w v5p sales ma for auction sale swunbkv march 2t 1964 tt mood mnl tractor nml wtwafand jpoint mich catttn- ten 4 bale 3 aanblnri t sp ofm aritonloadlnf forage box bu is 2 near new thrnhrrm 5 tractor type apreader 2 rnv conk picker habco dryer any thing in farm machinery aaot item aerviced and ready lor uar commencing ii ijm al nobleton farm service 1 mile wnl of noble i on hwy 27 especially busy i ladlei auction sale kmomofii ofc the enllre oonlrnlt of a 1ft- room sraorgakbord incltlding 10- burner gaa kiove tnoacrit dih washer modern cooking ulenslk wal and owp freeserk chain table fccrvkewa lor 100 auo piarni ihrfctrrllcldii beau ru aad other houkekoui elfcl will be held al ihe comer ol no s highway and bnmlr milton utumuy afatll 4th 144 at i oclock teams caui day of ule no reww open for liupec- lion morning of bale nujott and holmes auctioneer tu m1u mr it un oorge richard proprietor va 7v clkawng auction sale in twp of nasugawhya the untvnlyiwsi hai received laairoctron fion ccottce ob to mil by auction al the farm lot 11 con 6 twp or nasvaj-a- mva situated on the sixth line 4 mllea sooth of aciun on matuv uabcu ruh commencing al 100 o clock aottrp the allowing cattle 2 hereford heifer about 900 ibt open 3 hereford better- ready to breed 5 short born hellert wdv to breed tltactok imkemfnts ford juhkee tractor with live power talusoff lett 1han 2000 hours good a new home beat or tvarbom 2furrow hydraulic pbw weury bitel ecllon aprni tooth drag cultivator cockfthuh ivdlsc tort hirer and grain drill on rubber good a nrw 33tuair tractor disc bar vow lieel alone bol ford tractor mower 7 tt cut good an mw international 4bar rubber tired tide delivery rake cock- abuh heavy dutv rrm wagon rtlbbar tired arm wagon rear end blade for ford tractor trac tor chalnt international b fender 6 ft cut 2 rotating trlf hoe iwders new double water bowl for hog barn defoggcr rtcw aitfel pokla barbed wirr stew art electric hock clippers elec trie water healer anvtl step ladder extension ladder m bays of fertiliser 7 timber jo long qua trill y or oatt u not prcvkiu- ly abtd om farm took household goods cahi net grand piano with bench to id walnut dining room auite china cabinet buffet table 9 aide chain arm chair combina tftofl radio and record pluer chest erf le id tulle frctional red mapl occawunaj chain coffee tabw saru4cjan rug 0 x 15 with underpad like new rug v x 12 with underpad studio couch bedroom uitte complete radio walnut desk mkrori fn gjuutr electric cooking range frigidaire refrigerator 9 cu it woodt 15 cu ft deep freeze kil chen table and chairs eatv clee trie wavhing machine barbecue tables 7 lawn chanv cedar bar 2 a tool 2 set of lined drape aiflwut new large quuntitv ol duhcs manv other arrlcles yibtuis cash uith cleik on tlav of tale no reserve at farm u sold all article- mutt be moved bv april lat wm a gibson auctioneer phone guelph ta 4147 calvfa mclntvrc clerk clkuw caw a bt today wd s our comkettune wallpapers uh ftav iwifvavl tenpro dbttmiitofts umtto hn wofnen lttatltaiti iaa4 thurs day evening with a good attend ance of member urn duncan mortaf the prealdcnt previded over the meeting the institute ode was ming followed by the mary stewart collect and the lordat rvayer a minute alienee was otwrved ki memory j the late mn g h somerville who bad bem an irt- urmled niember uf the dublin branch for many yer to mrs george miateruaou who exprcaacd tba brat washes of everyone for a bon voyage mr robehson u leaving from mat- ton todav thursday on a three week trip to her native land scotland st john worfc the guett speaker were repre sentative of the si john am bo lance of acion hubert llart in very vivid manner port raved over 1000 crowd centre fo 0er a thousattd fan flied lheli wyjnld lbr community centre rr way ii kdj l u e the hm u ocalled old timer play acton tunnem ftt un enhln1tfcn for the benetil of minor hockcv in at ton added attractions iiuliuted a pre gitne pt rf or inane e bv lots rtmu ukuatioii viiivitton oldtimersviit me work of hu organutlon and j cjsburns hoc key stlwml an gave many helpful hiivtv on iirvl hetueen tkttiul figure skating ex aid for accidents in the honu and j hihllton b tfuee mt mbers ot iki on