Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 13, 1961, p. 2

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courtesy- many successful businesses have bean built on the sound principle of providing a reliable product or worthwhile service at a fair prico it cannot bo denied however that whon such a product or service is mark eted in a courteous manner a mora pleasant and rewarding experience for all will result pooplobotfi young and old in all wnlks of llfo react favourably to courteous treat- merit and it costs no more than a little lime and effort plus thoughtful consideration of others how many of us remetnber a bus inessman lh our parents or grarvdrjarents time who invariably walked to tho door and opened it as his customers left he found tho tlmo to bo courteous courtesy is an important end valuable asset ii cannot be monopolized by any one group but it would appear at times thai it could be used to better advantage in many of our personal and business relationships like ripples created when a pebble is thrown into a pool an act of courtesy will extend far beyond the original gesture the summer season l now here and many visitors are travelling in our country would this not be an excellent time to make a contfcloutf effort to be more courteous jiot only on our highways but in our stores and places of business it takes so little time end offort and ho results can bo farreach ing it can make for a more pleasant world irtwhfch to live not a bad record when ho was in ottawa rocently israels prlmo minister ben gurfon said ho was sur prised to learn that since tho end of world war ii canada has spent 4629450000 on foroign aid mr ben gurlon went on to say that he was sure that the rest of the world was equally ignorant of the extont of our foreign aid spending in point of tho fact it is likely that very few canadians have much knowledge of this subecl though it is not a record we need be modest about canada provided more than 2 billion for immediate postwar relief and reconstruc tion in europo more recontly wo havo spont nearly 1 8 billion in nato mutual aid and another 480 million on special assistance schemes in the past decade we have con tributed through the colombo plan 382 million for hydro electric and thermal power projects and grants of foodstuffs and tech nical assistance to india pakistan ceylon malaya burma cambodia and vietnam in tho current year we will spond 62 million on foreign aid over a fiveyear per iod we are contributing 10 million to the west indies aid program west indian train- oes aro in canada studying public adminis tration information services and- fisheries- canadian exports aro in the islands assisting in agnculluro housing and vocational train ing over a throeyoarperlod we are to spond 10 5 million in africa mainly on technical aid to education thare will bo a 1 million appropriation lliis for the commonwealth scholarship plan and the number of parsons studying at our unlver- sitios under tho program is oxpeclod to rise to 225 and many more items could be added to- tho list of course much of our foroign aid spend ing is done right in canada with canadian- made goods ralhor than dollars going out of the country nevertheless it is all money that tho taxpayers must put up probably those vocal few canadians who condemn our foreign aid as pitifully inadequate have no certain knowledge of ust how much we have done and an idealistic but unreal istic conception of ust how much we can afford the good 6ld days soft heads and muscles sctpat utd stce a new york physical education veteran told a big gathering the other day that our youth is not getting soft but he laid in to uholr eldwc t the same group heard dr george flow er of the ontario board of education de clare quite emphatically we cannot operate hard schools in a soft society we are soft smug and flabby guilty of soft think ing and this is reflected in our schools whether these two men who were ad dressing the canadian association for health physical education and recreation at mcmas- tor were banging at a society that is doing top much soft thinking about hardness and not enough hard thinking about softness improved can be left to specialists wo loan certainly to dr flowers attitude and in his own way dr nash the new yorker who questioned modern youths softness stressed there are still great flaws in our approach to recrea tion to be any benefit exercises must be interesting he said and pointed out that a walk in the woods is as healthy as a weight lifting session in the final analysis true recreation is achieved by doing something creatively that is why our emphasis on purely spec- jator sports is wrong we aro entertained by a football match but our health is not how come theyre killing off all the big fellows this year- tirm it wak clark gable thin clary cooper and now its ernest hemingway when indestructlblls like these urc suddenly mowed it makes us other old soldiers-of- fortunu realize with a shudder that even for us the bell must toll one day in an age where men think its a big adventure to go duck hunting when thev trnrdc its iiiggid heman stuif to took on their back yard barbecues thte men were our folk heroes these were the giants who kept us aware that once men weie brae and violent and wild and gallant by bill smiley hne a cn to hend