mm cborious history of the lome scots fcaateertaa colonel of utahed ihe 41 h own ntaaaeal by mojo gen- r a brack chlsholtn c m at ik request of the coc cbmmi coahntand the alliance of the fteadaiaril with ik royal ulster fclrku wan relinquished jurmy rewrsrt in favor of the lriah meatmen of canada thai reactivated regiment wan restricted lo a training tub- iwimml of 224aurankn imcltid- the regjnhnt attended the lag ihe hpe and drum ariit m irulnliig ump at nlu the broaa kami bobta were un itiue for other rank thua olv lag an important problem which had bedevilled ihe canadian mh- irta since it inception were attached to all imlta on a fstinime bu cotuutlns of one officer feint two tton-eornmlsslim- ed officer to aula in the ad- vntlnlairallon and training the unit ww luuad with aome me chanical trnnaporl schools tor training junior nois-commusloii- ed officer und speclaltata were commenced l local hcudqiiar- tan i an officer awclatlnn wns formed on march 7 iw and arrangementa were made with the georgetown cilltcntband u continue to act at lite regiment al bra band summer c a mp training coratlstcd i uttuchmunt to active unit oi camp petawa- wa the pipe and drum were located al btfamplon and the reg iment upended 11000 of ha own fundi lo etptln- them with scot tlth dreaa li col ii chlsholm assumed command omdecomber i 1447 the patmwnent force admlnia- tratlve and training itarr win withdrawn and offlcan from ilu- supplementary raaerve were add ed to ike eatahllahnwnt lo re place the permanent fores per- aonnel with good results the pretence ot permanent force peraonnel had a tendenev to en courage the officers to let george da it the ailmlnlstrnt i ion ahmwed a marked improve ment li col john r barber assum ed command on march i 1946 the social life in the various messes increased with a corres ponding improvement in the fin onclal position in june i0w the regiment moved lo miiskuki for a weekend scheme which included aome training in the use of assault boats an increased number attended camp from july is lo 33 and sev eral officers completed their qualification on the outbreak ol ik korean war canada mob- ttaard a brigade group for active service several members of the come scot were accepted for active service in september the regiment spent a weekend in camp burden where everv man wan given the opportunity or fir ing all the inrantrv weapons in chiding the home thrower on october 13 10m the regi ment paruded in toronto as parr of the troop lining the alrvcls for the visit of princess plii belh and the duke of cdinburiih an niagara unihelaike during the summi of 1952 und succeeded in win ning the brigade efficient v inn phv and sports trophy the lome sails were the largest inrantry unit in camp in canada in the autumn the unit was called upon to provide u guard of honor for the roval winter pair the guard consist ed or three offlcera 40 oilier runka and the pipes und drums in spile of transport dllficultus this was the largest guard lo he supplied bv unv unit alllioogh wearing battle dress ihc glial it performed verv crediliiblv as inloreil dress was inn an official issue ihe regiment mm menced plans lm ihe purrlitise of suflalenl lull dns uiuloriiis to oullll a guard of olliei ranks the warrant olflccra and scrueunls offered lo purihac ihttr burn iiiilfinma during ihe iiws the depin ment of national defence in creased tlie numher of duvs lor paid training the time olloieil varied from t l 41 davs plus camp general h d graham inspei t ed the regiment in the llrampion ariwhirltv in fohnian 12 as the parade jammed the urtiii les the inspecting oflicer had dlfflcullv in inspecting the men gen gruhum complimented tin rcgimenl o lis good appearance and ihc large number present several oil leers being in fng land paid visiu to ihe lnnta shire fusiliers depot ut welling ton barracks bur near man chester this commenced a veiv cordial interchange of visits in- tween the personnel of the allinl units the