Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 8

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o fwt wtw nwwhl thwvmft smwolv tcty lv03 buckthoto to cereaf groin autferd mml grain could t hkjiriirt by the eradl- p mr ahrub common european buvfcv ortnlw dpnfttlwpl of lulsf reports hu obm- fcrtwrrv l th worst of- beet- it catrtea the stem nut disease which i ttoln- u to all cereal grain thl mttum mt me byhmbutaifktimijtakv be stem rust berry utdftlcathcsinrrurprb- layjvsaj with a tamuhar or ctol i a aplny teceul ahrab from to 12 fact high with arch- ttejilliiiilri and trey cajtaybark hat mweaatm brtgm green sates a oyal from i to i iiiliiii ibssg and have saw- toothu edgst the aplne on mit laeasath staually are three- id th flowers are email ijgjjjtmwi tn long dro6v asamre tit berrj are md and mr the barberry i and usually no l 4to s fast tail the outer bark far maldlahbrnwn the leave aa sreen or red with smooth and the aplne are usually the flower and frull are bona aitigly or in two threes imrtfam uu num with cceftawvcttl rkb of j -uriaidx- st call- ed lb wei oil sphfy to soak all stuhbe and ettoim mot thl treatment in effective at any time of the year a tonk a 6w cover doe not prevent the spray contacting the lahmi scatwren luwmmi may be lmd the sa w treated wrun tmt pawii cmvbwjsnisf nvm w t h rtlg mma kpraad atuwaaeaoh laali hre o w an t h aw fl l l- uamihanlttutlilmfimii4iv shorter and more plump than vnutrsn sjweirs spiring talk find alter the cinsinii those ot common barberry bueopatn buckthorn carrle leaf or crown mat disease of oata it wa once planted a an rnamental- ahmb and now grow wild- in- many part of ontario it trow from to is feet tall many or the mall bttatbha and to a blunt thorn the leave are oval dark green is i inehre long and remain gr in the rail after the leave of other thrub have fulled the vein ot the leave turn und point toward the leaftip rather than the edge the black round bitter berrlea are borne in clum- ere eradication or barberry and buckthorn can be an arduous ltd aapenalve taak grant are available through couniv court cll tromthe ontario department of agriculture for the purchae efetmucal bruh killer to be uaad in fhe eradication of these hm tdirttb many counties have applied lor these grants and are now omductmg cauntvwlde bir l sodium chlorate i poisonous to animal no treated area iaood riot be grated until all trades of the chemical have tinapvear4u biro the seal whan stssssg theae casphiicals always fallow thai direction on the container very ca for fu information consult on tario department af aisctflhtre publication no 11 tltilde to chemical weed control it i available free uf charge from vour agricultural representative or from the information branch ontario department of agricul ture parliament building to ronto 2 ontarln on sunday al si alhans church price and award wilr he preeenled lo the children with the beat proficiency and attend ance record mrs q wagner resigns office the scplcmher mreilue of the markxl riukl mukion llivle wa hem mdndav kl the home of mr morrba ad mikia ptlklnrton thrmeetiua wao opened wllh the klnelng of the hvmn tlie ftav tlkhi tiuvesl 1 1 ml it rnillini mid pruycr by mrn j lhupmjin the ultnrp theij iud limn k u id chapter 0 ii was decldeil lo nllnw nicin bevh lo ptirchuu ihe hkik iiuin llir rcudlny cthirms ot pixviuus vean the inohey m iiinilir talent table it wa willi ivyivi lhal the reslgnnilon ol miv i wagner ihe mhiviuiv was uccep- led stw k movliitf in iii aiiioiun mhi a iifl ucreputl iln- mim lion uh kecrelaiv tor ihr it-niain- der ol i he year mn i ilklev rcvrlo on ihr bollvlun oirulma- fund noxl meeilnn will he al mis fi rals luns wllh mis shvllcv as uursl sneaker the uniiip ihen smu take time lo h llolv alier which mrs wesi reail from iphc- siuns chapler six prayers were given for foiviun and canadian work hv mrvlt uelwlii mrs k amnionr mis c lanilslxirouli ind mrs g ilirrfp miss pilkiniilun sanu a vuln compunled on the piaim in hrr molhei mr ciammon pave a missayi alwuil the church ol find jiuilt on faith ulilch is