Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1964, p. 1

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eightyninth yearno35 acton ontario thursday hftbuabv vth la ten pegeiseveri cenli robert little school wins pennant tops four competitors in ice carnival kobei lhlu- publk uhwil will msm sruntn wlilli- rl hun i nl dellliv diliikvmltri iyiule neuell end uwinu mortvll dldla ih largi jwnnanl nri i ilj lumv hi ilinnr cadiv hivihu jennifer in ihr intermediate rvlay race enled by the hicrtailim biv 12 ml i km ouen ftirwr loiduh wlltimni till twnlilc topped ural ipul with coiamlttix wednruuv nlghi mkii iuiii amlnut mll iduy kaltr mike held und lluwuid i mutlliy kifppl llndu wood when thev placed llri wmuiiu cunburn kl icihillnkti ihmiili oveiund johanna jen- flw ol eight uluiol kihiilulil i fill i 14 uml it iiiiiiiiu onbl tteiulld llauf went in hi ui ull jlllllliy hi j mil david wur- m7h uuiliiir ihme h pat belt utile uiuml uhh kiunn yell iuii tallmer end mlk to compete in the llri pultlk cioil ki carnival held ul the arvea cloe lu 1000 netiple in cluding children taking nun puld 3 ion to ihc arvnu it irum llu winning vlimkji up a tihul ill 5 point v competed in inulvl cektng ihe pcnnuni wcie vuc uttu scmoot puplll pieced flrtt wedrveiday nlohl in the public khool ice carnival end were pretanted with e laroe pennant by jack bullough chairmen of the recreation commit tee the pennant wi made by lerry talllefer crewioni corn n who la en employe at the arena left to right are brende henry mr bullouoh auiitanl principal doug copeland teacher keith merlin and pupil terry cole five out of nine tchooli scheduled to enter made an appearance before e large crowd of parentt the event wet quite tuccettful and officiate are contidennq making it an annual event ii as im- committee seeks 20000 budget also 5000 for new arena floor acton recreation commission took h calculating look at their 1964 hotly el at the regular meet ing in the community centre on thursday evening pre n led by finance commit ice chairman hugh patterson the budget took up most ol the com missions time tentative ell- mate- indicated u 120000 budget which the finance chairman and commission chairman jack bui luwrfl will pmaent to cuuncll for approval nwd floor vicechairman john gov point- ud out the commission whould ak council for tvooo tor un arena floor wc cant cltcclivelv oper- ule the arena program without u boor in it m duclurud the finance chtiirmun antici pating the request tabled hi rvcumniendulions which included the prupohcd 15000 lumr 1 1 ako lan expansion ol the hummer pmurum which wiuld enable the committee to upply tur a hlvnjer yrant 2 set vc ftr rvnlul ul ull pre- mltieh under the jurlodlctlun ot the iimimlwlim 3 the build in ii committee lhk into the portability of u ctuillnu lntk und ivturn ysiem which would effect u confide able wuv- ing vuiik for uaay tltt budget came in lur inmc cililcum from vlcvchalrman john gov who look kmie with the tmnkfer ol 1360 in fund from nuilnieiutiee to the ndminm ra tion account the money ih ilckcl- ted for an incivuve in the recrea tion directors salary asklny lur a tnore rcalmic look tit maintenance problemh the cx- ihiiirman also cuuliuneil mem bers about adminlh trat ion mr included the lollowiiu return j guv irvporied he hail rwulved numrrtiuk phom nwndatlon alu complain te ju iwv iny ubmit administration in ihe eonununilv ceiilte we nv vpentl inu public nionev he tic iuvl lelx make huie vte yw lull value lor it plcduiny to vote tor the in- creahe in alirv this time mi gov vaid he wmleil t se 1260 worth ot belter udmlnivirjiiun me pointed nut thv ie tf the community rules mil lull time recreation director ho duties in clude the additional rckponsihili lie of arena nunaucr mr guy also wic ciiticil eurllns timdi lions at the i miv munliy centre we have mhiic t thv best thpiipmeni in canada hul not enough lime to uw it he declared gjvm certiricale eat lie t in the meet in i recrea- lion director jim casburn was prevented with his interim iv municipal rvircatinu din uu- ceriilicale b j dtniytas paton district repiesent alive