an wh ha iaefwl wa pmtjhufidaf mw mrtfcwt sii m hdcu private poa9 pawalasbwty of aooa iiqut think ft wdultf be hko hooting flh in m w cfrikniwn ot mlllon m abb to prow them heown a 100 acre rlh i faun ranch near moffat and i he ha personally stock sisf rainbow rm three tsftfeiarf ponds ok tb ptoptti tat atai even tfe moat aulfui fty fisherman mrget skunkest ill those ata troutla water ita no hah tocy when ivan tarite how ma trout gat aducat ed in a hurry he hat watched kambow luach ah and ctaba ba awr alt all m the haaka or pond itching the rainbow snap at tile skimming ww th nr- rriee and completely ignoring the hoar expensive file and lure on the end of the dejected angler line wateh ttm co by it pretty humiliating to the fellow who pride himself on hi angling ability- to waich hundred of beautiful rainbow atrimmlng and leaping pail hi prfaaa hire but the rainbow at the mor- fat fart have a golden rule thwe bitten twice shv you may hook them once and ton them back in hope something bigger will latch onto your ilnu bul thai flah wont make the tame mistake twice aaa ommei fkon trout armtfi that em fan jcsyderinett ra atlllng cart back in itm whan he bought the wo acrmof uh on the fcussasasweya town line two mile wmt of moffat village he tapped onto olaar spring that dotted the property built a pond erected a rearing tank and pur- chaaednmne breeding mock and he won embroiled ihe com plicated trout business it look long hard hour of sweat brawn and patience but by the late mantmer of i tat he had a pond locked with me- dlfmixrd ralntowsand vraa ready to open it for fluhlng loadedwith bah over the year the work in- created and noon he left the car huslncs lo devote full time lo hi growing ranch that lodav jat good response to visitatidn the icout mother meeting was held in the tcoul hall tubs- day may 7 with ii members pre- mai the meeting wa opened with the lord prayer led bv the president alice wllklnton the aacretarjr and treasurers port were read the commissioner sent in a re- ouesl for tester qualified in text ouldc a thank you card win read from a pail member ex pressing thanks for her glh re port were given bv member un the family visitation being con- ejucted and all arc vcrv plcoscd with the response a brownie revel i being plan ned tor june for all brownie and families and they were aaked to nylxltlhejunth andjhbboni at tim actiwi bowling lanes by kan hulford ethel haggrtl offered to be in charge of the nominating commit tee for the may meeting it wa decided in have ihr june outing on june it final plan la hr made at i he neat jncctlng 1 the meeting closed wilh the mlrnah benediction and luneh wa tervrtl jh schoot may is the 2aj pin lead held bj the blue bomber from the flrat three game block along with their econd three block of 2064 uw them come homo fwte on champions the issue wos never in doubt a the bomber udileil lo i heir icuil in the flrat and sec ond game and although they fell off slightly in the ihlnl game they still finished j4j pin uhcail of i he xecond place choochoo puff crowding the uecond place choichoo weiv culler fllvn who flnuhed with 4111 m4ihlou montrr couldnt gel going until the final game and hod to set me for a i plnfall the blue bnmber rull wav headed up in the lo or jackie bullmiuh ki joj ond don hurrw 201 chiuv chtxi puftn citorl weiq paced bv morv grlwhow 267 ami lrank morion 220 guller file had barrv ullliiii 203 and john dunn 20 o jtlelr credit while mahlni monleix uould tiavc fared much heller if ihey could have liacked iip ted wnllho 613 lripli su h is hail the champi jill lliifsl terrv churchill merl harris jackie nullcutuh and dim harris for a job well done and lo the losers heller luck next season micro plastic mnv 14 you have lo hand li lo i he sputniks when thev deciil ed to uo inln othil for the cham pionship ihev didnt foul fminu into the- final ihive name block ihev trailed iheieadinii squauk- ers hv iwi pins and the second spot holder teniblc by 113 and the rallhlrds dldnl iiive ihem much cl a chance in fact every one fiijured it to he a bailie be tween squawkets and tenlhles hut two nol to be sputniks wilh flsu schmidt 217 nino dit to 230 ginn derartolo 236 and herman besxem 26it to puce em crashed out a 1136 and wilh squowkei s aiml tti ribles tnlv comintf up with 7 and 728 in t tint order ihe panic was on 226 thin- along with glno debar- tolo 207 had them in for a 946 game and a three gome plnfall or 2996 for a total of 5746 nino ditto 679 with glno deuarlolo 631 were sputnik lop triple moon glows with roll of h74 777gnvethcmniilir liatne total of 160 and brought them up to second place judv llalladav 604 and uo mcflillowav 604 uumg with herb scholhrt 203 anilfred allen 233 nccminled for moon filoivs triples and singles the sjuitniks slackened off in ihe