la r i n trm tmt thursday dacarabar 6si wt carta i board mifflbtr 1 producad varttd mulu at the acton bridge chib latt monday nlaht dmtar baal ndlhtr itdc nilnarabla nona s a i 014 hj i0 rk 975 cj waal em s0 j 7 6 s s3 b k h- 7 1 4 j da 1 dl 0 t 1 c 7 c 10 111 soar sk ha 0 d0 j 4 ca komi bidding bait south wcm north pan 2c 3s dbl p 4c pa 3c pass paw pa the above bidding is the wav h wa bid ihe lime my partner and i played the board south does not have a true two bid since there arc four possible lov en however i know that manv players do open demand bids thai do not meet the standards of the bridge experts i was sitting in the west posi tion now i realize that my three pade bid was not good but with south opening a demand i want ed to block the exchange of in formation between north and south also 1 find that many players either will not double or will not leave in double when they have a big hand if south would leave 4n north double t- would have gone down four trickifur mlrius 700 and a bottom board however south bid four club and north carried to five one pair played the hand a i no trumps for a good score but lop more went to one pair who wire doubled at 5 clubs overt rkk arc important jt lu plicate bridge so south should worry about how to lake twelve tricks since the eonlrnel fur ele ven tricks is euld then k onlv one sure entry to dummy and that is the club jack the opening lead was the queen of spades token by the king in dee hirer hand dee i lar mm went to the board with the club jack and lead the ate of spades this piny in nut likely to sueeced the three spade bid by wist should lip off south that spades will break very badly a it was east ruffed the spade act and declarer wits hi id to ii irukv i would suggem that dieliitr should have taken the ilub jack ruffed a spade lu get back u south and drawn trump now south can lead the diamond queen followed bv the diamond jack if the ace of diamond is singleton or double ion this mill make the king un enr in dum my if the are is with wt and not singleton or diiuhlrton then west will be end plaved that is west must lead a spade and a i in thej aec to win or a heart giinn south a free finesse nr di mondtlo the king in dumms thi i mly time this tint rj fid fs when rist ha jtc ind u n of diamonds and nl leist f itr diamonds nj tig ihtr irim lo pl irn odd- hm planning v unirui in this i sample thi muu in m spadts nut rhin rutted i thinl round about l thi time in iiw iiftkpi spk bid heart finesse at third inik it sos ai0x of tuiinnnds in casi hand onh abt mi 10 l ihc time and mi eintd m si urdi nnn vmir bridgt and ntminkr that bridge k n partnership namt this w h mmt in si mike i nnnv ami hii pai m r riuei m oiimit nl t a winm pdiiihi 1 h it i nirland thud mi 0 v m playing with mis l j hnsi n timt to tw sswron writer airs views on closing bylaw the free press dear sir an unsolicited note hopefully intended to be helpful to people deciding he issue or closing hour bylaw restaurant operators do not decide to stay open preseribed omlorlable hour thev are op en late csrnings lor people who want to eat there theatre operators aren t open in the morning so employees n go lo work and home again with their soclil associates they are open ih ihe evening whin people generally ean go lo the theatre transportation scnucs oner ate when people want to be transported no maltir what hour medical dik tors an a fairly determined group ul profession al people and ihiv open their offices and work at nights when people can go to sec them an astonishing percentage above 90 of retail business in county ndps elect new slate at the annual general meeting held in oahville arena on thuc day night nosembcr 29 oscr i0p members of hallons new denfo- cratie panv met lo nominate and clect their cxcculise fir ii coming year the following members weie dcelaad elected president pit nek clancy burlington c president dennis clark oak villc secretary sheila spi s oakvitle miss spies is a daugh ler ol mrs kay spies c impaign manager for carl rouleau the ndp candidate in the last kd cral election treasurer dnitl law oakvtile org inizer rill c umps t george tow n members at large are bill oil lies oaksille michael he s oikeilk janus adams george town and mun ly keimhin mi canada is done between 2 pm and pun 5 days and between 9 am and pm