Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1963, p. 4

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jfta attar tyiy ryaax toofidfy otfrbav twns 1tvi sports mat eyg of hockey saason ink new coach for tanners acton tannbm rftmiheb ono nl obstacle n rhe wnv of a good hockey leoin thin season by sinning mall junior beaumont u tooth of the tlub junior need no introduction to font here theyre familiar with hla ilnv at centre and wing wlih georgetown raiders thev also remember the eon he plaved here wlih atton ram in the inler mediate hoxln loop hea from a real hockey family broiher del nnalhcr well known hockey vflenintumtntlv couth of georgetowns junior b entry win the riml benumont to leave hk mark on the georgelown tlub players who moke the tanners lineup ihls uon will llkelv find junior 11 nlrawini hul determined touch he know iht game trom the bottom up und the acton cuecullwi ihlnk tht glen wll hums nallve is just what the club needa the ksaftut u upactml to h alron than vr thla omaon with now entry from tzlmlra and lb ousar cluba all atrantth- mibu a achadul for hm first half of th taae wu drawn up ihla was by commttr av marshall and it tatta us tajsnew la mullon for a joual with knlo sclteltria charim in the uagu when this column wan wrlltvn no decision hns httn re- telvtd from woaa officials rcguldinu iht uppluaijon of gtorgt town raldcn for admlon into the fold somebody ha hetn dragging u deud herring over the picture imimullng u cvrlnln oh a oflkinl hus been tndiuvoilng to uurs atton milton and the new elmira entry from the woaa into the oh a with the raiders rumors hmc been spioullng full and furi ihik and u pitlurt is beginning to tmergc that hns thi unmisinkahle mlor of fish ll ohtious nellhrr atlun or milton have unit relish for the o ii a whnt flmlrus feeling on the mailer ut isn i clear hul turlv ktatemvnls from rjlmlru rcprcscnlntivcs puis ihtm un the sldt of the woaa this prominent oh a off it ml is supposed to hnc aid howeter ihul thirtii georgiloun pins ihtlr intk flmira will follov suit meanwhile ihv proposed gtsanittown enirv rettited a sympn thetit hearing fnim ihtir urenu hoird und wtrt grunted ut limt on wcdnrsriuvs ami friduvs whin ihc juntoi b tlub is on tht mid almost ut iht sumt limt fin ol insi wars rililtrs were signing mills with bradford of the oh a conventr bob murshnll rtitlving no tord from woaa offi ml weni nhtuil and drilled n stheduli whkh vt ill be suhmiiltd u group represcninmcv m a muling in atton suntlm it dots not niiluili getirgelimn he may hava to redraft the schedule however if the waajl decide to accept the holder entry therea no doubt the iwtftm would baneflt if a bonaflde homabrew entry from gaonjalowa waa accepted but it owna to thla acrlhe that lla a utile late for thla season john co and hon malcolm han both httn sigmu ami lis ripctlrtt min utrsbnll will sign i i nd this mk to nlu foi georgetown blutrs of iht miiio lonuu b loop tht thru atlon plitrs hiv been si imloulo in vtoikoills u iliti tui exhibition iontivis stu iht bttcts tlrop in 80 ditisionl lo elosttokt anil i s1 loss in mukhjm but iinih li i bi iiimoni tsn l prrurbod lit isptvts hi ltim will nt in tonditlon for thi lugur upriui ilx tiisl ttk in oimhcr oru ul tru iiinu o o fl a hikkis totlut uai illumutulcif when it stas ills hkved onl uni ul lust wits mulgit ihumpions rml pnssuivsj in ik iik i lub loin othir plnstrs hat bttn siyitrd b olhcr junki a 01 b i luhs tht irc ill mil dnillfts tnssquiti k ttu gorgtlown ilub