Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1962, p. 2

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home is the sailor irkiiw the good old days suyvt akd sfuct ww photo by either tajior a closer relationship a necessity it has not been difficult to collect news paper clippings lately on the costs and fu ture role of ihe canadian broadcflslmg com mission as is sometimes our habit before at tempting editorializing taxpayers it seems provided 70 4 1 8 000 for the operation of ihe cbc and the cor poration managed to spend nearly all of m rather than returning about 9 000000 as it did the previous year j alphonse ouimet president claimed revenue would have been up this year by about 12000000 except that the advert s ing revenue was siphoned off by the ifitro duct ton of private television outlets and a new network the history of broadcasting m canada indicates it is not new subect material for headlines the cbc because it cosls taxpay er to much often receives the brum of cni asm we have defended its existence before of necessity however it must be subiect 1o limitations if it is to serve the taxpay ers rather than the taxpayers serving u as in any large organization meffiaen others comments concern over the interest of citizens in nubfc affairs is voiced by the petrol a ad vrtisertopic the services of modern government have become so numerous and so complex that a kind of bureaucratic wedge is being driven b tween the people and their governments today few people clearly understand how their governments work and the real traqe dy is that few care it is probably a region able statement that in any qiven urban com munity most of the people have never m their lives attended a council mephna ftp quently some of these people are elected that i the godench signal star disturbed community now cannot even suciq what size school it needs it has become impossible of course for p municipality to return to the former stair of independence its citizens dish out the money which will be used later for qranis and if it does not toe the mark and qua f for the grants somebody eke will qet iivm oversppnrlinq is li says the rodney m not politics cause of canadas cury no one will be so qulhble as lo bt that the return of the conservative pan th defeat of the liberal party the quebec m of the social credit or any oher factor or factors arising out of the election hd any thing to do with the government s acme move tt came about purely and simply be cies may develop under private ownership lliey would be weeded out in the interests of survival in a government supported or- garuration the tendency to tracking down in- tffuioncy is not as gieal taxpayers cannot be expecled to con tinually make up deficits in an organization thai could make money without abandoning completely ms artistic and idealistic aims while taxpayers are subsidizing the cbc operation they are also indirectly subsidizing the advertising carried by it of large corpora tions who should be quite able to pay their own costs programs are often produced cost nig much more than the amount contributed hv the sponsor this hardly seems fair to the canadian taxpayers who are obviously filling the qap between sponsor and cost if the rounlry is to experience some aus terity measures government would provide encouraging leadership if it eyed its organi zations like the cbc in suggesting a closer relationship between revenue and expendi kites cause the government had been spending much more than it was receiving in taxes the value of industrial promotion is dis cussed by the pelrolia advertisertopic the industrial commission could prepare the maps of sewers gas lines and other ulil ties required in any industrial site invesli qaiions ll could press for the zoning bylaws so desired by industry wishing to protect it self from residential encirclement it could pnmt ou those street pavmq obs and other public works procirams most likely to show a return m industrial assessment it could pro dure industr al promotion publicity it could vsist existmq industry possibly the most important industrial prospects are the mdus tris already h and expandinq although ho economy appears to be moitinq a pla tear this certamly does not mean that mdus trial prospects no longer exist ren mentation of citizens into pension plan shoud le avoided says the wmqham advance times if canadians are to have a