Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1963, p. 3

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hoars board request need for 11 rooms ftajaoaai tmmmmitr m wtitoitlm poaaiha to atavger mwt m flafts adwol anon jt waatatmivabg ciaaaaa at 1wvaji mhtr to atave off a after couodmor wood explain- ex the preaont debenture debt incurred fay the town chairman 3ac hold expreaeed hl aynv pelhy lo council and aald me- 000 dabaoiure debt for education lone la onaihlng fanlaatlc mayor duby mtearloned wielh- orlhv ontario municipal board would approve another debenture vjtthai far the proposed addition in view of the preaent debenture debt mr held aald they will probably nay you have been out m the nun too long during a roundtable dlacuaainn on lb mill rale increase if the ftropoaed addition malerlallited ftftirea varied from alit to nine rallla mr lowe waa of the opinion the percentage of atudenta who complete their education la piti fully amall maati voeatl tralnt he wondered lr aome arrange- men could be made to nmvlde more vocational training for the one who couldnt handle the academic aubjecta councillor wood ettpreaaed hla dlunttolnl- ment that more acton atudenta were not able la enroll at the vo cational achool recently com pleted in georgetown reeve h h hlnlon atated acl on naa no demand on the georgetown achool iti a caae of if they have room for act on atudenta they can enroll he wild councillor johnalon woa or thr opinion the acton achool hoard anould preaaurc the georgetown board into taking aome of the acton atudenta tinahlc to digest the academic aludlea natal fatleaee ayor duby atrcaed4hc 1m mr ium aakad council to con fer the urgency of the addi tion aa staw inspectors had re- conmended completion of the addition by the fall of jm4 we have to move feat if thla la to be done be aald councillor wood wondered why aecond gymnaalum waa being recommended in view of the fact the m z bennett public achool hat an enrolment of around 46tv pupila and there lawf a gym m toe achool mr held alftted i am not aotd on the fact we have to have another gymnaalum if the department la not going to pay a juat ehare i am wiling to aay we can dowithout it in conclualon the mayor atat ed we will require every bit of information we can get a thla looks aa though it la more than the ratepayer can handle beffmmuger appointment of lloyd g denhv aa bell telephone manager for a a a haa been an nounced mr denby wbw ap pointment la effective immediate- iv will make hla hulquurlcn in guelph mr denby replaces c j cain lano who naa keen aaslgned tu apecial dutiea in kitchener and will report to the company dl- trict manager there mr denby cornea to hl new poat from brampton where he haa been manager since ito born in burford ontario mr denby joined bell in windsor in i0j a year later he wna loaned to the ingerwll tvlephune camp- nnv and remained there unlil he enlisted in the nrmv in im in i we he reiolned the bell in london he waa with thr wile unci hul ncaa denarlmenia jn london until mj when he waa transferred to parlance of both the hoard and council being patlenj with each other regarding the propoaed ad dition and atudylng the problem carefully there la one undla- nutable fact there arc more children coming out or public achool than can he accdmmodal- ed in high nchuol monev to ex pand la the big problem staled mr held school board member agreed to auhmil in wrltlnn u complete report regarding the proposed addition ao council mav aludv the problem inlelligehtly with council member from buouca- toronio during hk thrvcveir atav at area neadqunrtrrs he worked in the commercial depart ment he wna reaulls supervisor when named to the managers position in brampum in addition tn guelph anil act- on mr ocnhywlll he responsible for the commercial usnects ul bel in operations in arthur cole don ehira fergus grind vullev orangevllle rnckwnod unil shel- btirnc watir tahtv jt one of the moil important featuret treated during ihe iwimmlnrj clattet at the park above initructor pal barrager hertelf a qualified red crott initructor giyet a group of youngttart letioni in the wading pool older groupi fake new outlook on firefighting for dublin institute members the unusuul setting lor the lake cure