in scoops galore await you in the classifieds look them over classified advertising rates no chtrge for announcement of births marriages deaths and engagements in memor- laim 75c plus 10c per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 3c a word minimum cash 50c billed 75c box no to ihu office 25c additional coming events 75c minimum first five lines each additional line 10c card of thanks 75c for first 5 lines each additional line 10c accounts are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time mo pjh wednesday phone 8532010 births marriages deaths etc engagements mr and mrs jack forsicr an pleased to announce the engage ment of their only daughlir max fne elizabeth to mr ronald john davidson son or mr and mrs c m davidson acton the marriage will lake place august 25 1962 tn new si paul s anglican church woodstock on i ai 2 pm borri grant mr and mrs r w grant arc happy to announci the birth of a son on august 1 1962 at new mount sin ti hoi pital toronlo lee george and anna let ire happy to announce the birth ol flair son vincent kelvin bro ther for chen and glenn at guelph general hospital aug ust 2 1962 guest ronald and margaret nee lynch happily announec the birth of their daughter su sannah jane a sister for ron aid on augum i 1962 at st josephs hospital guelph whitley al st josephs hos pital august 2 1962 jennie blairwhitk nun of bessu mcgregor and mrs wm fnnk mabel eoustn of mrs mabel ramshau funeral scivm w is held it the rumltv shoemaker tuneril home on saiutcla it 2 10 odock interment at furview dmclcrv gay at guelph general hospi al on sundae august 5 1962 sarih eileen sillv ohillor an widow of juk giv and dear mother of al in and gtof rev of r r 1 acton in her 43rd year fumril senile wis held from grace anglican church milton on wcdnesdiv it 2pm inur ment furgum ccmeten mil ton b zions at si josephs 11 spinl guelph on satualiv august 4 1962 joseph 7ions r r 2 ai ton beloved hush ind of jtnnu mikohieski de ir i ithir ot td ward john won ird ind theo dore all ul as ion joseph mrs ted morin t rruuio mrs earl hamilton sulli md mrs ra moonev glidvs ill of toronlo requiem mass took pli e it si josephs church aelon on mondav il 9 im internum dub- lin cc miters dunk at si jovph s ihjkmu hospml mtlph on tusdw august 7 doudis mile in ol acto bcleivcd hi band ir non birlow jnr i ibcr or rot rcgmil 1 keith paul and john ill at honu brothu of mis ruth vu n mrs evils n mont vomers ind dun ild dunk 01 ot guelph james dunk ol miini law in rested ai i hi rum a shocmi kcr kmiial llomi whir hitn t i seniec iws hi iii this il m on thursdisl it 2 p tu liunmni glcp williams cmnn v lowr1f at ihi oiuin fui both hospit il toronto on sun ela august s i riheit wil hams lowni foinurk of as jon in his tth m husmnd of the hie tlifibith oraih dear father ol mrs c v m donald bet is i of r r 1 streets ilk mrs p jehns kaiheleenl ami sunn both deceased rested at the rumkvshoemi iter funeral homi funeral sr vice ws hed at si albans in cunningham in loving mem ory of a dear wife and mother beatrice cunningham who passed away august 9 1961 one year has passed since thai sad day when one wc loved was called away god look her home il was his wil within our hearts she liveth siill sadly missed by husband fred daughter dorothy and son in law raymond a 7331 1 anderson in loving me man of anne anderson who passed away august 9 1959 the world may change from year to car and friends from day ol dav but never will the one wc loved from memory p iss