siill hiinp huill hy i he llolv spiiil mrs hvmn mr iaiumou icit iln- linmp in praver purine the smiat linu- lhal lul- toweil a jlft was prisrnuil in mrs wanner seventh nellis reunion staged it bel wood lake the aevenlh nelll reunion was held at mcleans park btlwood lake in augtial with vi attend ing the weal her was fine and a verv en lovable time won spent by all their were mimv race ond contests fdr both young und old the one receiving u prime for coming the furthest distance was mrs clirrord hicks of ottawa und having the voungem baby there waa mrs murray mllaon ol guclph there was plenty of e cilemenl when the men learned up fur a good oldfashioned hiy ofwar then races were held us rmmmrmir this sundays church calendar a a mton bahtit cmmcn caawaatlaai af ontario 4k quabw faater hev stanley oammon ah 144 tidey ave ph xvxim suwtjay september is iw 94s am church school lor all age 1 1 jo aan worship service contending tor the paiih 9j00 pn bvenlng meditation k christian warfare vntaaadav mlaalon band 41v praver and bible sludv 7w choir practice km word of oad the wages of in i tomh but the gift of cxi u menial me through jesus ckrut our lord roman 6 2v tvumbl ramtxt cmukch cordially invltra all people or all age to their irally day sumoay september is lont 94 am see twtimv an inspiring film family worship services at ii am und 7 pm biblical preaching bright singing an elocutionist a aokiist mil sunday service in ymfal cottage prayer meeting wednev day september ii at i pm v rosefurd terrace ulauter rrv james ii wilson smtmr cmukm m canaba kmbdc cawmch acton raw andrew h mckenaia ba bjb minister mr b a haataen ba organlat and choir master fjukday sbptfmbrr iv lr 945 am church school for all iaoo i teen minister s cuu ujbo am public worship of god sermon subject discsxmng the signs of the times tjppmlnitial youth fel loss ship meeting ol tall all vuung people 14 to i invit ed nest sundav it am ralls da service with chiklren wsr hipping with adult congreg ation blth4u mttfamis emmo student paaor jerry hoytema slintjay september is 1wj 1000 am english service 0 pmoutch aervloa 345 jim sunday school cvcrvana moat iajbjoja9 frsfaitt iznusfqn the halted church at canada acton ontario minister the rev dwjght i engel ba bd organlat mr george elliott ma phd sunday september is im divine services w am earlv service i 00 am congregational wor ship a msrserv for httte children is provided during the 1 1 am service the church school 910 am classes for grade s and higher 1190 amhtsses for prescbool to grade 4 you will knew the truth and the truth will make you free follows girls lour anil linikr wrnifv llenrv ami kathrvn miurav hm tottr and uniler scud milson girls sis and under heather mil son boys sis and under wavne allan dale hicks yirls eight and under marion nellis hovs eight and under david hicks girls iii ami under doris burl and ann llenrv hovs 10 and inuli sieven hicks larr murrav yiuing ludies race cnnnic cu- ev helen johnston nun i icil lnl ies lime race mrs w jnliusltui laities running mrs ii fini men running miurav milsun jake wagenaai plan educational meeting to explain credit unions a in- a ttltendthl hv j cvmeamt iu stiurviwirr the ontario credit union leugue lohn last and jules rillrers ol aclon to dlxctiss lhe irgiinlailon of an acton coininunllv credil union it was agivisl i lull wllh lhe absence- ol anv group cishiii uniihi in lhe town a coninnuiilv cndlt union would in- ol lieue lil lo die aclon populace prior to filing a peiiliiin o in lolporate llns new ivcdil union siviral ediicalionnl meetings will in- held 10 alton the lllst meet lug will lie held loniglu itiiois da al lhe tominunilv centre 1vejvhiulv inierestcil in ihv eiiinmunitv service is in illeil lo hllend these meetings jiiisllons ionceinlng tiedlt union al fairs will he answered al these meetings in a qualilicd representative ol the onlirlii 1iedil union league inierestlng slallstlcs th following statistics lor lhe vn ended tlsi ivccinlui lif3 will priivi- ol inlcresf i- ontario theie ate 1473 idil llnious seiiug 6jm1tih people with tliiisvls