Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1962, p. 2

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crunch the good old days s ices rumors of an election in the offing prompt people of all parties to take out and polish up ready for use their political pre- ludices owned from birth or acquired every one who lies a good argument and who does not looks forward to the period of disputation that comes at four or fiveyear intervals in this democratic land prejudices serve a double purpose they fiercely satisfy those who possess them and stimulate those who dp not oliver wendell holmes described a man of prejudices thus he has good solid prejudices that one can rub against and so get up and let off a superficial intellectual irritation just as the cattle rub their backs against a rail prejudices are also selfpropagating to argue with a man of solid prejudice not only clarifies your own thinking it also often forms your own preudices in the process you may of course call them sincere con- victionjlt ts probable that some believers m protective tariff for native industry were influenced more by argumentative free traders than by sir john a macdonalds photo by either tayioi national policy and vice versa such is hu man nature such is the party system they say people used to have stronger political prejudices than they have today if george gallup had lived back in the seven ties and had started his poll in grandpas day there might have been few people in the undecided column the thing politicians will be trying jo do between now and the next election is to develop some healthy prejudices m the minds of the uncommitted voters every politician will hope naturally that they will become prejudiced in his favor argument on a national scale stirred up by people of solid prejudices is needed to shake voters out of their lethargy tv politi cal debates would never have satisfied the voter of a century ago he wanted the fun of talking back the wish to and the ability to talk back are the very basis of an informed electorate and that wish and ability grow when there is a man of solid prejudices in the conversation just one will do it let the battle be pined let the parlor debates begin what is a million dollar program federal provincial and municipal budgets mean little to most of us unless we can get those millions and billionsmtp proper focus the billion dollar spending program in troduced by the province last week is no exception- there are impressive lists of ac complishments m the fields of education welfare and provincial areas there is the revelation of interesting facts like the one that 45 per cent of the provincial budget goes back to the municipalities but still its a billion dollar program and what is a billion dollars for that matter has anyone ever seen a billion to really understand the provincial bud get it is best to realize that the average on tario household will be responsible for about 713 of that billion dollar program last year the same household contributed some thing like 642 five years ago m 195758 the same household contributed 535 which means an increase of almost exactly 20 per cent in the cost of provincial government in that five year period the rite from last year it 1 2 per cent alone about onequarter of your contribution will be made through gasoline tax and motor vehicle permits about 15 per cent m sale tax about 30 per cent through corporation and income tax about 10 per cent in liquor tax and 20 per cent from othe sources education health and welfare are the big items and the provincial treasurer james n allan has commended to the special at tention of the legislative members these viflgenhg and growing costs thai dawn 47 otr cent of the total budget expensive travel the united lates government is asking congress to approve the expenditure of 5 5 btllion during the next fiscal year to cover the ost of space exploration it is estimated that by 1964 the space proqiam may cost about 7 billion a year or more than any united stales government spent in peacetime before 1936 the acton free press pubuabed by tbe dhu prtntmi and pubttabm- co lid founded tn 1875 and published everv thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations tbe cwjtfa and the ontanequcbe division of tbe cwjtfjl advertising rates on request subscriptions payable m advance 3w m canada 4 00 in england and other couuxioawealth countries 500 in the united