awav ever remembered by husband and tamilv a 78120 allen in loving memory of i dear son and brother leonard wray allen who passed aw iv august 9 1956 looking back with memories upon the path vou irod wc bless the hours we had with vou and leave the rest wilh god mother ind father sister fi ken and hrolheis gordon and frank i 7 8310 cards of thanks i would like lo thank the em plovecs of kcites org n co ltd for iheir prompt assist ince at the lime of mv accident also fin their gift and to my friends who visited mc ind senl flowers mil gifts th inks vtr much a 78340 david lulki i o our wonderful neighbors and fuends lor the be uililul mowers c lrds fund don it ions and kindlv acts shown us when our dear mother left us we e press our vcrv rcii ippieei itiun to ihe sisters ind nurses it st josephs chronic hospilat c2 wc voice pi use and ilfeclion fir their unfailing devotion ind lov ing e ire to dr girall rev d engcl ind rev andrew me ken ic we te knowledge i speenl debt of jtriniudc and lo the rumlcv shoimiku tunci il home our grileful thanks lor their gr icious service billv and helm middkmn i 7 8126 we wish lo express our sincere lhanks and appieciation tu uui friends neighbors and rel hives lor lheii many acts of kindness expressions of svmpnthv and be uiltful floi il tributes extended ts in our reienl btre nemeni our aruitudc to rev dr aikin rock wood prcsbv te nan church dr brewsicr of gcotgc town lor his prompt arnvat iltcrl being eilkd di riflin uidph noises ind stiff of st josephs hospit il o ill pillbeireis ind i verv eordnl thinks lo runikv shocnnkcr pirlors lor ihcii sin mil eoui leous services i bessu migucor in i mmi ym fnnk m ibell i7ml for sali conflnimd for sale cwttlnuad help available cant for sale boy s roadster bi cycle joe cvgnnek phone 853- 2808 a 7 7998 tor sale massey hams 7 fl eul binder apply lo curl rus lev no 25 sldcroud r r i ac ton a624242 for sale viking stainless steel milkers and separators a good machine for years lo come phone 877 3821 a 557990 for sale sewing machine tuneup 99c special includes oil needles tension and stitch ad lustmcni call 8774331 or 853 2720 a 58216 for sale a 1 reconditioned refrigerators sacrifice prices hurrv 10 lo choose from good lei s hardware georgetown tr 7 2551 b78312 for sale and rent 20 acres standing hay and 30 acres of pas ture lo rent good fences and wilcr north of campbelktlle guelph line ui 42623 b133662 for sali new honey 2 lbs 55e 4 lbs si 05 8 lbs 2 00 bulk 22c lb in your own containers evenings and weekends rockha ven apiaries h k dodds phone 8530266 a 368 1 s3 for sale duo therm oil spate he iter with blower cole m in oil paie he ilci plus pipes old f ishiuncd chin i c ibinet bibvciinagc phone 853 2127 a 7 8325 for sale rubber stamps tmde lo oider f ist delivery stamp pads and inks dills stat lontry 56 mill st phone 8532030 a4lv6349tf for salh sheitier pens al wavs n usetul gift for any occa sion a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill st ac ton a46o351 tf tor sale singe milkers and v ic inim pumns bulk link brush es cleaners sinttiers stainless steel puis strainers water bowls pipe ind fillings cut and thread ed for complete milker service till horict tomlinson bi amn ion cl 1 127s b868lf ouickbrik quiikbrick stucco or i thick quirncd si one 3 yeais to pi flee eslllllllcs phone 853 2161 acton mcmullen sales home improvements blf towne sewing center sewing machines new fiom j59 50 singer vacuum cleaners cinistcr tpe js9 50 floor polisher shampoos