Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1962, p. 12

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s3 tno acton tt ftou tnurtetty juno 7h 1m your federal cand idates speak now mocrslk party ctfidldltt carl rouleau says last week we dlscuwed in this column the mythrfrte enter prise now let us consider how the new dcmocralk pari pro poses to reesiobliah some form or democratic control over the economy we know that h is tu- tlk to attempt to turn back id 19th century liberalism because of technological and economic development wt must accept the fact of mass organisation wc know also that wt cannot face the great change or the future in a helterskelter unplanned fa shion it ha been estimated b the iccirosidcnt of dupont co of canada ltd that 25w of our jabor force will be unemployed within five cars because of auto mation alone this docs not take into account the economic di slocation that will arise because of the formation or regional trade blocs from which we may be ex eluded our only hope lies m a scientific rational approach to the problem as a whole we must concentrate our energies on economic research of the pro blcms that fact the national economy and then embark- on a program that will plan on u na tional scale how these problem will be solved it is for these reason thai the new democratic partv would set up a planning board staffed with specialists in various fields economists statisticians cicat ists etc the funulon of this board would he lo conduct re search an to the trends uitd weak nesses in the economy and to make recommendations to ihe government but it would be pari lament that would decide what action should he taken bv the government and such decisions would be made only after consult atlon with an economic advisory council comprising representa lives from agriculture industry labor and the consumers more over the government would also have to consult with a federal proincial planning and dcvtlap- ment council made up of experts from ottawa n lh provinces this gives ihe eeupfe far more uiiiukinlic control over their economy own the present me- ihod of large eorporailoiw or corporation plimlnf for only ihfir upomr ur iiw wumwiy emir out exmsuiernlton f the well being of in economy a whole vvhal moamres would a now democratic gonmmvni ikke in a period of refw the hint problem la to pul meney into the hamli of iho comumtn so at to increase tmir atrtntmhr iww- ci this can be achieved by ruluc- irni ixetprjrty iv n tncijmc ftwft m hw artw time ihkjowrnmpnt would in crease in spending toy giving add ed financial aihsunce to public housing hospitals schools unr writes im4 otwr ublfc heeds money for ihetfl projects would be obtained by increased taxation of mdustriei that werr eve re panding and by the vole of gov- epwneht bonds tn the beglmflri this would rtiwh deficit budgef- ing but oflce tro greater pnrt of jut labor fotco wai put bhek to work by thu metfiod the increns- ed revenue the governim n obtained from these pepple with out increasing the rat rate would pay off the debt i ha vtbo cares who started the un employment insurance fund or who warns credit for running it into bankruptcy to use neces snrj public sen ice figures as el cetkm platform material is like asking to be elected to the house of cdmmons for tilling your aged mothers woodbox what about mr diefcnbakers suggestion that wc bring 100 chinese families into canada as a world example of something or other i think that the chinese among other races are wonder ful people but here wc are un able to look after our own chinese canadians and all to ronto is full of unemploved as well as other areas why don t wc pul ihc whole of china on unemployment while we are at mr diefenbaker s suggestion onl proves how far out of touch with realitv he reaih is i wonder if he realizes what ihe cost of living index is doing to those people who arc working leave alone those who arc trving to get bv on subsistence or savings speaking oi monev how would you like lo see some funny moncv as a matter of interest halton social credit candidate irving wilson says pocket if vou have not vet paid vourviajces and vou have one now took it it urv carefuhv it looks like a dohar doesnt it well that is the funny pan of ii what vou are realk holding is omcthing like 54c and the min utc vou spend that dollar 46c of vour effort that earned that dol lar goes 40 pav the cost of run mng this countrv small wonder that those dollars are becoming difficult to come bv and seem to purchase less ind less every da think of it our government costs more than we spend on food clothing and shelter combin ed no government is worth that much to ativ people and ours is not doing the job for us to boot thirh