hurslshoes with one hand i suppose a lot of vou wo men will think this is im mature but the truth howevu hitter is that vou just haen t been able lo tame the wild man that luiks in every male breast you think were just sitting there half asleep watching televi sion dont you well nun i ume- theress n shqwdowji dn the screen obseih the grim set ol our jaws iee tno ingeis of our gun hands cuil keep an eye on our eyebrows next lime sophia loren heaves into view tney ii be so quu 7ieal you could hang a water pail on them note the wav our eyes narrow spectator the lusion perhaps we should not be surprised but ihe idea is now well established that a gov ernment hand out can fix any ill real or imagined a current example is the sug gestion that the government might pay a maternal wage to convince mothers in can ada that it is a worthwhile occupation to stay home and look after the house and the children this proposal was made in all seriousness to the annual meeting in ottawa of tho canadian welfare council by a mont real social worker jeanne duval vice presi dent of the confederation des syndicats na- tionaux this maternal wage saicf miss duval would be fully justified if we believe that the education of the child is of first import ance for the nation and that the mother is irreplaceable m carrying out this task allowance proportionate to the ryumber of children in the family this is quite an indictment of canad ian women one that surely would not stand up to investigation but apart from the ques tion of whether many or most working mo thers neqlect their children there are the two questions of whether it is proper to sug gest that the state should or could bribe people into accepling their responsibilities and whether it is reasonable to assume that the state has the money to take on still an other whopping welfare allowance by miss duval s reckoning about 600000 of canada s working women are married if only half of these are mothers of young children the total would be 300000 and 7f a government allowance is to keep them at ifnwvcwaggerudhrougrr-thc- bellis with gable in gone with the wind how ue stood up with him lo the fury of the vicious captain bliyh in mutiny on the bounty how we gathered the luscious women in droves merely bv joining im in quu king an eyebrow many a lone and- dusty west ern street ue stalked with gary cooper hand poised readv toi the diaw eves darting to the uppoi windows where the nlk baircls poked many j lonely ranch we rude up to with him our past a mster hvv olten hae ue strolled with hemlngwav the festive stre ets of a spanish town gills tuss ing toscs to us trom balconies how manv times hae we sat wlh him in the great arena squirting the native wine from the goatskin into our mouths as we uaitcd for death in the afternoon the fanlare til trumpets the mare ft of the matadors gatukhout net lime weie out in the boat as thev peer inlu the distance seeing things you ve never dicam cd ol and look out for thai little dangerous smile that barely curls ihe cornel of our mouth at the next meeting ot the home and school club when the chairman asks lori liank statement of opinion thoy ve taken away oui old cnmiades in arms but cooper and gable and hemingway nine given us a code in live hv on ihe suiface we may be a burnt out lot but behind that pot bcl ly beneath that wispy skull the fires are smouldering the cuuiagc is whilehot the will is of non and the devilish ehann is just hiding its time until the lust countess cumes along imjiam m back in 1941 tufcen from lh untie of the free prem thursday 17 1941 j enrlv tuoidny morning when night constable j locker was milking his rounds he htarllcd two men irving l bienk into coopers itolhlhg utore nn mam stieet the menmiide their git away but not beloie ihe conmuhle had kikeu ihelr licence niiinlut police on tile highway to toronto were nut if led and weie waiting near brtunpion when the cai tame speeding bv polite followed the tar lor h miles down the toad until the driver ut the speeding tar made a wrong hit n unto a dirt load und iht cai crashed inlo a fence the two ottupanls raped out and jumped into 1 ake ontario behind the siiuh company one man was caught afci polke swam hhmit 40 feet alter hun but the j i her managed lo escap ihe storm vtsludav eteatttl quite a hit of havoc in and afound town two lows wire killed by lighting while s hiding beneath a itee on iht farm ol a t mann a lice it w i woulen s home wis sir ink and use pluys blown in the house i uses mi 18 tims fount is wen all hvmn and the lightning itsisier blown oil one woiknun were ktpt busy lour hours repair inu the damage steps have been taken lo curl ul pleasure driving in urikr to pre scivc yasohni lor w u use credit i arils trave liu n ihnhslu d md liis and oil snpplus tan oulv hi sold on cash basis d isolirie e in not be pinch ist l on sund ivs and slncl reslneions hive lueii adopted a fue which apparentlv spread from hi municipal dump on tin i hi id line hin nid iliiiss a lu id and dislroved a leiiee im ittit in piopeilv i i re men were idled anil had quite a i mil beating out the stubborn blae the re tin n at ac ion customs have continued to climb and i ik second qu ulei ol ihe lii 1mi shows in amount c ol i t ud il most lluei limes ol rli it a u u ilk tigures lor april m i and june ol lasi wai win 52w7821 and