Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1963, p. 5

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f classified advertising rates births deaths marrlag es bnoaobmbnts no charge rote sale row rent etc- 9sa mln chg for 15 word 5c per word thereafter tubq litawrtlon no copy change 7se mln chg lor 15 word 5c per word there after ssc discount allowed for rash payment e comino events card of thanks tl for flrat five llrv a 10c for each addlllimuil line in memoriamsi plus 10c per una of vara v classified display real estate ii jo per col inch the want ads for inside information on todays best buys n mimotlam m km sau cmktamaq uu alaw4 r cml carf nm iau camtau riatttrati c4awaa1 nnrrr box number 15o additional lo ihla office deadlines claaalflad advertising ii noon wednesday clattlfled diaplay it real ritale 5 pm tuesday phone 8532010 the aclon fraa preu thursday oct 34ih 1963 births marriages deaths etc dennis in loving memory of a dear huabaivd and father har ry williams danrtla who pass vd away october 25 1957 the blow wa great i he shock severe we little thought the end wn near and only those who have lout carl tea the pain of parting without fun- well more each day we mls him prlenda may think the wuiiul i healed but ihey little know the sorrow that ilea wllhln otir hearts con cealed alwaya remembered by hla wife alhel und family u17 220 iiinton in loving memory uf a dear huaband falher-grond- father and great grandfather h vv hlnton sr who pnuej oway october jj i05- lovingly remembered hv hi ramlly o 17 479 la7ibnby in loving memory of our dear daughterinlaw und sisterinlaw paulene who push ed awuy october 24 1061 you suffered so much your plea- ure waa few yihi never- deaerved whn you went through you stood the teat and yoo stood it well just whal vuu suffered no one can toil you left ua qulelly your thought unknown dm you loft u u memnty t tire proud to own fiver remembered bv mom und dad caxcrtby dol und florlo tourmmr a17219 po sale brown cloth coat tur20 detachable fur collar worn i month os- fhone isj- 1526 0i744j for sale 1941 mercury i- ion truck good tires i ply on rvurrtaneed transmission vic tor 51132 b242587 for saleapplcs maclnioah courlland delicious greening and spy bring container wm houalleld tr 1355 b246 257j help wanted help wanted lady for light factory work from i to 5 pm anplv layout teal lie fred erick st 014215 coming events born johnson david and laurie are pleased to announce the hlrth of their aon robert ma- ihew on wednesday october 16 i96j at guclph general ho- pltal a brother fur dough b wagenaar mr und mr jn- cob wugrnuar nee dorothy juhmrtun are huppy tu an nounce the blnh of their daughter debru lvnn october 2 l6j at guelph general has- pllul engagements mr uiul mr leslie llnllnduv nnnuunce the cngugcnicol of iheir daughrer judith anne iu jamea lewla dennv win of mr and mrs alvln dennv riscwood ave guelph the wedding take place on salutduv nmcm her i i6j al knot prcshvtcr ian church aclon married cuttsiaplfsdfn at si al bun anglican church acton saturday october 19 im hv the rev dunild west mi- franc- muplcdcn nul chat i e edward cull died ritchie on wcdnedav octo ber 21 165 at si joseph hospital toronto ula norn- im king st w toronto dear mother uf mrs slanic bradimorv mar toronto resting at the turnand pvr icr ctxarah 416 runcvauc ave toronto funeral eiviof at ii oclock ft uta morning inlei ment fvcigivcn cemetery mil ton 12 vi p in n st albunx ladle guild rum- matte sale al the purlsh hull friday october 25 j pm to 5 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm u17482 halloween dance eden mill mah saturday october 26 danc ing to record i 12 admllon 25c prlc for costumes u- 1 7476 rummage and buke sale to be held ut the acton scout hull on november i ut 2 p m sponsored bv juvenile orange lodge no 4s7 u17 490 presentation in honor of marie mitchell and russell kaye in ralllnarad hull friday oilober 25 all friend welcome euchre und dancing ladle plcae pro vide 11741 