Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1961, p. 1

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eightysixth yearrno 51 actokl ontario thursday june 15th 1961 ten pgesvn cants i iftv it- bfc m v rtl s v vj ft autu wmh ottdination sttvtci for jamet m rudd pastor at the baptist church was attended by tha pastors mother and sisjer tuesday evening pictured above with the family group aro two of the officiating visitors left to right aro dr orville daniel associate director of the canadian baptist foreign mission board mrs james rudd pastor rudd his mother mrs mabal rudd sister jo rudd and moderator roy self james rudd ordained baptist pastor during impressive ceremony tuesday james m rudd was ordained a pastor of the baptist church tuesday evenino durinjj nn im pressive and friendly senice and received the blessing and praise of fellow pastors and friend- mr rudd who has been pastor of the charge in acton is plan ning i enter the mission field in india and was charged by for mer missionary pastor dr or vule daniel to keep a shepherd licart in deal inn with the people on the mi as ton field dr daniel cxplainudsom 0 hb experiences during 17 ytars in the mi ion field and told mr rudd he would meet www people- not too lovable who wuuld try hk patience to the limit he explained however that love and understanding would win out influence of gospel the ordination sen tee sermon was given hy rev stanley wash- bum alumni secretary gordon college and divinity school bev- erlcv farms massachusetts which mr rudd attended the guest pastor warned the newly- ordained pastor his task would not be an easy one but stressed that loc and devotion would guide him to bis goal in reviewing past preaching ol the gospel to present day comm unication mr washburn told the newly ordained pastor he would have to work as a youth worker pastor ami mtsionar in order to communicate with people- liv- in c in rebellion outside ol the life of christ in conclusion he itiki j mr rudd the inmueiue ol the gospel tmeiuls until il overflows into the cornnuinilv h is not just contained within the chinch j laving on of hands i roy self irmdctator ot ihe guelph district was in ihaiye ol the service ami i tonivd hv other representatives ol iviptist conyrcgatioos tlonng the taking on of haiuis and rev llovd wlim georgetown gave the oidmation pravcr rev a tens gait piesenied mr rudd with his oidmation ur tificale and rev alfred price uave the charge to the church his remarks were brief and to the point fie told the congregation a church can make or break a minister you will- see to it you make yours the prayer of invocation was given by rev arthur ilirtle niag ara falls and scripture reading taken hy rev w h mcwivinnie preston the congregation was led in hymns by the church choir who also sang an anthem greatest blessing rev j nutma of the christian reformed churehandhairmnh iw the acton ministerial associa tion brought congratulations fmm both his church and the as sociation and told mr rudd you are a servant of the lord it is the greatest blessing ever bestow ed on any human being t during hi- conguitulntiuns he staled that all churches had the same purpose in spite of a lew- theological dil terences and told the newly ordained minister to continue lo pivaeh the gospel in the manner taught to him he urged the congregation to rejoice with their minister lor the great blessing god had given them and lo pray for the pastor present to join with the large congregation were mr rudds mother and sister as well as his wife rev a h mckenie knox rresbyierianchuicjh wai also present at the conclusion of the service mr and mrs rudd greeted the congregation at the door and ac cepted congratulations on his or dination as a pastor continue capital budget plans in spite of misunderstanding in spile of a misunderstanding ort the part of the hvdro depart ment in restringing secondary as well as primary wires on main street north acton hydro com mission authorized superintend dent doug mason to proceed with capital hudget expenditures in making his report thursday evening mav fl mr mason in lonncd the commissi t sec ondary line wiililil have to ik replaced hoi tty and he had ordered his men to proceed at the same time they were string ing the- pnmaiv line alter rehashing the proposed budget lor some tune tun mis sioners agived ihe capftal budget would be kept within line is icriain proposed projects hail bevu eliminated ivcciith installation