llns vi ir liguu s or tin same period amounted to tv hs 4 84 a kite i was pri senkd bv the garage opcratoi s in town iskmg council to tonsitler purchasing a uniform foi the night constable no action was taken on this back in 1911 tuken from the luoe of th pre prmthurtdiy july 1j 1911 mi arch mcphersoni fine dijver recuived u doen stitches in ihe off hind leg whon it was kitked by a mil her home while in ihe pasture the nnlmal u or extellnl breed and highly re united bv ihe owner dr luwson was tailed and so deep wu ihe gash jl resulted 12 stitthtk flit experience ot oiling the stitets iliis year was ko gratify ing infill lo tunnel and residents n n heltiaed the practice will tontlnue another veur it like in ihe past the ilutt win depend ent nn watering it certainly would hr fivlnipiim flroat rnte the recent dry spell hai lowered water supplies in the area at a rtpid rate nearly ecry fanner while visiting in ljwt these duvs lakes- hnme a roll of hinder iwlno thev wllroorr- be tthj hunybr mke frequent trip to town when the haivestmg begins chailes suev local laundrv- mau si nl constat illations to ihe kmuon his coronation and this week rcte ivtd acknowledgement hitk me is quite pleaseilwilh the reply and is now more of a mulish siiecj than ever an nghshman living on dgin strccl was linttl j 2 ml and tosts when he appealed fefore h p moore j p for using cxlravagtnt eiple lie s three witnesses were called md vtrtilicd the man had used obse ne and insulting ian gu iie on the street i ist week william ritchie biol k stiee t a voung married m in employed at hi aid more co i tin ned home hum work hot and luce and drank two glasses of told lemon tde soon alter he bilin hiving pains in his stom uh and spasms ol numhncss in ihe lower pop ton ol his body at lust it wis thought he had bee n poisoned bill later it was lound lu eh ink ihe told lemon uli loo list he vvas tieated by ihe doe lor and was soon on the w iv lo ilviiu rv knox ehuiih garden party held at the home ot mack mc dong ill i squesrng turned out quili sulci sslul tuesday evening whin a ln e novvd was in il tend nut ihe vanety program w is mtieh iniovcd and the citing booths set up did a land office hiisiiuss the lold lemonade fiadl to be leplmisheil time and lime again professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney ptusiciin and surmnn onicc in swnun hi ik 43a mill st i arlnn offlii ihnni 711 rtiiidcnci 111 chinch st f phon i in funeral nirfctona phono c n o day- the news changes more than 40 per cent of the effective fem inine working force in canada said miss duval is made up of married women and there is reason to believe that the percent age will increase the wife of 1961 she said is not much interested in domestic work her ignorance often leads her to under estimate these humble tasks and she refuses to make the necessary effort to become a goodjiousewife the ideal solution miss duval concluded might be a government home it would have to equal the 30 or 40 or 50 a week they make at a paying ob so the proposal probably involves some thing like a half a billion dollars a year the easy assumption that the government would have no trouble finding that much addition al money or that government should pay a cash allowance to ensure that children are properly reared is indication of the growth of the illusion that the people can shift any responsibility at all to the state the acton free press pitbliihed by the dllli printing and publuhlng co ltd founded in 1875 and published eery thursday at 59 milluu st acton ontario member tit ihe audit bureau ol circulations the cwna and the ontarioquebec dnimon or the x w na advertising rates on request subsuiptions pabe in advance 100 in canada 400 in the united stales mi months 1 7s single copies 7c authorised as setund class mail post office depart ment ottawa the only paper ever published in acton g a dills editorin chief david r dills managing editor business and editor i a i office phone 600 acton y s t- y xsss p dont irv in retf me ihar a lot of cleaneiit oung fellows c allied rock and tab and rip and knk and dn k are goiii to till the boots ot gable and cooper please donmn to tell me tint these- earnest viung men in crew eiils anil hornrimmed glasses who write as though ihe hid s4 illoved a dietumarv nt psv i hologieal tei ms arc going to tuist hemingwav ut the elcan snipped prose the haunting poem these wore the men w ho were what all ot u wanted to be the dead shots the nughtv di inkers the lad killers the devil mav care adventurers honest mum i dont uant to be just a timid old school leach er i want to hae a beautiful countess yoolv ocr me i want lo uutdraw ihe fastest nun in the west i want lo shoot a lion it a loi of fun mowing the lawn but i d rather mow down six or eight caiilc nutler i like a game of bridge but my heart vcarm for ruudan roulette i know 1 have trouble getttnn the tup off a jar of pickle but 1 during the past few weeks i and hkelv you too have noted the change in the daily newspaper headlines and i find il quite an improvement gone are ihe wor ries about congo and a lot ot other places that were hard to spell or even pionounce don t know if the troubles have all betn settled or not but our john and his letinlie hae for the prcs ent slopped travelling and have things 10 do at home i vvas afi ud his was