supplemen- nry pension of some sort for their declinq vevs s thousands already have they shot id lip iierrrntted to take their own choice from the many excellent pension plans which are ladv offered bv reputable and lonq esab 1 theil camdian f rrm just why should you oi i be forced to pu asde sav nas in amount st pl la ted by the federal qoveriment and m vestpd not accord nq to oir own good hidqment but in whatever manner sore bramy offioa m ottawa decides the acton free press pubtuhrri hs the dills printing and publishing co ltd fnundcd iii is aid piiwishij even thurvias at s9 i the audit bureau 1 the ontjnvoucbei isirib rates on request j of m canada woo faith otinlrifn jsop her forvtpn countries second class mall post 1 business and the onlv paper ever published tn acton g a dills fditor mchief david r dills managing editor editorial office phone 8532010 back in 1942 taken from the luue of ihe free prcu thursday auguat 13 1942 sometime dutltig monday night or eurlv tuesday morning ihe automobile owned by c v foicc was stolen irom in i runt ol ins residence on bowei ave 1 lie spirit- night the pumps n mu highway gaiage owned hy a ml isaac wiie broken open nnd ii gallons ol gasoline stolen on tuesday duel haitop and pio vlniial consijible ray mason were called lo imcslisiile an abandoned cai on the ihitd line about n mile run hi nl ac tun i turned out to lie one ouned h i gall icsident mid wits loiind m good condition so lai ihe cai mule n trimi mt lone has not been tecovcied hut polur an continuing then invesltkalion acton bowling tluh held a ei sunessttil imiinanicni on ilk- greens heie last evening wilh learns inieted horn mi i ion guelph gioinrlown nmd val lev and alioii alihoii alioii won a ian shaic ol llu pnis guelph buvvleis cauu oui on top lo lake in si plan since ll tequites foiu davs iiji week lit tail awa ihe imihitc in acton wove olien wondeml how disposal was made helme eol iii i mu was insiiiuied during the amioiiiiicmeni ol lite pi ie i mu is ol the anidian wecklv nc wspapeis i mm nl kin in saskatoon n was kained llu alton ice pi ess won hie hiijjfi savage shield in itu hesl all lonnd newspaper a spei lal mu wiist watch lot the hist limit pilk and ilnid plan lot ihe hist idminal pil live hums alter his lihl plain clashed in ihe swamp on llu i nm ol mi s ii i mdsav noiih ol ailon i i she rniv dild in llainillin hospital sunday aller noon mi ikttoiv was the sonol mr iu mis k i titio who opuati ihe lluiiu hue and was llmiit lo horu huhoi when ins wile is stamii al thui sum nu i honii mi m muhll a son in law ol mi lmdsa was in llu bain at llu linn and luatd llu plnu iimii low m llu duis hi- hi linn heard llu- motor slop and a in nl i uash roth mi and mis madill lollowed llli drieilion ol thi plane and in a swamp on tin lirni lound mt lienors wlieu he had uawkd horn his wiiikid m htiininu plane mis madill iimamed wtih him while ihi hus linul summoned midiial aid id was inshid to hamilton hospital whue he died ol his iiiuiils as rlu swamp is a spol not usikd olun il was loitunile mr ma dill heard ihe plane ctash ot mr iiitfoiv might hate lain ihm undateclcd for some days articles ate still pouring in lot tin rid ctoss all will he sent back in 1912 taken rrom the uaue of ihe free prtu thursday auguil s 1912 the swiuhes and tiding have been conipleled into ihe bemd more tannery and us soon as the iuui trestle and budge lime been lompletcd lesldents will see ihe steam loiomolfve chug ginu down the tool ol fiedciuk slav i lollowing ihe break in nnd l lie 1 1 il slalhains grocetv stoie last week chiel i awson has hem hoi on the nail ol ihe ml piii this week ihe mill iniomc hoiiu and llu- thief lound a laihe ol stolen goods across ihe mi eel in ihe upslaits ol spoi s slote wlikh is vaiant keeptnt a i lose vigil on ihe pue chiel i awson noliied a yoiing man go nig in and mil oiiisionallv when ihe plue was aiaill ll was sen tiled mu other lool was lound slushed m a panel behind an old oijmii when the ynnw man learned he was heiny uali lied he uuilided in his pai en is and inloinud iliein ol his actions he slated he was the woise ol llquoi ill the time mi stalhain has laid inloi malum he lou- ii p moofc jl and a vvu i ant has been issued on going to piess ihe chief has been unable tn loiate ihe olfeiulei mi and mis roberl bennett have puuhased the home comp- leletl tvtenllv by jeremiah bell on i ake avenue and lie expei led