on saturdays idealistic retail merchant should want tu have i heir mnr ket places open when people want lo ami can conveniently go to them to buy suggested bent open h mrs tuesday wednesday ttiurv day friday 10 30 a m 7 30 p m saturday 9 jo am 6 00 pm edgar foiie acton otoof wotfba- boy scout tows pop bottle ideal fire extinguisher a soft drink bottle containing carbonated beverages is the hand lest least cpcnsic fire cslin guishcr for small fires in sour car or home i chief clement said the carbona lion in a pop bolllc is pressure enough to squelch any small pap er wood or textile type of fire simply shake it up and poke a small hole in the cap of the but tic then spray the contents to ward the base of the flames he said this type ol makeshift exlin guishcr is not suitable for oil grease or electrical fires how ever its still wise to hau a r gular extinguisher a pack an uneapected short hireling last monday night prevented the pack rum carrying out ihclr lull special program uf games dlf flculty in gelling akelu s new kry to work in ihe front dour lock was encountered and assist ancc from group commiiiccman g haggett opened the way into the hall two new i hums became wolf cubs as thrv made their ptomise before akcl i and ihc puck dan ny arsenault and gordon wll hams were ihe successful buys to he invested ms competition s is started with points being awatded for at tendance dues and inspection during the games of the evening thi tawny six seemed to cuine out on top for the night with a total of u points in second pluee was ihe yellow six with 21 pomls third red six 24 potnls limit h white six 22 points and in fifth the blue six with 19 i i scoijitncj mi1s a hoy s spar i timi with hitfliliy oe cupailuns in healthy conipuiiy 2 stouung ivjs a hoy charamik which is s tlal to sine co in any miiirf i slim i ini is ikaining in itiinsiiip w ae oul lo make good liulivuloal iliim 4 scouhnt givi s a iii iv oppor11 nl f if s ol m hvk i for god nod hts luighlxx mils is ihc busts ol religion 5 slot iing makl s a lloy handy mis lnddxs n- i hil at home us will us inletcsllng to himself ft suhllng givi s a hoy a senst 01 honour and ioy promncial delegate is roiileao of oiksille ind dki nale is miit audicy gibson oak aclonlana declined all an is ol the count v were well represented thi membeis irorn aelon who were nommited leelintd ewiiii lo ihe passuii of other activities within the parly members also heard repui t from ihe eiutiroipg set re i u inasum organizer and proun cial delegate carl roule iu in his report on piirtinciil alf urs told im in he is thit in saw nl ihe nature ol he throne speci h ddiuud m oueins pirk last unk in c iris eltltkin vhnuut he expceled pi r hips i round the nil of j imnfv miduare lu fell would be in pollock and campbdl manufatlurr tif hioh ga0t mfmobials mtwohial tnghaving raslt t ai uitw o specials o uan hamburg steak 49 i nub wbroast79 mojcino orders for fresh kiued iocai turkeys for christmas umitbwmv otobt now bradleys meat market 4snnsl haa bssimo makes an ideal mftfot christmas i come in and hi our srection of ntsonauno nnoawt on toxn stanonbt art supplies smith- z corona dills stationery al ty ll will no lai yiu umn ot ili m li- 7 voliing tljuiin a uov mlf kmiancf h ihai he can fvoat foi lilnrscll it wlp ulhvi woilr i he ol iing givih a iffv hi al iii ililnijli po1 r fiilw and rll utrr ita miii oond inlml iii a lc t 1 mill iing i infin a iwtvi sa ii rai gil is and ha lj lo unit satmt hl i i if ion lol life given bro llm ai tmtmtt iy hie ilslttw 1 il- i ol 4a7 it h diail la l 1 w m slyti membership a leishman ii- lml all r agnow umn vkt r br al bro miilin ik m duimld h tur- rilph b with your purchase of a new gas clothes diver this crating free offer b your gn appliance deml- eri way of innung you to discover the economy dependability and versatility of natural gas drying right now he has clothes dryers on display in a va riety of famous brands all with the canadian gas association seal of approval natural gas drys fast clothes are not baked dry with a gas dryer everything comes out fluffysoft gas drying costs approximate half as much per load as other types of clothes dryers low down pa yment up to five yean to pay on your monthly gas bul this offer is good until saturday december 22 united gas limited georgetown acton milton