slates and other foreign countries single copies 7c authoring as second class mail post office department ottawa tbc aotj paper ever pubumbed in acton am g a dills editorinchief w david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 8532010 back in 1912 taken from the luuc of the frep preas thursday murcb 7 1912 the uung ladies of the town held a leap year pat ly in the luw i hull last friday and the gentlemen wep l he rtcipierih of invilit- lions the affair was so pleasant it didn i umd up until midnight while delivering bread on mon- da furenuun mr george slat- ham had the misfortune to slip on he kv pavement while dcji vot ing bteud and he sustained a very severe strain un his left side he has tocri confined lu his house since but isgradually retoveiing the georgetown hockey club are hung up lo then old lucks and laded lu appear sjiui day nigh l for a u tin n match with the local hos the crowd had assembled at the link but the geoigelown leum lulled to appear and nu explanation was sent clun team telephoned their willingness to go to georgetown on the tune oclock train but this elicited nu acceptance seems as though the neighboring learn am afiaid ol the acton bovs jusi the same as thc were in baseball fur veals the dining shed al llie methodist t hutch has been open lo the general public and including the c hutch members tvcivont is welcome lo use il last lall llie uiklee boaid pul in a cement hoot and cunicmplale painting and fixing the shed up including tcff loofing some out siders evidently appreciate inc use ol llie sheds fot his week william gowdy of the toionto lime com pan v dropped in and said the expense for ihe i innova tions must be quite high here s 5 lo help again mr a g clar- rulgc dam man called one dav and said i use ihe sheds quile ollen when in lown please cie dit this dollar low aid llie ex pt nse dining he council meeting mondav night members learned llie hvdro electric commission intended lo suit installation of l he electric power to acton tust js soon as a contrail wasenieied into and acioiding to a lellcr il is the intention lo begin poles to i in uea for use almost lmmedi- atelv uitei the agreement is signed mr james svmon has taken nvii tin johnstone hardwaie husiness and is now welcoming the customers of llie store mi svmon s falhci ihe late cliailts svmon was in business heie lor main veais and sold out lo mess rs christie jnil henderson abuut lorlv ears ago back in 1942 taken from the luue of ihe free prcsa thursday march 12 1942 gordon ail ken iiieived a head injury and huivcy fishet un m juiy lq his tack us the result ol a cai collision on the highway jusi east of acton tuesday nigh i both vouug men at e 1 rum ospnuge and il is said their cai was struck in ihe rear by u j ruck opposite the larin ol mr d d morrison the rear end of ihe car was tlnven in and badly wrecked the lirsl citizen to report see ing a robin this year was miss jessie russell the harbingei ol spring was seen just alter llie lug storm on tuesday some rockvvood residents had an uncuinfui table lime last week end after ihe mild weather caused a ihaw in the river and high water overflowed the banks and rm irrro the cellars of some homes heavy ne piled at hoi- lops dum caused the water lu overflow and run down a section ol the valley toad one of ihe limbers was raised lo allow the water to run its natural course m order lo sjup the flooding condition dui nig a special meeting of council this week ihe membeis received a request from ihe wool combing curporalion for permis sion to build 20 company homes in ac lull both company and eoun til weni into details regarding water and light services sheets and grading bannockburn literary society held iheir regular meeting fnday evening wilh clarence coles act ing as chairman lor the business session in ihe absence of the pi esidenl dunng the program ihe following numbers were en joyed by everyone ins rumen lal bv mrs hall solo by mr son- nelle reading bv clarence coles and a mouih organ duet by bert watson and russell mcdonald lunch and dancing concluded ihe meeting on tuesday afternoon acton continuation school plaved anolh er game of hockev with the rock wood sihool learn and when the final whistle had tooted ihe score remained il ihiee goals apiece referee fot the game was jack kcnlner and only one penal iv was handed out lo roikvvood the game was not as las as some in the past bul plav was inteicsi- ing acton