Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 6, 1964, p. 3

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ttlafi pholue cottow acctssoftlf for th cwdoom wi th lkm of ihe 4 h hocnerrulmg club achieve mnt dy tk widimi avnu h school mil ion on saturday five mlion club mam bvt rlvd county honor for computing their nxth protect shown ittmq are stella ccomri of th nit40wya club huon home economist mrs k coom and marlene br i hon of th dublin club sundiruj ar kathy irving of the scotch bloct club wmmfred dunbar of ih kuttowaya club and donna hsatherington prizes for girls leaders at 4h achievement d6y lly mr k codmbm the 4h homtmoklno club o hutlon countv cornplckd ilvtir winter proicl cut ion ac ttoi us lor tht ballroom wtun thi hi it tlujr achievement duv on sulurduv pcbruurv i in th mlllun dmrki hlffh school nrmiv nine number irom ihc 12 clubk wen qwnrtltd nlvcr homemukinu club spooru for int tompliilon of thi unit countv honor pink und ccriuiiuuswtrt prevrnltit to mut km brition winllnd dunhur sulla cgor world prayer day on february 14 tht uorld duv of pruvn oh- wrvitl n th flmt friday in ltnl w nnirid wv ihc women of the major protectant ond orthodox cninmumunft it hut mconinp til hifclotv of about 7s vcart privti and ykinij fen ihi world wuu mksiun ol the chimh him bun lis pnmaiv put post li hi nnllv hnniiihl n licthi r n rots di nominutionul ruuil nation d ind iullunil boundaiks lo pr tor tht ntuls ol the uoikl anil to imli an or man donnu luuthinnyton and kulhlixn iiviny tor thi kumss tul compltiiun ol x units judv van sicuk doruih ill und mark ad uno all ol iru i ikrmi club lurrutl tht hiyhts 4h homernakiny club aw trd provincial hiinoi cti tilicatis and k to pins thin k tdcit mts i p im lun ol llu hotnhv south club mis m mollut ol nassjyuvii i club and mr c kmyton ol pi lirmo club rxicivid c in uli m 4h council cn tilimus in moy nillon ol iivi i irt ol liailiiship t aih iluh rnnnhvi displavnl il at hkvtrmnl d i hn moid book and iwo or moit ian stuns whiih she hiid pi imud and mudt lo lit tnlo hn bid imwfitadmiwuammuh imny lot llu laiimny ml ol ihi churclns missions truly world wide this ti or i i ivn k tiuk wcirldwuk tn iharulii basil ill tht fciinit sirmct is mid b y roups in uppruxim ulv 1 ml iiumirilh this pio uks m op- pot tuniln tot it how ship at a deep icvil with christians m mind thi woi id tlu nniu itn tins d is pu pa ixd h utinun horn u ditttunl iouuli iuvh i u tlu sit ui loi i9m is tht woik ol di mad tk itu uncut id i umit the oflninys an usid lo in iki h runts to mam nnlh pioji in the mission hilils at home abroad mosi ol thi urt in thl realm ol christian tint tot which tlun is an uiyiiu need in nuin ol thi kss dcc op ed are s in ck hpitown ik suiu thik mai will he hi id on 1 i id i 14 t st tiuls ripiist chimh tht sptaku wilt tv mis w j n iv ter unci the theme tot this i u ut us pu rooiri these aicissoms inchul id diussn se lives iihom tush wins etiair pds bedspu tils md u isle baskets in the il hi noon i lu clubs preuntid exhibits tli nionst rations or skiis showiny what lhw h id k irned t yard rvchinus and in uhii ill nation ot ucecsstiiies lot txd itktms june klnyslon ol pali i mo di s cubed lt the numtvis and isi tois hi i two week visit to niu loundl ind i ist juk as i 4 h in ti r provide i l 1x111114 1tkyile tlu club numbtis uili idi 1 s olid lo t iki tht cm vkii in the i ill 1 hi spnnv piojiet wh 11 sh ill i vw 0 ewll beyin 1 lit 1 in ihi in mill i 1u wnil llu i l kill s tl i i1ii1l sill hl on i eb m n ii md 12 comtfcomkm briefs hal ton county council in its flrfct regular meeting of theveijir agreed to obtain prio on paint for the painting of the cell block area in th jiil approved pure haw of a reef er coat for a jad guard at xsijla m engaged the wervute ol trane co ut 2q to service the air conditioniny unit in the new county building mmi of abenc granted df t k stevenson a leave ol absence us jail phwi elan and waw advieed dr c syer would be actiliy in live intirlru approve purchase a pie lure d prinet phillip to be fram 11i lor hanyiny in the count i chamber w approved purehau ol ivvo cojini anns lor hanyiny in tlu tvvoeouit rooms the items were to be purchase el iroin jas h miiduws ii co ol milton at iv t ich approvid annutl mtinhii in i hi assim 1 iluni ot on coiinlks al a tn ol iso buy