perspnal notes of actonlant vultlng outoltown point and of vblfori in acton horn ew mir fo phoim or end in your item or tku column mr edith hamilton in vlslt- inu u hlmcr in sarnlti mr and mrv hunry duvrau gponl the- wecltund at mulliirul minn miiruurct rlodglnit of buirlu visited friends in acton on wcdnchduy duvtyl rvdcr i wncndinu two weeks ut sherwood purest camp carnarvon mr and mm don tlmmlnus nnd boys are hack- after a holl- day at inverhunin mr nnd mrs bern van pleet olid children are holidaying llls week ut wasaua beach mr and mrs edward blunn und rnnilly are hack from their vucullon at sauhle beach mrs ii l bennle and donulaj- have returned from a holiday spenl at len dnvc lodge bala pnul and garry murr have re turned from a three week holi- day with relatives at hunlsvllle mr and mrs teii hansen and family and ruth coles are hack ufterholldaylnu at bruce beach mr and mrs cam winn spent a few days last week at the home of mr and mrs henry gorier kilbride i mrs mary graham was huli- dayinu last week at wasaua beach with her sister mrs so cket of- guelph mr and mrs john krapek and children arc on holidays spend ing this week at wasaga beach and next week with johns par ents in huntsville mrs fred lawson returned monday by plane from a five- week holiday visiting friends and relatives in ireland mrs j t hurst daughter jill and mark are enjoying a vaca tion at lite lamilv cottage at glen- wond reach lake sinicoe miss phyllis mackic hew from malum saturday when she left on a visit to a cousin in evans- ton illinois she is on holidays from cmpers drug store miss ruth spiclvogel and miss bernice wasowicz arc on the staff aj cedar grove inn near huntsville lor the summer three acton girl guides vi vian smith christine foyers anil anne fiyer are attending the girl guides camp- for the hamil ton area at dunnviltc mr and mrs fred kingsmill mr und mrs charlie kingsmill john and bicnda are hack from a motor trip to moose jaw where they visited relatives the rev ii b sluktvel mrs slukrccl and lamilv lei t aelon tuesday morning lor their new home in hamilton where mr stokteel has charge it a church mr and mrs alex woodward and lamilv ol ft william visit ed willi their aunt mrs anna smith and cousin wanclta on lake ave last sunday mr and mi r- patterson und carol miss kaye rosetl and miss bellamaye roszell visit cd at bruce beach with mrs a c stewart and mrs grace cameron after a trip to lite wesl wltn miss claritgrlndley ol luiunto mlus madge chupmnn returned home wednesday of last week she hud u vuxy pleauunl trip and also visited relatives sig john musselle has relubv ed to port henry in germany arter spending two weeks leave in england visiting his aunt and uncle in tiverton devon and at lending the wedding of sig don winchester at hull yorkshire former anglican rector here the rev e h jones lias- been iransterred from the rcap station at north bay in the station at greenwood nova sco tia he still takes the free press and reads the news of his friends here rev james m rndd and mis rudd have returned home i rum a motur trip to washington dc prior to the motor trip both attended a mission conference at brantforcl and lalcr acted as counsellors for boys and girls groups at camp mis colin lewcoqk and son john lesley arrived saturday by plane alter a flight from her pre sent home in prestwick scotland to visil her parents and sister mrs john smith and barbara muin street mrs lcwcnck was the former mnry smith a former secretary of acion y duvc docherly id i guelph v last weekend to assume the posi tion of youth director at midland ymca at guelph lie was hoys work liccretarv and physi cal director of the ymywca he wenl lo guelph in septem ber i mo he and mrs ducherty have one daughter jane owen masalefr and family art- hack troin a hofiday motor trip lo mexico they nought a mixi can chihuahua dog whos been nut ii luaranline tor days mr masalcs was particularly interested in the oldstyle slcain engines there some of them nai- row gauge he look some colored slides ol them to add lo his large hobhyisls collection they were all very impressed by ihc heatitv of the buildings in mexico city but noted extreme poverty as well a slicker on llicir car slid labels them as turistas colin maccoll jr mrs mac coll und duughtcr ingrid are visil- in at the home ol mr and mrs colin maccoll sr cameron ave young colin is a laelor wilh the hudson bay trading companv anil on his return to winnipeg will be transferred ho round luke 100 miles north ul sioux lookout where