goals were scored bv r vtldhms who netted i wo and v masters who got one fiank towke was the big scorei for rockwood with two while team mate w dunbar scored one 2 suyvt cutd sfuce f there is a tendency on the part of the average individual to read headlines about the federal provincial or municipal spending complain a little and then ask for more benefits from government we find it impossible to understand bud gets of billions or millions but it is possible to understand the average household con tribution that is up 20 per cent m five years and it is possible to understand that if we keep asking government to do more and mtve we can expect to contribute more and more the importance of industry the canadian statesman of bowman- ville adapting a similar declaration from the peterborough examiner has this to say it should be remembered that not only does industry provide obs for the resi dents of a cmmunity it pays a large share of municipal expenses contributes to chanty and recreation and is often one of the customers of local suppliers is it any wonper that bringing new industry to bowmanville is one of the concerns of town council news district oakville grade 13 students whuse marks are not above ihe teacheis recommended mark ot is per cent will have lo pav five dollars lu write ihe ontario depart mint of education final examina lions this veil mont will be refunded if the gain a mark of 50 per cent or belle i bl klington lasi ek was careers week as 21 high school students look j lite dav break ftom then regular timetable to move out inlo ilu business woild tot a weeks work in local offices the was designed to gic students piuctical training fur perman lobs brampton the town wants a dogiakher with a flair for wikk as well tin dog situations mi bad the reeve feels it is lime ihe situation was stiaighlcned out and added if a dogcateher was hired he could also double as weed inspciloi stri etsvii i e children atlending ihe towns public schools wiat no bulges ol dtslionoi principal janus hack told the rolarv tluh ijm week black leit hernatkvts heavv leather boots hair eiitx and glass siutuutl ixltsftonf bv tough ek merits in othci areas an not visible in ihis town iwrfssuied routians forgrtown councillor fred tut harrison wanls a bv law to penalic people who loss dnvcwiiv and sidewalk snow onio aluulv plow eel roadwavs theres no reason for people to undo our woik ami blink up the roads again hi ihittul mil ton mrs imnsa brown a v ijrold halton mjnoi nstdml has a fine ii upe lor long life that would please lodav s iwisuts keep itghl on going keep niiin iiug aiound and keep ilaneine he advise ilim von no tied how ihe world is tinning away horn the idea lhit u luiu inusi be ii young man rui example when the yanks wanted lu send somebody whislbng around ihe world in one of those crazy capsules thev didn l ihoose some young punk of iwenlylhiee nossu i they puked colonel john gjejin a mature inielli genl charming and handsome lellow ot aboul my age 1 1 s finally being leahzed lhai most men ol our age possess these qualities along with ou island ing abililv to hundk a cnsis under greal stress as ihe years hurtle by this has become gradually more evident to me how cxuuble and nervous and erratic and just plain silly aie young lellows how ulm competent poised steady reliable and sane aie we more adult chaps of course i musl admn it s jusl a ma iter of experience the young fellow in his late teens oi earl 20s is inilmed lo panic obituary mrs elliott dies at main st home afler an illness of four years mrs mary margaret ellioll died at her home 20 mam si on march i she was born in england dnd came here about 1910 she lived for two years in guelph and for the pasl 50 years in acton her husband roland ailhur elliott predeceased her she is survived bv sons william acton edward acton percy brampton daughters mrs martin nellie aurora mis fountain mac acton mrs cupps marargel aelon and 23 grandchildren the rev donald west conduct ed tin funeral sen ice at llie rumlevshoemakei funeral home- on saluidaj march 3 and al fain ie cemelerv by bill smiley when he confronts an unljim- liai situation but lor ihe mid dleiiged bird theres no such thing lies been through ii u something mighty like it the man who has been abli lo ujih 40 without resorting i dings drink or divorce is a pat t valuable piece or humanity he mj nui be able lo auom plish some physical feats as quickl or easily as ihe