lo move in shoitly ihe pike paid was 1700 msh polatoes will be cheap lilts tall molding li the laimets as iheie is an abundant nip one aimer who is swamped wilh the laige killers staled llus week he has several hundied bushels and is willinp lo sill i hem al so ienls pit bushel this is wekonu news to ihe housewife who is al tmipiing to stietih her pennies when buying loud toi seveid weiks impnne nunts hive been in piiigrcss at si albans cluitih au the pu mists hive been niliamed in ton sequetue tin tool has betii n shmlid and llu ixienoi ol ihe edtlue has bten painted in sun able colors ckaiing lot the post oil ice site began llus week and lonlraciors 1 oi lies and maikeiwu have been bnsv tiaitng down tin old hop kiln and storehouse and the barn at llu teat of altons new rdcial building the lloui and leed stoic building is also heing moved lo ihe reai of the proper ty wui k on this pail of the ion nail is ixpuled lo be completed bv ihe hi si part ol october mjlnbets of si albans sunday sch6o spemi an enioyjblc after noon al stanley park finn last tiidav when they held iheir an nuil picnic races and games fol lowed along with picnic supper there h somclhlng deeply tom- fut ting lo the human uplili in lire whelhei lls o login ihe hie plitlc chuckling theeilly hi hum ing with o slow divum making hume u bonfire un ihe beach pushing buck ihe daikties oi usi the glciuii nnd wnrnrih honi ihe kitchen stove lire soolhes nd tenews ihe innei sell im willing i his column by ihc linlesi hume ol all a candle theies been a hydio bieak and the lighls have heen mil loi houis with ihe soli link yellow glow ol my candle beside me i donl nne 11 ihev nevei come on again at the mometil and in my pieseni mood i would nol hihw ihk one cundle- for all ihe lighls on bioadway all ihe- powei ltiil poms ovei niagaia falls and a lighl bulb petsonnllv aulo g 1 1 plied by thomas fdlson its a htave small led eaiidlt- lelt ovei hum chiisliuis i lien- aie only about lluee inches ol il lei l and in un hour it will be jusl a buiiied oul candle bui tight now il hi lugs me minion coin panionship and meinoiles its lame brings back ihe nights ol wonderful cosiness as a child il ihe collage in summer snuggled in bed with my young bioihci id wuuli ihe giolesque shadows mkkei over the celllnglehs inicrioi hy ihe fireplace flames bui lime was no leaf lei rot in ihe weitd leaping liguies on ihe other side of the paili lion my puicnls lalked in the low peaceful tones ol people hall bemused by an open die the coal oil lamps cast a sturdy or ange glow i jul lhased ihe leap ing shadows the whtppooi will on ihe hill behind the collage i ailed ins c hec t f ill goodnight and i dulled into sleep wilh a sense ol sciuniy ive never had by iill 6m1uy tovo il wuhui ii huge lioiillie i wan ii aller ihe mumhmul lows nnd ihe slug nong we gtew nlleill walchhig ihe di i p ml ol ihe holleol iniide ol ih hie ax ll bin tied lowci i his hecklelaced gltl with hi blown eyes and ihc while teeth and ihe golden aims wa silling hcsldo me she got n hit dopey leiuicd against my nhoul dei mid itll asleep i dtdn t move jusl sal iheie being d ly in lov nikl day i pioposcd lo lu believing ll was miilual she gici me a bloody nose and i was oil women lot yt ais my candle maine hrlngi oilier llu mmioijcs imon ump in oiiiiujiy ikeinlki m4 ihe wind howlo oui ol ihc hal ll ihe only lluhi in the loom is a led manic ohiiiing lluoivh ihe 1 1 elites ol i lie elude lov die only sound is dilp dilp dtlp ix yooin flyns ol hall a dom nullons ll sllml and wlli the mhiijjii doi ihe walls i hey ate ol a tingle mind i s com home and loved oms a thick juicy steak no tluyn ill listening intent ly to lhil iiiiji dilp eniaiialhig hoiu the honu made sllll hooked up lo ihc move and wtinderitig ll the fxiljii ulih ky hs piuducing will hi fit lo dunk in tlnic loi die new yc u patiy yes fire is truly blessing undei its soothing lighl and watitilll even the cluilei lii ol women s i ungues will desist undei its inf luetic i business the- candle flat me of ihe lust it reminds i fell m news district brampton this community put its foot forward l ovarii bigness officially when council passed a hv law asking designation as a t il v irom the ontario municipal board cits status would take brampton out of the county svstem services might be rented fom the county such as iail facilities and health unit services appro u mate population