ol lll inilliiill dollns hill mi- im as vets increased in w nullinn llllllt s fin canada then- are 4mh ftvdll unions serving mhi hh nilnrs with lotal shares md deposits ul i s hillinu dull us md lust tivel i hillinu ttiillils in out standing loans ljir canada and usa- total ciedil unions ztim total nuin hers lsfitts2 total assets met hilllnn dollars 1 deflnlllnn whal is a ciedil union a i iidit union t a gnuip ol pi-opli- who agu-i- lo sale lluii luoniy togtlliii anil to mtki- loills lo each olhct it low mu les i i hi ll is orginitl in uh-inlit-i- ol i iiiilictilil ilmp e f loiiipnn illiplomis lulllll oltliis htltill iilmur unions 01 nuiit liiis ol a paltiiilln conununil membership is ojxn to onng anil old iiearillrss ol inc i oloi ii creed credit unions are demo iialic al iht- annual inciting nuinlnrs clii t lluii oiikcis mil cninmillees and sel tlu politl loi the iipitiliou ol iln- mill iliion llnw it wnrka mimbcis in- cnconraiiil io save rcgiilitlv i savings ue icliiallv shucs in lhe cuilil union from this aeciimiilated i capital loans ate nisde to mem hers lor anv goml isurtmsi aiul lai low inleiesi rale itu earn j lugs lemaitiittit diet pavineni of leutnsrs and lhe selling aside ol legal reserve are leliirned to uwinhiis in the tui in ol i dividends iouh for gniwl purpnae cnnlllloil reasons loi hoi row ing inclmle paving ill old hills lavs mimlilral espenses lunerals lioun- repairs larni equipment vacations iais idiicaiiou wetlit illgs iirninilal iilllhilliuiltiis and laniilv inieigencies it is quite iniuipnn loi a iidil ihiimi to leiid ijini solclv on a niiiulhrs slgnatiiii viiv much luoie is obtainable with giiod eiiuilv soiik- cntfil unions olile sur plus duals lot mortgage loans hut the main business ol cuilit unions is to illeil the needs tin isinsumer credit the lower inliresl lales sin- ineuilhrs iuoiu1 giving lliim iiioi e iiioni- 101 oilier tluilirs it is esluual lidlliil iiiiuitiiis siicii ovit si7s jllooiklll clim alolie in ill funds protected i the tin mi lal soundness ot itiisltl i nil ri- is pioliilcd in sci jiiil wais i i nilil unions operate law iln dnlario lluv air i liiitiritl hv llu- olll 11 ii p sn retail anil an- suhrviscil and inspciicil in the cridll union lllaiicll ol llu- itepailincnl ol in sillaiui- in addition the held loiicol llu- oulailo ill league make liinilll isalllllialioils it lhe liooks ot niiniliil ciedil unions 2 snpi1 vis n toininillie ol mlnhiis keeps slml witcli on llu- ci s optt ilnills 1 llu- i i iasiu el and other ollucis rngigil in i lit in i mil cash n ins u lion- ii- boudril tkcsorvcs required hv lhe dc ii act are set aside annually to cover any- lellnamtui loan cieilii llnkvna have a remark able record uft pavmenl ot loan less ihun one flhli ol i are not lepald this is acoihinml for bv a sense of lovallv lo lhe credli union tnciiihcroperrfileil nut owned thrift pvommvllon cieilii unions vear round isiltt- catioiial campalirn lo gel mem tiers lo save ivgolailv bus help ed countless tlhiusutiils ol people tut in llu- l in ill liahll ptsople wtiu ihvet savint liefore stariesl put uuuflisuli- a lil tit- each payday todiv credit tlhlon members have accumulated over 11000 kldivy in their c 11 savings c counts remember iiki these sav ings are working lor thorn all the nine follow the progress ol this nru ciedil union to souulvmlv on the moon the eu hi would look wl linns as linrlil as tile lllooll does lo us t whal il tangled web we iene when hist we ptaclice o deielve sit waller scull robert r hamilton optomitritt daargtiawn 40 main n s tor appt tr 7w7i ollice hours diillv escept munilav iyis ixaminio hisctlptioms nino sack ridley cartage liiwilsiij conciiti slocks concimti mick cinder hocks clay hick iand ctoni uvftock and hrtiiizer parm mvict and supwiis dump trucks for hire actow p u churchill road paoc rrv sm thoman pastor smtis svvday september iva 1000 am suaalay school 1100 am morning service oo pm evenhm service fuesday g pjn bible study and thursday pm outat ambas- dr aj tunrev present- the cavalcawle ol im- is1 coming ing phrcv one ol amei outstanding preachers