young buck bui he can perform a lot more menial and social teals and in ihe process he tan last a whole lot longer and finish a good deal slionger id like lo see lor example ihe young lellow who could have stayed wnh me last fuis day and luushed as fresh as i did it was ihe day my daughici became ii shed been prumis ed a birthday parl afler in uuuuns were uut her mothei realied that she had to take ihe olher oflspnng lo the cit for a music leslivjl and wouldnt be heie lo iuii the show guess uho right i was it planner ol games judge of ton tests master ol leremonies sei let of lights calerei and general paiiv mother and do you think f didnl handle all those roles with digmlv grace charm and waimth not lo mention aplomb and insouciance dang nghi i did take some oung punk of 20 and lei him iry it lei him lake over j dozen wild squealing sweet siflv giggling hllle girls hed tun sobbing out of the house tailing for his mother after 10 minutes ol ii id like lo see him acting as judge foi ihe twist eontesi we held hed probablv have given the piie to ihe kid who could dance il best a mature man would never do lhal hed give it to the shvest or the gjwkiest tir r force tojoinuk an eight mm team eomprisin ilitu il indtimalistv union di rev or uprvsonlativi i mm t art dun si nnlatds vs i it inn mj a depiillun ol tiade md torn nuree oft ui will spend a 2 dtv mission in fumpi m rd i lo siinlv iiinptjii muki s ml niriipi ition piomte t in id in airinn s inl win ha k nt u ma inn wh v shmi d be in llli in i tlmilmo injliia in gllle i mr h r tnrrr who tnumtcd fre i u tie prndikts 1 nm ed m h i picjn his sen j result n nf v inn for v pis- 24 mits ehtn tin nmpanv s las isinl hen about live months jo v firm pureiasod ihe form ct iiim meu pmduts p is i inj iv enire orvta im acton industrialist bound trade mission sell aeto n i pnv imn n m inuf k inn i- ringette and hot plaus the aeton manufacturer bet tves ihe asscxiation wi h oher members of the mission will be vcrv helpful and the tnp a b asset to his ovm mm pans as well as others mr forte is married and his onh daughter joanne is attend ing havergal college in toronio and his two sons don w force of toronto and h rodmv nt bnmpton are active diri tots with the lompjm and assim tin ii dthr at the plant and in sils otr dtnmns of ih finn ia t v foae guelph and s force alon mr force is un i dlltetir sltt lis win spring i mini d guelph mr ii vi fairgtitvt export managu fatrgneve and son i tmited toronto mjnufk tun r- ol dies and washing mav hints mr i b hirdv export mi imr ef il sexli wares i ul t on manulaniins nt lo i rie rangfs retngeratnrs aim dn equipment and a eompnu nngt t s and aluminum huusive ires mr i c mkee prxsideni lni versa cooler to ltd barnt ontario manufaeturers of omm erenl nfrigiratuin equipment mr p d normandear vue- prvstdent and managing duxe tor a bel anger ltd oikbce manufaduren of ranges refng traiors and feeder boilers mr c b-tbo- tiianagcr ca nadian standards association of rexdale ontano mr j a findlav commodilv officer appliances and horn me r cial mauuner division depart men i of trade and commerce ottawa will b scervtarv l ih mission mr r huk hens canadian di ne tor international inmn of fleetn 1 radio and machine workers toronto county cornerstone to be ldtosmonday in an ofhual ooomon next mnnliv afternnn it3 pm hil inn couniv touncil atll gather a ihe 4uw nurt hiisc ind ad mtnisiratin ofhee mtn t wiieh as wirlti wilfrid ritj lavs rhe cornerstone lor ihe new building h square bv two fnil eleep urnitsin eral items of histoneal inte rest imluding a etpv ol the on ginal bv law whieh provided lm the erection of the building a eopv of the 1 minutes of couniv count tl meetings at whteh plans or the building were discusseil and recorded and possiblv copies of local newv papers warden bird savs he has been practising his trowelling so hell make an expert job of getting the cornerstone in place his bank mnnagcrs daughter or omebody uselul i d like lo sec that young fel low hustle up two down hot dogs with the works pour 24 glasses of ginger ale whip the cream serve the jello light ihe candles and lead ihe singing and escape with nothing more than a few burned fingers a couple of broken glasses some wax un the lableuoili and nul enough nickels in ihe cake he just euuldni do it hed be screaming for ihe red cruss ui sonubudv bclorc hed dish ed out the first rttund ol red- hots now im nol bragging or look ing lor