the farm lie uas asjlv ted bv f aitiwi flyure skatiny tlub as uetl mr ed norton in lrf gwrge margrave who enhimtetl as suleoiou aptuuaiu of the gubnr fc mn n hn hupply kil trvplaimng vhat elwn prince of hiuke dougurt ta41ed ihe roll and eh responded wub the natne of the anicleri brought to ihe bake na4e the acting fcrtretrv also read he minute of the pnrvtou meet ing an invitation wai read from mt union wi attend their 40th antuvervutry on april 22 in si paul church mitlon mention uw aw made of a course on lable selling on april i n ttve same ihurth to whkh the branch was invited the utuj donalkmi was made in ihe iweresls of the ha ion mu and all uere pkaved skal festival several of the uiiie volunteer ed hi canvasii lie northeattcni section of the lownship for ilie canadian canter smietv the advance prie hxt of ac ln and georghown ttttl fairs have been received ami will be review ed al o later meeting exhibits of cherry pies and muffin will be made at be nest meeting bv the members ami judged first priae winners will compete m ihe district annual competition later fn the spring a pkasant feature of ihe even iny wits ilu- present i tkn of a smalt u by mrs w mtlnivtv bv i biscuits in his bawkri before the first period ended the tanners started to conneci in live second siarom they got three ut ltmg johns espene which started u storm of tears fnin ihf lohg one so m mate added another five to their total five more in the final to the tan jim mis lour finished the stormy long john wandered allyover the ice throuyh ihe comief and mulwav through the third period j trouble performed live twtst paraphanelia a pair was used in different emeryen ties their addresses were fulli of interest arul gave the ladle a further insiiu into lite jkhh work being tkme bv live organ ijallo under the convenervhip of mr m mectulkkugh and mr c me inlvre w4h acted in ihe absence of mrs ii ujvth the bake sale vyn held and a like sum added to the institute funds a report was heard from eachj of live visiting tommiltec prxsenl to report ilia i there was not much skkivess pit uni in live iwighborhihid al iii picsciit nme tlw bimtess mis lwuns4hi assisted bv mrs j a van ikxt and mrs w imam served a tlamiy lunch mrs c metnlvre was coiirtesv tiinverver manlt has btit t espectallv husv month for the inuilute lad ies under llu irveirtxivon ivf mrs m ueculuwiyh and mis l wil son as leaders two evenings had been spent at the lalierfc home laklng the course- on deswru whkh had luvn instructive ami enyable tlve lailits quilled iwo quills at the home of mix j c diiinis in aeion wlutli tluv c hihiled at the nuvlmy john legion notes for branch 197 by oofs ww whatever mav be scratchetl i hit in this column for the wetk vill ruvt1 tome t lose lo the evs tf branch 107 uinninyi ihsi sjvit in the distrut crih i vvc hope vou will ateept llu tluir brolht r hie dominion b learn mil hand tv squaniiy off with tlvc 1tyutn a uvu in ase ol anv pes pom is will touni lite linal vlanding of ihe in conyratulauofift of live brarveh and duslnal cnbhaye leayue ui uc all hope vchi wih do us well the piovintiat finals api il 2 in wtuadbridge brant h members prosed thev tan slill handle a dee k of cards and peg pleniv of points wtun it comes to cribbage after win ning the tone b7 cliampton ship in georpemown the a team came through like vrtrrons sal urtlav in llamihun anet won the divtritt plavoff nest up rs the pixivlnciul finals first class honors afco go to bdlv middlelon and frank winl ers who racket up a perfect score winning seven gamw out of seven atlluvugh ibrv werent on the scinninp team thev win equal piaise as far us branch i97i is tontemed the winning tram compnsiny captain dude linekav tom ben nelt ted klltott pete turknsj gorxl mccuttheon mas sttuvv jatk drvstlale and mel jordan came through uith 19 points for first spot atkvn b team consisting of cum lrtshman iv i joixlan grant allan hub hrailev bill middle utn frank winter pat waldie ind jim mt knight tallied j7 points the c team came rhrougti tnh ii points dun nit the dav pi ivers vvi- jim iliy gins gord junies tetl pope nionn morton lunrv wedge chiuk shullis hugh orouike and met lambert sevtmd sneil was lied vtilh 1 hoiivld