he will be in charge ul a trailing post he has been an assistant laelor with the company lor some time and ha been stationed along the north ern rrea ul saskatchewan ami manitoba near the arctic cirvlc since he ioineil the company be lore returning lo aciun lor a visit he was stationed at nor nay house in northern mini loha this sundays cfc church calendar irj celebrating canadas centenary last wmiic h pre carried the beginning pt mn editorial which deals with canadas coming cntehary the portion which appeared last week outlined lh rea sons for the celebration end posed the question how does thu aftect our life today what lessons have we learned for the future the editorial continues ii would he fatal tci utir happi ness in com nil years if we wciv in iillmu i his iipidnl fhtfliion i the church ofuan the martyr anoucan ciirnit willow and ilmwi ibs joffrry st phone 205 tlu triiuslttuiimtimi t out lord sunday august cuh im 8w anir mtilinv ivol w car knki 1001 am matlinv pint w cai iwutci all arc wvutmw united church of canada acton ontario rev dwiiihl enpcl ba minisici mr cifiniic tilliuii organist and cluiir minum sunday august mh il loooam seivke 1 1 is am stuulav school kn senior scvlitm acton pentecostal tabernacle m ohirviih rimd taoc ri- kvnikih j rctil pastor 75 cook st plume mjw sunday august mh il 1000 am sundax school 1 100 am moininj worship islhlpm uxanyilistic tuesdav p in piaer and blhle stiuh tiuiini 8 pm chi ist aiiiiun suiois von aiv alwa wiuunu iaptist church acton pasioi janus m rikui w nelson cuiit phunc 2lvi sllnday august h 1 q45 niiinda school 1100 am morning worship 700 pmewning worship wednesday 7jto pruycr praise ami bible study all are wekumtt christian reformed church re j nutnii ba bl minister ull ouecn st box 4f phone o sunday august mh 11 8u am tune in iilie back- titcuidiuhir program dial ckkwluo i01h1 am english seniee tex genesis 2 3v simeoir the lord lias heard 2m pm dcwcn seriee text ileidelheiy catechism lords da u the relationship between gospel and law x45 p nit sundav svhool you are alwavs welcome nkesbyterlan church in canada knox church acton rex andrew h mckenie ba btv minister mi e a hansen ba oiyanisl and choir master 1 sunday auglstmh tjm s ioiw am divine woishtp i gtirst nunister rev win j morriaw b bj mel- j villc churthbrvxxelv ont t theme an incomplete for- givcnc j lunliir congregation nges 3 7 mecu during firmun i ml up ancient grtiduch and give the itecahion for righting uv er aguin ihc nlil- bailies t war tindnitlitich and regions and hcc tdins wtfhuvc inherited the fruiu of the labor ol lorcfiiihcrji we are proud to recall upon this ocean ion the three centuries that elaps ed between carriers lirsl voyage to canada and the confederal ion o the provinces were marked by the hardship ol pioneei ing in a counlry lor which lite in french and english villages luul been a pimir rehearsal besides the dilticiilties ol cli mate and loneliness there were hostile clans belligerent neigh bors natural harriers and the uncertainty ol lile- under rulers who were 3000 miles away ac ross an ihoan traversed niowiv by sailing vessel nilers who knew little about conditions in llicir colonics this backward glance should give tis a hint about what we are planning lo celebrate it is not some philosophy ol loyalty to an abstract and general thing we know and think ol as canada that indeed would be a dillicoll enthusiasm lo aiuise in a land so hig and with so manv diver sities of people economies and environment what we celebrate is the ci hi rape ol men and wo men who settled here the skill anil pertinacity which kept them here to build what we inherit the good sense which enabled them to live and work together and the vision which prompted them to form this union we call confederation prcrcrve our history evecv province and every local ity has its own hijhliphls which it will wish to memorialize mu its own ambitions lo lull il hill all these historical episodes and plans tor the ttitnre are compre hended in the centenary an excellent chance is olleied bv the celebration to uoltecl regional and local histories a pailolour cu ii re which t much neglected starting now historical societies can engage the inteixst il thousands ut people in providing letters diar ies and records early newspap ers archives of local govern ments anil material things like tools utensils and implements used by lormtr generations writing local histories miihi be made a project for the schools when saskatchewan neld its jubilee a lew