i r s jkss felghlyseventh yearno 14 acton ontaftio thursday september 28lh j 961 authortsrd ufmi ctsm mill by ih past offfe ttopsrtmftnt otuwa fourteen paget seven cent assessment completion in doubt south spring future cloudy surr photo admmmo tuanqes vvere given part of the st albans harvest festival decorations by a mother and two daughters sunday following the morning church service shown above are mrs sid newton and daughters vicki and dorothy as they view a sheaf of wheat in the church vestibule zat tfvlt irs- 744 say yes n dry since 1906 1043 na miguwcyn township voters went to the pon saturday to approve leual liquur outkls by on over whelming 74 4 majority with the vote they oppnnetl a 13500 000 night harness nieinu traek thai uus promised if they could legal izc drinking outlets in the town ship the vote set a new rveorel 81 3 per tent turnout for nassjga weya the quest iuns on beer for men beer for men and women beer and wine with meals dining lounoc and liquor lounge passeil by 70 4 lo 74 4 per eent major ilicfc thcv needed a 60 per tent yci vote to be carried the 1043 voters cut a total of 5212 ballots of which 110 wcrt pulled township clerk and re turning orrkcr don mcmillan reported voting was so heavy that final totals were not known until nearly 1 1 30 p in that eve ning although polls closed at 8 pm deputy returning officers re ported a i loud of voters earlv in the dav but tuuard evening nearly everyone had cast their ballots and the rush subsided exlrn help had to he secured lo handle one polling subdivision w vun richthofen one of the fair winner mrs norm robertson a rcgul m winner at hutton tall fairs in dumcshl science nuking eic chisses received 4 prizes for 0 entries at geoigelown tair sat uidav promoters or the track and a township bona breeder express ed his thanks to the vole yes oiganinsr ut a parly held to celebrate the victory he said the voters could be sure the new track would be an asset to the community it is to be erected this year noith of campbellvdle neai highway 401 the last liquor plebiscite n nassapuweyu- was on new yearb ilw 1906 when votes endorsed local option by a 171 majority beer where women are admitted beer lor men only beer and wine with meals dining lounges liquor lounges the vote thai year was one or five held in halton county following the vole the licence of the hotel at campbcllvillc was discontinued in april of that year that was the onlv hotel in the township at the time local option was earned in oakville nelson and trafalgar as well as nassagawcva that year it was delealed in acton however heie is how the vote went on saturday yes yes 7s6 72 7 729 70 4 766 7u 768 74 5 778 74 7 no noo 266 273 2 296 253 26 4 250 255 245 25j imwynm dismiss bylaw charge against beardmore co ruling in court monday thercsample proved beyond qurstion was no basis for esqucsing township s charge of bylaw con travention against beardmore and co i id acton magistrate kenneth langdon dismissed the case represented bv solicitor john van sicklcr esqucsing township council charged beardmore and company vvllh breaking a town ship bv law governing the dis posal ol refuse garbage indus niil waste etc within the tuwn ship the solicitor for the township maintained that tests taken ol spraved elllucnt submitted in that industrial waste was being discharged within esqucsing s boundaries witnesses testify witnesses called to testily in behalf ol the township included clerk k c lindsay james watt sanitary inspector with the hal- tun public health unit and charles e simpson a chemist in the employ of the ontario water resources commission mr lindsay verified that the land in question was within the the assessor 1 empowered to work 16 huuni overtime over a period of two weeks exclusive of saturday until october 10 when the assessing rtryiglam will be reviewed he will be paid at a rale based on his present till tiry this was the conclusion reached when acton council re vived a lengthy discussion which started when the clerk advised councillors he felt it would be impossible to complete the reassessing under the d m a manual in the two month lime limit extension granted to the town john ladoucctir the assessor attended the committee meeting on monday evening to discuss the subject with council he wan agreeable lo working overtime provided he received remunera tion in an effort to complete the assessing and bring in the assessment roll by the extended deadline of november 30 the clerk reported that based on the information collected since the mart of the crash program to complete the assessing he telt it would