and dundas b teams rath netting is points and thirtt nlate went to pun credit with a 17 alihouyh pun credit and avion b ended up with an equal score the port credit buiuh on me thnuiyh with higtier indivi dual cuix to cup third pot- the orchestni lor this saturdav miuh j8 is johnm tochet s tlve cittwds fut out saturdav night lances huvr been verv good antl eve advise vou to make it a point aitivinvt as eailv as possible to he mi iv ot a ihmm1 table a wanuny oi should we mv a forge t note haw been maikd to the late dues pavers and we k vou to look after this at the soonest possible time plavtiffs for the industrial cnb- bagc championship begin this evening march 2ft with ihe top six teams plavingoff followim this weeks plav the two teams with the mutt points will plavoff for the prifcsi on april 2 thh week will mc the legion b team pitted against the legion leyilui b 151 dominion a 149 baml b 149 legion c 148 lt- ntuthvn b i4t legion a 14 band a 17 suiion i s7 govs it7 tanners m5 rirxmen l6 and i ik pushing limevs who wnv lust gelling warmed up 125 there was no cuthre on tridav evening as iherr werent even enough plavcrs for two iahks of plav guess evervone was al the arena waithmg ihe old pros plav hoekev skating chibs first carnival this saturday first carnival for ihe new at ion skating club is being held at the arena saturdav evening at ft pin last ears short simple tlnsing program has expanded this venr into a well planned hour and a half program that will thmas the vear for the vovoung hovs and girls ol the tlub the ski ling leathers have ran lied for eostumes to he- re nl ed and have reheat setl the skat ers in seveial amusing and entei laming production numbers one ol them with an outer spate theme the voungsters will be div plav inn their nrulv acquiretl ta lents to speeiamv pivpareel musu own soloists avion s ihiw urn soloists who belong lo the home town tluh as well as the guelph tlub will be skatine voks thev are sharon ui ad lev sallv ilson ami linda rraida who have behind them alieuelv an impreslve aitav ef metlals lor tests titnight afitr tehul the ee ti ed skaters are al the atvni being hemic rsm twulbsg oh lee heudehsoil tlinud mil lo c lllr star ol llu thrvslwhir sliou willi his anlits in the old tuners nets whkh alter na led from wailing v alt weeping lo twisting at centre ke with a ladv purloined fnun ilw viands tlve foinur bjsiii bruin ivelmhkler el id ev rnihing hut wiaml twi ins he id ftr the iverveht ol the voting r fans win almost mobbed him afler llieevenl im his auto graph wlun 1 1 t omes lo plav uh- ivotkrv llu- nil l oldlirmrs hur most k tipk stlsfk i le d ai e iii 1 e last hv ihemselvts thev elwarl rd live tanner 111 stature as thev easily won a 157 the isum in the exlnbilion umum fans walelvetl the lnmui tug nuiu ol the n ii i ihiovs pini passes shoot with a ve leu hv that s sekuim seen heie and mlagi spoiadic rushts up the ke u- niiniseenl of tluir palmiei das seveial ol ihe old tinuis eould step into ihe aim i lean i e igue any tune they fell like it ami the leant would h tndle anv sitiiui team iri onlaiio willuiut loo moth ehlliellllv rig names j tinner big nanu s iik luded fn tlve star studded line up as well as get 1 1 keeper john heiager vm we rv ikib teildhim fimmtu ot toronto miple i d and ivtonl med wings wallv stnuiwski of llu- uds rn con ulnr ol hit i igo iiicl ikstoiisid smilh ol toronto muitiv ileiukr tomnto ivan irwin eil sew yuik t al ctii elite i luroitlo iilel new 1oik 111 tan culkjtof roreintii mui ra vlatmiitt it toronto wm hm st of toronto rigs raglan of hieago lnkie hainilkm ol tomnto inl hiria w ilson ol to lonto as well as 1 01th hank eldiip also a leaf star in his hevelav the es hig leaguers didnt waste nnv time showing how thev coukl move j he puck goalie jaefc marshall had five sr theli tie ai a bv mr sikiltlied and ull attompanieel thtk wilkv uiwmii he from the stand jukie hamilton arul conaetier rallied in lliree apiece lo put- the old tn lo their lopsided win ron huisi and luig jolui bagged two eue h ilurv atson bob xildham rigs ruglan uriin culk 11 std smith and murray heiukison le yisle ltd orue lor the tanners ron mellon playing toaeh junior beaumont sunt hjrold