years ago i he school children came up with some 3000 local histories which have been mic nil tinted ami iited in the saskatchewan archives this is a goid lime too lo think about local historic si lev ii is not enough to build i stone monument and at j ix an all-hut- anrcadahlc metal plaque saving on this site a score ol tab lets will not take the place ot lhe birthplace ol one ot the worlds most eminent- astronomers now lolling lo pieces or of the war o ik 1 2 buildings and trenches it lliey arc allowed lo disinteg rate a revival ol inierest in histori cal sites is evidenced hv the num ber ol people who visit those 4 which have been preserved or i restored in the united states historical sites are rurrning ahead o scenic arvas in the percentage l increase in tourist visitation i our ilcrllugc i the proper place lo start a l storv is in the past there is no need on this ikci aon to wrinkle out brows in at tempting lo disentangle the wehi o cenls because all can i s tisiorv is woven into the fabric l the dress she wears inda it is saitl that the greatest vncl it ot inheritance is to mu fed lo an ancestors virtues to ether with practical qualities there has tome doun to us a love ol rijii things aiu the c iie to live lite foi all it is worth that is out heritage canada has tillered lo man hher natio one suprente val aable denionsiratioii that loler- nice must be an intrinsic part ot arty real democracy the devel opment of two culture two ul- llludom hallowed py a legal and conklliuhonol tiytcm is hie roa hon lohy our 10 provinces can cclcbralc the centenary m lei- lowflhlp qikirrcls refuued to turn lo hate anmiokltlek hrokedown irvlo friendship keeds ol dlv semlort were sown in a soil hat broughi them up as howcrs our hohtage prompts us ty continue building toward a nat ion in which all talents arc generously recognjyed all lor is your jam recipe famous try for trophy at acton fair givable odditieh yorgiveii all vie iousness quietly imslrated all gracioiisncss honored while we are built upon the bedrock ol two cifllures oui country includes large numbers ol other racial pmupy this cos inorwilwui population require that we tveat ihp centenary in such a way as to emphasize oui common ciinadinnism querulous and impaiienl voic es occasionally rise in demiuub for the vinveiriioiial symbols ol nnliouhoml but we can sfe all around us the more mature syin hols ot a people working loge ther in unity hulnot unilormily citn federation all otlhe good thai is canada today cannot be credited to pas sage nl the british niirih auur ica act of flh71hil who can ex piess the impact ot that event upon what billowed canada was an imposing ideal in the vear ol confederation hut a very unimpressive reality the pro vinees had no association with one another and every province operated under a separate gov ernment wilh its own political si met ure today separated hy miles ol mountain i ores t lakes and wide rivers every region is making its special and necessary contribution to the conlcdcra- mon what brought this about chiel among the political aims to establish a new nalioit to mc el the chaitgeil conditions ol british policy to unile the scattered provinces against pov sible aggression mm the south fcoitoioically conlederalion was designetl uv spread dependence over many industries instead ol only a lew and thus lessen ex- posuic lo the ell eels of econo- mil policies then being pursued hv hoth cireal briiain anit the united slates through mutual concession was hoped lo pre serve cultural and local loyalties and reconcile them with iotilical strength and solidarity uilcuurl ciuiilnictllo the british north america act es tablishing conlederalion did not ol ilsell assure solution ol eilh- cr political or economic diflkul- lies it did however provide a i framework within which we arcj still working to bring about tu ba lance ol loyalties and inter- j ests needs ami supplies which ll elieclive lederal system re- 1 quires through the ellorls ol daring explorers ntissionai ies and trail cis this land higger in area ihan all luirope was opened up today we are part ol a chaiiu ing world pallein ol innovalioni aiul obsolescence we arc firnilv i based amid new states which have iiuulequale economic re sources erratic imntiers clissi- dent minorities and delusions ot grandeur many political anil in- ileolual things have sltilled irom their id mtkiiings i our tank today the task lacing canada is to develop a set ol values and a series ol habits suited to seeing us through