regiment adopted a coatee of pipci gievn color and gum hose tops to wenr silll a klh ol ordinars campbell tartan us in i dress und arrangements weie made lo luisc the neiessuv this sundays church calendar funds eventually the wilt be cume issue and un allowance was made inwards the upkeep of the kill special training in the year i9m voitaisled ol a weekend con centration ul live meuiord rang es in munli followed bv a visit jot sirong to the irish regiment in toronto in april the rcgi incnl ullended nbguru camp duiing llie siinuuer winning the gilhiide und live brigade sports trophies new armouries were secured in orungevillu at a cou ol iu000 which hud udeqiuite drill space unlces store rooms an well as i spaic lor u sergeunls ins und i mens canteen the building wus iilllciollv opened hv brigudir g u smith on oclolhr id ivt die unil leported a strength of ix ollkers and 411 ulbcr ranks sonu reoiganiraluin of ihc nulilii was uilempled in ilti tlie lome scots weie or deretl to ekise a companv ul port tredil on september 2 and assume an area in slmioe cminlv iiu hiding the town of llutio i iuil opposition blocked this move to hirrie hut lill ihe cum panv in port ciedit ulthout armourv accommiklalion temp orim uicomnhidation was found al ilu- rlllc ranges later this computn was i ikiited in ihe anadlau aisenals liiiiliting at i onu llrani h thla la ihe tenth in a aeriea of arllclea dealing with live hla- lory of the lome scots i t col s r charters assiim eil command in a splendid itlv monv in the drill hall al lite training centre bninipton on drieiiiher 12 is4 tm all ranks were on pirule the ilea loni uiandcr bt ig f r smith m spec led ihc- regimenl u v as an noiiiued lh ic ilu- department had iiiiihu iid the ueaimg of ihc- green coatee foi nil ranks although ii was possible that the department ol national de leme would make ihe kilt is sue the icgimenl was repwn silile lor ihe pimhuse o the other at tic les of scottish dress parl n 1w the ilne in raie funds fta colored dress was in lensified the olficeis asso la tinn ukulc a geneious ilnlrlliti lion ixlra gianls were received irom the counlus ol peel ihit lenii anil llallon and ihe coin panics inseil mihsiantiil alu onnls non commissioned o f f u e i coiuses were again inslltiuj the regimeni supplying all in- stnu lional personnel the nlic crs wsne their green coatee foi the lost time at the annual ol fleers enster ball the regl uuni xo sirong nuliulinj the pius and drums attended the vranison church parade in tur onto the other ranks wore hat tie dress blouse tacilcal enrclat the regimenl became part of l 17 m croon vn tbe- acton lamut chinch c vartfcw cat oalarla j quabae paator rev stanley gammon re 144 tide ave ph wvlftls sunday november 24it 1 94 am church school for ill agea 1 1115 am morning worship trie acid teal j 00 pm cvenlng service laymans sundav speaker mr arthur francis ol burlington president ol ihc baptist convent um of ontario and quebec lered accountan in business in hamilton a gifted kivsnan with a ancsuoge all are in vittxl lo rhls service on sun da evemna wednela praver and bible stiklv m lyy choir practic al ul frillav the but meets at 7 l tew for the week jesus said b this shall all men know that vou ore m disciple j isxi have kave ope to another f john iv 3 acton mmkmtal jt churchill rotd attt rev s m tbomaa pastnr sunday november 24th 0j 1000 am ssibday sckool 1100 am moralac santce jfg pm evtanlng service fuaaday i pan bible slodvand prayar thundav s pm chrtsl ambaa- aadora you are cordially invited kvanoil aptijt 3 ci4urch sunday servicrs november 24th ix1 in mca 4i am is the time ivhen raniihes as faniilks siok the bible kisses txii all iks i lo llllsl eiillud lessons consesiated woikeis pastnr r- i ii uilsin mt201 i aiuih woislnp smks i i a in 7 p in fillet 1 vanecl mtius nm a slianget hot as a ii m god tttnitt church the ieiletl church ol canada minister the rev dwlghi i engel ba bd organist- gcirge rllioit ua phd