1 y ladle auxiliary euchre und blanket draw ut ymc a on november i pm admlioi i 50c bluuket ticket now on tie 10c each or i lor 25c lunch served llvervone welcome a17492 acton lion club preent a ninccit hv ihe st voice credit valley chorul group at the ro bert little schoul auditorium j fridov november 15 1965 i jo pin admission tl 00 i a 17 44 cctmnioncemenl fterciscs nl acloo dislrict high school vsillf he held on friday novciiiiki 1 al 5 is p m a recepin lor the i9l tirade 12 and i graduates ami their escort and parents will mlov also there will tx- a tlance li lie above group and i the present- trad 12 and ij sin dents nut their escort a1748 llalton plowing match sutur tdav xthi 26 on lann opera i j eil hv l snow 1 mile northeast ot milton plowing i starts it i lino a in inclihlrs classes altenumin prvigiaui in j eludes oueen ut ihe im row competition lloi-s- show kami machineiv tvmonslrations ami ithihits uangikt at 7a p m masonic hall milton tickets 52 blr24m for sale imitation fur ja cket in good condition alie 14- 16 120 alao double knll wool till alie ii si5 phone s510j4j a17217 for sale j reglalered shrop- ihire ewe 4 year old abow hock fao lor ihe 5 geuigc plvki mil line nuaaaguwevu niter 5j0 pm a174 for sale surge milking equipment dairy farm auppllea poll burns salea and service horace tomlinuin brampton 01 i 1275 clowolf for salf- ii mm movie cam era outfit room pruleclor elec tric meter crcen light bur vplicer reels like newverv reu- sunuble phone h5vi524 a i747h for saif 2 hoys hlcvcls 20 ami 26 need repairs 7 each hoy hockey skates ic v s275 5icoul hat and shirt le 12 2 each phone ks1 is52 a7 44 for sale i horse and 1 large ponle 4 adtle bridles hur tle pony sulky und curt muke offer can he seen sutlltduv on acri ln in churchill rd north acton ui724ka for salf 154 longlield rd acton sale price 19110 down payment 1465 contact central mortgage uiul housing corpora tion 71 fnuiild street s ham ilton tel si744iv a 15125 ii for saif iurgcglovivprlisl of unv aluff photo uppeuring in the free pre 5x7 fltr 75c 8x10 le si- cash to accompany order enquire now at the acton free pre willow street for saif house u mow- hrav place acton sale price smi50 down payment j945 monthly puvnunt 1118 contact central mortgage anil housing corporntion 71 fmeruld street sourti hamilton tel 527441 v iliwtl help wanted inaure your merry chrlmmatl earn chrlt muu money welling nallunally ad vert i ted avon arfl e write or call mr m stock 78 duche ave kllchener ul5cow44l7 help wantedmanfo7aiea dv travel among consumer in hulron county permanent con nection with large manufacturer only reliable huatler considered write rawtelgha dept jllim 4005 richelieu montreal a17474 cars for sale assistant accountant young man required for uc counting department of manu facturing company in acton ap pllcanl should have at least two veora account experience and preferably umc u c counting training applv lo works atvountant jh k porter company canada ltd acton ontario hl7 for sale girl green wool coal brown fur collar le 10 to 12 hoy green suburban coal sire 12 to 14 bovx sport tucket ie 12 lo 14 all excellent condition girl ligure skates size 7 applv 7 victoria or phone 8m2647 after 5 p m u17488 phone 8532120 aiinn help wanted aaale ahf you thk man wkrr lmkini for wi liavr runinu in atlon iiria lor hiyh culihn nun wilh uhllliv u du humiicw ulh 1 lu lu- s i people in i hi inmiiumiiv ourt is a nationally known uryan 4alion ispaiuliny raputlv ami in iuttl ut ailutliinal hfijli cahhit salimiun who can iu- ailviikvl in manaiytmial xilions fxptt clue in our liall is not ncivssaiv the ihonmni rain- injj nul cooperation which we ijne anil ihe alnive averiye out missiiit paitl enahjes them lo incriis iheir presliye uul iher eamtnv applii mis nuisi le niilitte ie s4uinetul anil inliilenl ol iheir ahilm will untiuesimnaolv hisi ness an hi sonil haiktimmiiil an uniisoai oppoittinitv i hndil a lilelniii- hiisiness lor vmusell interviews hv apfhiinnneni onl phoie mr