five years ago the in come tax deduction for a single person was j750 todav the same person must pav income tax on income beyond 1 000 why should the cost of legislation come with take a one dollar hh oat otyoac taaour own personal needs area brushoff about the oil cither social credit says that an increas ed income lax deduction should be the basis of all pensions and assistance social credit says that while we are our brothers keep er first we mint be able to do so ind charitable necessity need not be so close to home it has ilwivs been a funny thing to me that we can have plcntv of money in circulation to send our bovs off to war and no one at the top says anything about it yet we cannot have pro sperity in peace time tf our boom and bust economy is not etuaeer- cd by financial manipulators and allowed bv our leaders then what is going on social credit has proven it self tor 33 straight years in al berta count the dissatisfied people you know from the social credit province and for goodness sake do not let anyone give the tmxbfmaosetstfwkm halton conservative candidate sandy best says what is the big issue hi this election li is cjmph the record of your conservative go cromem and its proposal to be future against a ihreadbarc libera protest hat jo cuuid do better better for vfactd the coawrvatr government of the pa five vean has not on- h produced pnwpent it has taared t mh the bulk of the errant of fin countrv a pre- rutn liberal administration nevi er have proof of tins h the 30 percent ukzreac m personal incomes and the 30 percent increase in pay roll income since iw6 nothing like thb has happened before thts a the sort of shared pro- sperm that has put a lot of fords and ramblers in the car ports of the many rather then few new caddacs in the driveways of the few it has allowed canadians to spend more money for the things they want and save more money than ever before and whhe tt is quite naturally short of per fection it is a lot more than the liberals have ever been able to produce anvumc the have been in office ah the liberals have to say about tins is we could do better thev had ample chance to prove their claim before 1957 before wages went up 30 percent be fore people had a little money to spend for more than neccssit urs and a little more to put aside in iheir bank accounts the issue of this election for the conservative party is a re cord of action it is a record or promises kept and of decisions faced rather than evaded in the partem of indefinite compromise hisiohcalh so dear lo the hearts of liberal big shots what are they using for leader ship now four tired survivors of the debacle of their party in 1958 apparently so shattered by this event they have been unable to produce a single original idea since so they say we could do better lester pearson has been going around they country talking of free trade oblivious apparently to the disaster this could be to canadian industry paul martin jack pickcrsgill lionel chcvner say nothing to correct him david croh comes down here from his soft berth in the senate apparently to defend coyne in his undemocratic defiance of his elected employers no paid off k al can prevail over parliament is democracy is to survive even to mr croll this milch mutt seem basic and what has pearson been tell ing the voters only that he con do better yet as far as t know he has not proposed repeal of a single piece of conservative legi slation nor has he attacked any one of the 16 points of the john diefenbaker program for the fu ture and he has not baen abk to come up with a sound six point program of his own let alone 16 his candidate in halton is go ing around challenging conserva rive cabinet ministers whom he knows are not available to debate a lot of nonsense you may have noticed already he h careful not to challenge fne yet what need is there for de bate as jong as this parry is sthi unable to offer intelligent alter natives to the conservative re cord and to john tmehbaket proposals for the next four years we hear it said that seven weeks is tool ong for an election campaign it is too long if vol crs arc io be harangued with poli tical claptrap as the gentleman who is seeking reelection here in halton calls it as far as i am concerned i am not finding the campaign too long i have found it most inte resting 1 have talked with literal- h thousands df people in all parts of the count and have found that claptrap has no part in any of our conversation although some- people sav there is no interest in is election that definitely is not true people are interested and have definite opin ions as well thev are concerned with the deficits that ban been piled up bv the g in rhe past five years thev know that such