irufrf school childrens exhibits give judges trying time la the school atafflriili aad this yaai tjraaa w keener than ever- lowaas air the winner tr each winner attend fo- th lot- tor robert utile tcnool 1zb taodi rr the m z bennell ictupl rcmnunshir grade i print tcript kim kreuler rc lynne txnwe kl florano rienwr rl gradtf 1 cursive writing jan leader rl bonnie brlhow kl sandra den- daiu ub grade 4 uwr lay rl grade i print tcrlol liny and hcutolurr heather u shirley jottaaf r 4 irene ihinjn rl calhy prymuw lain mm jimmy lynch mzb mh clayton llackmbiuuk kl pade 3 curvive writing anne grade 3 njwr cutting arid kculrr toth rc hemy tucbe rl dar lurr diane frank rl juhn van lea holmei uzb arade 4 tur der kuuy kl carol fallerum aive writing flienda mcklahb rl grade 6 inawk jjivw m rl barbara mfnttbb ul iviuw krovin mzh jivir anne david frame snryuk win ull ivhorali kliniiljnd grade j writing ik corrinr mzb gude 7 and a tracluis timber rl gary zbeeliuitl rl thmn- radef science book sown aluefer speytlde jotu uurray rl patty synnolt rl crafts kindergarten katherine fro ton ulntimr fckirl juan cordon uzb paltv wheeler mzb linda gordon mzb nov elly felt work nanrv morru rl janke gordon m2b uev mc- icnight mzb cotton taiouy joan rl johnmccutcneon rl r1d gordon mzb joan gituim mzb mill mzb grade i frnpti cut bev brunette mzb pvjjmj bag ting and wulpture kum kreuer i jcannk sproilon mzb joan rl karen coiet rl reg van gordon uh habyv jacket lin- der bot rl grade 2 paper cut i da gordon mzb janice gordon ling and tculplure sandra den mzb juan glbbinw mzu nv rl ulalne lunvb ml judy industrial arts engel rl grade j paper cutting tray with dewign heather and sculpture bonnie gilletpk- antve duitoriri mzh roger llag- rl jeannie malenic mzb sonia j getl mzh enihonad imlal paul hraida mzh clivpiri klorinan mzh mike cooper mzb lamp george cook mzh null bracket paul liruida mzh specials scjuare ctiocolate cake ihuco- tale icing open lu bov up to 14 stewart mcculuch rl john scovne rl tlverrv pte ipen to giru up in 16 joan mirdtin mzh i the acton free pratt thursday september 34th 1964 s7 j nursa cops holmes trophy a iww itiphy dxmuted his year i by j k holnt wrnt lo j hur uhert he copped ihr award for the ttruivd ihuipkn vjwwinan in the bvf lull wviittn behf calf buy or kin i 21 or uivdcr sttr or holer douy gardhtiuw lar- rv cardhouu paul hamilton brti i1f l gardhouu- p lljinilluii l gjrdlvuiiw boy or girt over 16 mod under 21 itenk of moatrvsj trophy x nunc ball ajtovr u eu boy or girl over 12 two uodcr 16 j b ltiiter trophy t lovcec i brundcr s nune boy or fir 12 or under h- aa mcnatr trophy debbie hivmllon icm ucnaob vttlrrir ell grand champio kkowitievn j r holme trophy j klurw mkhl field ub gridr writing ink chiihtliw brurwil- i4zb lkurur chuvdtt mzb btv rrtev moore spevbuw yraul 7 writing ink roy wong iu col lcrt rvrklru m2b linda uw wmi rl grade i wriliny ink su ksan rvrrv sptvxide de4bie jtwr- datt mzb jcannk- sptutton mzb art ttlndertjarlen pa i rk la c i bum bi- tulhertrw froi rl sharon rhilip rl grad i iwvicr paint marten edge kl rrg van der bos rl cathy law ton rl grade 2 polcr nalnt john tycrs rl darinka mobujt rl bruo hasmii rl grade 3 am media trwolyn patrick rl ri cky bonnet te ri so tan nicola k rl gritw 4 anv media cathv kpitkvt uzb cathv pryttaw mzb rairicla dunne rl grade s any media dorcen plait rl michael gervaii rl nancy gltto mh grade t pot ter paint jo anne heailcy rl stephen lorty speyude willy muehlbacher rl grade 7 anv media patricia lat m7u rov wong rl pat nicolak rl grade s any madia dorft dredge spey- hode david scut i mzb cail mc- hugh mzffl woic books grade i work book karen reld