ptovided loi in the ward distribution would be 18s00 oakvi1 le council here is having considerable diffuultv dunlin how uflin to meet presentlv gathering the first and third mondavs a pioposal has been made calling for weekly meetings week tv meetings were termed difluull hv ihe town administrator who noied it look two das lo pupate the agenda and ivvo davs to write minutes following ihc meeting oeorgftohn workmen budding georgetown s new iom posiie sehimil j re racing the calendar so the building will be reach to aicept classes in a month the school will be uffering technical and occupational training plus ihe normal courses fur academic slu dents priced al two million dotlats the cost will be mcl 7s per cent h ihc ledcrd giant piogiam lltimaich ihe school will accom modale 1 oss siiideni- berllsgton a uician detective inspector of the hamil ton poliee departiiieni s0eurtild william ilymct was chosen last weik as this towns new chiel constable vahertlnspecior homer takes oui his new post chiel constable lisle crawford will step down to deputv ehuf a change reiomminded in an extensive report on the town police department made earlier this vear strfetsv ilt f a new cit of 1000 people ma spnng up in toronto township ad taunt m sireetsvilk in the next 10 vears the piojeel lo be undertaken hv meadow sale developments ltd mav be slatted as earl as nest spring with work beginning on the firi phase phase one is a 0acn site immeduteh south f hw 40 noith ol strectsiille himcwr an agreement involving the use of lhi towns siuigi fu ilmes nnim be approved h the town before plans progress tatlhii mhto an dhmi campaign to town place salctv btls m as mint lotal c irs as pussihk has been undertaken bv the coach nun a town car tluh the iluh hopes to silt 100 s belts at cost nuns n nivc and fxrinr tlu nits are- being prmuled ihniugh the out no mutui i giu md m sf appiovid c ist s nlv it- 0 plus sl v mstdlihon fi church attendance down due to holiday season chk ho idav passed off quteth here fun hurch aicndann as down u churches sundav mn rung rn dr and mrs go tree- ail ken dix awav lot thur u it on in muskoka disltut alur ihc dr weather hwis aheni the village are skouini j leivelv grcen shade following re uni rains when out for a dnvecivic holi da monda- in iompan wuh rev c gordon hams of dimc i- vais noiiced that harvest work is well under was in the fcrpm area one or two lieids show e- j ctlcms of heav- rains along flora and marden highv mr and mrs brute hosking of gnmsh spent the hohdav week end wuh mrs fred hosking mr john haieh and chidrrn rrturnetl hfime- tn inndon sundav f a visii wuh her parents mr and mrs lome linfott following his reium homo t enn res allen f cook exreupid his puipit at si john s church sundae morning hoi commun ion w as observed nh roben mceni and e slipp scrvrg the prreifhis sundas mr h mcnta of toninio preached with ree a f couk conducting ihc servee womens institute hold summer meet the womens institute met al ihe home ol mrs ada kukwood on wednesday night ihe picsi dent mrs leo jamieson preid ing the meeting opened wuh the ode and mary stewart collect roll call was answered with name ihe minister who muricd you after ihe minutes several hems of business were discusscd a lei tcr was read irom the girl the w i is sponsoring also one irom the wl friend in england boih were very miercsimg as convener of citizenship mrs j snow took over and called lor two minute reports from the convener topic by mr- wm kirkwood was seal for a small hen mrs snow conducteu live a borrowed life which proved to be ver humorous and interest mg the meeting e losed with t he queen and a social half hour mrs h hills and mrs t gibson were in charge assisted bv the hostess canvass underway congratulations to mr and mrs robert megill nee jean sinclair i on the gilt of twins a ho and a girl the canvass for the new hall is well undcrwae and the barometer is climbing hase sou given sour donation vet if not it would n accepted wjth thanks mr and mrs fred roden wt on saturdav b air for fngand congratulations to mr and mis morgan madill who were cucn a surprise partv on iheir 2sth wed uing anniversarv medical missionaries leave for two years dr tt f mcdonald and his wife dr dorvcn mcdonald ard children of port credit vistsj mr and mrs c binnie the me donalds arc on t he ir w av to africa as medical missionaries for a two vear stav mr and mrs r l davidson