the new situations hisides all the material things that will he cuvlcd to mark ilk ceiiteiial ue need some spn it ual things like a icdedualion in the principles ot the dcnukiaiu uav ul lile b espousing demo i lacv we have adopted a lite long assignment in human icla lionships anvone in iop out a um million and tiaiislaic the ik- tnihtalic iileal into lite mat bin cr ol sillgtnci nmeiil it take ical yisight hv statesmen an smiipalhelic unders landing in do you make a mrawlrny jum lhal is lamous in the neighbor hood and a favorite ol your fam ily maync a peach jam or orange marmalade cash in on your talent and in crease your fnmcat the aclon iair this seplcmbrr the wom ens division competition t includes a special contest spoiwoivd by the vvrc press and iengral immuis lor the iwst entry in the janiv and jrlllrs i nmpcliliiin il the third annual winner receives a ompctitiun yearly dial and s10 in cash while second place takes home engraved ullver lain simwn and is there ure f and s2 prizes available or- third and fourth prizes the competition will be in h ira wherry raspberry arid plum jam apple red currant and grape jelly and peach rhubarb lemon orange and grapclrult marmalade a ull en in wmild be nine pints and the winner will be deter mined ohiolal tennis mrs n leuye trophy a miniature replica vvin roberkon won last year plan now tonler you could m j- dux uluijirxui our ideas of geography have changes our neighbors ate no longer the people in the next county or province but people in continents at the other side ot the earth kverv day sees thou sands ol transactions pass ihioiigb this banks inlernation al division evidence ol business being done by canadians in alls italia africa asia 1 in rope and the americas we accept our responsibilities as a member ol the british com monwealth ol nations ami ol the united nations in pakistan a parly ot canadians helped other nienibein ol the common wealth to const iik i a dam a power station and an irrigation syst em we sen i a o fn 1 1 ngen t with the united niilioiis lorce striving to keep peace in the congo we do not on the occasion ol our centenary seek lo impose our ideas or our way ol lile on others hut we do behive that in the course ol out hislorv wc have discovered some givat truths which can help all mankind our future canadian ism whit w slai ted bel ire conlederalion but was tmcn delinite dirci lion by that union is no mean insii onnnt wilh which to lace new condit ions j b miebnei said in his presidential nidi ess to ihe caiia diau historical si ieiy 20 years ago caiiadiaiiisin is made up ol over ihrei centuries ol successlul st niggle with a reela- lilrani euvmiiimueni ol over a icnlorys original and success- 1 il i ptdrlicil adapt ilion and in venliveuess d o a kind ol coiisei vat ism whii h histoi v has shown i be converted by ad mi sit v into slubboiti indotmi able will mverv one ol us irom east lo west and lot ill lo south whal ever bis eiltni bu kground his creed his i olor his enconotnic sialiuv evvryone has a ilal in iciest in seeing canada endure only by a union ot ils people can a country be prepared tor the ambushes set bv chance and change the lilile stales ot greece destroyed themselves by their egotism their jealousies and their simggle lor rights one against the other how shall we eonlrihiilc din ing cenlenarv year to the unity we need well we now have citietiship week designed pri marily lot the bend it ol new canadians win not make 17 ciliciiship year loi- all cana dians cilieiiship needs a rededica lion peritiduallv it it isnt lo lose iu signiticaiue we have not inhei iteil ilicnshtp as some- thing lo have and to bold with out elionl livery generation has to earn its own citizenship and we need lo remind ourselves periodically about iu values and its obligations j h rough a year ol citjenship cxci vises we can conlirm our status as a close iraleniily ol people who know what they want to do and are uiulcri in linding wavs to do il we can show otlimlvvw wpk un structivelv patriotic tiding to taise the standard ol our society we can display our freedom irom those three great enemies ol cilienship ipdolence sell in teres and blind adherence lo lautions tor citizenship is more than the right lo vole il is the art ot living together jei do something notable as inheritors ol a great tradi tion kl us do something notable to mark the centenary t con lederalion the project is thrill ing we are often called sober sides by our visitors or this occasion lets really enjoy our selves