be unlikely the deadline would be mel unless the additional overtime was giantcd the assessor mmwwwsw confusion there wmi to be amtvaton in the minds or some citizens as lo when daylight saving time ends however ii doe not end this weekend and will continue until sunday october 29 at 2 aan fined in court a rock wood youth was fined 100 for drinking while under age with an alternative of one month in jail he was also instructed to pay damage for two broken win dows and given a six month sus pended sentence during court proceedings- monday magistrate kenneth langdon heart the charges laid by con stable ron rupert and learned a window at the beardmore and company gatehouse had been broken amounting to 3977 and another at the frost ee freeze estimated at 8200 also on the docket during mon days proceedings was an acton outh appearing on three counts i wilful damage being on lieens d premises whtttantnar and dunking while under age at the request of the crown the wilful damage charge was with drawn when the rockwuod youth pleaded guillv previously mugis trate langdon dismissed the see ond charge of being on licensed premises while under age when the crown failed to establish township boundaries mr watt i proper age on the third charge gave cmilciee regarding witness the case was remanded for a continued on page two week industrial commission progress reviewed during council meeting delimit cumulis tuesdis eee i industrie- ning met ling a upon was ie ceixed liuili ihe liulustnal coin mission and was iwiewed lis the masoi and council j the lollouing is ihe context ol the report rescued acton lndusiiiatminiissioii olllcialls lonncd in lcbluars a0 consisted of ihe billowing ineiiitwis than man n j bui da l dills j i edge i i lsir si vfr took j baibeau and u lvaus duiutg ihe season v meki was appointed i u place mi lvans who lelt loi ciiipkismciit in winnipeg meetings were held at ihe do minion hotel and maun lii was invited in allend siiiwsn werv made in eoniue lion with iiulusinal piohleiiis iiylustllil land asailablc ontai lo depumnirm l llighwas plans tor mails leading into town commission ehauiuan had a number ol meetings with iv twit mcnl ol planning and pevelop- ment to ieiit on piogrvss be ing made the ceunmivini fell thai binds spent on advertising the town in periodicals etc did nol bring results and thai eflurts to hclp and expand present mdustrv aiv more ncvureling this was con tinued bv lite department planning and development in order tonromote closer co operation between municipal of ficial industrial commission and local industry the commis sion sponsored a dinner in may attended by beads of all local masoi cos and coun il ilsdru commission chan in in planning hi ii id thaiiman t usliiiiistmieei town assessor tltunhci il toinmeiee pixsi dmt iikii hank manaueis and town ttetk adininistiatur themvold division ii k porter canada ltd a tuw illusion of ii k poller canada lid located m ihe canada packets building and now in operation making hiake liuiiiu option eif further space for ex paiisuiu keales orfan limited an established company fonn eilv ol luean ontario now turned lo ac ion because of more subtests discussed weic walel uppb and piessuix hsdru now ci and laic- insurance rales tele plume lates eiislonis and excise publie ivlatluns cduei tnniil expense small business loans and dma assessment vie tell that lilts meeting was most woitliwhile ind oltcicd an oppolunilu to oil kills ot llkll induslrs to bnne out their pro blems conditions in aclon in dtistrc al llle present lime ale ontnmslit with regards lo the develop ment ol new indiislrx ailous commission members hail numer iwis uievtiuns with people inte- nsieil in ieloeaiinn or suiting new industiies it is unfortunate i that onlv a si is small percent aec ot these contacts etcecloped lo a seneus betow is a biiet summarv ol reslllls i and cluich tjeings loinicrls mi j central location manufumurcand polled b them liuni the usa thcv ai supplied with hnh pres 1 sine steam b beardmore to i nulled and a 4 niloial eas i line supplies lllcll lllinaces tllev i oeciipn about it i walelfh rurnllurc untiled a newls lolllled eullipallv and hue completed ihetr miklelniak ine siaee making upholsleud liinc rihim tui mini e ol hikh qualitv aiul modein design the had an excellcnt displas al the recent tumilure shove in menu i real occupe iuio tl ol space wilh dial equipment being installed the swiichuer lo dial sstcm in acton is last becoming a icali 1 1 and woikmcn irom the north- jem hlcelne compans are busv jimualhng equipment in the new ihtulduig on churvh strcvt this complin was laed