sefw jvtfim tt fftfess bghtyninrh ymtno 52 acton ontario thursday june 25ih 1964 second section its campbellvilles 50th birthday 1h muu tt bavttf nuivthun chustch ha i root noma back to 1869 when worshipper- oelhered in a building toulh of the mill pond this building was erected in 1891 at the north end ol the villeo on land donated by david wheelihan present minister ficv j schrtel li thown at the doorway to in building do you remember those good old days do you remember these i rum campbell vi hes past history richurd hubbcrt whose fa i her michael a native of ire land mirchused llu lot lur the prevent hidvherl home in 1877 carriage trade the carriage whop that was once a carriage maker s and un dcrlukcrs and later used lur woodworking buggy painting and u hurncss 4op it was lorn michael orul ridhurd iluhhcri down in 1954 were well knuwii lor miles whin cpr lairs were si re around lur the lams hand mude turn to either guclph or illamil shoe thev void the shop ts ton hultcr wms 19 cents u pound gone now land whiskcv l 10 a gallon 1 hat when ihc v ill in i- post office wus in 1870 according to an wan in the i red garrett home i old ledger hook owned h car ttcros live ruud trom the pros gtll and wheelihan und presci ent location on main si lived h the wheelihan familv left there in 195b f johnny odmour it mason and huildei lor man vcars in camphcllvillc and distriil and his ever present wad ot chewing tobacco the lale robert menztes il luge smiths who used to shoe horses in the little workshop now owned bv doug inghs elaely apartment the old elsle aparhmni house on the mam st that burn ed down in ts7 it began us a store around irks and alter a succession ot owner was pur chased hv c a elsies in 192 und turned into an apu i men i hm id mi robert nine who had 1 childien ind a 10ioom hous ttu home is now owned h li and mis haiuld dennis mu lamih mis lln t man watson wlu although slu was a deal mute was knuun us one ol the most accomplished dunccis in llu area she was will known and loved bv evervonc cspcciallv the children who would stamp liter teet on her doorstep when ihev wanted a treat of ice cream oueer name piuklv ash schikil situated on the larm hv rov can us tlve old log cabin homestead i where the church during sheds now stand the health storu i rout the cabin is still tin llu piupcrlv the dull slud thai siihk op posite the tempciancc ii ill built around i it was owned bv the iv par tineut ivl national defence and was used loi sto ampbelbille earlv day ing arms and equipment or no todjx wwra n can 4 co 20th lome ritlcs ni mum by doua udcutotmuil o w cmxmhtaw chairman ol ceubwhen a message from the chairman ky o w oftuilnw ckaitman smt anhlvmatty cantmlhm tlve welcome mat is out this weekend in campbellvillol the anniversary commthee has been intent on planning kpecial events to interest all aoe groups durmo the weekend ej ua ivfr lun a ii i bj 4cbnmirgrlrtrwtrv old friendships a full program has been prepared and there will be souvenir of the occasion available includino e history of the village produced in booklet form by the residents themselves whether youre a former villager or a newcomer to tlve area please accept our hearty welcome to come and ioin ut in our festivities that will mark the 50th anniversary of the date cempbatltfille became police village celebration on weekend is tribute to pioneers this wkend cempbeliville literally rolls out the wel come mt to fewmer rsklnts and other visitors at tle vilteqe celebrates its 50h anniversary as a pol village a gala weev end of fun has been arranged by the committee in charge with puoty of time uft ovr fo fmniscino ad rfenwiaq old friend ships ai tf tough this is tlve 50ih anniversary as a village the hamlet t history ooes farther back than 50 years for it was first settled back in 183 by a scthih pioneer named john campbell whose name the community itll bears lets look back into those early years and review some of the events that led up to hie cempbellville of today on june 23 1914 councillor m j carton and david hutch eon moved a rather significant motion ut the town chip ol nat sagaweva council table it called lor the establishment ot the hamlet known as campbell vitlc liven ust a populated section of the large rural township lo become a police village with its own entity und lt own vil lagc trustees the motion was approved and passed bv ihc couilv council und the village came into being ftrat trustee a group of men from the vil lagc including dr george cur- hcrt trunk a whcehhun r c menzies and v d mahon wi re instigators of the village idea two ot them wheel ituui and curbcrt