second hut wilh nino ciiito rollipa a 223 ihev chalked up a 04 wnich still tophd suuawvcis hsvi and terrlbles h2 ciillo was slill the sputniks paccsciier with squawkcr who hail lo-scllk- for third place had a final total plnfall of 3339 bruce carglll win ihe lone squauker to net unv menilonables a 207 and a 2iv dave woiktward was the loner wilh 227 for torrlhlcs when ihelr final block of 2332 saw ihem with a total of 3213 lampliahlers with kmllly plelrnngill 221 and terrv llebden 267 sinned off with 2360 and a total 32113 blower who never did find out what it was all about marked up a 2389 for a totol of 4733 bob drink wallers solo of 243 was the best of the rlowers efforts so it is sputniks iisa schmidt rim kv bllen nino ditto gino dcpar lulu vickv schubcrl joe iorier and herman bessem hanking in ihe sporiiuhl of champions haadpln hllltot geliinii ihe awards this trip judv llalladav wilh a 604 triple won the service of the slrccla- ville dit cleaners while mary iiiseliow from the hiuh school iciliiii clicked for the lcilper lda vouoiier with a 267 simile nino ditto who has won a fair share of awards iptelv came up with a 679 triple lo win the paul clothing award while herman nessem rolled a neat 268 to win he mcgregor sock from the re quire mens shop anil o my friendlle this winds the column up lor another season as usual its been a grand season of fun lellirtsshipnmrifnod howling to all league champions and individ ual champions congratulations to all league executives thanks lor jobs well done and until we start hashing mil the howling news next include four rearing pond lour rearing tank aprlnj pond four lrge ruhlng panda and a 40 foot trough each loaded with thousand of righting rainbow ranging in length from two inche to 20 inche weighing over two pound he itlll working ut a hard ibere still more bush to cut and developing to be done bill for- n change lheremoney com ing in to offset heavy expendi ture during the first few year of development today ivan has close lo 40 member in hi private member ship club with a limit set at 50 nvemberftssme hatching his own egg and selling fish commercial ly to owner of private ponds and for restaurant fare and he branching out from atrlctlv rain bow to include speckled trout in hi pond when this year egg hatch after spawning hell have close to sojvio fish on the ranch from wide aisja in j4logroujoookvllie angler attempted forming a club lo rent the entire fishing rights on the farm hut membership fell short of the quota and the deal fell through many or the same oakville men are still mem bers howevor and they are loin- ed by fellow angler from a wide area including brampton kitchener cuelph hamilton and turonta thi fall ivan plan to intro duce some limited pheasant and partridge hunting on the farm as an added convenience for members his 1100 membership fee in clude the whole familv for fishing i a family spurt in his books and he love to see dad taking thciron or daughters to the farm for a relating day on the bank of the pond camp ing picnic and swimming faci lities an available so the whole familv can come along for ihe dav and enjoy themselves while father tests his equipment in ihe sparkling waters no live or imitation worms or minnows are allowed just flies plug and spoon they must be single huokx with the barbs re moved so a member- can catch ull he want and release them keeping onlv the biggest of hi catch members are allowed to keep three rish a week and pay for any trout over that limit this make the ranch an excel lent place rorlhe porf fisher man who aats hut blgged kick out of using hi aqulptnerit estrathelnar placed in pan ln laf the hatdbent h aaaparu building where no strong sun light can spoil the the pan notice to property owners destroy weeds h i herafcy f ivan ie all partem in pattetsien of least la mmhiiw with the waad central act 190 fama 1 is and a that uje nonlous weed tra an their land within the municipality of isquesing art de by data of jun is 143 and threucheu tha aaaaan l munkiaallty may emar upon um land and haw th waad dgatmya charging the cast egalnet the land in taaaa a tat out in the act fka aparitlaw of all hiian is aarnatth telicltad robt r hamilton frd a hoffman v i mcatthui weed intpa w county of habtut dr1viin jem thi at all s inushbv9wsat may hj4js ticwncoioi cintmascom show f0u0w that dream iivb preuy anne helm 0unfwht at dowe city joii aaccaea- julta adams laav jgaa i y gkjh a awjilnaaaaa aww aw stbjttasnav wajm 4 on max 7 b akaaaaaaavaa aaaaabbbb vtaaaaablabbbfebbbw taaataal photo c0ntist amotaur or protatsionol yau can win priioa for your bad pkatogropha tn block cmmj whint r color takan durina ims irt hsa cratiet vallay watorthodr sonic human intoraat nvhira 25 coah prirot far tha baa anlriaa kaap mia cmfvarrrtaaajanf