mr and mrs wm harnpon and mr and mrs a saunders a i rend cd the 25th urdding annnervars of mr and mrs h peavov m fn dav evening at conangsbs mr saunders took pan in thu rntsk for the dance sympathy extended mr roben lawxic passed aw m st elizabeth hospital toronto on sundas mr lawnc was wth known in this distnct ssmpahs is extended to his daughter mrs c w mcdonald the funeral will be on ttednesdas at jo tm st alban s church art on interment at fairview cemrtcrv mr and mrs andrews of- pen- ticton bc and their daughter mrs jerrv edwards and bnan of port credit visited with mr and mrs c binnie ineii who would sell theli own giiindinoiiitih inio shivery ii ihe in i pmfll wcte light wine ag c s iiiliiiuiud nnd ulahslt wc liiw nun a long way limn ilk days when oui iiuillivc lltt i slms ton hid h lute a ihc in a law dimly woikihijili what was lot hiaklasl we donl wcu stns any w ueai bikinis ami sliiplss hs w dont kill liopiv wilh i lull iniv moie we mm nosh hut ions wc donl ihi the llvei oui ol iiivty killed iin nut it ii hiii and ruw md jul y w pay wl a pound ml itl n dy iil iihsllv wilh llui hiclighr his ih saine n vii to us ll i 11 the po in ss s i h1 rij friii an sio sll ih t vmaii ll n iik ih bin htis fiom md woiiii- iiiouih and nun h i n madonna in i sin i ir in pin iiokol shiel htliy in o n old mans v s as h looks into ih flame and s s hit is if ii was ml c k ll would b sony day lot iiiuikiiil il h lost somehow th iziiil ill ol lire n ihe mean linn howi c i my oluuin is i in ishd i lel hk arig a imd i saihlwiih vu i ml iik ovi a null nl i wish ih hvdio hot- would inn iv up and get ill jioai i on villi gawwrfviawfliai professional directory and travellers guide mkdical funeral dirfxtors dr w 0 c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon bloek 41a mill st v acton ofhce phone 8s521i1 residence 115 church s l hone 85ji664 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sis entrance river st acton out phone 813omi dr robert d buckner phvsician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont on vacation call dr brewster 877 2vs3 dr t b moore phssieian and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill strict acton ontario phone office 8sv2i80 re b3oi3s dental dr h leib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick streets offue hours bs appointment telephone ssmfclfj dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office a mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesdas afternoon telephone 8m7so phone 85wj3m night or day brute h shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchneppo optometnsl conrdct lenes hearing aid 6 john st s acton in acton wcdnesda only 2wj p m 6jj0 p m for appointment phone 8531041 if no answer phone ttalcrloo 7428867 travaias quidt gray coach iines coaches leavk acton dashght saving tunc eatttbound 6 33 am f daily except sun and hoi 858 am ii 33 am 208 pm 508 pm 6 33 pm 8 33 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am 12 57 pm 2 7 pm 27pm727pni h l pm ii 32 pm 102 jm i in sat sun jnd hoi legal c f leatherland q c barrister and solicitor notarv public- office hours 10 am 12 pm lpm 5pm saturdas ts appointment onlv phone offue into res 8v174s acton a braid a ba bameter sohator not an public office hours in acton m on das friday evenings 6pm 9pm saturdav i pm 5 pm 28 panics st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturdav 9 am 12 un daily 9 an 5 pja canadian national railways dashght saving time last bound 6 a m to toronto djilv tep- sat and sun 78 am to toronto dadv except sun 942 a m to toronto dailv except sun 7 37 p m to toronto dailv step- sun 801 p rn to toon to sundas onh 10 20 pm u toronto djlv board at tvorgc town ons westbound 8 01 am lo stratford dailv ex cept sun 906 am to stratford dai v bojrd j- fcorgciown onlv 623pm lo stratford daily exccpi sat and sun 116 pm to strat f rd sundjv onlv 7 37 p m to slraiford djih except sun 129 j m to stratford daily ex cept sai for furher information call votif kji jjfcni 8s32450 aitraisinc and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 850720 appraiser and insurance over 50 yn tn actta chwormctw david w gohn dc 25 mill sl e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office hourt mon wed fril pan to 3 pjn 7 pjn to 9 pun tuc thun 10 ajn lo 12 pml 1 pan to 6pjn saturday 10 un lo i pmj 3pjgb8flp

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