ihtfll rs start 195 projects halton county 4h activity tft 4s club were organjaed to halton county fa april the jt vormtry dob ha been ruv inc tnoa january and 19 dub farojact ware tartd it it hoped than will he 100 per cnt com pletion la all 4h club thl year tha nouf himimf aaahdant ag- hctthoral representative it bruce huff third yr oac tud- nt me will be attending all the mvtiiif of the halion 4h tractor ota this year the tractor club takes the place of the 4h elec tric club the lint meeting of thl 44 club un held monday may 4 under the guidance of larry argue the county agrlcul lural engineer from tiramplon the local leader of ihl club is a p galloway who will be at autlng mr argue in the actlvlt lea of the tractor club lor the coming year there it a new 4h potato club phxcuws forkgk tmus ttlla baa feen relatively laic sprinf for the planting of cereal grain if you are to get good mfcirltv and high yields corn ahoatld be phuttad aa toon a po atbla corn thould be planted at anat by may 23 wlih extra yitldt if planted prior to mav 10 frott may hit early planting of corn but it duet not have a algttiflcant effect on the final weld of the crop thli u particu larly ad 1 the frott oonvr at the eartlett itagei of growth corn froacn lo the ground af tor may 2 1063 planting at the ojlch recovered within four dy and want on to produce higher yield than com planted al later datei if corn it froten in the fall it la dead and will not mature further the result is 1m- mature com with lower yield and quality to overcome thit plant early and eacape fan frost heat unit which will reach mat urtly before fall frou hnd at lalrvja in the teat hybrid a were planted at seven weekly inter val starting may 2 and ending june 13 yield ranged from u high of 91 bushels per acre wth the early pluming compared ulth a low of v buthcl per aire with the june 13 planting a corresponding difference tn ear moisture at harvest was evldrnt 27 per cent with early planting and m6 per cent with the lair planting although all corn seed on the market is treat ad with a fungi clde to control seedling ditcasc it la well for the farmer to applv additional insecticide treatment ulth atdrin dieldrin or lindane at the rate ol one ounce of 50 per cent writable powder per buthel of teed at planting lime to control troublesome instxts like wlrcworm and need may or uae a hybrid requiring fewer got mbaaamawaaaabmaaamfaiwbte4iaijuu ij a uaa j -t- big deal lor georgetown h planeprcxlucecl here y joan stalker with engineering stall sou wlkh m million aian air got to have a long term proud craft limited could put iu irvt m ultra i the nghl cahbn proveu 2li0 gyroplane into pro- 1 people duct ion thli would mean or i george town employment ol 20 men a weekly pavroll ol appro imalely 141600 a million dollar plant autct aaaamhly oi about 100 gyre a ear all thit mav go to montreal w could lm lr palling the fli million hack ing the fiveveoimld companv mult turn over il atsets in a ha corporation canadmr limit d hti ben nibbling but askrd lor twoaveek extension hclorv buying out avian or helping mun ufacturr the gvroplunc caiu dalr lotalk owned siihstdian of the united state firm un ml vnamlc would piohublv snowt the plant lo its monti ml all maaimlima avian ha ob ukbaad a vrbal ftgrhit fewa tha dapttriumnt of b- rvoductlo to aupply id ttovalop the air for the fir i time thl year and a new 4h grain club at acton the agricultural representative it pleased to we enough inter- efcfed memhert to form thete two new cluba in halton cali cluba the 4h calf cluba will be starling their keriea of may meetlngt hit week at tlvee irwt meetlngb the member will he dihcuvting tnea of feeda and feeding nwliwui and a vluirt dib- cushion on having and pasture manage meni there arc four field crop cluba ihia year in halton name- l the halton 441 grain corn and rota to tluhv and the acton 411 grain club thewe club will have their firt regular merimtia during the lafct week ol mu there will iw no regular 4h meriing