must hhii the bushes foi punsrrs in imtr to i a nuitiniting tiam thc intln alton bins n plas tkrt xttuli gmiiiimii hots irani sonnuhin 1 1st to pi it sb aat of thla year a aauad attract the notice of an vhl dub thnv be apbtnacbed and offered a more lucrative poajlloa aumrnk dae tbenile cycle we were almoet tempi- rd lo vtcawta starta all over again majthew junior beaumont long a atar with georgetown rul dem wa algned ihlt week lo coach the imj4 cdlllorf or at ton tanner familiar to moat port fans in ihla area junior as he s besi known hns a wealth of uxpcrlencc in inlermeulate hotkey circle to draw on he turned down a coach ing offer with a toronio mlnoi leant to coach the tanners president rnv mason ircosurer rae went and vlccprcnldcnl ross hullcnllnc of the acton txttutitt went to georgetown e mondav nlghl lo wlgn the former raidtt atur junior informetl iht atton representatives that he is unxious lo gel iht leum lined up und firsl prutliies will be held whtn in w nendv in iht torrtmunkv tinlu the signing was hit tiilminn hon of an extensile hearth bv iht extculive or the tanners to liml a toath to hi the shoes of ilio miitvo who resigned lust sinson tiflei iwo veura at iht htlm ot ihc atton woaa entry tht txitulltt fetls thev hatt lusi tin man in mull beuumont who pi i etl 17 vtnrs with gcoigitown rn ders matthfw junior rfaumont still a oung man jtinioi toultl step into his skults nnv duv ol ihc wetk nnd plav a gamt ol hm kev thai would inukc most inlii mitlmtt pfavors gutn with tnv hi ntvti iailitl lo stort mort lliari 20 goals a stasoit unh ihl raiiltts ouli i and iinassiitning thi din williams iiiiliti iiinipnl into in ittmidiali links fioni gtorgt town junior tl the lender agtr of is he wa so promising in his earlier veam he had scleral ol fir from junior a teamx among them guelph blllmnrck 10 ton alder but he prtrorred to slav in amateur hikkcv mall is a brother lo dt i btiiu mont touch of geoi gt loit n s ju nior b beaters whos will known here for his plav with tin r iidi is against iht tanners also a latiosst plavtr of nod junipr plaved u stason in alton with iht tit flint i iniimudi ilt rnms his hoxlu dais nou in tonlinetl lo hlouiug in olluiils uhlslle lit ii haii bis hands lull unh tltitits in atlon this si ivm tin tanntts linlshnl in louiih plm alltr selling n lottid pm in tin curly pull or list si ison ttuv ontn ilu iooim si ison in milton on stimlav alltinoon nonmbii 17 flisi homi ginn in 1 1 mill in on rridat nonmbii 22 i loi i rotks the visiiois sinn ti ims hi in gioup out ol tin wo a a s intiiniidi ii stilts orangmlli milion mini fiitils- chilunli ml i inn i i mil ai ion holton county sw two prizes for reports won by foil fair board rtfwr mrv rlrw stnmy liijlun v mi- 0n mnicbrw imi il stvemeeti ahicer and dlror ion from acton fall pvjlr i lend ed xbc 1063 annual mtwilntf of di t1 rk i ni 5 at ihc oniutiu atfhttiiliural miticlltii hrld in mnruiam un tiicmiav a iniruiv ikikon liiruiilliiinl iipniufnljhvc wu mtmlrnikor ol il unil diurtfrwlon plunivtnu you i fall i ah pniyutm ut lu mornmu wmuin at itu nn n blimp udilrttautt ihf wiimm on untor aoik tint mrs anm kihili i ul dtiilwim mlti on liiluus ami 1 u is loi i in f oiks twcnivjivi ontario fni wire rtprt st nliul 11 liiis inuitviinu nut imp two minim npom a i111 uiliviiiih wfit prikinutl b remembrance day service nov 10 ri metivbrunii duv it ill this ion hi obstitiil on tin n 11 simdat novembi r 10 in mil salunla nov mlu i ti each kkhely judged ami ne reports were ulaet nt 