lowrislev eat h drill ret a pair of goals wilh ron mi it in riotehing one and tollrelmg iwo isikts jim cisbuin also to formed ndylduahy for the ap- prracianlv aiadiepee to cap the ltrustemaulbn long john herdcr6n presanted larry drysduie and steven oakley with hotkey helmets oovenir 0 i he- old timers visit whs twktg hawkers from the acton minor llockev assiktiation and ihe le yion minor sports lommtllei viminsois of the event had no disponing of chatvee on of blue tickets for h- tb acton fveq pwss thursday aaarcri 76tu 19o4 high ballet marks for adon teacher greetmg cards postage rate up a new postage rate for printed matter goes into effect nest wed nesday april i acton poimat- firvi n f i i plavoff game in to ronto the ducats were donated bv mirrrav ijeard m behalf ol rovhis vompanv bill kuight was llu yods iv v of vervone in town wfvtn he lu id live winning ticket long levied u plll ol lmkklv hud ilnnes slu medonild and hob m llxllill one clap for skaters lu lvtweu ihe lust ind seeond iumhn shuon hiidkv siik wiimmi ami i inda btaid 1 were w 11 nilv ieei ived b the i uge e lowd with the 11 llgliit skyline ehilige ol pim i u h xklte per john lltnekfsoi beginning lo lir hv this lime made llu draw rt fe ret s for the event were wavne marshall and barry in scv tluv impose it no xnultks priitkibl ik e a use- ihev cotddu i lake ihtir ryvs olf long jolin arid he wis a 1 lean as tluv tome hirtlev coles was al the inn mphone midnlghl udal the visitors were entertained at 1 nutlniglit sopper ami get logithir at the legion i11ii uf it 1 thev had shaken of horjrs ol allograph seekers ret nation director jim cas burn vvis the spukplug of the tvtul eooidin iling the mllii al llu gde vs st sing o canada from memory lions club members all fail relaxing of piae lite strth show t uneel tout ton i ions if lei slienoiis weeks oi the 11 annual nun ae ton i ions c met ihiliu s li inn hut ling lull monelav ninht at llu 11 re gulit nut ling lili twislel dave hunter lliel a in kl dav emptying the vimtois etkc ol c hinge for tin eonven ail ditk twin won lund and along with i hidon arulv ntdm willev tan a t hinese which out il the v is rut 1 ion al i iiidei eonduiled an allerdmne r singing marathon which piompled p 1st presidtnl alet tohrisuri to suggest tluy sing no 105 wht n it turned out number igs wisn i in the bok he paid his unileenth line ol the svcinng wiui the tail luihr tamped resolutely behind his e hair his hand mil lion c hit f pelt pa pi hon wond eied it am ol ihe visitors could sing j canada tium inemurv at tin list uniting a dekyition horn aklijshol lions uitludtd tin ki v i ion launcc wiiht lie lot ol si matthew s puish 111 aldershol the lion ol the eloih ottiied 1 10 to am acton number who eould sing o can adi 1 1 om un moi hi had no lakirs j hurling tons represent a t 1 ve s we rt e quail v naive the sugge s twin ih v h lined for their lu k of pali u ism i il ki d stil i u le nt volumi lo el 1 own out llu pro- 1 tils tik 1 ion chief reminded all atlon lions ti be on hand lor j ihe final lew prattlers of the i9m nnustcl show which promises toj be ne ol the hvrhesi ever cwrn louder lettrorad lsj week tht she passed royal academy of dancing grade 5 ballet rumina llonif willi tuwwirs whu4i under ihi- svstein fif marking means ler gordon mckeown reminded over 9 murks ii is the highest ibepblc this week classification tn result wbkh in i m iludc pass commended and high fuurc v 1 iv commended to matl allng lrtu 1r greeting cards christmas rsaminatmhis wcrc guelph oir f and 11 on rndav live mil the examm uf meeiings er miss avres tomes fmnr tng k vspapers and magazines land and crosses canada pies id b w ilbu tkc tng al examinalions of the hw tcn cv htf frv ataikmv m the maiulurtk au kl lhwf an eslia ivtu ouiues ihe same evevwhee uf frat wl tost un wen is a student nl miss c if 4 mitchell guelph and te ae lu s j n jlm 1 lass of young gwk in ae ion postmaster general john r also examined were two of kluholson 1 ml ha led the pot of gwcn s young primir stinlenis fiee is presenily losing money on who both passed haibara ried iivf cuilage of printing matter and ilettv ik- vncs kn arul ihe new price seak would 20 minutes vtvlll lor slralcet