in tht- month ol june hetauwc ol lte largt- numtier ol 411 member who will he in the midfct ol final ckaminjllon dur ing lhat time keulonil kiilrt meeting how ever lor all 4 ii member hac 1m en planned lor late june rtpoftt from queens park fcy george a kerr hauon mia i t v at fact aa for avian going it uvouldn duoouml it aajd dou hayward w it a tha uaaar of inordar lo do tt vaaa gal lo haw tha moo- cdd do ii har w doean have live facihl ua to g into prtuluition mr 12 and the htlicoptcr whuh hnyward tald tlie plant heix cumc into it own dunni the lil oould b eapandel but not in lei iuri ol the luijwar the present location it could be the 2 1w gmplanc twu pa 0aded anwhere around wngei 180 huiepouci mudtl rtaggar on we could stagyei mi wilh ihc v0 000 turn the guternmem i hul kllll we utwiulnl yet the ulr rtaft on the market qulckl we wanl lo tv lite utrirutt piihluc- rtl rjllum than tunlinultn of dt- xrlofiment he vaid the aircraft la completely provan aa a faaalbu vablcla and aa a markatabu ham- we hava dona what wa aal out to do lt mean anmt si limn i lo yet il into prmtui lion mi 11aund aid the im0 000 wouldnt ecn 1hl al il 1 1 caicr to make munc al the monnnl out ol rniiuny kloik he vaid the groplane u a long term growth program sacottdary indualry ttuj la raaily ha aorl of thing which would aid tha country tha mlnaa r no go ing to ua the potential babig turnad out by tha tachnlcaj achoola we naad to devalop powdary indualry aun airvrafi limited wo be- pun lixe eai ago b men pin mil ut work when aro airxtalt ilothl it door avian et out to j tha laagua of watiani tha worlds flrit affort to kaap tha paaca through a ganaral aaao- elation of nation was aa out growth of world war i it first mat in 1m0 at oanava swiu- rland whan man from 41 na tion ut dawn la talk wr du- putaa among natlona and to try to find ftgraaoianu that would ptvn war tha uagua eontlauad to maat at oaoava until lm whan woru war ii turiad in ims tha laagu waj raplaead by a naw aaaoclatlan of natlona tha unltad katlona formad for tha am purpoaaa the leglalature hat wound up itt vittlnga it haa been generally conceded by the member t from all par tie lhat the ealon wa hvely and productive the leader of the new democratic party re marked that a tuiipruing amount hat been acvompllkhed part icu tuilv for the f irtrf year in the life of a government having a large majority it wai not a routine uri of kitting a enpecled and ihc house at lunger thla ear 1han it haa fur the past 40 can 34 rvlvata w1u the leghhlature ivavaed 143 1 dillt provuliivg new and amond ing legitlatlon dealing with every department there were alto 34 private hill from municipalities and educational intilutlon dial ing wtlh eeithlng torn fixed ueimenl lor induttry to vet ling up cooperative college rel- deme on vunoui campi lut in tnc lontnvery and iu rot of hill w nn at to amend live police ad wo leglalalion implcincnied to piotect live right ol consumer ttxirruwera inves tor uied tar buvcrv leather farmei the uged labour moth er htudent apprentice etc etc craal inftuanca at a new immhcr i waa ur- pned how much the provincial government udcclt tlve dally live ol the people of ontario there it no question but thai ihc vvlteieh of inllneme ore greater than an oihrt level of govern meni in canada and ore becom ing yujter an itlutration i the lac i lhat ontario plan lo vpend ahthtt i billion dollar during the curtent lical near and about 6 billion i tnulyeicd lur alt of canada tlu re 1 of course a danger i rut government will hectunc too involved in ihc direction and in iucim ol the individual a our tiet become more complex a m ailed modcrmalion ectab lihe a mode of life unfortunate iv there t a demand for govern tnent interference which oine lime qualtiic inilividual right while attempting to p rot e c i theirv human ngnta aware ol ilu prime minultr robarls ha appointed chief ju lice mcruer tu invctlgule the whole picture of government in ontario including board and combine the best qualitte ol ih