were chosen a the first village trustees along with merchant c a i kiev todavs trustees are ray olan w j llamhly and robert hi liott and ttu population i ar ound wo in 1464 hut the founding nf this thriv mg rural village goei back to the arrival of john campbell i lure in 1832 he was a scottish immigrant who trekked acroi country from montreal lo arrive at the side of the creek and c hoove his homnite it svat in the east half of lot 6 the third concession that hr fin1 built his wigwam si vie dwelling build mill john campbell set up a suu mill there beside the stream and laid out three streets which he named colin oucrn and uarv it was in 188 when he erected the sawmill after convincing the township road commission er his millsile would be the best place to dam and bridge the mudds stream tlve town ship had been settled around 1821 b a man named david scott the w ilde t ness 1 1 om w h ich john campbell hewed a tow n site soon became t drawing point lot other vettleis and a community grew there was the hlacksmith shop that began in 1842 and the sound of the anvil stdl rang through live tillage streets 111 wars later and the namei of blacksmiths like da id son menries reed und weir weie known bv evervone in the district then there was the inn opening in i94k and oth er hotels that followed some re maincd until the earlv 1900s und the last was burned lo the giound in lsit ending a thriv ing business in the village many dualisaasea there was live wagon and ear i lagi shop the woodworkers the iueins the thurcic the aw mills and woollen miu ihc hiuk vard the shoemaker the daih stage the tmsmilhcr and the general more all were a vtl a pan ot community growth in mahon garrett wlktlihan black agnew inghs mcphad moure nornsh and otluiv in and u found canipblhilu lewis brutlvers chose camp bellville to bultd u hiuk plinl in iuv and hauled clav fnu mil c by team but the tpcnsi was too ureal and it closed loin years later in 1000 mun n cruwlord ivotighl the hiuk plan and lonvciltd it tnt a siwmtll and parts of this tctnam tmliv u niter the operation ot his grandson murray mahon thue were several other sawmills in the earlv days including john campbells railway in ism around 1880 ihc civj t valkv railroad ran through llu village with manv passenger tiains and dailv freight service foi the bruk urd and lumlxr mills tlu cpr took it over in 1911 and due to a decline in use tin kkji station was closed in 1wi si i vice is still available al guelph junction station a mile to the west of the village there was also a woollen mill continued on page b5 aoji ptua a beautiful spot in campbellvdle is the pioneer cemetery built on und donated by the villarjo founder john campbell in 1853 tlie stately headstones look down on the villao pond and tho ccmotery ts surrounded by an iron feike was a community project in 1949 begun in 18 s3 pioneer cemetery place of beauty oik ol the most heutllilul spots as prime minister r ii dennett e d mahon named honorary president of the 50th anniversary celebra tions in campbell vil le mr mahon it a descendant of village pioneers and has done j considerable work on the hi- i slory of the village which wil b available this weekend ontario communltv is its piomci lenulerv und the sioty is no dilletenl in camphtlhille hlnh on a lull ovciookinti tie illale pond anil shellncd on two sides h a hill anil a haik ol lliiek trees he the giuvcs and headstones of a generation past the haidv pioneer who hew ed their homes from the loiesi ami laul tlie loundatiuns fui to dav s thriving community the piesbmerian cemetery is the ptide ol the community and the special pride of the lady charged with lis upkeep mis m a mooic i keep the cemetery up 1 guess that s mv home mis sion woik she told the champ ion great grand daughter mrs mtmire figures she is ihc last village resident who will be j burled there the cemetcrv is j gelling filled up aiid the voungcr generation pielers the newel ccme tent s locale et m ar llu ir ehureh she surmised now 87 mrs moore is th- toinur mats reid and a great gianddaughu i of john campbell who founded ihc village other than her nieces and a nephew she is the last surviving ulatne ot the scot who si 1 1 led theie in i8u cumprullv ilk i sidents are vir pioud l one native son whose grave lies thert thomas black lock a oiii nalist ind si mot member ol the ottawa pjess galleiv dad in 1911 and was brought home to cainpbellvillc for burial large funeral atteivdmg i he large luneial i weie uui prime nuniskis si i ruber boiden was there as well hon hugh guthrie and hon j manimi palllkarers weie some lespeeletl residents ol the village