eightyseventh yr no 41 1 ht jetton jfm tt acton ontario thefesoay april 5th 1962 second section the countys 2300972 budget what it costs towns townships the following table shows how the seven halton municipalities contribute toward the op erating cost of this years halton county council budget on each municipality s equalized 1961 as mwment a general rate of 4 6 mills is levied producing the contributions shown- in column three column four shows what municipalities wilt be asked for on the road rate of 1 4 mills the special levies in column five were incurred a few years ago when the county council put up the debentures for the construction and additions of the three north halton high schools the final column shows the total contr bution of each munic palrty municipality equalized general assessment rate acton 5582 112 25 677 72 burlington 88 632 817 407 710 96 georgetown m 252 300 65 560 58 milton 7 059 512 32 473 75 oakville 98 170 376 451 58373 equating 6 682 756 30 740 68 neuagaweya 2 272 645 10 454 17 totals 222 652 518 1 024 201 59 road rate 7 814 96 1 24 085 94 19 953 22 9 883 32 137 438 53 9 355 86 3 181 70 311 71353 special levies 46 910 24 23 205 21 22 017 96 7 559 74 115 039 09 grand total local municipalities will raise 1450950 of 2300927 halton county 62 expenditures where it comes from half week services b kmx presbyterian the annual holy week services will all be in knox presbyterian church this year from april 15 to april 19 speakers will be the rev donald west the rev j rudd the rev dwight engtl the bsvah mokemste and the rev j nutma who arc taking pari with their congregations choirs from these churches arc singing different evenings robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formuly e p head phone ourph ta 42071 m st oeorgea square halton budget capita cost 980 to the average halton resident just what docs the couniv coun eil s 2 300 000 budget mean there are approximitcly 116 000 rcsiucms in the eountv the entire population is bound to raise 1335914 of the total county expenditure on a mill rate or mx mills based on their 1961 asstssmenl this means eaeh man woman and child in halton owes his county government 9 8d this yea residents of the fic north hal tun mumupdlities hic an nddi tional 91 tents per eapita to raise this vcar to piy orf outstanding debentures on the new acton georgetown and mil ion high sellouts thi total payment of ji1503s is due this etl with the tot il imount levied agnnst the northern town and townships fortunately for halton rest dents there were surpluses in both the general and roads ae eounls last year these surpluses contribute 186 per capita to ward the eost of this eurs i i tt another tomorrow anothei lomuiruw to look i ward to will it be happs will it blue will il bung smiles or bi i tears or ovful news i winl to h will it two sad hi trts enlight will it the pjihw bnthkn will il leal i sewxhine hurl home or md like tod i mipls an 1 dk ne will i bint aboui h piks dreams will il t iuse vls mlii tnpp ness lleim will it bung jl lln w ro will it bring to mi you t morrow mane d hcnrs wrong assumption thi kind of assumption am oil eeit mil suelll sts that it is imp jssibk to understand any th ny about mienn unless oni ins gone right into it is rather like saving that it is impossible to know anything iboul whales without being jonah youll rejoice at acadian a budgctwm price and the way acadian travels on saeha mtaeriyamount of regular gasl the simplicity of acadian s dean uncluttered tines lends an air of classic refinement to this goodlooking car ifm tmmtwwm immytmr there amost s feet of hiproom uithequally wnmt 9 bstmtf w9mfwmf generous legroom and headroom both front and rear m plenty of space to seat si husky adults jfmhmatfumtbuuuimi acadian s wheetbase is a trim 110 inches long enough for comfort but short enoui to give you surprising agility in a car this roomy assessment rises 7 times is 16 years halton s eurrcnt assessment of 222652318 is just seven limes h gher than it was 16 years ago acioi ding to assessor j ford rogers when i started here in 1946 it was just 32000000 he told the champion and it still con inues to increase halton while it is ontario s third smallest county m size has the highest lbsessment in the pruvinee york township if it had retained its original bound anes as a county would have been the only eounty to top hal ion hdllon has ihe second highest population today n treasurer miss m irgarcl max led and ekrk idmmisirator gir held brown went to a lot of work prepannl the budget estimates for county councillors friday muling 0 ikvilli diputy reeve herb merry stood at the end of the twohour session to comphmenl ihe eounty otfiti lis on their work in ipnreiialion of ihe many extra hours they spenl on the budgit preparation both miss maxled ind mr bi mn weie given iwo extra days off with pay z k f j towvs v admin of justice jail qther public walfara debt charges othtr expenditure where the money goes a yjc spras liisrri econaflame cylwdtr pouer rksfhal m 1toi franklin prouse motors limited 351 queen st e phone 3530450 easterparade of childrens fashions young ganttontn joys the easter