oefwrtttora approvetl purchase ol two mobile liiuiiiois tromaimi ii nine tornouljun loi imeryen lv mi ivuris woik applud to tht board ol transport tummiwiunu lor an ndii aulhuiny installation ot niiornaiic hashing liyhti a tlu i ultoad crossing on base line rd usi wist til milton s oniuim si it the 1 1 qui m ol se 1 ye ml c wilkinson tf i ik onlaiih pi o vine i i pohie duo trtolein repluit lo a request loi a ii ishiny i il ti c at thtf cornn ol ij 1st 1 uw rd oul m 11 111 si uhisinu this inie iseeiuin was tonliolkd bv he ixpiilnunl ol 1 1 il11v is li eldid to k ive itu in illil ol s ttint 01 iniimnt lor coon ed tile lltbe is is it w is ffiiie ship lai 10 don i kt itu lonyei evening lool mm spnn is not tusl utiuitl itu e unit loi ejuile 1 tcw blkks ll llu i ilh 1 tone 1 in puis cost in u thin one million dollirs to rnokl shtead the word the edildr 1 wuh to cpres my apprrcia lion and gratitude and that oi all postal employee across can ads lor the line cooperation ol press radio and television dur my the tremendously heavy ma 1 mg ptrttkl just prior to christ maa while there is undoubttds a m wsworthinevs lothe niafny ol such volumes ol yreetiny uik our organization went far lv yund yiviny the ruses the puhhc vervue which oi pcrforniid bv vpre iding the eord of tut muling bund 1 111 y ot mail and loiiiel uddrissiny must have won the approbaiion ot our conufiunity ceri only n u i of yie il assislanie to the postal op- t mi ion yoeitv since iclv w h wilson ixpulv postmaslci ck ne 1 al the acfon fred pre yhortday february 6th 1964 jury report on countys ihe grand jury round little to criticize thi week t the wven juror made their wmianhual irt wpeetion ot the buildingt main taiiud by hal ton counly council llu jury willing with the sup- 1 jreme court this week touivd tlve ejxintv adinrintstration quartern i tin old couit house and jail the manir juvenile and family court chitdixn b aid society and health iml then re poii wafc mostly favui able 1 only the narrow dnvewavv into the parking lots on each tide of 1 llu iuw couniv ivuildiny dixw tlu i lun s lite 1 luv suggested the i nani dnviuavs h widened i md signs eieled lo ken p vlsilois liom pat king along tlu luidwiys llsewluix ihcv were lavoi ahlv impixewed with live overall favorable buildings appearance of the new building and found plenty of facilities available tor the tulurx expansion of county administration ihcv noted renovations underway in ihe old court house and i ik moi ak of the jail pruoiieis was vers high the manor is a m si impres sive provision lor senior eiiicns uluim ihtf uixjis lnteimcwed and found happv and ojnunt thiv eomnunded supei miindeni s a allen and hall lot a liundlv el lteni ope 1 at ion jinois tell ixwidrntk would no yiealvr use of ret national facilities 111 tlu mamir hisrimni when a mw elevator u liictalkd llu i amity ctuim luis att qn ite spaie and pnvacv quai lem in llu childnne aid in ukiwiu and in llu health unit iiime ill 111 ukqualt more acciderits during january motorists in llu noith llalton ana serviced by mil ion 0 r p stalled ott imv4 to llu tutu tl weitthiny htakes eiimp1iny i null 1 s ind wuduly imbulaiice inns iccotdiny 10 iiluks ii kaseu b llu opp 11 llu end of janujis lluiv we le sci ill l m velllt k ue lite ills in wtiu h 17 utvins we le 111111 id hu ii we ie no i it llllli s but pi op i iv il mil v it vehults mxokid natlutl tn sliynny liytiie ot j2h 74 llu liyuiis weie down i10111 tlu pievaais moiilb ivitiiilui sv vehewi tlu 1 vieti v u iidinu 2b inluiid ind iur7 in it on ili list junius dun wni onlv icetdillls 1 lyhl iiluied aiul daniagv toialliny t i is where you always get a little more than you expect porterhouse sirloin wing boneless round or rump roast 75 c lb tablerlta pure pork sklnla ifcjbsi m v eaxwmuvitli party fetes 75th birthday 40 friends at sunday dinner i hi lam ol nckun ilowaicl yrinls ue liter 1 pkasarnh mirpriwd him 011 sun d is whin hi iirtivtd home lion si cutnyt s anyhtiin ihunh il lowvilk wuh a dinilii ol 111 u lv 40 it unduly lo wish him be si wlshis mi the occ ixion ol his msi hi 1 thd in m isici jcftre thorn is seoii i uky ol millonjs hpendiiil two wevks with his yi indpiue nis mi and mis a t moon when thi v omuls assoeuition qutlu i walii ills quill this week mis m ua binipnon is spending a tew iu with mi ind mi john