the good old days mm mmtftkl swss4 photo by either taym wr to the fore dotingroondup time -t-here- thia is boy scout week a nationwide observ ance in which 309 000 canadian scout and leaders hope to corral the interest of parents and friends the purpose pf boy scout week is to focus public attention on the boy scouts of panada as it helps boys develop character nd gain an understanding of cit zenship the observance of boy scoot week seeks to bring new levels of understand ng for the boy scout movement so that more boys w ii pin more volunteer leaders will serve and ffiore adults will support it in conjunction with the celebration of iy scout week are efforts by girl guide ind brownie groups to also focus the often bon of parents and friends on the importance p their program frf any boy or guj who has not participated ffi the prograrmofterectby tkese gtwprojgfr tissed something in no organization dfn e spirit of adventure be as truly fostered in the scout guide movement the jungle books from which the young ub gets his first adventure ideas are dev iloped into a program that challenges any roungster between e ght and 12 the thrill f accomplishing the first knots after hours of practise can only be exceeded by the thrill of eating your first meal that you have cooked over an open fire on through the days of scouting the ac compjishments of f rst ad of pressing a shirt of tracking animals of learning to stalk a trail of countless adventures that the door of scouting can open but besides all this adventure and underlying it is a purposeful education n self reliance and good citizen ship these are factors which must play an increasingly useful and important part in our way of life and these are some of the fac tors that make scouting and gu ding im portant some special events are arranged to mark scout ng week locally and it is hoped parents wilt take the time and opportun ty to see first hand the work that is being carried out the countless volunteers who make the work possible are humans who 1 kr most of us need some encouragement occasionally that encouragement could be a phone call or an offer to help we sincerely hope that the boy scout week program is successful m gaining the public attent on for a worthwhile movement back in 1912 taken from the issue of the free pre thursday feb 22 1912 eggs ok down to 30 cents n dozen buf butter has gone up to 32 cents it seems rhe cost of lv ing is gradually increasing for the users but at feast the femurs welcome the raise as sometimes they art hard put to show much profit on suite of their produce never before in the history of acton s municipal career was any by law entailing the expenditure of money carried with such a de gree of unanimity as thai of the hydro electric bylaw qn mon day when all votes had been counted those in avoi number ed 157 while those opposed were eight council will now proceed to have the installation of power completed as soon as possible and will reccsvc the cooperation of the hydro electric power commission in this the regular meeting of council was brief on tuesday evening and after the regular accounts were approved the balance of the evening was spent talking about the election regarding the the liydro electric power installa tion which had been held the evening before pleasure was ex pressed al acton s further pro gress as shown bv the accept ante of the bylaw authorizing the new service e h smith of aelon was el cctcd worshipful master of the halton county lol dunng ihcir meeting last week council lor smith has been an actrvc worker in the lodge and will serve his position in true fash- on mr joseph gibbons has pur chased the barbenng business from mr w parrat main street mr gibbons has been in the trade for a number of years and is reasonably well known here the heavy snowfall the first part of the week prevailed much of the outdoor work from being completed and even the farmers were unable to get into the bush lo haul logs to the sawmill manv of the country neighbors uere shorl on some food items but generally speaking everyone ujs stocked up sufficiently lo see them through in the event ot such an emergency a letter was received from mrs rohert little who is visit ing in red lands california us a and she wiles thai the wea ther has been so severe the or ange crop is suffering from frost and lack of rain our scowa winter this year has ptavtjpfd the youngsters wltjl fljuch tkating and sleighing and hey have revelled in the win tcr sports hut oldsters arc be ginning lo look with longing for the first sign of spring and a last ting break in the bitter winter weather pf national significance i the second canadian conference education which opens in montreal on march a and lasts four days is an event of both major importance and national sgmficance j like the first such conference held in bttawa m february 1958 the hundreds of pen and women attending will come from tll 10 provinces and represent a wide diver flty of professions and organizations but whereas the ottawa conference of four years fgo was sponsored by but 19 national organ izations this second one has behind it no fewer than 60 all of these organizations will be re presented in montreal many of them in itrength the resultant attendance may be xpected to run far ahead of the 850 dele gates present in ottawa in 1958 this high degree of support and positive ijnthusiaim for the second conference is fcoth a good augury and a tribute to those jealous members of the canadian confer fnce on education who over the pest four fears have not merely kept the organization i being but have further developed and strengthened