vviplaiu firt dcvclopcd in j quality ba products save you money a gatolin motor oil dimi ful fuloit a siov on oil iww s vw pcy 9 smll ckylna sarvk thompson fuels ltd h40mi us3s70 acyon apt1i houis i33w4 anvwhere ooorgetown hut chi need airatrtp uvw to 2000 ard for tett run avian could have developed ii nkme ii we had received tin- nclai help earlier he aid now perfected cun make iiinip t a loot i and pot landing it can operate lor about iv cents a mile avd tlu initial cot i about onethird thai of a hell copier i holiday weekend specials top quality meats tof quality red brand hkf i wjmpoad wing roasts 79 pork shoulders ground beef 43 55 mom mmo aiumasanb ttbts or ks uano u0 cut ahb vwtwto jtp vou homk nnma af mo extia ouukx oaky dbjvby ovell bros modtftn meat market for superior results use the paint specially made for exterior trim moorvs dcordhv trim colors for doort tkohart llowar boaat gardan fumhur woadarfol color itltrtioii aawilng waothae ra mooa 5 s com mi a ion t and to tubmit re commendaticknt which will even tuallv be incorporvtrd into a provincial code or bill of human right thli will allav any que- tlon u gjvernment legulatiun overriding back civil right and bbehie i hope the chief justice will deckle that many of the luutd and commuklona nuw in eti tatvee thou id lur eliminated or at kukt ie treiul toward mote stopped on the lavl day of tlve ctlon the prime mlnltler set up and reowictituted five tclett lojniojt lee wuih will meet liom now unlil the 1 1 hive reconvene in the fall tlveae tomniitteea will deal wilh consumer cicdit mun iclpal law youth mining and re aouice and trie aged i have been appointed lo the committee dealing wilh vonumer ctedll and ihit cummlllee wilt luild public hearing interview wilneheand generullv male finding tegard iny the cotl and metlvod ol iwir rowing retail credit and time pavment plana llama itapalr racket durhng tfw lal week of the seion two act were pacd which will particularly ujt erect ihe people iw llultonone aihor lxc munlckalltlcv lo reune people in the home repair hui ne tu ohiuln a license lor iheir trade in ihl wn there i ome cxntro over iihic peron or firm which have been conduct ing a home tepalr racket in our area doing poor work and hatg ing high pike tomctimc uiulor ale pictencv tin will ail ihe bonct contractor a well a ihe home owner anoilui hill provult thit in future a committee of adul meirl ol u munic ipalitv i at her than ihe planmnu lit mid will handle application lor land ep a r a i i o n main nunncipalitic have ieoucled ihis change holstein head against sale of breed milks all thinking dojrvmtm ahould aupporf tha aland tnkan by dairy pawner of canada ngalnat the tale of breed mifka aald roat segrworth o burtlnfton prt- dent of ihe uolatelnpriealan at- uklatiort of canada i agree lhat promotion of milk thould be alimxl al celling more milk rather than hawrtg the oroducer uf the dlffervnt breed mllki try to lake the preenl enarket away from orve another the bargaining noaltlon of dajrymen in ihe tale of their and ha been greatly weakened by tlve present bread milk pro- product ha never been mrottg gium aa dairy parmer of can ada point a out the program arc detigned tu tell more- cattle of ww varloua breed rather than to un more milk other lhan the difference in ihitterfut conirnt which la now adjulcd to the public laale in unv event milk it milk claim and counterclaims for tha var loua breed milka are rldiiuluua a iwl t ive iihi 1 1 ipl ic 1 1 y of breed milk being promoted can only iv volt in inglver prucetaing cxiata wiiilii in lie long run mint ik borne by ihe convutnlivg pubic although llotateln cowa pro dine appro i mutely w per tent of all milk in canada ouraoc latum ha not al tempted to el tip a bieet milk ale program btxatiu we have felt ihia wa noi in ihe beat inlereat of dairy men a a whole however if live pit cent inicne promotion pn- gtam of other breed milk utv conlinued houtrin breeder in velfdelence will be forced to do likewle the tchultlng breed