mgs snubs etc s39 95 repuis to all makes sewing midlines rent its hv ihe week or month 35 m un st n gcoigclown tr 71331 in acton c ill cordons hardwari coming events bingo it mill em aiini cverv thursday evening at 8 15 pm 800 in pnis 20 gmus n 2s and ihrct sneciils il 100 s3 id mission in hides e itds foi il g lines fne bus k ms aet n post oh kc 30 pm ass8im annuil tun tin film mills bill pllk sltlllellv ugust 11 730 pm in ease ol i un situr div august 18 rill gums gn pnis hiikv di ivvs buijt fish pond ptinv ruk uniis il skill ind i hum foi voting uul nhl rifrvshniint b mih on violin is admission irii snonsoud bv f i in mills ind disin i unnnmnm i club 1831n si john amhuhnu ui stm i ing tve clisscs mil vvtik i r i iiivoiu httwiin im ol ii in p u ihi twn fli 1 aln hiss 1 child ein sis ksson iml is im tiusdis mil 1 hui si iv ii i ms iai2 fm l iharjii btmik mjppjicd conitnuima august 14 iss 2 first ul sis lessons md vim m ind iv weilinsd iv uul for sale with no money down terms to suit your budget 1061 dilute 01kswagfn wilh i klio w isluis mil kilhii s us i iivvilet i 11 i until lion 10s0 diluv volkswagfn with kathil se lis nut vv ishirs 1 owmr pi lie d lo sell 0svi deluxe oikswgfm with t l ll kiel wasllels sll up i1 dium olkswagrn ill iuw tins a i e million 148 deluxe volkswagia new pun uul tnes real estate for sal6 1955 massey har help wanted womjn ex ris 50 clipper combine tank nm pencil d in tjemrul huusework engine phone tr 89508 b13s911 foi 2 or 1 mornings per week tlnhon 851u8 j 7 8313 need childrens clothes open a handv charge account at aaackays- 14 mill st e for sale typewriters bv smithcorona portables as low as j6995 typewriter ribbons for ill machines carbon paper sev ral qualities tvping paper unit scratch pads enquiry invited for ijpewriler rental dills sla tonery 56 mill st acton a466350tf for rent for rent i or 2 room apirt ment gas heated hdro and wa tcr supplied phone 853 2525 i 7 28330 help wanted steady re liable mm warned lo learn wood working write box 111 canadian chimpion b133916 help wanted capabk wo- man requited lor hchl house work ind lo help look aflet 2 children in modem home wilh all conveniences pnv he bed mom ind bathroom liberal time oil room mil board plus 11000 pir month perm ment position rifcteiliis required apply mrs i m wollond 80 melealfc st guelph ont ta 40157 i 7 8328 help wanted swilehboard operatoi uquircd loi ihe counts of halton new administration building milton ont mo dulles to commence october 1 1962 ani pile iiion forms to be obtained fiom the office counts clcik coui t house milton ontario ind must be letuined in a sealed elivclopi muked application foi for rent ground roo i- rttun or before 5 pm august 24 1962 g blown counlv clerk ad ministiatur court house milton i onuiiu b133905 rooms and bath heal id ccntril reisonihle rent phone 853 1887 a68241 for rent 4i oomed upstairs apirlnicni and bun self eon l unci eeiiirtl j45 per month 31 1 block ave evenings i77999 hlip wanted wc m unci i ted in cslablishint l ke il icp i sell ilive i i ike e lie ol ihe i les mil seiviee ol rieiiroliix crtd dcxtr li ipioduels in the actun irea fi in for rent heated spicousl w nltd lmhl tpirlmnt in geortemown fourp lmm ril h isis witi i rooms ind bath suniuom pn fkltl c in id i limited vile basement iiiiniedi ite pos juiv blamh 2 lmg slue i scsson phone trnrtgtc 7 3541 r lsl kilchcnet i4tl 8189 georgetown i78308 tor rent sell eont unci 3 room apii imciit in apartment building ii irdwood floors ind