it above all it is impressive evidence of tw educational awakening which has been fcking piece m canada true two out of inree canadian student utll quit school before they reach grade 1 2 a grievous pco- ftortion at any time and on which m the complex and technological age in which we live increasingly undermines canada s abil ty to maintain her nat onal living standards tn a highly competitive world but now at least there is hope more canadians than ever before are aware of what is at stake and are doing something about it the sub stantial increase in the amount of monies allocated to education at all levels on behalf of industry and even more the taxpayer is one measure of this although there is a growing realization that money alone will not answer all canada s educational problems the second canadian conference on education even more than the first will re flect the determination of thoughtful cana dians to inform themselves concern ng the nation s educational deficiencies and wherever possible and as a matter of ur gency make them good th e acton free press i r 1 mill by ifciwifrsmn aarfm hll t co lad founded ta h73 and ynhftibed emy thursday at s9 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau ofcbwfrmjl the cwj1a and ok ootanoooebec l division of tbe cwma adrcrtisfeig rates en request 5fcl subscriptions parable tn advance j3j0q in canada uj0 k 5nc- ta england and other cnnnaoriwcahh countries 5j w- a 1 in the united stales and ether foreign countries ldw me copies 7c anthorted as second class mail post p office department ottawa iha enly paper mt innanaad m aetna jam g a dius edrtormcnirf lw david pitta mm aging editor usinsss amd editorial office phone 853 3010 back in 1942 taken from he issue of the free praam thnnday feb m iml tht first woman from acton lo get into active serviie uniform and toln the armed forces is miss daisy buchanan of at ton shi is now motioned al newmarket and h a member of the cwacs monday evening during l he dominations held in nassaga weya for the pom t ion of reeve following the death of reeve john simpson alex near receiv ed unanimous choke for this pos n ion edgar ejlenton sios alv given an acclamation for coun cil when me resignation of mr near in tbls apathy caused a vacancy last monday evening a group of hockey players from hamilton journeyed to acton to pla a team chosen from among the members at the vmca the vis tors outskatcd oulclascd and ouiscored the local boys when they won a decisive ii i victory at the conclusion of the game members from both teams in eluding referee norm morton from the intermediate club all went to the y and enjoyed hot coffee and sandwiches the side roads have been cleared of snow but the gin nery lee makc travelling very dangerous for motorists the st joseph s hockey team journeyed to guclph on saturday to engage m a game with the sacred heart team acton suf fered a 32 defeat but from al reports gave the royal city team a run for their money acton players included george turkey bill duval bdl clayton peter krowtoski martin mccmtali lome arbic armand braida ray arbic ken papillon hartley col es freddie dunn charles ro- cher and edward zion so far dunng the second war loan acton is once again lead ing its neighbors tn halton coun ty everyone seems to be pitching in to help and the salesmen for the campaign are doing an ex cellent job the new transformers install ed at the hydro substation went into service on sundav which gives acton over 2 000 horsepow er available to meet local de mands dunng rhc installation ot the new transformers seeral in terruptions were evident and in most cases those with power were onry the domestic users superintendent wilson and his crew worked in conjunction with ontario hvdro workers during the changeover the victory foan concert stag ed by pupils of acton schools last thursday and friday evening net ted over 100 this money was turned over to the campaign chairman n suqcvi td sfuct by bill smiley there been quite a fracas re cently ln unc cunadlan town ov cr itt school policy toward re peaters bone of contention is the suspension from high school of seven pupils each was repeat ing hli year each was over 16 and all were ffven the gale fur habitual neglect of duty this particular incident oc curred in wlarton ont and as a former editor of the best itt lie old weekly newspaper frl wlarton and a present school teacher i followed the clash with more titan usual interest it began with a red herring when the mother of one of the suspended pupils charged the principal wirh discrimination be- caust the girl in question was an indian i knew this was puppy cock but tteld my peace sure enough the charge was mgorously countered in the next issue not by the principal but by his students they claimed that indian students took part in all school activities and were treated with equality and respect in the classrooms the letter also pointed out that there were five nonindian pupils suspended the chairman of the board backed the principal by quoting chapter and verse under which the youngsters were shown the door a former clergyman in the parish now teaching in a u s college wrote a hot defense of the principal s action claiming it was not only good for the stu dents suspended but for the oth ers as well sltll another letter roundly abused the principal tor his stand important thing to come out of the scuffle was nut the dis crimination charge which was patent nonsense but the fact that a principal and a school board had the nerve to penalize by suspension a number ol pupils who uere not pulling their weight it s no secret that there s a