rlv alt v cihild not furlp hul work agalnl tlu bevt intereatt of iwilh piuducei u a whole and ihe consumer the dairy food 5enke ilin can udi caluhlivhcd lo coordln ale i ik advertising of milk by the indualry particularly the pro ducer and the dairymen hould use il lor this purpose he ton j c luded th acton fr prt tburtday aay 14ns 96i ledger 1 cx ha a m a r new chetkoul counter and new lile at the front of the a i ore two butiuttsmen have been installing piping lot i lag this week school children have made mpire dav pioitu for i o i i awards one ktoie u utlrac lively ilet oruled fur victoria day in ltd white and bliu will many moie f tags llv ilu vtai a fcaluu fcloiv in wkiiu dav gutbe and mall lold of clauiuc- hitgnvaldton hohlty of making spinning wheel he i patutcd with daughter janet k larded children cam paign informal ion ha hern mail rd lu euih house holder wilh the tcspie lot donation the local group has tuen verv ucllve in upporllng ihe sunshine vi100i lor uetardid chllduii the swing are up at pari vkorla day on monday hit out the flags net wednesday evening the urban hoard khira acton uov arivott started work at the paik last week and ihe spot already look utlrocllve and readv for summer picnic and swimming t las pit lure are being lak en u ihe mihlk vhwiu hu week ttwy ii be enierlulhing vj vi urs f loin imw the last league bowling la over this wiek and the popular howling loluinn wrliien by ken hultotd is dlscontliuud till ivcki fall tlvr hum of power mower ivervuiua tlu- town nearly every t vening iverylumly la trying to keep ahead of the dandelion nravir rttoilu ms nassagaweva cihincil ha ixav et problems on the i ilih line 1h tumi 20 and 2 sulcioail niut has asked ihe llallon game wu j dtii to iiiiiiiw the ihumis 1 hi havi tn en building d im mid iiihklintf the c ills c rt s al the toad 1 wav recipe of the month cherry crttarr square makt furvutga t oinbiiic t rumhi brown 2 nip fine giabam wafer m uiu buller piva hajf i11nns mitture fn bottom of lut- toed vlnch tq cake pan i tiihlftpoon bwn sugur sp1lku ut owr wld 4 etip butt i mehed ll rtaium mint io tofl- ii arul dissolve over luit water cd cieam chreic giailuallv eal in icing tu- gat union nml and julie lllend gelatine into blllfly whipped cream fold into e invse mlsiurr sprvail lialf e lues- mlslurx ever cnimba in take pan carefully spicatl ehihrv filling on lop add remaining cheesr mlt lure unit spnnkle wilh re iniining i iiimb tnuliirr ami niw v m in miuiu tin ieiie prepared e iwiillv for tin ene by llaiiv iimki servtie lliueju ruehed li leaspimins gelatine 1 tablespoon water i 8ooiict package eteim eh is i tup slfuil leing sugar 1 u jspooii l numi nml 2 teaspoons temon uke i pint i cup whipping i mo llokt idling n aikida lluira pi gordon iha hardware umtted 1 mlusti actont r 1334730 power and comfirrt in the small carjield bkttetnirtmilaik ctekttimeikftilmt ctedohalhcttfc kight now at your thrvrlrl- tmtlauutbdeknviiy illit ttt tratle travel tiaee p- f y ntel4lrtvriilftrirr lue lltr lully net hudjtel ear inun oitrral moinr see how il give vim i lie rnitin ctm fort power luggage apaor lu n roimnmv sinive alwavt uanttsl in a null ear arul ium s imr qw nuel dealer givvoei tlkf ffwul valueparkisl tual in town w a new fwednrtng hi trade n travjrl time see r hc try kmi tiulav i ntisii ttrtf r virnir irmihiu tiuvwtm wc i ails i i rs roi a hjjnteu roi mlvlslhlimb si pirr rutlkliauhm 7 jhii iikh pibiohu rr rric a sunnm ainivc ivnr rtdtt rt st pension itsv muglxstcijllvc iu tixyairnursii isptld tu itmhsif i rig trl u br urs for l rf stop 12 imtcril rattlxntei bouyaiisss 1804 00 uiaij manwt rl4l dlir un iaa iib georgetown pni qualnl tnrluav mif y akl kaa4 itni rharc t4l vu aaj ttr uin pruvinrul lil uin aaj urraor ar out tarleubd envoy small wosdeh it by general motops iuhurcnimd nmoumiul uotoh woouct o uuuu uutttd hv vaukhau uotou uuitto iutom tmoltmo paut and ukvtci r kou coat to cojut smtwv ftl chummtlokiunebalhf andrew murray motors limited ai oukhitnar m744 okmhhtowh x-