not only in pageantry and usiival but in construction and luhilmeivi disappointment is never so bit ter so sour grapes as when one has hail superior advantages and has neglet lejjtlhem or hil leivd them awav or watered ihem down kvciv canadian should sav this is canadas hunt lied ih bii ihday t debt a i ion and i am going lo be an enlhus iastii and uselut pari til it the acton free pret tburiday augutt 3rd 19o1 itipsontouring th report week i end ol he iispben v is in sight lot a i growers apparently ibis was the h the crop frank carney and sons ltd hardware plumbing and heating rockwood ul 69501 a motorist who hun the iwst driv ing record is usual ly the one whos prepared lor i he worst ii ancmer- ywl lietliv does arise he mfsi r knows just what lo do lo prevent an accident h a t tips in he ft you meet driving emergencies 1 your car is forced idf the road onto a soil shoulder yom lirsl reaction might be to ac celerate swinji buck shanly to get up on the road again dont 1 you might zoom right across the highway onto oncoming traffic or you might be bit by a cai coming from behind instead slow down check your rear and side view mirrors and ease gent ly back onto the highway ii you start lo skid turn the wheel in the direction youte striding 2 your gas pedal jams turn ol your ignition apply the hand and loot brakes simultaneously gently but with steady- pressure v your brakes gel wel in a sudden summer downpour and wont hold liasy ury them by kcoptnu your lell foot gently on the brake pedal while youre driv ing in a very sjioi i time iriiaion will dry the brakes test them easily lielore yoinu hack loi re gular driving be prepared or any emergency remember your car has built in salety you miunatad viihors prominent during holiday time mr and mrs beaton emri children are holidaying at sauhle beach the service next sunday will be taken by the young peoples union miss bonnie cotton ol orion spent the weekend with mr and mrs wobert mclincrv mrs kav mc and her cousin mrs vi adair ol -hlen- tieh spent a lew da wl i h oiclr aiinl iiitihiiiicte mti nmt7 mrs sian mvans at their collage at wasaga beach haying has been a long ob this vear bin is almost done and the wheat harvest will begin any uav mi ainl mis nloiuian sinclair mr and mis jesse mitaicrv mr and mis i w slioitill and mr and mrs ilovd shot till ami families allended the robsou re union ai mis tills m ciand valley ijn saturday the alpine willow whiih does not exceed six im ins in height is he smallest tiee in the unit ed slates robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optomiitrists l i- p head j phone guelph ta 43071 58 si gerg squar b3es3s 1ktw6mecds under one roof j wilh the i my bank l bank of montreal j raj inancerian lowcost lifeinsured loans pi iiiiiii in 11 ikmik ii pi hid h ilv n 11 i lk p llll ulll u iiiinuiil whiil nil hk- iuvik ih- po pv bill iinuli 1- mil si in iluu- iti llu- uii l 1 ih- i iu nolk miliim iks mil nuit iii ii 11 lllli- 1n villlllla hu iui uim ii i in in wislus in iuiih in piisvr hul niiyi il llii- i-vim- ul nilui cmlntiit hi is il llu- sinii- l line in iiikl huciil pilnul uki i mion iil ilk- 1111 kl jem drivein theatre i dri lj nirrtlliui tlu- jiin is 2 mlllls ss l lull tin ni 71lilni hall ii hslvuvn ruskwihui i n il lnlph 1 in n kll at illhs iiiljv 11 iiiim- u llu- dine- in aug 4 5 ftlday saturday triple feature program all color on campm skow the 7th voyage of sinbad plu the mating game addnl allraiclton powdeb rivfjt fiayoroonos chiumen under 13 we snack ear skowi niolxly dmh awy cirttm milk for health rchcsli willi nor ilelitioos guernsey gold 2 milk ciniilis i me 1 i hi- milk only 22c quart or prompt ctiurliiiiis delivery call acton dairy ijionk 2 don itmmisits prop denny s insurance agency for btller valuat in imuranca you need car insurance with local service homeowner policy th moil compll protection for theft liability fire windstorm tv antenna water etc without doductiblot outboard motor boat policy 3i wilh no deductibl one policy one agent semiannual payments call us today bill and harold 39 brock st acton phone 455 supermarket be thrifty be wise shop the ab way before you shop be smart see us first highest quality fruit and produce at lowest possible price for 15 o tin i smarts choice blade roast 39 i b swiit cherrik 23t i brock brand 15 ox tin short rib 45c lb i peaches 19c i extra extra special australian corned beef 39c extra special extra pork liver 29 kraft fortuna crushed or tidbits miracle whip pineapple 19c sartlh ka 39c ii 19e