lsitnii ot ss headquarters o hits eioup was in dundas the aniitiil tactical exert ise wilhoill hmps was held al ilu- soinner home ol lt col j r bather in muskokj on june 17 18 and 1 i outing the summer imp fnlv t to 10 the regiment took part ihe hard at old for george this trcmom cieated consider able interest among ihe local in habitants and tourists the egl until iiaraded a total or 211 all ranks at imp with i ms i7lh mil tli i iitutp in soplcmhr the piis and dmnu weie a nirt of llw niiscd land onsii t i hthition puk topiuo in n ntlh t lsist the rvytmcnl sup- plit 1 a guard ol honor tor the lidinnanl ckwciiioi al the rovil wmtd fair iseltishet courses foi officers esctxiscs wilhotit tnxps itlendtnce at camp niagara and a nitlilarv funeral lor lt col i h s cousins m c late com mantling tittuer 4 ihe lome rills scxttlish and intensified re- ttnt naming at local headciuar- uis weix- the main activities dur inn j1 whtch closed wtti the area commanders inspection in the drill hall of the induing centre ut brmmpion on decem ber 6 in maw ouartara the new quarters for a com panv were officially opened on junuurv u iw ul cunodian araeniil long branch the ihreui of nuclear war between soviet ruaidu and ihe united stales of ainerlcu forced the can adian government in change ihe policy of national defence i in- ptuiala in training was in lie given in first aid iruflu lontrol com municulions und icintrv into u diuusicr urcu the- cunimumling oflicer for mulated plans for each lompunv uimmander to rupidlv stontatl alt ranks so lbit a force from ihe regiment cuuld he lupidlv mohllied tlu- regimenl lud been called out to imsi l he- civ ii power lollowlng the hurricane lliuel disaster in ihe previous autumn li col john r barber wn op- polnted honorarv lieutenant colonel on april 2v lh7 the arrival of the first shipment of green coulees enabled ilu reel nient 170 slroirg to parade in full colored dress al ihe toronto garrison church parade un may 26 1m7 during the summer uf ias7 aiillhirirullou was received tor the establishment of a milt tirv brass and reed band instruments were issue i anil bandsmen were to receive trades pa increased allowances foi iu iirc of unifnims and lor the supply ol music were granted hie new establishment autlioii ed a dlieclor ol music hid the band was locati7ed in c com panv area on june to the rcgi ment supplied a giiurd of hunor in lull duss uniforms fnt ihe un veiling or an iddilion to the wi mcmoiial in chakville hv aduiiial ii f pollen annual camp at niagaraon ilieuke i mm jlllv 7 to 14 i1s7 was mended bv 2 ollicers and 114 o r s followed hv training al local headquarters the regiment paruded in full dress lor the change of command lo lt col a kemp in the drill hall at the training centre brnm pton on december ii 1157 200 all iinks were on parade foi lowing the inspection bv brig m s dunn a reception was held in the ofliccts mess in the brump ton armories the regimental strength wus tepoited as 26 of itcer- sewn warrant ollicers 6ft non ommissioiud officers and 162 men battle of mlauten his grace ihc duke of argyll being in canada attended the annual officers dinner in the armories brampton on novcm ber 4 i 5f the unit perform ed us first roval guard on june v lit at malton airport for her maieslv oueen elizabeth ii on her departure from toronto to ortawa the pines and drums and the military brass and rets hand were in attendance tms ii the e and fin al in a wrua of article deal- bag with tka history of the v th acton nv9 plfmafy tntgivammy floimtibvf ittifi 1t63 the wrhs ami drum worv lit viietl 44 ttolw part in lu- pdln- iwiryb mllliurv tulluo ol 100 coulrrbik4un4 from lw ihroe cuunlleh and inirrueii frlondi ol llvf retrlnuni ntuiu tli vkll pouuiltf tlti inemberv k e hand rttcivtd pav lor lhc tlnw nbetil from work i hi triivlllnii txtw und olher hem wore met hv the reylmett a nuttiber of officer and their uiven accoinihi tiled ihf lund al tiuir own cxpenw the vye hihi lrtimi