nejooe for brnch 197 monday nights fcnend aaect- nc ajatf aavrway l j0 the i yean with wtatc a amtat all w anal oas mtaatioa- t fipuwd off ia afcavt rder ana ia meet- intnm af rrohably taw aawifeat tlaa tai many yean i tjs pjn la ail dfm mcw member loin- ed tfc vraaoh five baaa uaulal ed at fbe nana t lag aad e be- came of night iift biag held over until m ttet cwseutiw nnnllagj aa hwa weeks liae wdcomed into branch v7 od tita nwcrt vomtanlc waltar aa abort leather iv cdb van de kooy thorn cel- larty and albert aftcatunm the three member who irt- illation win be held in two weeks lime are j janftco john laat and joarph mclennan a oordul wel come u emtended to the eight new tnembera and hone their ftiay wuh branch l7 u long anil hl u high n the twt of vitally import an i clivitk on ihtf dtmnnlort roster for 164 1 avaach 17 ha taken wry big itep towarda being a uk percenter in namberahi and if every member trie he can bring in new w to our fold congr i u la i ion what more can or laid of our crthhage team on their fine fchowfng mi oorfrtowrt on satur day acton a a c and d learnt ended up in tlrm aecond and third aoola rtsctlvery with the port credit a team fcto in ther the tumllnjri down lo fourth spot were ait follows ac i on a ii n credit a m aclon c 17 acton d 17 oner again oil wc can aav u congratuuilloni on the wonderful showing in gcirgclown the orchetra on tap for fhu saturday 1 the dchonainh w you there january winner of the minor sport a mvj draw wnt norm wilton of kockwood holme makva a apodal rdquen of all member that thev notify him whan they hear of a member who ia tick oiaaralr prank a looking for iniaaw naayert for hr com ing aone tournament in bramp- toaxin february is rhaaar gh ia touch with him r place your name on the fact provided in the ctab raorot the legion c team ajw tak ing owr 4op aml u4 weok slow ed a bit tnkwevk and now find theanaetve tied with the aland a team m lop hpot while the legion b team keep pushing and are now only two xunlt he hind alao taking lumps up the ud der thifc week were coys hoy and the tanner standing are laglnn c 100 band a 100 legion tt w do minion a w band b vi tun ncr 1 ninum b lewm a gov 7 station is fir vne ms limey 71 a small crowd wat on hand for the friday night meal grahheri conlj afc only uk tabioa wei in plav bill marshall proved to he the ht counter of the evening and ted the leak4aker with a m doug shepherd look the twond nrii pack when he carded a clour ti tied in third tpot after firuil tatjle were cam lei wh man and our branch radrc andy mckcn trie the man nl he cloth vhow hi vtvle in card a hr betted cam in the cut for the third tpoi ucakt after taking home the second prie kteakk the week before jim mdcnighl decided he would ra ther have bologna at he carded the hidden score of 44 careless smoking 1 ed more than j5jb0b fire in can ada tart year according to the all canada insurance federation tnu represents alnsomi id per cent of ail rite fire ia the cuun- iry- to curb thu high lost ofticiau of the federation makes the fol lowing suggestion to halt lovb of life and property 1 never moke in bed no one u immuni- to sudden drowsi ness t 2 dont throw lighted cigaret tes from carv 3 use safety avhtray where possihle dont lave burning cigarettes on edge if furniture or counters 4 rmptv ashtray into metal containers bcfoiv e lo led or leaving a room 5 tuke lighted cigarette with you even when leaving a room for a moment 6 dont smoke near inflam mable liquids or materials 7 when hutting cigarette out ofdoorv make sure m grind thvm fn the soil crush ihem on a rock or nut them in water i never flip a cigarette away idly a dramatic cflort to reduce im paired driving is reported with out endorsement bv the ontario safety league a houtrwife in germany set f irt- to a brewery she told police if the brewerv burns down thev cant make beer and mv husband cant drink and drive anv mnrc the court was apparently not greatly influenced by the merit in her motive she was jailed for 21 month hahom beef producers hou sate its acton f pre thursday fabuary 6lh 1qa4 ofjtuaty native of scotland buried at fairview david calt wlui canw to ckn- afcia frum scotland in iv27 pill buuv arhis home v main st north on january 24 il was 61 years of age and had been ll for the pa- year he is survived hv his wile hel en jean two vim and a daugh ter david william helen chris tine and john ldsnard at home a brother james in scotlaitd and vlslcr chrimhk beil hamilton unnv ware murv smith and lean mootv all in scotland l a fanner he wa bom in scot land in lw2 he farmed nearbi- tm for u vears and before that in hillsburgh he had lived at main si north for the past seven f months the lutveral witice at lite rum ivvslukmtiaker funeral home on monday jamiai 27 was conduct ed by the uev- dwight fngcl and interment was in 1 airvijvs ceni tcrv pallbeaivrs were r geddes bolton j wilson bitlltxi t ma- bee totieitham g smith