percentage of students uj every news nom mound the district brampton sixteen confirmed cases of rabies hue been reported in peel county uncc last october in recent months there have been more than 500 cases in ontario peels 16 cases include tiots cats cattle foxes a pig and a skuojt oakville following port credit s idea the parks board here is contemplating a milelong skatfhg nnk on the sixteen mile creek near the new rebecca st bridge port credit s program is so successful that over 4000 have enjoyed skating on the nnk each wcaend georgetown reeve john elliott caused an exchange of words in council last week when he objected to a motion setting coun cil s salanes for attending meetings other councillors criticized him for wanting less monev for council work the rate is 20 per meeting with the mavor to receive j2500 early birlington the board of education has created a new job that of secondarv schools superintendent o a gtlmore now principal of nelson high will take over the duties in september 1963 and his job will be to coordinate the three present high schools and the nes m m robinson high school streetsv1lle toronro township council has set saturday june js the date for a liquor ote on beverage rooms cocktail bars and dining loungts the halton prvsbvtery of the united church of canada had asked council lo hold off on the vote until at least a atepacrs petition demands one milton council has had a municipal directory published listing the committees of council each councillors home and business lik phone the numtxrs for various town offiees a list of local boards ommismons and authorities and towidelegajies lo outside boards and committees the gtowth of aa to dispel the idea that alcoholics anony mous is a secret society of limited mernberf ship the organization has published an an nuel report for the first time since its toondma in 1935 membership is about 3q0000 n 82 countries a 7 per cent gam over 1960 there are 8 615 aa groups no fees or dues are charged and the only membership re quirement is a desire to stop drink ng in caned mere are 1 000 aa groups with an asttrnaied 1 5 000 members future citizens program topic at greenock institute meeting c zenship and education wa thi jvi feature of frbruars meeting of greenock women in tu hooted b mrs k ecke- r h jnd omened b mr s buller and mrv e leruh vripiure was read nv mrv l trsssenaar in keeping wlh the oi thi r ii al was answered with our interpretation of a lxd ci uen fanv vaned news items were expressed when ra h member gar current event of inierna- tunal interest the motto for the program was 1 ku s child is tomorrow s cn inn a oplendid paper entitled k poor scholars solitoqm was preseoicd b mrv k elerwj irexsing the need for more trade shoots in education todas mrv t hemsk read the penl of drifting and mrs u buller give a reading on the topk k good aoaps for citun- ship dunng the busiaess session chaired bv the president mrs c allan the member approved do nations io the international sshol irip and the nartonal f und i n fund puns were dtmotsrd and a mini appointed to arrange a fam mght dinner to be held at greenock school tn observance of ihs ft annivcrurv of ibe four j i of thcsttomens inst rutes for tbe standing committee re ports mrs t hemsles told of the insututes of the north of public relation and for histoid krai research mrs e pattervm explained the rules of the 1ctt- mgton cocmtv htstoneai soeietv picture contest the hostess and lunji assist ants mrs g leslie and mrs l trvsscmac served refreshments at the close of the meeting mrs c allan wascowrtcsy oaveer for the afternoon tbe march meeting will be hew at the borae of mrs w johnston school which fulls into this cate kory for various reasons par ental indifference psychological problems or just plain lassitude they refuse to work manv of rhem have overage some above- average intelligence some or rhem are content to sit all day like vegetables drowsing dreaming doodling they are no trouble lo any body and no use lo anybody others more lively but usl as adamant in their rejection of work spend their lime in a running battle with authority they have a compulsion to it tract attention these are the discipline problems the people who disturb other pupils the people who push some teachers every year into nervous break downs what s to be done with mese people in my day rjiey drifted eat of school by a natural pro cess and found a job most of them became reasonably useful members of society some did very well in business and indus try when they shook off the dust of the classroom but they are facing today a society that neither wants nor needs them heavy machinery and automa tion have gobbled laborers and factory jobs employers demand ever higher educational stan dards remember that we re speak ing not of slow learners but of those with normal intclll gence who won t work i don t have the answers but i do think some kind of drashc action should be taken if their abilities are not lo be wasted if ihey ate nut l become a permanent burden on society should these young people whales er the reason for their re fusal lo work be allowed to dis rupt the system set a bad ex ample to olhers and gcncnlly act as a brake on me educational william j peart distnclfarmer william joseph peart of rock wood a district farmer and avid fisherman passed away in guelph general hospital on february 15 after an illness of just two davs he hadnived in the district most of his life and was son of the eate samuel peart and mane horn he was married n eramosa 49 cars igo and his wire the form er annie laura walker prede ceased him he is sumved bv a daughter