ot ihe new trans- loimer to service the bell tele phone exchange building was delayed hv two weeks when the miki intendeni said dehei had been held up the hydro depart ment was requested to complete the bower avenue line building project belore continuing with other projects i commissioner e c tyler sr i asked clarit ication ol operation hskimo a plan instigated hv ihe ontario i j1 vitro for promotional sales o deep rceers alter a rev jew ol brochures he was in lormed- it included relrigeralors with ireeing compart men ts as well itirthei- review ol the brochure indicated the dealeis involved in town weie to compleje the wu- rantv van on delivery ot the equipment and forward comple- tion ol sale along with 10 lo the hydro oltke in turn the pure baser ot the equipment teccives a cheque amounting to 20 paid in pail hv the dealer and ontario llvdio accounts totalling iu805 were approved lor pavtnent tv star joins husband hasting sujuin douglas former star of hie lolevulun drumti tho guid ing jllght will be in acton wllh her husband jon rubes for com muni tv nlghl june 24 jn the pack shfi in cyprh costume and will fclgn autugraphn jun rubes is host of songs of my people popular mdlo tihow and makes tv und opera uppeur- iinces to ptihllcie the night of turn singing and dancing pennv tal of claikson will ik dancing on country style the lively tv show on channel 9 friday programs have been printed backed by local advertisers and their sale includes admlsulon a full program of entertainment l ottilined jan rubes mcs a pro- main of choral singing natlonnl numbers and a teenage special climaxed by square and old coun try dancing census enumerators to finish saturday the 1461 decennial census which began in acton nc week ago is progressing favombly ac cortling to district supervisor mrs leslie clark of georgetown she reports complete coopera lion and understanding by acton residents to date one area in town has been completed and by the end of the week local census enumera tors expect to huvc their territory finisheu all calls recorded- very piewed mrs clark reported wednes day evening she was more than nleased with the reception af forded her acton enumerators and has received no complaints regarding lack or cooperation taking the census figures in town are mrs e lidkea mrs gordon bealty and misses ella and elizabeth janv they report thai final lallv will be made by the end of ibis week grade eight final darted wednesday plan construction of community centre council studies method of operation appointment of a special build inn committee lo cany out the construction of the com munity cen i re project was made at tuesdnvv council meeting the special committee is com ii 1 f t4 if if f ft bum rnuia 50 years ago mr and mrs duncon waldie were married in nassagaweya presbyterian church and sunday afternoon celebrated their wedding anniversary at the home of mr and mfswillard brilton many friends and relatives attended to congratulate the couple the couple arc pictured above ready to cut their anniversary cake tciii over 200 congratulate couple during 50th anniversary sunday former school chums relativ es and neighbors numbering over 200 gathered sunday at the home ol mr and mrs willard brilton r r 1 acton to con gratulate anil honor mr and mrs duncan waldie bride and groom ot 50 years ago married in nassagaweya pres byterian church in 1911 by the rev s blair thev lived and i armed on the waldie homestead in nassagaweya since then and still laini in a small lash ion lost member the bride orinerlv ellen sav ers daughter of the late mr and mrs james savers is the last surviving member ol the lamily and her husband is the- son ol the laic mr and mrs alexander waldie scottish pioneers ol the district he has one sister mrs lane savers acton holh mr and mrs waldie led active lives in earlier years anil mi v waldie devoted much ol her tune to dublin womens in- stiiute mr waldie took in active pari on at- ion fall fair hoard having served as president if scnlly an elder at knox hylerian church and has b member of walker lodge a family gathering for 80th birthday pn pies- n a on sundav june ii pleasant time was held at th home of mrs emilv dollv varden on the occasion tif mrs mcdonalds 80th birth day relatives gathered i nun mil ton stewart town cieoigctow n fverlon and itielph with over 75 attending there were over 11 grandchildren and great grand children an en jo v able eat ore was the bagpipes mis aurv miss