lur ihe newspaperman wife observe golden wedding anniversary muny imul incnuirir were rr- cumphcll and aicx prinulc if ciillcil hv mi aiul mr alrx ardin wciv united in inurriauc in prliiyl r i atmn hridc owrn suutul ffhnmn 2 1014 und iiimoni ol vi nvuix wlun tlvv u 4 iwld un ummvimiry pmlv ul ihvtr sl lin t wis w c cattii torunlo honit kuluitlav tiltcrniuin the icinncr noinia mvilyn cutnplhll iliuiyhlcr ol tlu- laic cuplain neil cumphcll and mm sister ol the tfiikim and mr teaser thomvoll sisterinlaw ol tom thomson ihc lumou cuna- lamltir50neair vend- wra a tb i alton j ll ei e i beintoyehetnoon marrewx of tha family friends end neighbor iewre pretftnt o congfehjlate the couple the threetiered wsdcurttj ceke vwe mede by heir daughter catherine aari fred lertonsj jybulwncjha ajienviabte record- in tharapa iendeincej his rehrement hu adapted oil painting at a hobby j dian artist atteiuleil tli lion mr prinyle is well known in the newspaper hade and spvnl 45 mns tn this hue t wink ih received ioiiyratulalorx leleis innn many top canulian pivss men who couldnt attend the an niversary izatherini ive an se ihe were al a press dinner at ol tavva the ioupk also ieieied a rametl cert il kale hi lined hv pro vincial ecretarv john yaiemkn and georue kerr m p p neai bv netuhhorv and friends presented the couple with an elect tie vill clock thev also rev ei veil inui llowvi caixls anit yitts uovmi in im7 the couple putv based their pie sent home in 142 and diet ins re i i remen t nov ed u i the fa rm in iw7 it wis here he tinik a keen inkiest in his hobbv ol pain tiny and main in this iirea have seen mr prinyle hit liny painting scenes ol inieivst b the wide of the nwd he continu ed this hobby up until two ears ayo when he- was ftuved t ili continue on account of ill health he holdh un enviable ivconl in live newspaper hukinevs he was with fccvcrat newspapers acnss cunada and in the old count rv and was with canadian pivnv lot 25 vearv- he was also prrsideht of tlvc cort4rratic association for nas- sojjawvva uith hve bsrn mem her ivf the farm forum and ac- tiw in church oryanuatuw one of ie tneat eiovd he couple was shortbread eni from a cousin in england they also rvcehved gifts from vancou ver from relatives tbe cviipf has- ftv children loinmunitv proytauih hraneh of the i fcpai totem 4 uducatiun mi palon ionyi itulatetl the ac ton recieaiion dire lor untl nun i mined he would ih- cllyiblc for his inui un a ceiiitkalc toon applkints loi the cettiluolc weie the subeit ol ityid scrutiny and ihev must pi a dilllcull louise said mi palon he attu outlined several svniinar com- mntiv member mlyht be inter ested in juplr high memtxiv oh it led to pjviny tv- paii hills to the loinmunitv cen tie spunk kr system they leli the m to jw paid tu a repair man lor rcpan wi exorbitant and questioned whether the tern hail im warranty o cover it inui tlu koniiactois who install ed h ihe loiinnission advised bill hoiul spue was available ul the ioininuniiv vent iv for intern ted advei hsei s a let let nun ihe alioii inter mediate iiik itev juh ankiny ttm sideialiou ol a sw practice hill in november was received sec ietii j muist wis ailvised to ansvvci liliny reasons for the khuye meinlhis piesnl included the ihiiiinin lil uullouyh j gov mrs ii oueibien mrs n keate lr i j oakes c cook ii pat- lerson i tovell recreation dlr- 41 lot j lishuin and secretary j llllisl whjfii they trumpeted in indlvklo al and vlety races on ikute he prwirl doui cope land und teidwr keith martin the pen- kutl donated by ihe recreation commit fee was ptesenled by chairman jack luillouyh taking patt in tlu evenlny pipyram were whoou i unit sjuv sfitf tlnu4touse uoikwiukl und tny two acton seluuitk uttuit ljtu and m iknnetl stioiul rjc4 winner ol the nlyhi com pttltlon wa m 7 iunnetl ijhool wllh speyhuu third ijmehouhe fourth und rockuood ftih catmunw comimi flrsl on the pnyium wa the i0lumc content which wu dl inlo four dlvuioiih in ihe kc clah teny cole hiuce kle and peter masale from robert little uivool took t priiuf with corie maxwell tha roborl utile kchool sec ottd and karen van skkler ljmehouie