rohirl llutne 78 xv lor appoinimeni kim am 12 nihtr h 24 safe buy used cars look at these fall bargains before you buy 1959 ford gulaxle hardlup 1959 ford sedan standard 1958 ford wnlon siunilatd 1957 tord coach v8 1956 dodgf pickup frank tblh motors 12 guolph street acton phone 8531840 ii7 cam km iau cxa clearance sale 1959 ford falrlane 2door 6 cylinder aulomallc radio muke an offer on this 1955 dodge radio one billtoth shell service 518 oueen street fust 8530660 10 down 50 cars to choose from 1961 pontiac convert llilc lull jimvcr radio whilewull tires seal belts low mlleaiji 5129s l2- pontiac 2 door custom radio7l owner spotless iu9v ml chiv 2 door llelau uis torn radio i70ou original mil is i owner ji69v 1961 rfnauit very like new j695 econoniiial i60 vw deluxe iv iinmaculute ruillo ulisiilule 1995 19v volvo sport custom ra dm veiv econihiiicul lihiks anil tuns like new lloov 1959 pontiac converiihle 8cvl iniler lull powei iiiloiiiiiii wlultnvalls radio veiv n cc 1169v dead slock walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cuws and hnrwi lie 24 hour service no iivrp 208462 waterdown mu 91044 atf 1957 mftfoh 4ifcrot ivlinilci aoloinatic iiiittliip jvi i9s7 jauak t4 sedan spoiler million iiiws i9mi vauxiiali s is i29s station waiioh prsk valxhaii sum i9ss van is j i so wagon runs well miscellaneous custom 85v2ii9 chain sawing knitting yarns at agnes glaze wool centre rockwood iiiijkle arrav pillis for sale cards of thinks 1 wish ti thank mi tiuiuls and ivetghbur lor said md ihseis rewived dining mv slav in fimlisb cpcncial hospi d sv- to i thank to di t nlsic lit her svott aiwl ih- rev l ii west a 17 222 mis f turner for sale baby huggv good as new phoive s0847 a 17415 for salf green rug 80 x 101 gonl condition 8sms 17225 for salf- 1 large oil spasv healer with pipe ptwuw 85v2i44 a17 4jl 9 u a in lo s to p m friday till pm closed thinsliv phone 8564230 wanted home maintenance car pentrv cement and block work odd jobs jim gihson 1 20 mill si w phone 8sus26 n4797l4f typewriter rentals under wimhi siamlanl models available for rent at dills matioiicn plione 8 st- 20 to a 10 8829 reliable radio and tv service antenna installations isiil tv lor sale call hellrv slachvra 8stls7 evenings and weekends a 84127 kitchener upholstery fx pert leiipholstering refinishing anl repairing of all kind of fur nilure for free estimates call j ivrl s criketeria 855 28v acton all fkk1r rffinishinf we now have j modern sunder and edger we will rcfinish vour minus or rent von the eqinpnini to do the too voursell j 11 liank phone 8sv2040 47 ire shaw sales and service georgetown i ltd valiant dodge chrysler and dodge jrucks baynes deadstock service highest prices paid or fresh dead or disabled cow it luirses jlil heullhv horse bought phone guelph ta 28061 or fergus plant i4vj79i licensed dealer i59c62 aif paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cow and hoises old horses 5c ih licence no 227c61 u2hpm phone zenith 97950 gibson dead stock service lllglu price paid lor denl and disahled cow und horses 5c u ih lor old heullhv liores at our fergus plant we can let von know the cause ol death call fergus collect 8412240 in no 261 cm 168 r j 61 c47ll amuslumajri j colonial style home 16100 monthly 1800 down ivuvment fiu- this fine i hedroum home ill aclon litighi living room plus ihe largest kllcnen in lown pine tree on large lot with room lor ihe kids lo pluv full price 8800 one nun tguiic vil ml luoiulily acton high school 11100 ilitwn pavnutii foi i his hi ick home 2 inlmilis hunt aclon lili schimil laiue inihlein lamilv kllchen wpar ate tlininu mmhii hiiyhi tivhiy room unil a huye eiliooms new uiis loiveil air fuiruue iiataue ami lanlscahd lot uilh tieeh irilute make ihii the hci tutv in lown monihlv pay nienl like renl 75 on one inoi lyiui- i nil price utiwh e a mitchell lfd rl aitor miiniplon 4m t2 h i ltuik si s acton im1 htlkk lout htttop rvu ei eipnpped rufio whrlewills wheel disc windshield wh ers nuiiisicidate luiitijhiul