witl d b das puul alter panel the prospect ol mming its opera j s erected and wues ctminected tested workmen an hipvful ot completing the iob in december the intenor of the mkhujan bulb cinullan branch office i services ltd ot i lions to turonto hccauc of nv and adequate facilities in it existing location thcv have been van v lactonlv relocated in the can ada packen building and have twice expanded their occupied area because of increased buvi newt building is a maic otuiiw and connection and when the switch over takes place qrtcc on the equipment will be mimmued to ocxajuonal trouble calls install church pipe organs they hae oik tveo years ahead be cjise it vas neeessary for them to bung i ami lies ot key etnplov eis to alioii the industrial com tiiissinn in ccmiperullon with j local re tlesiatc officers were able id he lp them find room and board or homes company picsuknt beit keales advimd that their decision to move to ac tun as influenced by the help the recxived in connection with living anommodaiions f heller co ltd ttiis cumpan expects to com nuiuc operations almot mime diatels finishing leather and other associated products local i cd in the dills building further prospect there hac been a number of meetings with ot tic la is of a large hamilton manufacturing com pany who arc making plans for a new division involving moss production of small articles pro duced on ffuiwh presses ap proximately uj00ol5ibo feet ol space is under option latest contact with them indicates thcv expect to have definite plans ready bclorc the end of the year this report is respectfully sub mitted to the mayor and council of the town of acton and the aclon chamber of conunarcc ac tun industrial commission n j 9nfala gkurman mr la douceur told cuuniu he telt it would be impossible lo hire a parttime qualified asses sor assistant at this time be cause all ussescors were very busy with the finatizalion ol their own assessment programs various councillors spoke em phasizing the necessity and ur gency in having the assessment roll brought in no later than the november deadline wasting s2m0 yearly the waler and sewer mm mitlec was empowered to inves ligate the main street south spring with a view to abandon ing ihe supply or finding a source or revenue front the spring tlnsfrhim followed vthe re ceipt by council of anowrc study on the spring in ihe re port the chemical analysis ot the water from the spring had not improved it was suggested the opera lion of ihe pumps and equip ment and the- maintenance at ihe spring were costing the town 52 000 per veai this amount was charged diiecmv to the watei and sewer department and there is no revenue being derived fionv the- spline council felt thcie ucie iwo j alternatives cither remove the equipment and stop the operat ing and maintenance costs or fintl a way in which some rev enue could be derived through the sale of the waler output ol ihe spring the owrc report suggested a local industry might possible be interested in the water from this source to paint hydrants aclon tue fighters assmia tion will lake on another chore the association has agreed to paint ihe almost 100 fire hvil rants in town the town wdl mipply the paint and biushes and member of ihe association will doll up the hydrants at lh9 same tune ihey will code the hydrants hv which the sta of the walermain supplying tlvo hydrant will he indicated tho town staff has he6n tinahle to complete the painting this year because of the heavy municipal twirk load employee sickness and starr holidays the c n i b requested per mission lo hold then annual financial campaign in aclon dm tun ihe week of october 2 permission was granted the fue anrccmcnt with th siirioumfinii townships wa ap proved unilei the new oneyear iltncniciil which is retrnuctivd to jimnrv i ll the township lire area will pay the lown 1000 per year the township area will hjso pav the maintenance and operating cost of iheir equip ment and pav tloo per fire call to ihe fire department die halton coiiniv health un it was reappointed plumbing inspector loi ihe lown sell town lol riic love ii owned lot on church ih konl noilh was sold as a usiilt of an advertisement for lendci- iwo bids weie received the offer of william findlay for kioo was accepted mr findlay staff pfcotn miss m z mnnett was honored during the morning service at the united church sunday whan a desktable wa dedicated in her honor the memorial table and book contained within wai purchased by the friendly circle group in honor of mm bennett pictured above aft lo right are rev owight engel miss banned and mrs gordon johnson