iwrfurnud vcrv ire- dilaiblv m ihc uiiuu the oflutr and wivtt with liwi und drnma paid a viit lo ilu- i ant ashire denol a i bun- on rebrtmrv h lvti ihc olli clul up0roval of lh new tolarn was received and ut ihc jnnr lime pcrmivtinn wu recelvrd to change ihe keglmenlid mollo from ihe latin pro aru el po- cw lo ihe gaelic li son ar duthctiaih from urn heritaiiek more emphasis in inininir wiu pint eil on ciil iviriur mohililv rapid pasajrc ol iri formiitlnn llaimm with ihe ui1 autlhtrttieh a hitfh htiiuilard ff wireless pncrdiire a knoledte of ridiiitliin and hie tnelhud ol enterinu eonmminaled area- be n mobile survival tol the main theme m mwt mn the ohicer commandin an hluminattd tokhl wm prtenld to mitoni 1063 wartun of c a mwlin of millon on friday avinmq at the annual wardanft dmiar in the club galaxy oakvtll dputyflav bill denny of acton right a mam bar of sthit ynari county counril prtintad the tcroll iri honor of the warden leaderthip and tervice or bah if of the othr members of the council loolunq on at lft ar judo g e elliott who chaired the dinner and program and ihe war dens wife who received a bouquet of roses over 200 attended the social evening and a dancw followed the dinner and speeches ktt -tj- iwwy lt col kemp and hon lt col barber attended the htccntcn arv celebration of the battle of uinden al the guildhall in lon don england on julv 27 qw her maicdv ihc oueen mother their roval highncisr- and prin- cc marjarrt and the duche cl gloucester cotonelvinchief of the ux mi rule n rrtiment graced the gathering with their presence prior lo the guildfiam teremon minden dav celebra tkw wore ctinducted al the reg imental depot in burv attempt to miiic sum ot the tame tlie main theme in eer u- unnzr i i ptiibtems ol nftue am ami al evert ises with and without llu nrni stol w to tomiiuind pnrking lnnp in nddilion to ihe uiial no w mobile survival group c he llonurahle hark litiinin kepi the unit umimiallv j the support iumpiinv pnheeil nt minkler uf n hiofiil di- huv fxtra lrinporl ami ipei i et tu amp borden for annual j hiue uis the uuesl of i onor at lal hiunt were istued and the umvv weapun firing tin marth 7 olluets mi- dinnei regiment wi warned lo be av aru h the umuii range flung iviemliei i l he piaisul nllable for innbiliatmn on erv weekend at nlvgaraon t helake i he work ol the hrvnc annv was held hi qualify i number ot grneral and in pailuulai nun in their range pratlltes on lorne vols vhori not uc on october 1 10m ihe regi ment parailed vw miong at ro salei for ihe tranli r of torn ilu lers and olhei regunrnlil netei mills the inunlv totintils of pol duller in and malton bv ilu ir annual giants to regimental binds helped malerlallv and praeiuihv to keep the regiment him honing from ii inieplun in luw in the eir la2 polttuil ilei islons prevented i the itinunt fiom seixing as a unit hi ihe iwoworld wars al mav 27 ihe regiment wai inthe hitoiv of ihe i onie siols bioken up into mnah de oaiulc in toionlo for the annual i in ihe cilcntir milit i lu lu a ml fiom i t col a kemp lo gartison church parade followed unteers the noiipeimaniiu mill t t ol r f conuver c d ma regiment and tuok ihc naluie in october ihe regiment vvlh null fled thnl a spec hi i miltia train ing program foi national u m val rraining was i ilninuiu in november the unit wan to proud bv the annual inspection bv ihe lia and ilu leseive armv is ivpi mihlia iintip commander mv tal ol sill rutil intanii hi june mm ill ranks wcu un jjicjui in canada whenevi i parule then- wis a iiiitnhnenl in i hi on june it ihc regiment up proiimon of public funds jilu plied l roups for crtml ciminil iffente fortes nire the brunt un ihe ihtasiun of the dcpartuicj the rural units sulfered more of her roal highness the nevcrck than the nlv corps training cidre of 40 ofltiers rid queen moihei frum m illon on smaller tiaiuing establishments nort tommlssioncd ftiiein for june 2v a guard nf honoi was fewer das naming trainin on lull time