talflpa ailon hlth sihool will luue nn eviellenl tepresentiitlon tn all t lasses and hiive ihumi pnu filing lot thehiu meel noil mondav ol ul ihe ontario veieilnaiv frue grounds in fiimlph itarrtpnins from the foi a i meel lust week will sharpen their spikes and dijj in ihe luil y in in atlitmpt fo hi inn honors phi iiur to the ailon sihool town taks ovdf tinnary buildings sniper lies nnd buildings valu ed nt j 1 00000 holpnylny lo can- iiiiii packeii tinil rnrinerly oecu- pled bv anulocunikllun leathdr cn luive heen lllliletd over to the town ot kithlsvllle tha pliuil wu upehiied ihara far iiiiinv veuro unlll more than 100 men wete leftluhleni wlien iho ininpmiiv slim down riperallnn lisi rill slme then 10 liimlllel hove moved lo aeton where the men line euiplovuienl nt ihe lnuieiv sinn ihe lliintsvllli sluildown ihe hiiildluiis huve ixen utiimllnf eniplv in spite of- iepiilel ui- umpis to hiiitu in iniliiklrv liu- uudlile tiliins tin ihe tiutorv in- i hide home inrhimiliil proei is suppoiled liv ihe iikii liiltuitrlill i ii ii ti it l r i- ilmi ire still ineom- plele m itwn anv tiiininv whv ire vou so hald llnl dad well ihe lensnn ii mv tnoihei usi d to pil me on tha- lit u so olien lor lieinit i gmul inn acton- ys men arf sponsoring a peanut blitz friday afternoon may 26 and saturda y morning ma y27 shell out and support your acton ymca mil l i i why sit at home when you can own your own car on easy terms a good selection to choose from new or used cars see prouse for price and save h franklin prouse motors ltd penliac buick vauxhall omc opon evnlnj phon 16 thegrass is growing its time to start mowing and we have just what you need 18 inch rotary type power mowers 3995 2 clil it 4 cule molors convafliant tarms easily arranged from sym0n hardware 43 aaiu st acton phomf 4 boys minor baseball enrolment for acton legion minor sports all boys ranging in age from 816 are asked to enroll monday may 29 at 7 pm sharp 6 at the m z bennett school grounds now one enrolment only dont miss now managers coaches and umpires also needed dont be disappointed enroll on time

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