built m cupboards immcdi itc pcsscssion phone 853 2940 for rent 1 bedroom iparl ment hcitcd hot water hundrv facilities ind locker modern building phone 853 2685 between 123nd 1 p m or after 5pm a45 7826lf local wan required we ollei i much needed si r vile foi turners ind town md cits dwellcis this is i full time e ueei position wilh no 1 iv olfs ind si tik pel lods you i tn slart now on i lull time bisis or on in r un while vou k un p it t tune position whiili will kid to i full lime positif n in 90 divs c u icquiicd fxperieiiee unnee tor rfnt 4iooin he aitnient cis t ingc ind c he ltd 3 loom lie lied ip u t meni gis he lied hoi w ilci 5 loom ipnimeni ill eonvenictle j cs low lent phone 853 2006 av i illlble seplembei i i78311 d an- ntnv writing lo siks vvilei mm iter bos si7 i ondon out acton and district we hoie a nice selection or mod irn 1 2 and 3 bedroom homes in diffcieni styles and price tunges pkasc enquire for de tails aaary gibbins 275 arthur sireet phone acton 8530160 victor mecallum real estate 7500 full price si 500 full down payment 3tcdioom buck home modern b ith i irgc living room and dm ing room kilchcn fireplace ni it town centre 8 room house on mam roid storms and scieens askirg 11000 lull pi iee with 3 000 down country home 8500 tull price 7 room brick home large lot 4 bediooms lull hascmcnl fur nice slonns and scieens tixcs s112 a sen lakeview heights we hue 3 homes listed in this ue i pie isc inquue u the ul lice lot del ids georgetown building lot jt750 lull price sydney k lamb realtor insurance ind moiig ige biokcr 8 mill st e aelon on l ino phone 853 1030 wanted miscellaneous auction sale attention turners will paint anv bun and aluminum rikik for lac eslimites pic isc i cill ul 42485 h5 482si wanted giadc 9 books phone 83 2566 a 7 8337 wanted to lent 3bcdioom house in acton phone 8s3 20 i 68243 wantfigi uk 9 tixi books imivfut resliurint phone 8m 1 i 7 8327 wantfd hilton poullrv pioducis dnlers in live ind dressed poulliv mil tnsh ecs cutonh killing phone milton i tr 84401 wanted customers free h ur slvles ind h ur cuts topper sonne 1 liom spam germmv cm id i mil usa cill collect 8h24s6 etin class dales august 13 august 30 call after august 12 ask for mis hithaw n stvl s acas rineh h78329 wantfd broiler hilchuis ggs llso flocks to supplv us with nolle r ind eeu breid hikhing kitchener upholslerv i pctt leupholsleimg relinishina and reputing of all kinds ol lur niture 1 or fne estimates mil prompt seiviee c il walth s groeetern 8s32830 aet m i tl tloor ri hnishing we now hue i modem smkr md edgei we will ivlinish voiir flouts or lent coil lllc tqiiipuien 10 do the ob v nut sell j b 1 1 ink phone 8s3 2im0 47 ind enek st s acton 1 it ri imtr utholstrry kllehellel spin ill sis in re tipliolstt nnjj best quiluv milemls line work m inship piompt service tumi tua afinishuil ind rug cleaning phone 8i301io muks gioccrv i0lf cklv ml hi i itfte punnum pud on m ir i pne i wnie tweldh chkk ilehcnes 1 imiud fiivus on no istousw help wanted hup sntfd min w inn 1 or gmenl farm work g od w 1 1 i9 deluxe olkswaf new t imlliiim n live in phone 3 pjint k ithu its alionli 0io itin i8i4 fndi fa hnu ha r iki in huiil if suppl august tl f ir phone ruisr i 1 i immmiinc i lqu ins p is r sl4ss i for sale for sl f- gent r 1s ph f i k tr m tsts air asn for smi 1 niii n sisv ir uli like 11 12 mill st f w cheap applv a si is for sai f i hone he iv v i orders t vl drfssi ken for aids 19 d u 01ksl s owner real xlui p i951 olksvi s n 1 i m