17 u ami theae donated bv mccague ma hon sod co id alllmnn were awaid etl to georgetown irwt ai ion second and mmon third foi i lii uonuui illxisioti t itl hum hafion county i ami lolling wood llrsl ailon snoml und lletlon third for ihe nuns divi sion atlon repiris wi ri gittn briefs i ipol vhi st boys parents jam centre to meet hockey ixec clov lo wo ho partnls kiulhin miinopirh nnd rxicutiw of tht acton minor hockiv as sotiairion and lcjjion loun kayut hmktv mtt for n pre si ison hot tux nltflti in tin commumtv cm tn inst niyht witlnistlr idia ol ihx ivnunii uis lo uivt pari nk und hovs i chiix mitl nwiihcs anil matiiiun tjrn b rn- insfw imi intlmlt thi vaiums tiicmmi md loun niiui mianhin john go si icauui teams ami lo iniroiliui ol tovnsk ii oodils ilio m fitials ut iht niu mintit ihkuin u bill toils horn tlu li and will dual this was lollowid h iht inito dm lion ot thi i tyion minm spores tutiitim h omimi goul j imts whuh imhitud gout micuuhton htn kdh fud allan and bill hmhanin ciiii his in in ilk is mil ri k u t s il rwilh u iui s uni minuhiiiil nd wilt hi poppv dts in hmn c hint ii uppnmd ttu ttitis is n qui stihi hy ljlnn popin i h tii mini i on ni il lot ii mi ptul apptoxal u is dso lfivin lo htimiili iht ri mtmhrinti i i n ii yr a n i u v un tin urmtaph tkiirpoli bulk lvla budget uitk nnvimim 4 to n thi cndil valliv tonsuva i tlu n ls d u1nu wi kiiihitid lion aiiihoni will spi ml 2w ski ul t rtl1 lnp vm atlktn iollouinu hirni i a i ashliv uilditbd tlu fihip is t wholi tihisc utltndinir ffom thi un il i itr hoard wi rr mt and ml h i ixtvldson mi wm thi nop son mi k don mu hu w mis wallun wai kliuiru r mr ami mis c ilvin allkm mis stun miilhius mi mil m iillinilh mrs w i inham mrs t storey mis a khinvm mis j van flu 1 mis i anhihukj mrv j mk ullouuh mivk i pijnn and mis wm mcdonald cnm mmionittot ale hirnlng tttt tlu diy traut hi thv rallwuv rifhlouv htlwrmi aiion and liiwvihi h convfrv iinmljv cvinfny trank roger kr lo irw uiiluu otuixh minu piwmlt 1 kplainlny hu wolk al l hi kifoinmiory jolnmv mv wkc lo ilu sen kammi 1 on mimic ip il hum m iiuiii ai thin inn 1 my m iht s mm malt mondav lit tils ithind htm vti inloimitui i h unit 1 1 til w is a popu iji smh tn hikiis uti 1 hi uitk toil as tht inn unlwi min limit d atihiml ti 1 hu must lomrimn sity u ih fioin k iso 10 spvsiiu li iikis ahoin ttu houis 1 niiiy mhi unh 1 m ihh ot mn h p a tut st dm t l hiyiu md 1 hi piuh i ill l hth f i fa i hup hi kldl vtiiii niaiilrt luu 1 ars mi 11 oil tin i ottm is itiuul hi hi hikinif kiik nut pm up ihur ihmtihv 1 conservation takes aihi ait shingut 1 210 ihs soi in 1 on to iht puhlk hrnic mnrkv pusulint ot tlu am ha wikorrwil tusts to thi palktd niidilnrmm and ji ii ttu miduncc putlcular on hi aims i the nt w assik 1 uion iik dot haikliv uipusi iilih inlitkluccil hi txtiiilni of l tn am ha mihulinu himsilf b iit insiik ri rn v in lint bill kniylu kuth m utm md tun ahscnl mtmlnrs oil m ikolm beit bits don t forfcl t iv n ids uith om pop nittlcs ar in unw lun wki t t m hoitli an s itiiul t thi ii x xjtt- the i n i iviiim pout ho nuih ot oi inpt tvffcitri ui sji ua ptnj ikit rar mispitim n tniin hinkt 1 rrvvi oh k rrvxin s ixittcnns will him i m u coach this owr uny cw bi sti ih un u as j nt vs mm t i houi drew x j r vt in hivitil s ruhtil in iht oiu on i b v 1 lux season lis iikin this loti tor an 4u uiiumi ourir tiwi u umk out ihisncrfcrnd k 1 x v i vjmvi the annauncfnfil ijsi sii k in 1 t a inn i 1 n rsinvinrn a mntor tux kc iluh tt j urr tk