selection of smart wearables offered here surprise the boys and be i nd to your budget come see and choose smart in new suit or coat prfty m a nw drw the g rl get ready for easter latest n styles new colour ir ve fabrtcs and low low prices too ednamay ladies and childrens wear halton courtly council will spend an estimated 2300927 during 1962 it was learned fri day when county council ap proved the budget and mill rate for this years operations local municipalities will be called upon to raise 1 450950 of this amount on a mill rale based on the county s 222652 518 as- sessmen t surpluses from last year will be added totalling 215 964 and provincial and fed eral governments and other sun dry revenue will bring m a tur thcr 634014 record expense general expenditures of the county this year will total a re cord 1360692 while road con struct ion and maintenance pro gram will take 825000 and the five north halton municipalities who arc still paying off the de bentures on high school con struelion will pay out an extra 115035 this year on these debts the general rate which was approved af the councils special budget setting session friday is 4 6 mills identical to the 1961 ftc the road rate of 14 milk which was approved march 20 is a drop of onequarter of a mill the following table shows the eounry s proposed 1962 expend lure and revenue compared to last years evenue expenditure estimated 1962 actual general government exec and legislative 19 500 00 administrative 53 615 00 other 24 850 00 97 965 00 85 289 92 protection to persons a property 55 700 00 66 630 00 41 177 00 163 507 00 244 650 00 433 420 69 421 150 00 163 871 16 200 825 21 375 809 06 308 083 82 1 133 879 17 1 360 692 69 revenue grants subsidies a recoverable domin on government 21 732 75 20 873 33 provncal government 20 701 13 28 175 96 other municipal ties 103 19538 12478691 other sources 1 600 00 2 252 51 other revenue 58 344 83 62 160 27 205 574 09 238 248 98 1 360 692 69 205 574 09 1 155 118 60 3091701 1 124 20159 100 000 00 1 024 201 59 1 024 201 59 summary total estimated expend ture total estimated revenue net expenditure deduct rjfjpttmbmal lax revenue for 1961 4 suggested transfer from surplus account levy of 4 6 mills on assessment of 222 652 518 roads ftudoet total est mated expenditure municipal levy government grants transfer from surplus fortunately both the general md roads budgets showed 311 713 428 440 85 047 estimated actual 1962 1961 825 200 620 036 pluses alter ihe t96i opci and 100 000 was transferred from a 17 242 surplus in the general account and 85 047 was lakcn from the roads surplus of 138508 to help stabilize his vcars budget auditor w h matthews explained the regislrv office revenue had exceeded the budget by 29000 and manv ol ihe expenditure items were well bclovf the budgeted figure htn is a further breakdown of the budget undir the various headings general government total 97 965 fxecutivc and legislative council and committee fees and expenses 19 500 clerk treasurer and assessors offices 31265 miscellaneous audit legal fees m e m b e rships subscription 2j50 oiher general government pro perly 17500 court of resision 3 vxt conventions and delega tions 1350 industrial commiv si n 1 100 mvurancc 1 000 pub- ik rxupl ion 1000 total 24 850 protection tetal 163507 administration of justice uhirt houv and office expense cmvn atiorno sheriff crown witrcs inquesls iuvctiga- non unr jusemle and farmh court reporters other salaries and expenses total 55 700 jail salaries of official main tenance of prisoner and building maintenance 166630 olhcr ontario training school v weed control fox and wolf bounties emergency mea sures organization mutual aid fire prevention bureau grant 41177 pumjc welfare tot4 344450 child welfare halton child ren s aid society 116000 main tenance of wards jn other soc ieties 34j000 total itsojooo halton centennial- mnoc maintenance of building and u 45 hospitalization accounts tor indigents and premiums for indi gent group insurance 19200 grants welfare and grants to three schools for retarded child ren 10000 dht charges total 41142069 the following are 1962 pay- nun is on outstanding debts hallon manor original construe tion 22 27s oakville trafalgar memorial hospiral grant h3mm9 milton district- hospital grant 33940 joseph brant memorial hospital gran i 133 19250 georgetown and district memorial hospital grant 33 770 north halton high schools 98 m0 interest on current and capital borrowing exchange on vs bonds and bank charges for cash ing debentures and coupons 27 850 othet sxpfnoituu total 4j1150 discount to local municipahillcs for prepayment of rate 17300 costs of issuing debentures 5 000 agricultural grants 3 7s reforestation 6050 museum j 2000 patriotic granu 2500 registry office maintenance 2 750 judge- plans to correct sur vess 5000 grant to hallon health unit 127600 capital expenditure provision for purchase of site for further manor building 35j000 new county building 290000 included in this section is 10 000 for the establishment of a mental health department which a budgeted for in 1961 bul the fduocy was not used tttl 20537409 dortiimoa government contrl-