clara mrs chirlcs mitchell campbcllv tile and a son jack peart brothers russell of guclph charles of fergus a sister tmrs h scon rockwood and four grandchildren a brolhcr archie predeceased him rev connor conducted funeral sen ices at the rumlev shoemak cr funeral home and stone church ccmeterv on februarv 17 pallbearers were ken murray cam lush delmer peart fred meadows tom hutchison and tom whe omtuary process they would cm led in business industry or the armed forces after high school they are no longer bab ied at unrverslly technical school nursing school those who refuse lo work are plowed under and nobody weens for them 0 faced with the same prob- lerns of overcrowding andjjlittt shortage as our schools even our hospitals meet them iquan ly beds are for sick people not fur those who feci like a real out you go unless vou need hospital care would fea of being kicked ut of sehool for failure i work have the desired effect on ihe lazy emotionally disturbed and the others who make up this in digestible lump in our high schools or would it have n more effect on them than hi consiant cajoling urging an i threatening fhev ninv undergo both al home and at school should they all be turned out- of sehool into the cold cruel world al 16 should thev all be psychoanalyzed should their parents be fined or sent to jail it the kids don t achieve a passing mark or would any such action leaie a stigma up on rhem which they could nc ver overcome lots of questions who has the answers lets have a forum on il many intelligent thoughtful people read this column what do you llimk is supensi m of non workers in high sehool a posilise or negative approach whal al tcrnatius arc there lets hear vour opinions send them along to the editor of yur local paper and we ii thr ish this thing around until we gel everybody hopping mad professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral directors mrs fred adsett hurt in accident wellknown in acton a number of year ago mrs fred adsett tformcrls florence m speight of gaming place near bellivilie died m monroe north carolina on februarv 4 she was injured in a ear accident near monroe on december 29 enroute to flon eta accompanying her were miss hazel adseit guelph her sister inlaw and her husband she was hospitalized along with miss ad- seti and was discharged some two weeks later to bee me an wit pauent pending recover from a broken shoulder to travel haek to on tan on januarv 2 she suffered a stroke wiih paralysis that persisted until she passed awav on februarv 4 she was born in kitchener daughter of the late mr and mrs v h speight she attended pub- 1k school in acton and guelph collegiate where ihe met her husband previous to his retire ment four vears ago he was an engineer with the hvdro- electric p iwrr commission for over 40 years she is survived by daugh ters dorothy mrs h e murphv london ontario and janet mrs c cowt state collear pemwvt- vama a svster miss aimee speight toronto and four grand children ahvasx buss she enjosed fife vers much she had a happv dfc oomuatt and took a treat tolemt in the crippled children s work which came her wat as her hus band was cnarrman of the beftc- vtlle rotarv clubs crippled chfl- dfen s cobwttee over a unbrr of vears tbes had been in carmng place for the past 14 years owmg there frota toronto funeral semce and interment were in belleville february s drwgc kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton ofrice phone 8532111 residence iis church st e phone 8531664 dr d a garbett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8534341 dr robert d etuckner plivsiuan and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8531240 office hours 68 p m afternoons by appointment appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur si acton ontario phone 8s3o720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton devtal dr h iei8 dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours bv appointment telephone 8534610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon ofruc a mill street off te h urs 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon tccphone 8531 50 legal c f leatheriand qc barrister and solituor nolan public office hours 10 a m 12 p rrt 1 pm 5 pm saturdays bv appointment onl phone offuc 8s3i330 res 853145 alton a baaida b barrister solicitor notarv public office hours m acton monda fridav evenings 6 pm 9 p jn sahirebrf i pm 5 pjo 28 paisley st qoejpb ontario prone ta 4242 office hoars in guetph dairy 9 ajn 5 pm satnrday ajo 12 an phone 8534350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st georges square guelph fur appointment phone ta 46180 hours daily except wed 60 main si north georgetown for appointment phone tr 7 3971 wednesday 9 a m 9 pan mon and fn 7 pm9 pm ttavrlus ouipi gray coach lines coaches leavs acton standard time ea it bound 6j3 am daily except sun and hoi 858 am 1133 am 208 pm sod pm fi 33 pm 8 m p m 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am i2s7 pm 2 s7 pm s27pm 7 27pm 9 2 pm 1132 pm 1 02 am frl sat sun and h l canadian national railway eavtcrn standard time east bound 644 am to toronto daily ex cepi sunday 9 33 a m to to ronto except sundav 707 pm to toronto daily eacept sat and sun 8 01 pm to toronto sun day onlv westbound 8j0 ajn lo stafford daily ex cept sun e26 pjn to stratford daily except sat and sun 7j07 pm to stafford daily except sun 1229 am to stratford 7 days a week 122 pia to stratford saturday oary david w gohn dc 25 mill st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow si office boon mov wed fri i to 9 pm toe thnr 9 am to pjta saturday 9 un to 1 pujfc m