third for the bct original co l u me olive and onu rfchall of the m 7 bennett won first place ribbon iru peihroi rorklt 1 title iuk second ttui kathy cook ol z bennett third be i national costume award went lu anlla bralda m 7 ikn nolt second lo fulra potter- son robert utile and third ka thv cook m z bennett for the top pair cotrtume dctaiv drink wallet and jean ull lot i flrt m t bneh dbbu ouifleld and 1 itf wart- iijnil fcobert ut ile cathy aihley and john a-b- ley third robert lltllc kac evauti the following rt the winner in tlie racirg events rl stand for robert utile mzb for m z bennett s for speytlde l for llmchouse and u for roclewond glru 7 years and under jan et allen rl laurie hansen rl shcrric uvermore rl boy 7 and undcri billy me- gillowav rl bernic taylor rl willie slelnue l girl 8 and lvnnc frame s kathy pryslasx mzd cathy ashley rl boy ft and george xltpha ii s peter morrison rl gary mav ters mzb girl 10 and it mzb karen townley rl j anne catburn rl boyn 10 and ii jim stevenson mzb michael frame s kenny marshall rl girl 12 and 11 ann ouinn ihlhholm mll mcsilllowu 14 and iv allan mi ken- i madeline rl fc kandia vuu fleet iyei maty fruncu lioy u rl teny cole rl teny i maixoun rundv cokirr iltbhy sha rl kiul pelit mou lon und tommy ltos t kauimml siull s jcajuttit thlid plate winner hfllay race wvie kmyldv whd wllh maiy in ihe lunlor telav iue ihe ann fiwler 11 a iw churetle m lliiuuit hihool won liil maryaiel hlacen jyime frame plaee with ihe lollowlny iontckl dale i uher teity kobee paul i i riit uii hto miniayuri campfltl wit one of tb duptayi laod by balhrtafad boy scout i friday averting during tha if annual father and jsoo harutoet ldie of tha united church catrd for the event whirh attrarted a ifirrja crowd left to right are scoutmflier frcd uodcn and scout bob black at they ml up thar daplay aeaav wjvec ae fitonw kecoiul m mehnell wllh lynm dunn kathy cook joan gibblrt charune jllgjlni paul ciater jo4n mason caj v huikurv uml john vlusira rouu llltt thlid wtlli cathy knit hmulu lunry if ha run while juikle palmer oouj cat- bur n uli v under pnliler robrt wallet und hrenl marshall in ttw senior telay hpyulei look first plate with edna oood- ridgv hrlllon larseria charlene gough uddle lonay rayrtumd utull rom uuller uml john newell haitmd plaitf m i betv nril wllh peg fitimeruht janice jordan joan ordon gull ia hugh bill hansen wayne oohn david kiull und mob ifart third pluce robert lltlu with terry lei allan uijunitle terry guuv hievtfn yowiuuy rrertda luimtkrl junlce uvmulleti soft an allen und ann gordon at ihe lomtihlon if the ttveiili the children enjoyed free skat lug hi john amhularua llrlgade iminhers treated u fitw too test anl lor minor setup to koeaj and hmih elizabeth force on honor roll lot tlu seiond time ttte name of lhxubeih foiie has uppearad on th- all a honor roll at mlihlgah hlule urvntlty in r loynltlihi ol tlw hlylwrt etlalrv meiil of uhlurhip iuj sha u in her uulor year in fwulal st lent e preuniulion ol tha lumor roll wa made at a dinner in january by piessdant john a hannah i jjjmi a i ammmjmuiimm two day festival for north harton will attract 1500 from 14 schools nearly 1300 north llallon sony iviile kelui milton height sters will jam robert little j limchousc and pineview are dl- kchool in acion tin march 24 and j vided into three clase seven 2s for ihe annual north llallon room and over six rooms und music lesiivul siudenis from 14 under and three room and un- stbools in north hailtors will po dcr tkipale in the leslivul which wilt run all dav march 24 and in the evening l march 25 1 ounglcr will sing song ruullv by ihe halton county mo the 14 hi hook pur tit ipit my such as aurora the shepherd lc clival astocialion mr three from milion two from at miyu in the raindrops siuw aileeu martin i4 mil loo u kc- ton and speyvule ntirval ilen imhiv sny of live lixile when all retjry treasurer ol ihe aiauciav wllliamh camphcllville brook- the world l young lad to a lion variety of hang iumbkin tlie trout and fkxif ol gladne beld primary junior and senior choirs performing there will be triple duett for