group member who presented the gift to the church church decorations beautiful for st albans harvest service rev donald wcsl rector ot st albans anglican church sunday morning addressed a large congregation during the harvest festival sen ice and re minded the church mentbers that moses had cautioned the israe lites against forgetting god in the midst of prosperity he used as his text when thou shall have eaten and be full then be ware lest thou forget the lord of human nature is the ease in uf oiganist and choir leader mrs which the avciaye person can close his mind to facts and stat isiics he noted how everyone was gull iv of taking things for granted and pointed out that even the gilts ot harvest were taken lor granted otlcn wittuiut any sic know leile men t bevond a casual thank vou lo ihe gul at the supermarket god piovides material things he told the large congregation lor ourbciilht but praver puts that one of the great mvslcnes is why god had not givcu up the w hole ii u in an race as a bid lot long wlfurc now he stress ed the tendency lor people lo close their thoughts to the source ol material blessings while en joving good health and lull lard ers inevitably in limes ol tiagedv our minds turn to god he must glow wcarv ot llns one sided rcgaid shown by his child men ten the lector stated pi lot lo the blessing allit closes mind hintiii inulc bv the guild wek mr west pointed out thit one dedicated uoih lunioi and sn ol the most interesting aspic u uh chut is under the diiectton material llnngs into pi ope i per spcctive bunging into clear u iili their ttansislutv tiiijxn lance mi west declared the chinch was beautifully dci mated with truir flowers gain ind vegetables from altar to vc si i hole and he leetoi es pusscd ins thanks to the mem beis ol ihe altai guild lor then haul work and splendid ai range t g oakes sang our gralc- lul hearts as their special har vest anthem lav reader lcs du by took the first lesson servers lor the harvest festival were peter taylor bub llinlun and darrv kirkness nviis property to the south and west of tne lot up for ssjc the town had acquired the lot during a previous water ex ploration piogmm a sixinch will was dulled hut the water which was found was not suit able lor the municipal system the lot had heen offered for sale niiuie runs iiuu s over the pasl few viars the offer of mi rind lay was nol ihe highest received and in the voting to iell the property for were ha rg rave barbeau hmton and gov against were mclcod denny and toth coun cillor duby did not vole and under ihe ruliw of procedure was considered to have voted for the motion enquiries and report the report uf the acton indtu tnal cornmftslon was received and is printed in its entirety la another column councillor duby reported the macdonald avenue street exten sion to the h k porter plant needed repairs dctyfilv reeve hmton reported on ihe regional planning meeting held last sunday morning councillor denny wondered what stage the liquor store and the post office building had tcathtmavnrc r the liquor store was being dis cussed at a planning board pub lic heai ing this thursday even ing on the post office he only knew that property had been continue on page three j expect 120 fathers sons to attend scout banquet approximately 120 scouts cubs and falheis arc expected to at ttnd the seoul father and soil banquet tuesday evening octi- bci v in the legion audituiium guest spcakir lor tin occasion will le a sea scout skippci irom oikvillc who will give ail lulls iialed talk following the dinnei catcied for hv the scout and guide mothcis association dadge awaids will be made af ter which scouts and cubs will pi ovule an evenings entertain ment with skits and songs ex pected guests include member of the aclon ministerial association distnel commivsion bob card ner group committee member and leaders anon rotary club members will act as fat hem for boys whose lathers arc unable to allend ihe dinner acton council went hotted by beardmore 4nd company official frjday afternoon during a tour of the plant and a buffer dinner following council member directors and teehni eel staff are pictured above after they gathered inside the tannery gates to begin their four included in the picture are aaayor john goy president of beardmore and co w j beany reeve j margrave deputyreeve h h h in ton councillors lee duby w h penny and clerkdminittralr j aacgeachle beard- more staff members and directors f j salt c heerovx crejgb ton c cook r r parker n breida and a uuder alto thtm above it bill wallace of wallace foorwear montreal milwa r 1 iri brtffft