lions didn i oiikuik lynv in do the j h s urck ttv vluh uiji pla t hihttion amo s oil ur d puuitk unh a hr th toudtmt ti a knur jui 1 i 1 p unpistil i b md q rrams b ai ti d hivlu puxi n in i n w ii imhurj fi i h itjut m tx i mikh i i ik n sircnth xvat s u jn hn nn t st t htn ui ii vn s ot v nu in inirrvid n nferre nj it inv h r jin j hu ii an 1 n u r- h up vi kj t r ri k s sc f a- s v j in n 71i xx f a- j b t is olh r bj t arf en art c imphillulli s hisihill iluh ihisutt till thi it iqinpnunt ilin i hlit sitks ol ultimss mil tiuik on bidinoth bnis in in inlii csiiiil t xhihition h ill game in cam phi llvilti sunt i if li rtuntn a litfi mixed v ikhtd thi tvso hill c itihs shiilik in in untimi il hill hudhall hill snlihdl u n mninc j tiric uiih thi vuichinls aiiimy an ovvi til hm win oimln ti ims uul h irold diui isl ji houii li idi i huh luu ttxt tout rriiloi kiiaim mi ph ol ah inun ail coop i grtirjrr wnnr hirh twtk hilt took ami bill moi i ison ot ttu 1 1 pion tttwn it ilui a film on hmkiv i und inn ni tls shown b kiith mntm piuuli i i t i pi uiouliiilt ol msnu totr loi sitnitlix s hotili di us h biik s tishm n kulh mutm ttun shield iol loud lilms ot list si ison s si n li c up pi ix oil mhu h m is u livttl ill oxit iliun h thi hos a ix m mdi i ol s ttuiil i s huiik di ix i h hill knilhl silni d tht c xi nine tt wins suit al tht soft ha 1 1 amh i hum d un i i hi u dr i xx is m uli foi i soil uul don ild mclntxii xis the xxiiiiu t ttu d inn xv is xct xxril ittcndcd nixt t ii if rfu pitposid hud pi t tor lm i appnivtd const ru ion siii mi s will i iki tht hitipisi chunk a hi illlo 200 sfto lihid lontio md xc lu conscn ition uill unotinl loi jih400 ol this amnimi oitui pi ins in liuti dcxi lopnu nl ol tut i oil i ri llmint un i i in dili rhi wilt ox iu uul toi st tonsiix ilmn uns a llotxl j m suixt ot itu ttdit ri- i js si indutii tti itisi tinoon a loi tl ol sivj00 his hull pi x idi tt lot i onst rtion si ix ut s siuh is lish md xnltl id sto k mp vi i id hirtl fitdinu uild iiil pi inline pi iv hi tuc pilnlin pioiii ims md turn pond siihsul u s ginti it itlmuiisti ition ex pins is xvrll mount ttu 4s vvj ol ih it m untti i md iru i in ns mil in unit n inn i iki j2h r0c1 c vca s mlu ip hi d uv nut is iis s00 thi pioxuuiil j mm nu nt will p i itu u ni nrun h7l 000 in yr mts mil subsidies cvca his isiimiud ih it s9 000 will hi iinmd mxt t o in wei nis pi i i ipii j icmis itrn ttu l con 1 1 itutinli munu ip th in s s 0x liom rt vi nut iu is nd 100 inmi tlu ulthtiuni tooili pi i i mil i ltx hnniht in mkw this xt ii md ihi min is is ixptltltl to iiiiih lllim i iol 1 1 popul ition in tin w ut i s hi d wi l and olyrt tlil kikunv li 695 ea all colors tan pro dittrlbuton hmitto ii main st aclnn tit vmm ball banquet saturday november 2 at 2 pm ihc hoyi cnache and managers who tank part in lite leglnn tykebaaehall league are lining to tie mi ihe feed tiajj in tlu legion auditorium the banquet is to formally wind u n hatehall waaon sporti convener fiord lantca i also tasking for help for ihe ixglon town itockey league this season managers coaches and timekeepers ure being sou f hi jusi phone wd al hs50ii h s hoi jen ottomittlsy rycs examinrd glassfs fittcd 3 card tl fail guelph nionf tavio 17ih mnikis ul vn ilk i 1 uill ih itlt nilini itu l 0 potatoes 75 for sale potatoes lb bag si ix ik suitil i th uiitcd chiiuh i ti i- protect your kiddies teeth this halloween buy trick or treat shell out apples miced specially for the occasion iitheh snow ol wealthy vajmity