low mleatic 2i i61 pori fjirlanr oor hard ip v t rnlio whitcwall tires anil wluel discs hukop liyhlv k itimal niileatte milv i i vk a-tf- 2 4 w stfi nine sewing pluiiu- m please woman w ants or iron in ilmt- at phme i i44j i vilk lrkm fndiv tuyhi till ssaturdan mpht p in a lnv rhimfr ipholstkry kitchener specialists in rctipholslenn bsi quahiv maienats fine work manhip pomp service furni iu rv ivtinishin and niji cleanma phone souo maikt cinncrv second vtrse auto body ranker panels installed in msl cars al 18 95 iiillsrlrgh 8ssjsft miles north it acton on the second line im volkswagfn 2 hive railxi low null- door de age jilis l62 pontiac hardtop v 8 miss ion p ns hraliis radio and vi heel itircntian automatic tikii trans i sleeiing powei whilewall lues lis s w inilslueld washers unified in honduras niariwln anil tvinv 2tone with matching inieiiot lchks lae i nw eiv lns mileage 12 61 s iv1 pmial stratochief ilr siitan rviindcr ra sivllenl londition tl ljs kir saif rlue like new sire 12 muv ave i wish m i hunk all mv tnivdv for salf relative and nctghhoi tm ktd chrusuc high ulfl candv liviit and turner 2804 churchill church l c v got wvll curxl and thoe who vimim me for sale- while i wa a patient in guelph vtrk- stove pram suit 142 poplar a it 221 babys crib and hair phone 455 a 17471 general hospital l77 15 phoeir hotpoint vburner in good conditkm 8imavx 1747 wantiiv llalvhing eggs n cm make up lo 41c per jn i nxue loi vvmi egg than ihe pilc viud tm lirailc a i arte at i lh- radnig stjthw se lake hiie hievvls eveis wrsk in ihe mai lot lulldetails write twed die ihivk llalheiies i muted feigns oiuatio jlhihfflii i elton cole in memoriam lindsay in loving memorv of dear mother mr ha tit lindsay who passed awav r october 25 1959 1 deep in the heart ilea a picture of a kaarcd one laid to rest in memorys frame w shall keep it because she waa one f rhbeat lovlnalv rememberej bv her family- and gnaruvhudrcn a 17490 for sale shaving for bed ding or litter bv truck kvad on iv milton 87s5lg b2v2s4vtl for sale town maps and llalton cuuntv mapa 25c pjua ic lax available at dtlls stationery 56 mill st e a459m7 tt for miles s 174 for rent rft sroufn rnnisc i mith acton pticne 15v a lt4 a i it i n 4t s l iijtr con dl ctc5t long tasinitf uisialuiitmix ft wfafmkrvanis v inches hijh iei 0 4tiieixtii deiigut ft lkiti milkers uiul wpara toi pietrisim maxk- siamles siecl john vandermeer r r 1 ilmerhhsl 877 9s01 blf for rent snxjm arrt- ment available novem4icr 1 phone 8sv2006 a 16448 for rent it you are looking mater pbone s55046 al749j sx a turolahed apartment and i have out been successful check at- 1 with omiar springs motel for their low wrekbr rate two units jon a complete aaaoctment at avxvllable t present between dills stationery 54 milt st ac- georgetown and acton on no 7 atfttujht ihigavwav tr 740s4 a17475 for sale furnace blower new motor 1 200 gal oil tank electric ironer flevtris- collee or salesaeansv pant ays a ttaaful gas for any ot un ramiufr 4dir sdan iv otv anil hlue 2tine kal i iwisit ai low mileage llljs ls ptntlac 4dr sedan 1 irk glciljoit2k fortt21r i8s0 63 pontiac demonstrators onlv thn-s- left sav f s i 1 i s before yol bl y be sire and try olr i year guar avtef warranty cars at pete masson motors limited your franchiwd g m dealer in pontiac buick vauxhalt acadian gmc 551 queen st e- acton tt 45vo450 124 guelph st georgetown tel 877avtaa 1 isting prue j 8 7u0 t sunn i i 00 jioton tlonw jinton down paynvnl s rihims large lot 870 6 nairns garagr 2 401 5 bus hldg hus fnnr i rts 6 igs rms garaitl iui can vki heal ihi t 400 or du ii iv j special this week rfdtltinv rigi wnnvs sfm iol in full price 12 ado ditwn muvl br ld mke us jn tiaftcr vrotin ujckr tspe hxxtvr n douhu- um sot minv lefi like ihis ihic sre it lodjs john r holmes real estate broker 84 church smart east acton office 8531650 sales representative call frank simioni isu7m y estate sale vludrihim ii healed hiinuulow on fl acie lot uotul couimy toad lieu r own si