praise in merely point ing oul a fact thai is well known lo all middle aged men hat all middleaged men are mure diplomatic toletanl nulitioub and helpful in emergencies ihnn aie oung men if his is the case someone will ask why is i lhal young women aren i battling lo tap- luie ihise patugons instead of going aiound marrying young men all ihe lime and ihe casual ohseivci will probably rtpl that ms because yuung men have hair un iheir heads and muscles in their bellies and niusii in their souls this of course is a superflu ous view as anyone who has pondered the whole business tan easily see ihe real reason is be cause these fine middleaged chaps in the very prime and flowei of their lives are already in llie toils of women who know how fortunate they are and who are hanging on fur dear lire af ler all vou dont get chaps like us out of gtab bags flora sutherland was born in acton lloia m suiheiland died sutl dcnlv un february 26 1962 at her residence at winnipeg be she was the win or chatles a sutherland tuncra service was on wednes day february 28 at york with rev r s ledciman officiating 1 n lermen i was in chapel lawn mcmunal gardens mis sutherland was bom in atlon ont going west m 1916 and had imkmtj resident in win nipeg beach lor the pasl 33 years besides her husband she is sur vived bv one sister mrs c lever tv of vancouver bc professional directory and travellers guide medical happy visitor a nsitoi from saskatchewan bob elderslev who is slaving with mrs jack locker bowei avenue had his faith in human nature renewed on thursday ol last week when a young sihool bov returned a lost watih to him while he was downtown on mill street mr ridcislev s wateh fell from his ehain andlhevoung ster who was toming along not iced it picked it up and ran after ihe man lo return the time piei e the honesi bov disappeared in suh a hum the western visitoi didn t have a chance lo ask his name but he certauilv is im pressed wnh the hotustv of the voiingslers dr vvtgec kenney physician and sjurt office in symon 43a mill st e atlon office phone 8532111 residence 115 ciurch i e phone 8531664 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river si aelon ont phone 8s3434i dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington si alton on phone 8531240 office hours 6jpm afternoons by appointment appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur si acton oriiano phone 81v0720 appraiser and insurant e over so years in acton dental dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frrderuk streets olfuc hours b appotnlmcnl telephone 8534610 or a j buchanan dental surgeon offite 5a mill slreel offuc hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 funeral directors phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids legal c f ieatherland q c barrister and solicitor not an public office hours 10 am 12 pm i pm 5 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office 85j1330 res 8531745 aeton a braioa 6 barrister solicitor notary public offiee hours in acton mondav fnda evenings 6 pm 9 pm saturday 1pm 5pm 28 paisley st guelph ontario prone ta 42242 office hours in guelph dai 9 am 5 pm saturday 9 am 12 im e l buchner ro optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s aifon in aelon wednesday only 200 pm 6 00 p m for appointment phone 8531041 robt r hamilton optometnst 70 st georges square guelph fur appointment phone ta 46180 hours daily emept wed 60 main st north georgetown for appointment phone tr 73971 wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7 p m 9 pm tkavtuuv quiou gray coach lines coacbh lsavi acton standard time eastbound 6 33 am daily except sun and hoi 8 m a m 1ij3 am 201 pm 5 01 pm 633 pm 833 pm 1001 pm sun and hol westbound 1027 am 1257 pjn 2 57 p m 5 27 pjn 7 27 pm 9 12 pjn 1 132 pm 102 ajn fn sat sun and hol canadian national railways eastern standard time eastbound ccpt sunday 913 an to to ronto except sunday 707 pm to toronto daily except sal and sun 101 ptn to toronto sun day only westbound 8 30 am to slalford daily ex ccpt sun 626 pan to stratford daily except sal and sua 707 p m to slalford daily except sun 1229 ajn to stratford 7 days a week 2j2 p ro to stratford saturday only chirol iphactor david w gohn dc 25 mill st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office hours mon wed fn i to 9 pjn tue their 9 tun lo 6 pm saturday 9 ijb to i pan

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