robertson rk 1 c imp- ik ik ilk mi md mis willinn rolxiis mi and mis lohn robuts mi ind mis maui ue robe lis md mrs man simpson itu mini a hii llul i pails on saturd i even iiil toi dac robci tsoii tn ml uul hi uti an eno ibk lime w is n poi ted b all svmpahn is estendid lo mis 101 don cut iii and walku hen nis and families both ot rr i l imphtllvilk dun ut thi 11 be k iv mint thi week ol 1 btnthci the lite chules dennis til milton who passed awiv al millon oisi met hospital allei 11 stunt illness he was 111 emplovcx ol hdlon counlv ind an uuknl spot t tin h i llowd llu c implxllvtlk intel mull he ilasehill le till tlom si u l lu limsh e uh i 11 i e ii lo im ui u lx sul s llu htu 1 1 mis i i muui rt bin son il ai ton mis j a robin s n t i ac ion mis vis 11 robin sin ot noiv il uul mis john kohh ol millon rev john sihiul olluiiled il llu mikiimi tunei il h nu in mill mi ind it tlu li in 11 si i oiid s pnsbvuii in ton teiv tun willi in shu ms nul cm e iennis rt vekv i it vd robin puiu in robinson ind h 11 viv dennis wel dl p dlbe ti 1 s lutwii be nets wen stinkv uilsttn willi 1111 rotv its john rtc bells wilson miiouill h utild coutson mil leslu peddle now is the time to reserve charter coach hom tyier transpokt limited for your next group outing put us in the drivers seat and ar rive relaxed ready for an enjoyaijle evening tel 8531550 cheez whiz hit wfwm n nm nil 1 ntinn nn a nimi 1 1 1 tti 1 rw n 1 1 wn ut m nn tiin n- 1 t t i f j february clearance sale dresses sue y 54 j reduced 25o bargain rack coats and dresses special at m 00 ea be cameo shoppe hintons is your shopping centre for valentines make your selection mom our assortment of valentine cards and novelties valentine cutout books isc 35c 49 cello kao assortment of valentines 39c s9c baauhful salcltn of vtuntin foldarft sentimental types comics relative akid general greetings also tissue pullouts mechanjcal and novelty types priced from as low as 1c to 25c valntin candies and boxed chocolates kuy your candy in bulk and save valentine jelly beans anniversary hearts gums ruby hearts stcawberr chocolate marshmallow hearts boyed chocolate valentine wtapped by neiltoh i rovuitree s lowney s etc saa our spactal haarlskapad bovi valentine candles doilies table napkins table cloths crepe paper streamers etc remember your valentine with a suitable qift from our fine line of nylons lingerie glassware chmawafe boxed stationery toiletries boxed handkerchiefs tor your valentine kt gift butlflu satect and colorful vary yaung bird each s and 8 95 hintons 5c to 100 store jflw sor that givm you a uitar duality a bwar ckolu a lowar trlce ciioici 15ni lint aylmer peas and carrots isoz tint ixonomlcal and nulrilloua isiicad york kchnahwrtf rhy ylrna sausage 45c liver lbt29c chubs 23c awry pound oljdllwm is a pound of tablerite canadas finest red d blue rl brand beei itoi ar iga royal gold 59c ice cream 2 for 29c 4 for 39c anc 5c on tin ubbys sauerkraut iiomogrnizi d 2l jar iga peanut butter 43c finkvijjow a01a1iiac 4 mil pack scott family tissue 39c mvi rnmi vt insm cti d i roicn 40 fathom cod fillets lb 35c pile rftcllve teh 5 7 we rcrvc th rlghl to limit quantities jaffa jumbo siio 00 oranges 69 di rcccuc nn extra 10 00 bnnut tape- with 3 bar pack dial soap pink gold or aqua 7c off receive an extra sam bonui lane with bufferin tablets bohla of 36 receive on exlrn s4m bonus tape with nabisco shreooies 1soi nio st lawrence corn oil hot slia rccelia an extra 11jm bonus lapa with appleforo wax paper 100 fr roll v oz plo goodness me french fries fro i an 10 lb bag p e i potatoes canada ns 1 grade taburile sliced bologna- 13ox pj0 sliced peaches 2 39 tomato juice 2 59 strawberry jam 55 stokely peas 2 35 tnilr un us n i i new cabbage iis nu i i ul fresh lettuce us mi i lul a s il ul i mum tomatoes ontaiio nu i tilt cooking onions 2 for 29e 2 for 35c m i ilu 25c shs 25c shrove tueiday suggettiont aiimi jtiniini kt 4 hulliinitlk i ih pktis pancake mix 2 for 39c llulhu ili nn corn syrup 33c oki imiu h ixmiic table syrup 67c bakery features hllnjul lilu il apple pie 45c mu 4l pk chocolate fingers 45c chocolate guest cake 45c j be sure to enter our contest for a free trip for 2 to entry blank available in the store for ledgers iga customers only n ii in

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