far rafaranca but ita no place for the mah who i strictly interested in loading hi creel with us much meat a possible the owner guarantee there will be plenty of fish in the ponds but cannot guarantee they will strike when vou toss a fly or plug at them the trout are raised on a carefully plan ned diet of prepared pellet and rely on the pcliej for food if they strike at a lure ihey strike only in anger not for hunger aktwtiutg ryoeeaa the pawning process in which man assist mother na ture for the moat exacting and careful development of top gradi- ralnbows is an art in itself ivan expllnit like this when the rainbow appear readv lo spawn usually earlv in april he net the mules and ie mules qnili scpataies- mlh solution a creamv wiiite substance resembling milk is extruded from ihe male into a smullpun then hecarefullv pre cs the sides uf the lemar- to extract her egg into ihe same nun he alwoys uses iwxv male and two remales ror one hatch in case anv of the tish are sterile fartllliea egg the mill and eggs are left in lite pan for two minutes onlv while the mill fcrliliies the eag then the used milt is removed and the eggs tire rinsed the tug then is set up or hardened by cold water for two hour iielore ihem the- survived of egg are laid out in trough of cold running water and each dav for the next five to eight week the bador discolored egg have to he removed- h a ledlou operation ulng 1 long pair of tweeeers any u sary motion of contact with the good eggs spoils them in this crl lical stage once an eye or the fish boglns to appear on the side of the ttgg ihey have progressed lo a vtage where thev ore very rugged then its- time for a shock treatment ivon takes the pan out ol ihe trough hakes then and hangs the egg against the side uf the trougnt remove bad one the nest day a lot of the egg wilt have discolored and must he removed immediately these are the fish that would not have unvway the shock treatment is the beat method or weeding out the good from the hud ir an egg survive the rough irealmenl it hound to live the eggs lake four to six weeks pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memosiais memorial engraving al water it north ojut bowl far pleasure optn bowling monday tuitoay wionitoay thursday nioav and jatotoay tvtninof owl far cton b0wunc lmes phmo umi7i asue otpa 10 mala jeew paphtand atjqrreotijktiojooijth to hatch and ihe flh double rtpje jndyen audrun jhejt iae in the flrat month they can be an inch long in slg- wfxtfclvan explain the new young fish will slay in the halciteiy b to 50 days depending on their progress then theyre placed outside in the cir cular 34 foot lank until the jail of tha- year pish are graded in the fall and the ltees go lo the rearing ponds where theyll slav until thev grnw to seven to 10 inches oh their own after that theyre on their own tor they are mocked into the ponds where hahlng ir allowed or shipped off to restaurant or private pond ivan admits he started onto ihe fish ranch business with the impression it would be easy if anyone had asked him in i9sa how to go about darting an anglers haven he probably wouldhave old ihem to dig a pond get a few fish of opposite sexe and alt back and wall for your tarmte dstdvertwuisvltll top quality trout lla a mile more complex and sklufuf an art than that ha admit now the large capital investment the long hour of manual labor the patience re quired in tha hatchery work and lbs numerous dlanpcnt- men git jo to make if a faclna- ling hobby -turned- occupation that he really enjoys triat flils acton public school kindergarten enrolment acton public schools will be able to accommodate all pupil of kindergarten age thi yr to enrol they mutt be live yrs old by december 31 1963 birth certificate raqulrad to avoid confution please complete the form below before may 31 and send or mail it to your district school in ear of oastnit w mekiniii principal reltert ihtle tthaal bom rn or w d umu smith principal m z ismimtt tjtal ox mo childs name christian name kuriiume data of birth dn month year parents or guarrlim nam in full phone no for furthir information cau roieit little school isvl3540 on m z 1ennett school ss34us0 ckwtvauey mkwn0ji ahrw0aw1r tchflostltvimr i7741u thouartd of oarwara acraaa cartaaa ayaa mchmmltmttttlellhtirtari4ttimi impala ri tha bott of tha chaw oanlnt aw hwpala flow a tot lor you cauti ba twa a tianaaw thai follow adtaraagr yau go ccatltl ba iwpalag tuxurtoua cornfort and rngatarly h aaaa jbytmaimmtm thb qitf nk win chtyntotirt to lit midktatviim mawt bast of tha 63 for all that asagry ctiawoaat can offar plus tcmathtng gpacial in luxury tag tlrha impala batt of tha smnutt tmayl act vosm locas authoattto ennaour atajja andrew murray motors umitzd 610uajphsr ogipgi nnm tl 7msi i s3felv9fl9ffswtltftw