of il miss ann mac- duhlln womens institute meec- unen read the duties il lilt ing waa the acton fire hall nn secretary and viccprcslilem irom july lit the occasion was an el- the handbook itirl to stimulule numhers and i wise worda then in the consciousiicss a spcnl lunch hud hen pi- null lttni their turn in fairy lakn there will- he two vim of 15 iniionv each during the lummur months this iv only onu pliant of the lummer recreation procjram 7he actoti tfm prae thuraday july 25m 1963 obittmrv mrs christina henry was born in acton mr chriatuta henry widow- of the late clarence henry md nukted away in a private nuraing home in victoria bc on june ii she wm hoin at aclun in 1177 ami had ivtlded ul york- inn und keulnu sunk bill in victoria for ihr pusl h yean she is suivneil by one sun hnick ul vickiila i luce daught ers mrs kathleen balot mra ii smith miirlnn both nl victoria and mrs a price klalnet ul smiih lluilley muss twif hn- ihers william tin lie of ashland ite herbert cmriv tlrumheller alia seven giandcliildtviraiicl onu greul gruiidchlld irivule inuerul seivkes wen- cuihlucleil on june 22 kcv ii k johnston ulll lullnu fulluwed by civniulliin ewnhaf mlaa janet altken 17 daughter of mr and mra calvin altken uk jj acton wat a the tatsles chosen from 21 ehlranla in the ontario lasshe annual competition which wan held at the ujsc guelph thla is a ore- llmliiutiv to the dumiting 01 u oueen at the royal winter pull neat november selection was mode on the basin of showmunahlp in the judg ing ring perwmalltv and record uf achievement in projecla dur ing ihe preceding 12 months the nine lusilui chosen arv eligible id comneie lor the idle ul oocen ill the hcivul among ihe gills received eucli gill is enllljeil in lour all e penses paid duys ul ihe lair in november in spile of ihe ruins lately the pund is still low m u a 1 1 1 tj 1 k 1 1 monoartirjal admi48ion 80t hmy crott momi and tchofli bingo 2 fro cirdi with thii clipping i hi- hfluitu niii ifallv in irytiu i paivt hv ihe mkiii iriuiimitlcl 10 ufciyfrmfirc danuci n lirclitfhicr jtiincd in muklnu three membcrh of itu lire hii- ude of acton attended the meet 1 ny and euch rmide n cuniiibu tiun to the sukjcct uniler diwn iruj and nbimjjwcyu lownhhlp 1 week lowrr volume of advertm noccmlimed print inn fut ilphi cnlncs in jm c paffc in the free pres ihu the meeting a very enjovihle one the uve ot the kitchen ind lac- tlilies v ill he ulwuyn rememlurt ed it is to he hoped the vtse ion bill wllliiwm llartv otter- i words mil icssnns learned uill tie hi a tut dorson friell rrceived he reiueiiiheted ttxi luitfc measure l yrulilude i u vou t t hive die both lor their useful admonitions j j b mu lumie and tor the interest they treated am t tiyht ditvetions lor their succens fu then wnhtjxi iviuhing oiir home evident in their place ecinid in lust vens cortipclition thev were selected from several hun this sundays church calendar ada a tllm sale was shown new outlook limehouse officer completes training acton lahtft cmukm coatvgatta af oatlarta 0ua4i paator rev stanley gammon 144 tldey ave hione isju13 sunday jiily 3lh 9ej 1100 am worahip the forgiveness of sins 7jipjtn evening sivlce he la able sundav school all summer 943 am prayer meeting wediusjjiv 7 v drlwln church saturday july 27 g45 pm toths wekwnw to all vamml baptitr church all servlcea in ymca fuator j h wilson 45v2ij7 1vv20i in acion vmca cwxllally inxlles u to aliend these summer services sunday july ikih lift 4s uin ahagr bible school tv bihk- as ii is tot tiimilks as thrv aiv ilofl am lanilly worship sei vkv 700 pm mexmiav tmagnoois lor the disease ul sin muisu mr c garner guesi mituist geurgvlown collage pruer meeting wed neaday julv jl g pm ii churchill kd s topk je huvuh wlliteuscs drive in community church salupday julv 27 t45 pm- b tutha servkv station iu in wiiinu i riving olllter p g schol 2v i s4in ol mr and mrs g sehol nt rr i limctiuuse yradualeil a new outlook was given hv dk rcais surtival train- ihe mens account ol vslial hap- sshooi summer hush course pens when llie tin- hell rinus heiv unlay louestions were invited anil an- h schol a pilul sen inn swers itlvji ixputv clnel wil- rcar staliun cumux bciuii- mams olfered lo inspect any i- e rtai in september w