ave v and miss carol hepburn plaved ihe pihs and drum at various times in the altcrnoon and ev ening a bountilul hut let supper was served ind a m lor 43 vears present to enjoy the celebra tion with the ouple was ihe bridesmaid ol so years ago mis boyd anderson ciuelph miss margaret zimmerman a niece i r mi neepawa mmi 1 1 iba arri v- ed hv plane sunday morning lor the occasion posed ofmemlwrs olmhe council building commit lee und four members of ihe campaign com go beauty lorm younghlut frank p rouse and garnet mckcitic the special committee chargnd with ihe task of having ihe necessary detailed rlans for ihe centre prepared for accept ance hv council alter approval thev will look alter the actual construction as well approve recommendation various recommendations ol ihe campaign committee were approved and resolutions were passed for ihe guidance of ihe building committee reserve fund lirnhs ycre established to allow lor any pledges which might not be completed and a const rue l ion reseive for unfore seen circumstances which may arise during construction the method of approving ac counts tor pavmcnl was clarif ied it was decided if any sur plus up to 25 remained al the conclusion of construction this amount would be turned over to the operating authority lo close the books ol ihe campaign fund study methods the administration committee of council was delegated to make a thorough examination of ihe various ways in which ihe centre could be operated after con struction recreation commis sions arena commissions and committees will all be studied and a recommendation made so that action can he taken before the opening of ihe centre next season a resolution passed au thorized the mavor and jerk to apply to the ontario municipal board for borrowing credit at the bank ol mnireal on ihe collateral of we com muni tv centre campaign hinds up to ihe amount ol 60000 raise 41400 mayor j gov reviewed ihe minutes or the property com mittee and the community centre fund committee meet ing held last wednesday even ing he reported to council on ihe assets the community centre fund committee had ac quired al that lime a total of m4m had been raised through ptihlk subscription fttiipmenl and supplies tor the project have been made available at verv reasonable figures and will be ulilied in the centre no action was taken by coun cil lo declare monday july 3 a holiday clerk mcgeachic told lumil-ni- hii no li- flujh orily lo dedaie monday july 3 a holiday it was councils un derstanding that ihe relail mer- cltanls of aclon will lie closing their stores on friday juno 30 at pm ami will reopen on tu- eseday julv 4 at 8 am a motion to expropriate the necessary land from the acrl properly in the name of the town ot aclon was defeated the land invoked is a strip ap proximately is feel wide and 200 leet long and is to be used for the vvatei main which will run across ihe north side of the town irom the chtuchill road north well lo main street nortli the 6wrc had iccucslcd the town to make ihe expropria tion solhal work could proceed on the planning ol the project the owrc had x on t acted owners of ihe ai ri properly who hail refused to giant ah case ment- owrc are prepared to undertake the necessary expro priation proceedings it is ftug gested by the engineers that by going through the property in stead of around it a saving f approximately 1000 in con- si rut i inn t osts iui be realized ilo not favor cktutfc a million was passed stating vouncils agreement with jh present representation al county council ami we are not in favor of any change the subject amse when deputy reeve hin- ton requested an opinion of the suggestion being made that re presentation o ihe south end of the county be inn eased in january 1jft2 ihe south will lose voting power at county council with thy amalgamation ol ihe town til oakvitlc and the township ol trafalgar reprcsen- lajion was reduced when the town ol burlington and nelson township were amalgamated three years ago hear reports road chairman les duhy re ported that road patching in thfl lown was underway councillor william mcleod hi ought lo council the subject ol advertising in residential ar eis which does not conform lo the ooing by law no action wan taken reeve jack margrave and councillor icorgc barbeait were not present at the meeting ie table ling centre of llu d orating the were a ihrci cake yellow candles and mcddnaldi 50 vellovv roses a gill hoin their children pouiing