public financing cannot con tinue in turn thev ask me what i think the liberals can and will do about ft in the first place i do not be lieve the liberals would have ever permitted such huge deficits pik up foto fee lib record imssi tm6 at the dose of the war lo as n that time ok liberals built up a aurptes of over 2 biukn duttsn to halton liberal candidate harry hariey says whktitt aaflsfcevesowl la itis a pun for the maa ment or the nation s finances a plan for the expansion of foreign trade which is again starting to slip according to an announce ment by thcjtomtnion bureau of statistics last week despite the loud claims of mr diefenbaker and mr hees and despite the devaluation of the canadian dol lar the liberal pro for get ting the country on a sound basis again includes tax incentives for new companies and companies wishing to expand the lndust trial development bank is to be reconstr its management se parated from she bank of cana da the purpose is to pron more canadian capital for can adian enterprise this move d too to broa the op portunities of the smaller bus lfteral planning is based en the pmbb nun the core of our whose economic hfe is on pfduuc- tsoa that means putuog own to work this k done m four ways foreign trade myfttfrfem ft new enterprise oubbc works and do mestic trade the hat is depen dent in a great we on the first three because when we have a lively flow of foreign trade and investment b atimalated when the government hat a planned program of puhtfc works men are put to work they then have money to seend and spend it on the belter thinas of life which means our tuuuatry is busy the net result is that every one can pay their way tnchxhng the gun ti ntuent this oen ts my genera o xof liberal oovenaneat s isquesiag federation tours cat phut pioneer were the good old days really od and remember when are two questions often in the him df visitor to f loneer vil lag this historic spot is a un iqito reaiure of the black creek conneryallon atqn h m nnrf soma of the buildings erected bv the varllttbl millers thai thev hullf lirm and strong is evident cd by the condition of the build ingk today the bnquesing federation of agrltuhure sponsored a bus nip wetlntnv mnv v and the first hip was nl this site so ikh in historical hack ground ami lore very efficient gulden conducted lite group to mane of the mosi intorekling cxhlhli ills train hani among iiicm wit l in ll ui tin hum built nlidiil ihm nndjitiu used a ti nundim hui ih group saw sinm l tin mjs i luid l ll t also a dkplav nl iimu i ivth tiiturv luvs iht i klim in mill itu llrst lim ii i m lowed in i lun si iii i with ihptmiml smlnu a bmtli m in s jnmsi s show the giiuliml dtvt in iniiiiwuiiti s linpimi i cd vvilh inn i ii div 1111111v ol lull i lillllitl si nr ltd lmuleiiiiii lull mu mn mil tuil ndtniu nd uiiiitclnl ihe tiii in mil tmllitiik nl tun mi car man l in iju i flu noon the lour mdd isii iidimutlmiiloi ulnwu unit ngnln ihi v win i tkn in n miv illtilikllllu luiii l llu pi nil iii pi uum mid mi iv ol otintloi was b i iu mlly nl 1 t0i the ind of ihla anonlh n imtrtl mmui ws m imnmiin l mklns n i l i h transfer home economist mitt prances lampman hiliisliithiil in llu uihli rln hi liulii llu i tori ooolor choose a rue for pofi- dcal office t lajas artaa answer ed tins e w asaasa ao- ofter esssetiea w shvalhl a 9mj it preraaatt tmv ere physicians who both the fsovmcjai and federal hosiaai aaj at the same tune maniuhaeet ybesr medical practis- short on storage space i try our ttlt plin wh hon yur wlnhr l4h ini minlnft rhilmn rati hr ym uh wonoml ml huy rrinotd cotti ku hiln you would custom cleaners same da fervke incepf saturday in by it turn out by 3 p i cash and carry main st n rrloni 1531 1 10 mlt pi once yampman who oiiie august ivsv has been ihe liipirimen of agiictillures ii mi lioiiiimlt fur flu 1 1 cm snd iiuntlei was transfer- iw presenily home tkortomut in tamlihuifllng und coehrahe d thcli i tn he iransf thilion lihtnty in her al headquarters will be in he elcil ihi moinc luiimimln srivli iiininto mrs kathleen comi they are known the pest who advertise the most tn he irnnsflftsd ut lion lihtnty in her attt ut ftfirha von harry hartey lllllal industrial divilopmint iank ihe opening of an ofm f kllelienerwalrrloo in lhe walerlno flquam nu lifting telephonai 744iiba tn wrvti ihn counties of llaron ivrth wrlhngton and waterloo anil annqunr ihm appointment of mr w ii jay ee manager 1ikhiic atxint term financing ut new or rsftrlflg liiiunroki may be sddrestcd to the manager daily star weekiy things of special interest to canadians bright and lively new magazine supplement for the wholrfamily 16 pages of color comics

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