homes lor lire salelv and in trie survival training school sugyesl means lor impimeinenl uathes aiuieu nur other pel in ihe aheiue til llu- piet onnel vln in emeigencv mav tiinitv church lu m c mcimimc ika llu- ik1 i kiuu ihe lxhnicue the uajlad timfrll ol canada chair alter ihe umiij oihmng ol miivivii in iininh ihneil mil and roll call iheje vis lis isolated inea lis ilassnsnn is etisslon on whether duhlin itu- great oolilsi at jovi should have a float al ffie aclon al alia where ttainmg in the lall fali the vuirenl liu llu huh i coen ululer nilh summer eu will tie ils villi annivcr anil winter tondilions anil at saiv a motion wis mint- that resolute hav nn coinwalli u ttie lloal stiilfild- he vonned land wheie autk uivlval is and a committee was immcj to uuiylit aclon ontario mlnlater the rev dwighl i engel ba bd organisl mr george elliott ma hi d sunday july 2lh iwcl divine service 1000 am coinhlned service ol knot pivs hylrrtan and trinity united in trinity church nurseia- during service lor vouug chlldivn acton nhtkoctm jj churchill road pattc rev s m tlwnian- paslor imj7i1 sunday july joh ivavt mm ajauaunday school 1 1 jo am morning sarvtve j9 bjm evening service tuaaday pmilbw study and pinayar rhuradajr i hjn chrut ambaa ockwooo immanua teu church taxsoculed guapvl ihuivhes of canada main st ruckwoust i pastor ray wiseman i sunday july mih ima v4s a in sunday school i classes lor all ages iron uiii morning service 700 pin tvening service you are wclcunve tm church o it albam tmt marttr anoucan cutncr wiuow and bower- rector ttve rev tt ii west ba 1st ls jeffrey ave phone vls4 i sunday july mih i jut tnmtv vi i sitat ant molv euctwuisi lulm am hots kuctvaiim areawide service latteiat wait tiet yeutt mil t ataxia call aw from pi kt wmica at to tad im euailanci ot our lamce anoei ao bovmn aimtil manning electric s4 mih st i acth pkaaw as3a30 you can relax aboul your family your home your car even your boat when your insurance agent displays this sign i ittinir sp0rk or spam c0h0e salmon evaporated milk stafford barbecue sauce all hirvthin jell0 powders krgnlar or i hiibly kleenex kraft crackrr pjril mild cheese tulip c4hjrcd margarine jithnmm and jithnmiti baby powder trtiten ll artel lr sunkist punch llo tlm 2 for 88c rbr tint 2 for 88c talt llrla 6 for 88c i1il an 4 for 88c pkga 8 for 88c pkga 6 for 88c t2- cul 2 for 88c i lb pkga 4 for 88c 88c una 7 for 88c jumbo su 27 c produce or vha nn i limit ideal for picnics cantaloupes 3 88 california valencia aiaii oranges 3 88 k this is national salad weeki we have a ta mplete u aw haaaa ajrawai tomatois oriin oniomf crrif ltttuci cucumurs ciury oriin rfmrs tvaal prles cffrsllsc lull 24 v 2a and 27 a mrrv ihe rlghl n limit ipiantllus doatt taract ine cummunitv imwasin church at tutha uaril servkce suhoo satur- dav jury jt at ms you art cnnmally unwei ftaalrlr ampj hflaananwa umajay iucr mh nu ur ttfjham church m trmf mjox ohircil acton rev andrew h mckeium ava avd minuter mr e a hanaea tla orgmiil and choir maatar slndav jlity mh taub am cumhlned stivur with united uqearecatiun in trtfcorcli lsmchlisg lunr o 1 enajel i0jb ajb- onea session of chun schuul in umarc leak fee taa laiaee s wna it mt aad reuu iu4- twhaaauata iwr aaaef aa ai a lar ase at the anreat paaalkw eaat saeai la aa aae year safer a aaam or tau htaa isow jeat a paean- kmgta aj m kaun a ey y dennys msutance aotncy silt and habotd- fjeaadi at acmm ru4is8 hotooy tcttles cuumt mstot amd mow fawyi extra loll 3400 isnaiua tape revets r ha in tnhiua lap sslrh irk tatsr ur sunlight liquid 2m peanut ftutteff detergent lims pk irf j i km iuip tin pk tsl v snap on bags bagettes rrtrtv v4 rt wmit irpc th brights apple juice 48hi tint rrsets s 2 aa in tsssnu ipr svllm tarmhueclhkuul aul ljfc nv i trauv aavtea lao pfcg ttih ka frozen cakes new potatoes l-ae- caatatam shopsy cole slaw or potato salad 88c sale combination ofttrsi i lh pag tablerti 1h wieners nd i tb peg tahlcrtl pur purk akknlea u sausage i ik pkg rural bueal raarl lib side bacon both fi nd au pkg tameril mat 1 i bologna 88 88 uapu ljk mkimlca rmfjalt buamk raaat w aa smoked hams lb 59c wlmtx o hal akondctiono fotvowl saaaaaataarjilmi araafaatmaaatat

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