serviie at two loia j supplied lor her roval lllghruss aliernale eats lombuud willii linns in lakevlcw and hramp the prmtess kual al malton j obsou te equipment ami at mil re i ton with a siibuni at gemue the unit attended annual i imp incuts tumduapped the unall lowrt the quota was lo be ival niigaia in mi julv 21 to 28 regiments ik- spite this ofhual recruits lor eath likalnm and and ihe regiment was numinted neglci i the re guncuts evtniu four tourncn uf six weeks dua bv 17 miluti group lor the alk loinuug the lirne scots tiun were held the reiruits owski tioph lor inlanliv in i were kepi luruliorurig bv a small were medically inspected pro tnada ami obtained setotid group of ot liters and nun who ided with uniforms and rau plate in the command gave unslintuiglv ol their iinu- ed pay and allowances i on november the regiment and muiiev to ktep ulive a skile a total of x0 ret rut is were supplied a guard of honor at the tun organization whtth was r ip- trained during lh winter a fair opening ol the roval winter idk expanded in i lime of ttner number enlisted in the i orne lair the pipes and drumn and gentv scots after their period rf irain the mlhlury brasw band were in the officers and of her ranks ing eariv in marth the lome attendance during the summer pooled their pav to provide unl scots were ordered to organise ihe regiment purchased a luaisi forms expenses ol weekend a mobile surxival group head and lot on john si brampton tamps and to improve ihe inanv quarters in brampton in addi adjacent to the armoune in an quale drill studs rented guar 1 i thhmenls ihe hullon rifle and i ihe peel and dullcrtn refimenl 1 1 1 un w hie h ihe i orne he ul un formed played a verv un ptrlinl roll tm the battlclicld ol rraruc and flamlet in ihe first world war and in hrilain sink llilv and north went i urope in ihe second world vvar uu i uuttotrmo mi44umo aluminum doors 2995 tcilrrnl tax inrltulril tttnpro ditlribulen llmliad 126 mum si m at inn tint miaim robert r hamilton optometrist georgetown canrlal profeaaional building 116 mountainview rd s for appointment 177 371 offkx hours daily rxcept moeulav eyes examined prescriptions pilled mr tm cmukh or tt tmafmamr ummmmm comer wuos aad bower th rrv d r wtat bju lst ibrttvawlqntrttkw sunday novcmber 2ih w sunday nan1 before adsvnt o0 am holy bucnartxt 10j0 m jloty bapium aad sermon 7 jo pjn holy eucharist ms pjm covmrtars meeting sinnw ovxmncr tit i iirto sorxitcn ti am fartv scrxuy ii t am cvirtxiralc wirnrttp i niirm- durilig 111 1 m srifcv fttr ukmior thf clllcii sthool iw am seniors gmlo arttt lip it 110 am juniors pe u grade yhhv adults t i mvl a- iha churvh ut 730 pm tc shall inm nv inuh anl ihc iruih uill nukt vshi luv munvmiam church w canada knox chvkh acton rev andrew h mckriuie ba vvd minislrr mr b a hansrn r a organist and choir master are there dancerouscapsim your auto insurance dennys insurance agency bill and rlarovd 19 brock si pkoa 85301 so acten ont f0r safecos complete auto poucy that lets you relax h6of sunday november mtn 1 t a church school mm am bnialer bible ctass tor teenagers it ott aan fsiohc worahm oueal preacher mr rohrri fuuhs bsc mksxtd rar siu deal knu college sermon i manw the armnnu hand of god dont m a a aecijaat to waeal faaat yam uto eoswagk call yaur saiar aaeal uaiayt ua aa aaaka r you ar compltlr prowcttl for aaary iaauranea aaad sritksut unrisus fstaa or japbiaums for th wst in auto horn boat ufa and conuarnrial in aurancaw your sakecoufecogeneral aant today afatoav tihl c fmmf fefew ah got it i a wonderful gift for a friend or relative christmas and all through the yearl a years subscription to the acton free press theyll think of you 52 times a year a oct card wtu u sint in your nam subscription prices paid in advance for 1 year uooia caaaaau s40b in lagliaaj anal other ca kam u tm m th uairaal hate j other raaitaw canaan laa v- miaember a gift subscription to ttecjirfree press is easy to give and inexpensive too