hool hus service laeculuts want an of lei ia cash lo an etulin tk2m morluiite make an olfii ihis monih 10 acre lots 0 cash down ik all lliil ts ic iiircd this is vour opimitinn n lo invesi in a hi i ol land lor vourseltor yojii i hitdien choice bungaiows kcvciil to iliihise lloiu in rlliel lakeview or itetllea still lv i ions ill wm j mcleod ilkokl h 122 mill si i ai ion 8st26lll hepiesellted hv roy goodwin briefs the curling avcawnl a heyim in fiihlph siiiii savlnu vmli luiiiiles or hallnvveeil iniense smoke from immifhea luiniji in iheulr each ewiilittf icnryitown wound up vmla vwta lampmim this uwk wilh ihe iiothm ijoil will wllhln sly in puhllc sihimil students look oiihis loi tiitlsinits cauls and wrappings ti talse mollis lor llulr schtuils a new i iciicli laiiuiuiui miws- pimi is now he my sold at ficotuclown where iheie are ap- paivink ii liem it spcikihu f indies the newspavr i alouelie puftlisheil in toiouio slates iheie ire- v7w fiem h spesikinu perviins in llalton iounlv and uhnlm wtth- in 100 miles ol toionio in milton tonntv miueumit enhihil ii the aledoii plowinj malt h weii- unions old furm ini- plinunis iiuhidinu i sihei llad- id ar yicn iimiis eais ayo hv ihe liitu h to ihe intliins in hui lei mtv led shin wen nun lull lc i h j ll is uiaikc and in in v as tii tilu ei mil iiluahle h w r ken il willi ih ihiet- alcil lo ih- eiv is ihe liitlinns the sluniei lln- hal iitati catfulnucd rockwood ol pilon real estate wishes and promises will not sell your property pricing il loo high will not sell it pining it loo l is loolish i von are liiinklilg ol selling let u appiaise vour property we can get vmi u faster heat and a better deal because ot our lx perienci- with the locul ma kel und our many buyer ion tacts we cun also assist vimi the all ininortunt jiiiancial rungemehls we specialize 111 reul estute it is our hvisines exclusively alec johnson jtxaltor 8512086 1 17 dennis iawi ik il hsillsi h i 1700 full down payment no second mortrjaye ikiiiooiii iii ri k linngaliiw slnrins iihi scieiiis 4 pi- i iralh lull ikiseiiitnl oil loi nur mil sii km iii sou lull vinl ill 1 tihl fill loll pi i lot iii llilllll ii im i he have mint ollliilh lands llills i 1iv iii iii hl i s lv osv sun- oil heil- jtmd lot iisiinitil la i john l kingshott iikokl it lliiiis slieei lln1 i xvhttm legal notice to creditors in the fatale of mary p near lale of ihe tuwnahlp of naaau- gaweya in the- county of llal ton staeeaseil all l hiv my l farms etc tsmill tlollh- all tn askint oni v lmt llilt h i so ii ir nassaiwi- smi lull li askjnt 1 vii lllmhigll mi s reall n i istins vvanti i i ii vis waitini pan inl hi i miv i si- i ih- rnii iiilisliliil nl- i iii mill 1 1 l ii liiloi on in h 1 n wuil ilil hi rl liold liivuig i i miis ha i i ii ii a i ut ihijii pint al ixi iipai1m ii i im i s ii 171 main sin a ion out s1 il i hit mi iiiiii al viiii lal- lalnis id who iluil on in n i luiv iwil illllril in 11 il iii llllll i il lilt- miliums ii iii mill ill all 1 i i ill il 1h ii iln a lull n 17 i corner of willow and bower li rye storey hruk home unh yaraye lull width ftjruiati recent model niaion ya mil hot waiei healiny 1 hilh wtttild adapt to apaitmenis lull divided basemen i 2 lireplur nmm divuhny sluliny dofx- i ny term private motyiyr will he held by appoin1 mint omy plfasf i i lurihei inlormaiion kail f stnniini ii k7iu eenif sydney k lamb kl al tok and insi kan i auction sale of furnllun tods etc the vv d pilffmiiv o maedonaiji i mill si i a ion ontario turner of llighviavv 2s am rt l lulo ii i f i mtlrdav tktobir j al i w sharp difurig kill hi ii living ri ui 1 1 1 ihui ii i llll wold anil tmdnam u al iplik uiiligain plivl ill 1 4 hail luii n in i i h h u tlfan tu r n hire hoow tl ums ash frank pi t ii amlkmeer a 17 tel 177 2 aixrrtom ail wsrftamlahsw w v weekend specials imokgo bacon squares lb 29c u40uumr pork ribs 2 lbs 25c vatimr of hk sm fish w mivak d4y mmmm ih 1531 mo bradleys meat market

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