tea weie lour i nieces mis dqidoil johnson j mrs vvird bruce mrs stewart fi mot 1 and miss margaret zim- j merman assisting during the j dav as well weie- i he eouplcs three chililren maigaiet mrs tom mclaughlin ot flout a j willredof r r 2 aclon ami i bill ol acton as vs c 1 1 as live j grantlc hildreu larrv and bill mclaughlin mu david lvnn ami huii an waldie out ol town gucl aie listed m the- peisonal coliimu ol the halton candidates speak at acton liberal rally during a meetlhei idlv staged in ac ion town hall friday evening lour oakville nun tossing their hat in the i nig lor lie liberal nomination of tried approximately 40 spetta tors their geneial solutions canadas health itade unenipl merit investment anil peace piob- l idians udidate j chosen for the next federal elec tion or ilarley told the interested- audience that handouts weir not the answer to unemployment dif- liculties bul sliessed ihai under libfid goveimneiii a ilrram of in pled- employment could be iialieil he c lined that cm- hnidd tletchnine if com- 1 it pi this week dr mai rv llai lev cv young mitchell motak and f lank pol lard con lest tuts for halton ouutvs libeial nominalion will have their names presented in line the convention ft ulav eve ning in milton and one will be plete nationatiation ol health serviies would resull m costlier and seiontliale mrvues he i ore thev pressuie foi this sericc ilonraty inlegrily mil hael mutak 1 1 itied the coniiioirfj i pnyi su- 1jramiv centre campaign successful i if i la john com j had t lech now frida v o s over the lop ening chunuan rtaos were dedicated sunday morning at bellinafad united church when scouts took part in the aervice the first ballinafad scout and cub troop each had their flsg dedicated at well a the union jack pictured above left to right sr9 david swindlehurt mike norton cub leader fred roden asiiitant coutmater david greygooie mervin white and scout master john handcock oinouiked the il centre cttnipaigu lud its minimum oh i jrttopo m wcdocsdav evening ol this week trcuauix ioi ne yoongblui reported the total has reached 02500 this total is made op ol 126 indivi dual pledges all ixmurns ure still not in ihis itguiv ettuld icaih 15 tlod in the next icv vveeks isuuc the campaign started on miv is tlieie has ihvii a kieadv how ol retoins which rcaclird a joins v hen on i i idav rven mj ihr mivir uinooneed the inimmimi tea luil th made at a ied md p hi ck live had been atimhinccmeiit wis h ial ev ening organ id tor hv aclon of suppoi t in the supplv ol iim lenal and eipnpmcni have iven made i hese have bn lepnied to the sjhciil hiithhol loinnut lee appnuted tucdav hv nnni p il and will be utilized dui mg i he ci ms t rue t ion o t be i ent i e council also delegated the at inimsiration lomuiuiee ol ccdimil to sludv annis methods hv which llu- tentie oiikl iv operaled d lei v oiisli in don all giants available loi itpi iuini will ik- studied and a i corl suhmitteil to muru i lions club wins ikii ol the cmadian legion o i the canvassers jind oimiiittee w ho had worked on the campaign burn indicator in the early houi ol saturday mrmng the campainn indicator which had stood in front of the post offier was hauled awavjb detination was publicity chair man jim ledgers larm it chur chill where it whh burned to cr lehratc the success or the cam paign as well us the s62j00 in cmh pledges variou other promltes special award altei one viais operation ai uio lions club ptoiidlv icceived a merit award fuesda evening in hamilton loi pluuig second among 24 district a- clubs the iwaid in the hum ol a cheque lor 10 was ictcucd hv past president alex johnson and lion jack dohrrlv ami was pie srntcd bv the lions intcnuiion al the acton club rrccived ihe honor of being ihe second place club lo achjeve the most visata lins dtiring the car the award is prorated on membership and distance travcued rev h b itoktu received the fugt at st a 1 bans church sunday when the first actort troop boy scouts dedicated their flags the minister is pictured above a flag bearers kneel al the altar while other scouts look on kneeling on the left is david ryder and the right bob walson other scouts in tho picture include scoutmaster bruce williamson t troop leader george ware patrol leader rodger la douceur and scouts david watson garry kelly and ethenne venulaenderon laurie duby president of the abac boys association and rove scout holds the cross

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