pun mlj ni iki i i it hiporl hum tnl mnr un p mtrneirk nii ih shurthin1 f r mill il nftrr npv in urmia vi np qu i h in n inl ixpni u b c a i in fr- pus i 11 paconi dead stock removal 1ms2 krpn2 higtiim ih ptm p ml i il 1 ul or tlisihltl lioiss inl uis smjll tiiiinik rtmnil im ol ihjriii 011 lior s per lb 7 in p r iu1 dill i in disiir uul il 1 ii null ivw u tl bants deadstock service high pn pnl lur rh 1 11 in ill ihlil ni hiri old in illhi hori hhihl phone cuflph ta 28061 qrflrcli flljnl m2 liin i d it r ivk62 1 evening auction sale of furniture etc the undersigned have uieiicd instiuilions fiom ihe executoi of the fsi ik ol the late neil mcnabb to sell bv public met ion al hi- he residence s0 alice si nc ir the new posi oltiec in the town ol alton on the evfn1ng of august 9th a i 7 oeloek ihe loi lowing lisv eh in rca 17 telcvis ion in good running oukr oak high bov ehini cibinil 3 m iga me libks 2 intique parlor chnrs 4 kilchen chairs 4 chairs k ither bottom severil odd night i ibks hind caived dasser jew ilk iv box smoker st ind lea llur businessmins gnp eirpel swecpn v muim cleaner old pine t ibk desk table lamps weslinghouse henv duts 4burn ik tin stove westmghouse ap- iiliiuni sie eketiie ixfngeralor vistinjhoitse i itc model w ish inc midline irbonic top haak i ist t ihk uul 4 htonu chnrs pits pins dishes mops hioorns stools step hdekr ex tension 1 idder studio couih skips 2j 3pine b droont suile ind mil tress short 4posicr wil nut ixd mil sprincs odd mat tress old ilasscr wtih oval muror pie tun f rimes wiekir ro king ihur ind flower box push tvpe liwn mower eketrie pc giim halton allstars meet royals sun many changes in allstars the 1962 halton all stars which will meet thi powerful guelph royals in campbellville sundav will show a lut of changes from the squail which dele itcd cult tcrncis lasl summer slan henderson campbellville third bascmin and ihe k igue s most valuable plaver in 1961 will be back at the hoi comer si in is currently hilling 363 al wlngroic also of cimpbcll vilk was the 1961 catcher but ihis year will be in centre field al is sporting ihe lop ballrng a erage of the learn i gaudy 511 the three man fit si line pitch mg slafi has two of last eai s hurleis back in j iek roberts the varan souihpaw from camp bellvillc and ln mcllten the gc6rgctoen plaving minigcr these tour ire all ol i ist e u s eim that la back on the si irt ing eleven bob bscrs i vclcrin of the nickel bell league is ihe new calchcr bvirs f aim oak v ilk is currently hilling 340 acton stars pml lawson of alton hilling 485 wis an iltcinatc on lasl ears team this vcai he ins laken over first base fnim cunp- hellvilles eirl citrus who ins dropped baik lo ihe unlilv group actons velci in huold towns lev 403 his t ikcn ovci second base from lcn coolich and oak v ilk s ron camp ugne 353 nail ed down the shortstop position ih il was held 1 isl year bv mil ton s slu hannani rov bunker i iwienee oak villi s speed incichint who is spoiling a 445 bitting ivcaigi lakes over let field horn bub wilsun who is now phving th it position with i gtc it deal of dls unction nil ihe 13 1 in i ford red sox in the seinoi iiilcreoilili ic iguc ken mouic c impbclivilk s fine ill round vctei in is m righl field mootc is hiitint 182 ind tikes ovct the position i mm oikvillcs pclc kcnncdv hirrv h million campbellville light handed pitching ice rounds out the squid ii million lakes over hum gai field who is hav mg i gaal veir wilh guelph where he his i 5oieeord the all