grade s and a tludenf and triple trio for grade 7 and i ptiplu tlu- fctlvel it sponsored an dak woods piano pupils present recital at school a leciijl bv piiino pupils of dori tubman from iden mill dle wimi was cnoed by pa- 1 camen gibshi and naiuy gilv renis u hi trieruls tuesday eve- son tuny at i lu- roberi little sclwol three girl plaved m ihe ad- iiidiioiiuni mi wtmxl wtu mvarued seclhm anne slutrlill of slill takiny t onservatora lesumis limchousc played albumbtatt for and 12 crandchildtvu children are ales of downiew cath erine mrs fred parsons i bee- on donald aihcroft and van- himsem t lives in torunlo leaches mondav in rockwood at the home ol mr and mrs lloyd waddcll and tuesdavs in acton at the home o mr and mrs- stan cripps althoiiyh he has uuy ht lessons in ttmoiuo mr wiutd stid this was thy lirm recital for his pup ils at liny as mastoid ol cereniumes was mi waddetl from rockwood the pioyram which opened with god save hi- queen played by marikn cripps was divided into three sec titan with begin ners elementary- pupils and ad vanced uipik relreshmvnis were senetl to the children and guests after wards beginner include from acton wendy knapton davwrochelt- er mar- watson johnny rochest- cr and from rockwood roter mcgillivary janice osborne gail nichol arid johnny kikqgi mr wood playvd duels with janice oshome and johnny rodmivter elementary studestb from grades one to five are rsb ac ton linda perry paul yotmjwut heather mccutcheon jae wat- tg im h n a lnjiata gv lfsti mr frowl of ctknnecticut usa and john of port arthur a threstlered wedding cajce made by their daughter gattv trin wki imjc by the couple and many guests cutcheon and anne wanvord from rockwood kathy ntsjbfei cor- rioe knegt johmry meahitt 1aul raddell kathy osborne jack macdoiiaur mary annir wadcwl el knegl greta li ice sandra binnie played wall in a flat and marilyn ciipp plated tamhourin chinol and mtnuet with variations marilvn cripps and dale wood played a duet the theme from the molkvn picture exodui a grade eight student marion bayrte of rockwood was unable lo attend in the recent royal connerva- torv of music of toronto exams three of mr woods students were successful marion jbuyne grade eight marilyn cripps grade fight and jack mac donald grade four i e-aj- lu 20rwcmtst whmtirt jht9ss deidllrv or uln 1j lunle platen in mtdniaht tonvvrrow friday and according to local unicr jack liargraw about x per cent of district lnvtitlitfflr ptuchaud new plaice to date mr hmrarew exrtcli 16 be quite buy up until bis cjoting t fr r g rinrfu moloriiu lo act i a toon a poaiible he also warm drhwr ooi in receipt of their 164 driv er permit thai tbey will not be able a to lew to drive saturday with the w63 permit btm- j au village small but hearts big 77 goes to crippled children ouptud chumm in the cuelph eroe receiveel e t720 morvey tell k dr j d schroder pwer ol m goetph end wellington society for crippled- fauovark m mas ftad lambert tnakei th preaenhrtion piuraada cam frank darte- lionias wallaathe euchre ttu- illabr il rickwoad may hv rnjll bul tltirn heart ere hig uhrn il mm tu ivtplnk trlnplrd children uuhday eve ning tttjo wa handed lo the gculpli and wellutgkm branch of llu- crisfvlfd children society dunrnj j ctimntuftlly euttir mr lied lamnert headed a gniup ol inlemud dtliea ka railing the rmnvrv a they staged a etkhre in si lutuia puuh hail mi tanvaaaed for donalldek oei hand lu receive ihe winry aad acojuainl clllama with liar ujcleiye operaiioe wa iv j d schroder of cuelph dr schroder told ihe group at ihe euchre thetr nvmhiirei would he utrd nuikiy bv ihe cuelpti branch he ouliuted fadlulee id cuelph and uid al preernt there are 10 hmtillmpped tsudrea ro- cehring trealmeal and care he ihe iruod and therapy til nil the gucjph presldeol told bee inl healed liirllirr the creepier cfalvbm teimlnlliat lint bemen with w aeerioe cldbe aaa zminvrrolcd people aad tpoay 40 yuan later ihete are over reeled vohaaaneim mpeaal to eaaeay takt tacaitiem he atd there aw ove canape fee- ihlhhiilof a tovsomipvovvuvnmja uujk

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