tot tenham a girdon king city k gootllcltow nobleton all friend- is part erf the wie man iivi pleasures hut ol i one to be a slave to otiu irjmattom was vcu at acton loqion monday eveninrj during tk roour monthly meating qt th eioht mmben tiated to iom only five were able to be pretent oihert wr working night shift left lo nqht are ftfit vice pretident ted pope nw mevnbert wattar cook nd jacob vn der kooy president jim gonn rtew member alberi leather jom cattally and bert aacaaullen and tcond ve pretident gcrd jam carolines fhwer garden shop say it with flowers fot all otcxilomj flowers wired anywwf re v h40ni ujwto knytimi mm 7 bavt a wffx am 7 vm jmimr saow at director of the ontario bcel producer acacia- tum nd juneu uckay srcrelary of thr llalton association out lined the work carried on dur ing jw1 the bee improvemen atikocialion prosram wax founj- d in laj to auut srrf troduc era throughout the provfaoe ftfotr raom ueens park by george a kerr hauon ml a of thenewbeparttwenl itilt change has in jav a 1 indicated during the pro- vtactajejectton campaign bwr meat to the junior farr i tint lbautt actrntt sr k nhe s wmxlrwiw loto permitted from s20jd00 to 140- mmrittrafntmi toon a- qutecrodll oprtmrtvawo tor juniov farmerc v the hrml ol thear columhi will dual mainly with the speech from the throne read at the opening of the provincial legiila- ture on january 1 the high- llghli of the apeech dealt with education trade energy recour- i and labour of parllcuur interect to pea- ple in halton county l the move to expand the department of en ergy into the department of en ergy and resources management which wilt include the conserva tion authorities branch at prev ent part of the department of lands and forests the ontario water reaources commitalon will alao report to the minister bepi i reel that creased the importance of both the conservation branch and the owjrc recently the two conservation authorttie in halton the twelve faille creek and the sixtomt iktilc craek were amalgamated and the new halton regional conser vation authority was act up ret roactive to january i imt this move was made not only to eli- ntfvatf duphcw to ad tratlon hut also to poo common plana and problems in the inter- es of conservation arj rverea tion in our county this change encouraged by the province to gether with the new provincial department will astlst in the to blevnemtation of water conserva tion eojecta aeaigneo to mavmc sources of water f in and domestic requirements akct to ceauerve our great national heritage of water the government will ask coun ty agricultural committee to be come the basis of committees embracing agricultural organisa tions and other interested groups within the county to act in an advisory capacity to water re source commlaalon and the ag ricultural rehabilitation and de velopment directorate water pollution land and water conservation and ibe tjearina up of bur creek beds and water should receive more a under this new provincial pro- lames snow hornby ws clcc ted president or the ilullon reel producers association on wed nesday january 2v the mettiny was held at the extension branch office ontario depart ment o agriculture milton rc-n- resenlulivcv ol the various txs of hew production in hnlton at tended the meeting j allen frahcu acriciiltuial reprcventalive tor llalton ui- lincd some ol the changes hciny mode in heel production in hv remarks he stressed hc ue ol crop production in establishing ji successful beef operation a film the story ol meat in canada was shown through ilu- courtevy ot swirts tnc film traced the steps necessary in pro duciny high quality meat pro ducts for the consumer officers elected for i9m were president james snow vice- president john witlmotl vctrc- torytriasurer james mckay directors allan mclean leonard coulsun dawson smith frunk hall harvey laverty heating huttsuip aj eavtstrouohino saies and service rsspaln am nsai a shum cimmhi ahaat w wark ou anal oaa fumaea inefallatiana csvnvarmlon swnsaea 54 haw sarvlea mam ittttt hi tsavvm kockwooo red brand beef shoulder roast uan ground beef aswajronr sausage freezer specials satvmsano rsswcot amd wcappto front quarters hind quarters sides i 41c lb 59c lb 49b 0ary bkajvorr- lovell bros naaa jl be ready to contribute mftejf your neighbor volunteer marching mother calls wednesday night february 12 at 6 pm preven1 please say crippling v e c diseases tea to the march of dimes help the marching mothers maintain their goal that evary man and woman who suffers disability shall have the opportunity to achieve maximum recovery maximum employ ability maximum happiness hflp fight against pouo arthritis birth dtfects and virus diseases ur dim dollar for t 196 m of dimes your gift wednesday night may spell the difference between success and failure between happiness and misery for some unfortunate child you will never see give generously please i this a i spo by