on bibb- prophecy and world o rnts tjunt fall ro hear him offirwwriwj sbptiiwopt you are ojrsalty tavrrmd tt atbam wffitaeld lines fully insured i pc cl ps p agsgassaajgaagssggaajtaal pmomflts acton s4no rli oo onn 1owun0 14wotl voifr uaotm cofammsw acumbommc l phaoa sisolpo mamtsar osvpa 10 t tinders for oil for schools teausi latwlat will be raeaivasl until nmtn n manejay tapt m far supplying all to the fallawlng tehssals vf the ywmma lr ahmpfto i far the year iea4mb joth to auul 31 ivv4t a smysid fforval milton hiiohts limihousi and iniviiw a toulnf flpprowlmiimlv 35000 nillonn of no tut- nirt ful oil fiilil rtiwlrm lo hi idlromiml o mrf c a grant uhvtti f i twp school arwfl no 1 p r no 3 gftornplown only firm hidt nrrrpdm hwaror riitythr hot nectmtruliy acccplnd 50th anniversary pail fair specials rid brand- portirhoutl sirloln wino steaks lb 95c choice rump roast ll85r daily biiivirv lovell bros modern meat market tp mill t aeton phwto mau0 by l g denby your telephone manager death by suffocation according lo a lljl government test conducted on ml youngster aged j to s shaniloned rrfrlgrnrtors freerrrs and ice hoses remain death traps even when equipped with safety devices induced into a refrigerator like plavhoust and told to come mil as soon as the door was rinsed two out nf every five children made noattfmpt tt escape even though the door waa provided wllh a release mechanism ob served through an invtslhlr viewer lor up to ten minutes some cooed and played happily some lav down to gn to sleep some pounded on the door wit him l attempting to push it open others akmplv cried ptease please pifasf alert your rttle people to this danger and belp make sure that all aband oned or temporarily idle refrigerators etc have had their doors removed or else are so tlghtlv hound that lio ehltd enuld ever get isthi them this is especially true nnv lhal older and wteer brothers and slaters are hack ul school und tinier tvpes must make most of ibelr iiuh fun facts for life trn- traimttv tl liiui u kfil m in ih mjitnl lf t makes nu- wish i lkpimf hu k- m ihm sifh hnti ni prattuit inloi t timit i hut likr ul tit tin t vrin uhfra minitri il- k- hi- i s i i ph n vnu i v jllnl rimnlhtt ht tt hitti ot vmuli h isitiss timih iiv t for htp tew pjunis vinm ihrn h ihri i pii p h ih phtmic iiiki- lh in pti it hit l tuiki mm l ssiudt w mjn rxpltin h4 stritn m inminuni r in h n mm- il in cav hrlp i rrtxitl tunii ssivinj uhilt u- h- ph itii- wtmlil j chiul know ti it f jul tfi wmki hi- iiii1h mru1 thjt it be pulls tru ilil ik k instctal ltinj it iitinti tithlhi iii fxt i ilt isistu mnnrvr itnm iht- -ni- b- ujniv 1 ikmhl it but if thc things n- irttil pli i hm he mm hour th- rcisnim ur i u spiii h nu rxvd help giiukh r4jmier facts to be osi c thts column heres snail they prohablv tiosvl know though you may r it and hetlrr nae its good- practice for any budding matbmsa- smasa aassaar faanaly take your telephnen la add free aanlilgly by g ikssn add vossr age now days t a year aad thea auhtract ms if all of gas daag fraaa left to right but kl ssar you dth we needed it now the bank said yes so manv a houserkili pitrrhasr likr this starts with a iwnk oin 1riple fi nil that the simple natural thin to il is to imrniu whrrr thev save at the local innk in fact the rhartrrni hanks an- the largest single viirrre if ciiisiimer credit luas kxh in numlar and value jhniiiii theyars the chartrretl hanks have marlr ft incrrasitnl eas fur pniplr to lrrrsu at reason able rates fir almost am wiernhilr purpnae the ptirrhase of a carjlnew home heating system a vn or laughters rclucatinn a family vacation three out of four hank loans are to iimiivhiiuis nr tbir prrsonal credit needs ami the total irrxmnt of oik h loans has almost tlile in the past five years further esmvnre nf the way lnk r ustonw r are relying more and more on their l- al liranchrs for burrutaina as well as for all other financial services the chartered bavks servivc vour commuvity through lullrmngr banking rrt to growing changing nttda

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