st us hive eleven til enicd substiiuics to c ill upon if needed douj hv itt i 300 hitter with milton is ihe exu i i itcher and guv hughis ol oikvdlc mike- anile i son ol dtind is and tom maiks of milton round out the pilelung st ill lxlti inhckkrs uc boh pcai son ol oakvilk 340 bill rowe ol dundis 500 and don mc i hiuilin of giotgetown the i u si base die n in re sc i v i in grmt redshiw 417 i torn oikville ind fill coins 118 of cimpbillvilli while llu exua mil heldeis ire muinv 1 ike 323 mil don mephul 358 horn dund is halton allstars the slatting lineup and ivcragis will be is follows i tom bscrs oakvilk 340 ih p 1 ivvson aelon 485 2b hirokl tnvvnslcs acton t 403 3b si m lluukis n catnpbdl vilk 365 ss ron campaign oikvilk lsl ii rov law ancc oakvilk 44 d al wingiovc c mipbcllvilk 5 rl ken moon campbdlvilk 382 pitduis jaik ruikiis cimpbellvilk 51 ln melaren gcoigdown 22 md hirrv hamilton campbellville 62 altcrriiics la tom maiks ind img hv ill or milton bill rowe munav lake don mephul uul miki anduson ol dun das don mclaughlin uf gcoilelottn gins himhis bob 1 u son and gi int redshavv ol oakvilk mil i ail cuius ol cimp bellville lin andrews will m in ua the allslirs ind cliff houston ind ian shcpard oakvilk will louh unipias will be miki timmis pcav robinson and jim miculduon li shovds 1sg morris minor hh p sntid 1 idles hive iu 1 m ivi r ih iirhi ihi ut s 1 rij shi p av n 1 sis n hiiu t find u h d 1 i s wriu r ph u m s s dlfthi n4 st1n im n i p i i in 1 u nl in 1 1 1 in i ml i ii hf1p wastfua erv p ibk r iw letch bn ni s tsl karmans fhia mvir ibk i ul vshiuw i 1 ul p vm prnliisis inn mini ivln must rx ii ni gi will 1 rn all ihe ihovc ilksuitfens i is where up uni hive bin lulls reconditioned mt 1 irl hanm h i ml sarrv ur 000 mi i 100 i- a s ti 1 piv verihe 1 wairantv h r h m w 1 rev been tod iv walnut ranch ltd ci ppkl mil pinhliil c m anil ii ir 24 ii mir sin r li n iurp lot ull nj b en h ltd ndle ig childs g if club nd minv disk alumi other ii s k nin u rous to minium tt rh rms ekk of div av ctiov 1 sill cish n 1 i 1 lies nil s amoved rrom imp he v mtk f nil ind is nil resions hk prcm d for s sill for i i fi i iott j hoi mfs atutn inters m li n tr nam ael n jl 16s0 waterdown mu 9 1044 m2i church on wedncsciav a pm interment fauvuw ter miuihhikh for saif 1 pair spikes sie s i set is hit i w igcns ktt it the old prin as kw is 10 1 sen ind the ha t rnlueh c i d dei h w oks mm 7 400s r hi mi m n h 110 wtkel disxs pjhhw fstjtm ccme lusiml ii for s f inm o i an ihen viral 12 fi imsin ti d phon t122 or v2li asvi for sale i k2 chun n m ian in giiml inililmry r sir nil 1 pop tr an ailon a9t op n xi j m 1 i 1 1 00 p m l inlai i siturt n bob cross motors volkswagen sales and ser ice r r 1 mdion help wwtfd- oankir mi ntenanee min i ir nm h ill i c lunts sui tmg n mill m du ies immmie n ir hefia x her 1 12 musi he txynen ed and have pkasani personal tv appiiiton forms in he obtain i favn the offi e of the counlv clerk court honte mi ton ont o be returned in a scaled enve lope marked emplosmen on or befo s p m august 24 12 g bniwn counts cerkadminis tr 82v1 inior court house milton b13 b131904 lost and found fol nd strived 1 ad and hie i c m s n i qu ic i i i hn all in 8e- t i in v nir iks tru light ii h u i h i ih ox ut t t pi ic n i pit e t ird b- i i in 1 ft fnme irotind r hi th n hi id m place whih nrhhinn on p und offee tins rnikr ex dkil e mtiincrs in whiih n in n melt pitius wrip mh piiiv in wix paper the ein will h lel i si nil emht