sit ps at llu it quest and daiueil girls were t xjiiuned ft n demon tamuie 1 s solo the r 12 nun uies each and gsstn liael pie p 11 td solo numlhrs for ifurn miss av re s and the st udi 11 1 are e om pit it ly alone in tin studio fot i h lists she s un daiilhli 1 of mi and mrs allan 1 audi 1 budget competition keen tues wednesday 800 participate in music festival continued from page one the adniditalt nohle went to the acton robe it voung singers in i it tie school j pointed out laults glen williams school copped llu ac ion home and school liephv presented bv mrs j da vidson while lime house an el pine view schools will share the camphellville w i shield pre sented bv mrs r austen on a six months basis each acton m 7 bennett school placed lirst in llu- cnior choir class te win the milton home and school liophv presented bv mrs rov llenrv and the george town hank ol commerce shield presented bv mrs g man mis went lo ihe milton j m deuves school competition was kern in the last ulas lor the dav when seven schools tompeteil in the ti ipk trio with glen williams taking top spot to win the georgetown countess ol sttathmore i o d i trophv which was ptvsenled by g w mckenjie and limehouse taking second spot to receive milton rotarv club shield from w j mcneil mask ivt ceremonies tuesdav ol acton ami itturn upils from 01 vvete bused in their respective schools as soon bov as thev had hmshiel singing close lo 800 children took pail an innovation tins vear was a taping ol the entire program bv oakville radio slat ion chwo the preigram was lu 11 el tuesday evening wednrseliv evening completed ihe twoda music lestival wb ihe rohci 1 i ink public schixil auditorium pu ked with parents and tneruu of voting singeis mr trow budge master ol ce nached the i milton bruce st school win unison and ners ol the tumor choir grades inguig 4 5 and 6 tuesdav delighted the chools crtwd with their rendition of i 10 the shepherd pincvtcw school remonies and aciin publn school boa 1 el trustee william benson expiessed appiecialion to ihe ciowd lor then interest and ihnnked even one who made the lestival a success inspector w i mcneil introduced the m tndlcaloi lklon uiethour ami tokl ihe audience et mr hre thoui s wide cxpenenee in ihe nn 1 sk field was principal ken trowbridge ii m irom hiimkviiie school who wei mrs jim thornhill hlitsd for then colorful costumes j coined ihe large crowd of pari the skating club has evnlv been cnts paid tiihuie to pitncipl g wllls ritst xwontes oryaioed a lew monihs and the 1 w mckenzie of the robert link executive hopes lor a good re- school for staggering classes it spouse ol lamilv and fnends to allow ihe lestival to lake place see these talented voung children planked be mdtudicaieir tor his intereki and4ard work and coml i 1 aid she group waller et ihe first e and support rhe cook is prcsiehnt exiilivr aiiangements for the carnival aiv beinji made matnlv bv recrea tion duxvtor jim cash urn and phil mccnstall lesion have been tiidav s after school and saturdav morn ings this ends ihv season for llu group dont be outfoxed a special license s necessary to hunt fox pheasant or rabbit c boys domlnloti a taking on j in a regulated tosvnship police recruits wanted gonstablesand cadets fcmrakmtam quaurlcatiohs vtlgmt t arj tb education okadc 10 jvftpmperfcrrttr metropolitan toronto pouct personnel office 02 king street east office hours monday to friday ft am lo 4 pm i saurdaaf5aaittol pan inended mfl appkvtird riuphv convener and heir assistants mrs j hunter and mrs g marcoux inspesiors w l mcneil d o g mcdowell were also there n vlurv is i irsl wuinei in c jon s ciuienl radio ciinte st lot ac tomans is mrs rhoua thoinhill vvho com luu ol numbers tin a thompson mot unchanged voices choir also winneis on tuesdav sang when all the world is young lad and glen williams school senior choir tuesday winners in grades s to 8 sang the trout the ac ion m 7 bennett sen loi chou which won the- ctn loi grades 7 and 8 tuesdav pleased the audience with their song entitled aurora two new competitions were in imhluted during iik evening with kelso school winning the triple duel for schtuiu with sis roomsaand under and receiving ihe miss ruth