going to happen and now it has one can take on too manv of the world problems and things at home can get out of hand it seems that mr covnc hasn t been kept in line bv the reu ot the subchief while big john jwas helping the rest ol the world go straight now the big news is coming out of ottawa and it just isn t coming out the itghl wav and some of a is nut eomm g a t all 1 ve met mi cm ne aruiml dielenbaker and ihev were both line men mr covne must be a piettv snmolh guv lu have manipulated himself into a pomimn whete it is leputletl he will receive a pension ul j2so00 vear and he hesn t tmished his lirsi term vi t no wunder john is home shaking hit he ul and threatening a eiiet at eleetroii the last one was quite a sueeesshil one lor him but one should not push dili s klek too lai the next to be fireil will hkelv be the senate heeaust it vou get across johns path liring seems lo be the wav lu settle the problem remember the wav the rail wav threat was dispersed last may john stepped nghi into the thick of the irav and put his hand into his big deficit pocket and put in the funds to make the settlement possible ah things are possible lo him who has with mr qovne now absent from his post we wonder who will be chosen to sign the eurrcnev of canada while he i out of his office you never can tell it might be another recruit from the dried out prairie there ha been men tion that premier tommie doug- la mjtflu corpc dow and cjwc new up everything vvilh thi party well in the meantime the world news has a very interesting slant and a distinctly canadian on other countries with whom is oul on the line getting an an ing one cannot help wondering what effect our actions will have on other countries win whom we arc closely associated cer tainlv our actions are being seiii tinied with vcr caufiolis eves mv fellow canadians keep vour eves on ottawa while the scene unfolds during the next few davs there will noi be manv more davs because our parha mentanan uie vcrv anxious to get back to their rcspeelive flumes and end the long session school bylaws erin concern dr d a garrett phymciin and surkenn corner of willoy incl rivir st lntrinci river st acton ont phone 23n olfuc iimil fjoni juh 1st until annus ill liulllsnc pk isu l ill ii a h ut irlli 1a 2hsi dr robert d buckner phicnn ami suiu nn 30 wli nuton st atl n ont phone 070 office houri 0 b p m afti rnonns by appointment arrraiking and inmubam f f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ont irio phoni 01 apprinstr and instinnee 0tr r years m ail in dental bruce e shoemaker mar optical and iieabinq aipb e l buchner r o opt mitrit contact lenje lit irinji aid 41 mill st t acton in acton wedneday only 2 00pm 000pm for app nntrmnt phone ips robert r hamilton optometrist eyi examined glacis kitud 00 miin st n genruetown ont o fice 11 urs 10 i m tu 6 pm mim to frl hin nus by appointment cluai d saturday f ir appointment pi l aie phone tr 73671 al uit1no accoumtimo lever hoskin chiriind accountants insurance geheraf accounts ro id accounts and we mart at euunls weie ordered pud when fnn township eouneil me i in hillsburgh mondav julv a grant ot js0 was made tu aclun agneultural sueielv and p00 lu ci in ayiieultural socielv a cheque loi 100 was tu hi furw aided to the seeiet u- tre is urer ut me vidians eenu it l v ninth line erin township and a 100 eolinu ctucuu tu the same addicss the assessor and eleik were paid expenses fur at lending as sessors school two muiums passed read th it erin township council approve the request ot caledon ttwnship council regarding lmon school section no 6 and no 13 er in township as required bv sectiun 4t 2 of the public schools ae t and erin township having pass ed a scheul area bv law no iv 1961 a h law lo join area no 1 and area mo 2 into an area known as erin township public school area a revolution trom council atscnting to the oclu sjun of area no 2 would be ap preciated as required by section 40 2 of the public schools act all the membcrsof council were prudent and reeve geurgc wal lace presided dr h leib drnln snri n office curner mill nnd i rcdi nek striet off iff huuh bv awntmint tflwuonjr 1 dr a j buchanan ptnttl surjicon off ceia m 11 street off ce h uri 0 am t g p m c sd wedndn ift rn on teltphoni mh legal c f leatherlaivid qc barrimir solicit r n ury public off cc hours woo am 1200 p m 10 00 p m tuo pm siturdayi by appointment onl office 22 phioio rn im a braida ba b irrlster solicitor notary public 173 main t s acton ont phone 576 office hour ipm upm 1pm 0pm saturday 15 cork st t tiuelph ta 423u office flours torn 5pm saturdays d am is ajit s mi in st m tii impt in 1ione gi 1 4jc4 312 ku ht w toronto i em 4 ttl3 tiaviums ouidi gray coach lines roaciirs leave acton dv ht saving time estbound 013 sin idnlv exltpl sun and ii il i ii vi i m ii 13 am 2uh pin um 33 t m il33 pm 10 10 pm sun and llul i wtilbound 10 27 in 13 57 p m 2 57 pm 527 pm 727 pm 0 12 pm 1132 pm ill m i 13 am frl aal sun and railways canadian national daylight saving tim eaitbaundp imim lo toronto datltaxerpt sunday 10 13 am to toronto a 07 p m to toronto 001 pm to to ronto sunday only ifaatbound 030 im to stratford 0 jo c m to stratford 107 pm to stratford 1 90 m to stratford it dayi a wmki m0 pm to stratford sau urday oaly bjsbiofie

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