mzb carol a mario rl cathy wldon mzb grade 2 work book donna gorjup rl jane leader rl bonnie brlv low rl grade 3 uxrlal vi utile book georglna harru rl trev- ovn patrick rl kevin perkins mxs grade a science hook jo anne paul rl llarrv lawon rl patricia sampwn ri grade 5 tacua studies book elizabeth toebe rl gertrude maran speytlde marnle ma lev rl grade 6 urience book lvnne burcombe mzb jacqitellne lem on itu jo anne 11 cat lev rl grade 7 history geographv or aclence book rov wong rl rov wong rl jennifer hi v hop mzb pal juhnvon ul nicolak rl luiu- 1 m1 mll jrdun mll jmk dwui wild ajmlav of cotlum wrw wom by ioit cfnldr who tnakhd in sturdyi rard wimiiii ti iom ctii are ilvown laft to right johnny scoyna ftrt to beit wwd bike jolm pauw caihonne pauuv trxi kennth knippelbarq who combirwj llveir ffotf with whettkhdir to wm lhj be it ofkjinjt comlit o i jn walioi litfd for ckcorald ble and eddie ruw vrcond foi bike uickllamiolft kuuutijjiun liny it pai tiling rmxiilliny in pjlkiiu- patricia gtbuai kl kailuriru- t ul michael dc jon rl uudi i luiljcr palming avhcvlo tuixhl tiny sharun crcuvtv rl mat- ulit- kdye ul marv lou pc tulle- tuii rl jrade 3 4 and 5 ylovc and hand puppet ilarhari rrcd rl suvan sliocmaker rl leshc cole rl grade 2 linger painl iny dihorah barr mzb cather ine rupert rl karen cole rl leaf comectiun julie smith mzh deborah sllnycrland mh jarne mtkeown mzb col lee lion weed icedt bob andrew mzh ted curtu mzh carol jei- ome mzh articles made o av beviot khelu etc laura tr naar greenock posthrs poster 18 x 24 advert iing acton pair dick kuipery spey- vide barbara cook mzb glm taillver spevide patrkia lat mzb bruce sagaxkie rl oo ter on fire prevention catol lea ther mzh gail mcllugh mzh dick kuiperv spcyide robert andrew t mzb- tyler transport safety competition bett cuav on highway or ped eitrian traffic wafclv dihorah winter mzb julie smith mzh best nosier on highway afctv john van der kooy rl linda lawton rl home economics dining room centrepiece using flowers julie smith mzh rev crlev bruncllc mzb nancy dit to mzb lb mocha cream can dv linda gordon mzb chri brunelle mzb beverley hnin elle mzb dux peanut butler cook let marv ann freulr rl kathv citok mzb heather ann dumarvh mzb i apron jean nie sprotton mzb knitted millv or slippers linda gordon mzb embroideredarticle nancv mor ris rl joan gordon mzb ponies main attraction again ellen moody top junior driver once again the pom entries proved to ik a ctowd phaser anil ill eves uere on the pontes us tluv paraded tufoir lodges with dtivers licpnilj he animals at a good pace lulcn motui won the ilink o nova htotiu trofiliy lor the hcsl shetland ponv driven by girl or bov 1ft ami under i he itjlhiwing ate ihe teulln pun hroxl mate over 44 in under 122 cult at side haloid brown glenn hill pjny toal g hill ii htown showmanship ol loal bov or girl 15 or under ken mutii i lill hovud illa ponv hrood mare 44 in and under loal at side clatence graham k muira ii llla mmi lual k murra c gra ham i slan mat ihe ws shetland ponv i vear or under walter ilool ii llla k murrav pony not lt exceed 42 in 2vt old ii l1ii c giaham m leihlon pinv 44 in and un iler ears ami oxer k mm- ta c graham j w thomp- vn team harness ponies over j 44 in under 122 g hill g hill i team shetland ponies not over 44 in h ella g hill s mat thews single harness show ponv ov- i g in 44 in atul under lut tace i gul ift or tnuler mien mood v i j v thompson ponv rate 44 i in oi under hitched to sulky i giaham g hill s matlhew group of s ponies c graham ii lha k murray 44 in undt 12 2 g 11 hill muv leighion viiain xnv ridueii ti ho or gul un der 14 g hill luldte masscv k