tvans trophv presented bv former nassaga wea township teacher mrs an me paul second place went lo slewart town sclutol who received the shield donated bv ebenecr church choir and presenled bv mrs f kitching in ihe inphe trio competition for grades 7 aixl 8 the milton continue from page 1 this had hem ilie tase lor onlv sis monihs the prevxhis vr ir a grant in the loonlv s i john amhu ureled cluldrins vhmds wis approved totalling 127 us a grant of i 500 wt also appioveel lo he i or rii seots itgirmnl the imistum budget was s1 al 118 070 dehenlured half the county will pay off 1115000 oulof euitent levellluon llu new atfminislralliin hullding onlv snooooo ol ihe buikhng w is tklhiiiuietl last veal appioxun alt iv 1100 000 was paid oil defending the in n wd road hudgt t rerve g lislir i pointed out lhat last ears sur plus ol 144 812 was lu cause pro- ecls originally planrud were not eornpu ted he nolid ihe mm initiee was irving to gel work started earlier this vear to corn pk le it in favorable wi ather ihe suiplus was carrud lorwaril into this veai s budget he noled aceompanv ing the tuiellel i was aii t xplanation of ihe lm surplus in ihe general aecimint d i 11 17 804 it was eiplairud as a idilficultv in estimating costs of mainlrnancc at lire new budding pnaducing a surplus of 111 8v i counts assistance required fori i manor uiaintennce was less re suiting in u surplus of f55 850 1 i increased provincial grants ol 157 000 allowances lor planning i not used 2000 ami a regisirv i ulljei suiplus lhat was under estimated bv 7700 the balance was made up ol several smaller iti ms v half million dbnlura 1 the counlv s debenture debt al the end of the vear totalkd 15 7s4 0a8 49 requiring a lew if j l2 820iv foe repavment in 194 reeve menv and others paid- tribute to ihe work of treav i un r miss masted and clerk g brown and assistant j andrews granting them a two dav leave ol absense in recognition of their wiuk preparing incbudget it in tii iinmwibiimaiiaarrattrir i kinsmen c luh trophv wa pre senled hv john bell to brook i ills school second place shield donated bv haltun music lestival and presenled bv l w foster went help ihe post office lust about hnak evvn he emphasized the post oflue elt w not wish to cur tail or inhibit ihe use of ihe mails by commercial organizations fjr advertising or publieiiv purposes but iluv shihiltl be prepared to p iv lluir propor lionjte shate of llu tost of such ose i louse holder or unaddressed millings vvjll uki iwo ernls for lite first iwo mint es and one e ent lor i uh additional two ounces ill i april i transportation op livestock waacly mtm w lc aaadi vfj ih tar aj kudwtwm ttid w nj irwm n whklv iaimi a1inai central cartage call t7i3m hjsl houen optomittlst eycs pxaminfd glasses fitted 36 crfc si latl guelph phonl taylor 17 1 m tu assisivvifh the prugrum at the conclusion of each class us one ot ihi bants she wins 40 in luchers i winner even participating uui ash and prizes from maich t to april 25 always bo at your best at home at a party or just visiting alwy i p your tlotrtaa t rlialr tprbtirta bst with our moturn finidhing service ust0m clean sanaa day sarvlc bctfpt jaturtuy in by llun out by s pjn cash and carv v main st n fhoht uultlq tired of the long winter laugh with lha acton minstrels at lha thud annual acton uons club minstrel show roust ermi khocn auoitomum wrtfwernights tbbrtm4m 8t1s pm admission 100 tkkat may b bbtalaad fratti any lltww flith aaanilmf- alioii m 7 donncll svlkiul autuam 0af ricax akath vaur eaatl nrvcr a aurrv about expira lion djtr with safeco can- llmuiuft aialuwiurr pullcv il rvnrwed automaluallv everv wur uhrn vuu pjv vuir premium ami onr pulkv cov- it vtiur nmi antl cqulpmrnt li ill luu i kvv liiiuiid rv lhukil nslw mt uinil or valcr till us liuliv dennys ithurence agetuy bill and harold 39 u amm out stsss comingi comingi dr a j turyey outstanding prophetic bible teacher one night only tuesday march 31 800 pm acton pentecostal tabernacle dont mim this oni nmurr otfotttuhtv dads restaurant onffteju south or campbellv1lle on olbjeih road our takeout service bar opins oodlirriday- try our speciais onfeastersundaydinners savto mom 1 m rjft in thi thbtauiant v