i bushel carton 1 35 buthol 225 ontario tree fruits ltd tf greenwood old woodbine otlwr 31 navaanlaw 3 express buses dirfct to the track leave acton 10 55 a m 1 atuujavs only davugmt tllr 325 inrltuses admission ratum aftar laat rm tref tnci trifootton at wiles confectionary pmoni is33a00 m wiles ajjmt potatoes 100 lus t tl hi an slat imi h with n hi 1 mn -urar- rrv xfstrm film on tuberculosis shown to dublin wi ikihlm ttuitii n s invi uf f ih ii ivuuiji tiumuhk mix liny lm thuilax nitru ai thi humi nt mis id viton mill siumi i sl unh 4i irihid aiiindarkc ol i uttox lillimmit iht h nuii t nisv pivsulix mn b mis i mottll lh pfvxlllllh hs mxi lar mis s lxllvlas l the iill whuh was ustvuulcit iu h ihc niiiu ol m ppl i mrs h vhikimiit tntrtk- dikixt i i in t i liin who fthov xl a film th oiik t bujat shoun in ih murvsts ot ttv a n ihjui tuk txulosis v h t ml whuh w s nitiwxt ki ixxsnt an uon sak in ih immnumitn thihlin i had op itaicr- htth and i r sir ixxful trtvri uas h mi- w fiank ami i ihk sum f niimkl was liiirnxl in ttv nia urcr scvrnil mcmtvrs who had n nrj itv bus tup i muvkoka tnhntny ihc caxaua itf ckir on cknhcr i sp4i v4 the tin ilav thcx had hjd a rrpvri ot ihc aihmv cexririmn and uillun t fmrx a mtxrn h mrx d mw fat uhcrr duhin vi 1 hjul made an rhihn tor o fair i tenumr puns wxrr made for f a baaaar bakittf vk- and cttvhrr tnntflf hat fufunjth lie tj1cx and comiaiimvs kuaaa to took aftar dsftrrwn actmti mrs c isviotvre gave a full report of law laal ualrici cmrscaiv at te warn mn n m mi i tadt ix lommuniiv i injv a nninlitut turv h was s ixi it h ih hosua assisuvl h mi i wnluut mt m mlullthifch and miv v aimxtmnj mrs man wll hnlh ax inurirx u f mi irnm ih 4 tl imitcil sn girls in thi u to tk illix t contact wm t smith 00 a m tosoopm didero farm 4th uni 1 mil north off no 7 hwy robert r hamilton optometrist announces his new location on the firm floor carretal professional bldg opfoshi otuhx haza 1 16 mountainview road south georgetown ontario km afwmntmint call 177371 p nat77 msmih washday with an automatic wi f j- k with an automatic wi f gas clothes dryer see and drive the 1964 ford vaton pickup more load ace more comfort more reliability xhhca motom 333- tcvunmr 3a3 4xyunor tmd nt vj iass mttm ioad 0uiu1um and hmm ouautw ituabjustwio aoao nuuocnanoi ranofl tw saat h ton ihckwp on tka marks try a demonstration drive today thompson motors acton ltd 534370 bfvtty i kli ihmr ii mi1 ion 11 i is klu t r ki nhki mt 1 mt m mul mill hi m i i itt i m tiu1h mhv vlitinoholiif ntrurmj gas drycn mlkr laurulpr iikh a brtrje vt rr inviun rcn rij imnmt and valu through ttathdat wiih m what do you do hint drop in and ttt today tofi modal automatic as drvrrs pnerd mkmai 1hsu modern gaa tfryen uvr you tune and money actually help fabrics last loagerl and every purcnaaef twxi f is free two emnna at ca victor hi ft record albumi one the wetldi crcal ttalttrt 1 he otbrr favourite mtiu for luitcmnf or dancing then ith mn purchase you can enter our fabulous valu through vashdav contest ou may sm one of the eight macnincent new westmghouse solid state ill transistor strreo sets equipped with am fm tuner fm stereo and oarrard chanfer get tout free record albuaat and enter the ttalti through vaaaday cnaaiit brforr iv- k th full del a ji sbir fnm shit i mrnt sti nhr gas sppluuicc dealer of stiui cia cimrsny w i i mi aaaaur sua smrit cm f umtfdcjao limited mturalgas the friendut fuel iliftmistii sir

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