murra lancy lutnoiii tv ur girl is or under flten mood s matthews rhen mmmjv sad die clas ridden hv bo or girl is ur under g hill hill nor ism wtighl registered shetland jujin 44 in and under in har ness j v thompson keith munav 11 tlla musical chaus ponv ridden by hv or girl under 14 harold brown g hill k lll tion cci lilicatc mutm iintieiii hinies 44 in and undet g hill s maltluws im in tace inn ot gul 14 or un tier h iltowu c hill id mas se single shetland pon 44 lu and under txv ot gul under 15 urn mkm1 lllen mikkiv s matthews kvl shetland lifftime production nutsclatid haslls ruval prin cess 254wi veiv good a jcr sev cow t ted and owned bv ired nut se georgetown has just been awatded a lifetime pro in nine lacia lions she produced 7004 lbs milk 4vw lbs 1 tat she k also a winnet ot a ton ol gold ceili althrla has tc million head ol ing her ranges i and a quarte livestock loan i pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 wwr st no oaly ywpboim ultsm halton cooperativi medical care plan doctor call paid from firil visit it ah surykal opcraliont anarsthclistt scrvicm fve tt health fxaminaliont major mfdical eaiaky croup rcgardl of slta you may enroll at any time ot ihe year hati t only j10m per month family j3m slngl tayahle quarterly or annually halton coop mfdicai sfrvicf box 474 milton tfl i7h7ii puam und nx infonnatlan no obligation name adilrr standard equipment a bank loan it has become almost tundard practice today for people to go to their bank to finance the purchase of car and other family items you too may have found it a good idea to borrow where you save at your local bank it is often simpler because the bank already knows you as a savings customer and it also may save you money because bank loans are lowcost loans for borrowing and saving and for any other bank service you may need just visit your local chartered bank its the one place where you can get all your banking done under one roof the chartered banks se your commun through 3650 branches all across canada the charterta banks bring fullrange banking within ihe reach of everyone fred a hoffmbn optometrist ta 42071 si st otohatt u suilht k of c giant car bingo saturday september 26th 800 pm 380000 cash ikicluolj a lv4 aowttac ol fl00o00 calm 7 fefoulam oamlf total 1200 him 30060 spaxlal jackpot i s1s00 in m rw consolation prix 300 fima1 sami 19o4 pontiac or 2060 cash admission 100 no chilmin umotl it auowto to hay guelph memorial gardens ok dad you can call it quits now are you still abovelline coal chopping wood gifting clinkers hauling aaheat coughing out eoaj dust and fussing oyer a furnace dont you sometime want to call it quits t then why not consider these facta about modern automatic gas heating fact mtwbar one fuel costs for gas heating are consistently lower than for liquid fuel or socalled nameless beating ftet aniattber two the switch to gas is remarkably inexpensive you can rent a gas conversion burner for as little as 295 a month installed into your present furnace and payable on your regular gas bill you can buy a new gas designed furnace for as little as 880 a month and you can take up to ave years to pay if you wish fartsbttiinootlmfuelissodepmmlblmgaa you new ha ve to order natural gas its always there stormy weather can knock out power line and snarl traffic but it ean never keep gas from heating your home its no wonder that over a half a million people in southwestern ontario enjoy the advantage of natural gas i quit the coal habit and join them call your heating contractor department store or gas company soon united gas umited the hxmmut j a r j r t j aairfiy i lvjvjw vjjjjjbjjgjjattittjito