patties ti previni ehim dishes from ipp nc when displavcd on un ciihivtd shelves thumbtack i 1 npih rf adhesive larw stitkv side un on the shelf ind iym hot m edges of plates on taie whs irnie vehciher m is bet tcr tn rmrrv mhenl or work for iiontv whin tither v ihe gov irnmiii si s most nf it the television industrv hi ualv misircd the arl of prrscrv mp stak jokes in canned laugh guelph royals strong club this sunday irternoon halton countv baseball associations in nud all si ir game will take plice iii ihe campbellville alhlel le cjouiids once again ihe learn of top pi ivcis chosen irom ihe inlcr mcdi iti league as selected bv ihe icam managers and coaches will meet one ol the powerlul ic ims irom ihe senior inlercoun iv league riled as ihe lop ima leur ball luop in this pnninic guelph rov lis will provide the opposihon this viar ind ironic illv enough is the teim wludi has scl the pjee in tint kijui ilia e ir 1 mike willau minigir ol thi rov il etl eixw h is lined up one of ihe best dubs since the e ulv i9s0 eia when ihe dollars win being used to gre it idvinlige in forming the top clubs will ice in txphiladilphn phillv is i vikrin in ihe loop having won ihe lop piuhing aw ird loi tin 1 c loop in 1958 strom opposition the rosals move inlo ihi p ponenis position for this vi u s gimc laking uvir from the gait terriers who last vi ir went down t dele il at the hands ir the all stirs the game wis phveel in c impbc ivilk then as will mil produieit i bevv of home runs laim beih the all st irs ind ihe ic crowd the loss of two of the top ti ims m thi inlinouniv this si i son himilton and lisiowil his seen i more compact k igue mil wrih the talent irom thtsc two fotner iiinundcrs being split mstl between gait and guelph il hav made for a league which ihis veir is down in quan tits bin up in qualitv brant ford red sox last ear s champs an hack along with kitchener wit ehoo panthirs i ondod dnm garry field rov lis lop huiler omis ih tenuis md ol eoursi ihe rov ils another eonlendei ol f inner vi us wh h his with di iwn its ctitrv lot this vcai is tht st i hum is i igiris om i tin lop ii inns in iht rov lis line up his i be ill it ol g irv litld iiitiaotinls viterin who ils h is be in i big n uric on iht nioun i in iht hilton ounrv k igiu hed his in nimble 50 r rd wilh il dtih nnkmg him tht tiphurki n llu squid juk voodil of r nlaw is i dose see on i with 41 n lt both pit hi s ih idtliuide is fnld w is n ihe al si ir squid f r th ii ill ill le igll list vl il whik i inimbir l tht oh a eh imp n c iriiphdlv ik dub tin u un wh h uni ac un d miin it is ihe i lit up i tile ah st us iih ip pi i nimis s h is mki c isi j n 1 skip i vnrit ikk riikw i t ijin poholskv ill amtruan e 1 lege b isi hi si irs will be hly fitiurs m selling up i r ihi hiji gime l the vi ir uhuh il won hv ihe all si us would be i f unci in ihe ips i tin i ids from the guelph royals nituc of detain won piteh maniper mike wilhcc ing assart in 1958 i c league pushing staff hirrv barber 2 2 record b a 300 mike kosac oorecnal ba 171 john p iholskv r i irmrd ba 182 garrs field 50 record ba 240 fra k ss than one kails league jack vnoght 40 aenrd infield lb mike cisiagnola faim llhaci college ba 175 21b skip ivnnc am lihica college ba 282 leads league in stolen bases lb tom dow ling hits in ihe two hun dreds ss nick dicarlo b 309 c dick rockwell irom ithaca college ba 254 outfield larrv jones ba 27 tod hidings ba 432 red cumblcv ba 233 clare ba iimior lanx mescrs iun iot ron homes ba 279