james schrain aiuliew and presetting a brief history in presenting thla apaclal sec tion devoted lo campballvtll of yaaterday and tody tba adl- lora hav tsw lnlabiwd to pr aaol a eomplala huloty of iba vlltata w have meraly akbv nsed the aurfaee in attempting to praaant lo our reader a brief outline of the atorled paat and the hustling present that la campbcllvllle to tall the entire a lory would require much more work than our staff has time to complete we laave that to the anniver sary committee and their very complete uptodalc history btsnklal kif orma i ion used in these pages comes from various sources the 50th annversary committee of the village joshua norrlshs 1u history tvf naaaafaweya m j car tons ls0 naaaaaweya on- jdsomc temilal booklet given clark heltons pages of the past and from staff interview a with many residents of use village you will understand then if you find material duplicated or coafllctlnj our sincere appreciation to all who have helped to make thla issue interesting the editor a 1- ll al lit- us george allen robert menzies w m and william blaclduck the graveside address wui given by tin hon arthur meighen mis moore explained tlve first meeting lo lurm a htirvmg ground committee was held march 10 i8m lolhrwed bv ine on march w al john campbells residence trustees weie appointed to hear the cost of surveving and legal lees and mr campbell donated i he land he was paid 1 to make it legal build fence in 1944 mm moure and three oihcik went together and raised jvx lo erect a new fence around the cemeierv as a tribute lo the late mr blacklock his widow mrs moore the lale jane rled and miss jane 1 ittle shared tlve cost and hi femiie was erected bv the trustees and men of the communiiv who volunteered their lime overlooking i tic cemetery is an apartment house that was or hjinalu the picsbsteriun church ii was founded in 1889 and was used until 1891 when st davids was creeled mr mary currie owns the apartment house weathered stones lodat the headstones in tho giavivaid show the wear of time hard to read a mais o weuihei have worn the engiaved charuclcis thin but the ce hie iciv is well kept a credit io i he i omnium i v that tfkts time lo think about their luicbcars the present cemetery commit tee or trustees includes rov park er rohett klliott and william mclaien with mis moore as ttcusuicr sagaweva agricultural society al trace their ancestry to those haidv pioneers who were ihrrc so used it lor local tall lair c u campbellwlle wjs in its hmiis it was removed in 1922 cmbrvo stage todas vou will the late jeihn ware and h s hn namc hke elsie suns beit and tom who built manv ol the homes in campbell i ville ajid divtiict ovr m jiouiu i rev frank lawson wlum back m 1924 theie i i were unlv 24 iisms ot electiu keturtls io chufcn power in the village there uiv now over 80 tvomes und btisine lirms servvd with ilvdio in the eomirvuniiv the board walk that lined the milage streets short k alter the turn ol the centurv thev lasted iroiii 19d0 to 1914 when cumphcihttle uas incorporated and a the new sidewalks wre laid the likst village trust frank wheelihan dr g r car bert and c a ehlev when a presfevterun church oc cupied the apartment building overlooking the pond now owned by mrs mary currie it was u church from 1869 to 189 when st duvldi wu built there was also u metivodlt church iitcamp- bellyilie for several years located wbew bev e1u lives now the rev 1rank law son hah tax wihi will he tlve special gucm speaker at the 50th anniversary chuivh service un sundav otter- noon june 28 at st davids church campbells die is a form er minister of that chuph st davids was hjs lirsi church alter he giaduated from union theological seminjy new york in 193 he was ordauved to the christian ministry bv use guebph cumpbellville until 1940 mr law- win ts presently minister of st davids church in halifax he was born in ixmdonberrv north ireland and came to can ada as u voulh he received his pnmary education in ontario and it u graduate of university western qptarin down throuoh the years tho centre of activity in campboll- ville has been lite viltao pond a rocreabon centre for the youhs end e drawing card for visitors who marvel at its beauty john campbell built a dam soon after hit arrival in the vtllafle m 1832 to flood tho creek and operrfle his mill and me pond j has been five re ever since recently it wu acquired by the ha it on rea- on conservation authority and maintained by that body as a conseryalion protect picnic tables have been provided a tree will be planted beside the pond durlna this weekends soih annivorsafy celebrations