afcleytohalton of tw matter for dii- doption h been program of the health orgurizatiofi for hm aw ycr period of ltf w tttt u proffoed procnun imjrilul by the wjo to the member countries on which they will yive i in vnry amounts of technical and udtanoe to xlve ides of the scope of their tcthritfet i thu briefly out hoe the program the following have under dttcuuion i national health planning t b uad in a general tente in canada we would vr to thl kibllc health it doin not specifically refer to med care communicable ottaata vtae of thewr dleatc apart front tuberculoki ciut in can ftda except rarely theu were mainly malaria una 1 1 pox and many noncanadian diieawrt 3 noncommunlcjale dlieavem theae dlean exii in canada as thay do l lew here theu were cancer mental illnei and cardio vascular disease malnutrition is a severe problem in vome ar e but it rare in canada to any extent lift tonics 4 environmental health tht deau with mcauires olvnitt ion and in particular xoih the training of qualified personnel in this field 5 education and training ytwr problem of training personnel in ahh fwuw4 cklrexnrli difficult thene includ heifh ataf doctor and training in poftlgradualc field tuch as public health 6 general interest topic s general matters concerning ilu work health organization an international quarantine uch at unallpox and yellow fcvei and ktatullci of ducat in lh world one of the matter in fty qft hamy hftuey mlt which i am greatly interested u the procedures for evaluating drugs and promoting the e cfcnjgrof information on drug talelyand drug reactions dn safety in the field of quality control or tafety of drugs it was brought out that twothirds of the world population had no guarantee of any kind on their drug purchav et thai they were afe for ue it was natural therefore that these countries would lite have a certificate of quality not only from the drug manufaclur er but that the drugs puted in ternational standards that would be set up by the world health organization laboratory enccks by the wottrheaftti organljt ion were diuxisscd but it wa felt these were not practical kwv wiarhftrti the matter of adverse ditty reactions was discussed tins i a reaction to a drug other than the expected reaction for whiji the drug u given the untied slates and canada now have both set up a system v hen the doctor notifies the focu jtnd drug directorate of any unex peeled reaction to a drug the united states ha offered to take these reports from an country fn the world cmrvlilc all the reports together frum nvwherc in the world tnd gie the information on drugs to the world health organiatlon tlo in turn would feed this in formation hock to all the mem hers vo that adverw reactions to a drug could be widely distrl buted over the world tj rne this l one ol the most vital servilthe world health organization can perform that of canceling assessing itnd distnhuling information on mi lions to drugs so that episodes such as ihc thalidomide lryiiv can be mtnimlrd il not am lelely prevented mulching retains the soil moisture in let us help you build a complete roof oe wanned protection insurance nam writ utxkttvtmtt wutowhosnuev youll uvi money too bajtowntri check id bif tilns in siiko but pal cits oni policy covin svtrythinf moni too for all your kisuiamt fst tru fintst moit conpliti root ol bunnse protktion call ut today dennys insurance agency 54 mm si i jkdm 0t phone 53o1s0 imuhkh kill ussms minm u32s65 whara all your inturanca iht tathar rev broad covaraga at lewar cast i allround corel presented guide barbara nicolalc daughter of mr and mrs william nicolak milt st received her all round cord in girl guides on wednes day of last week from district commissioner mrs j low he before becoming eligible tor the cord she had to complete many tests and obtain several other badges she has completed her second and first class re ceived her little houie emblem whlch of five badges first aid home nursing home- maker fire brigade pioneer emergency helper and toy ma k ers badges acton witnesses attend convention forty five members of the ac- tun congregation o jehovahv witnesses this weekend plan to commute lo a thrvectjy conven hon at the gfufgelown and diu net ihyh school auditorium leonard schneider presiding minister of the local group saw the lhrrcduiv seminar vstll pro vide instruction and practical training in thr ministry lor all acton delegates in attendance accepting in vital ions lo attend are representatives mm is other congregations including guelph preston gait pat is brant lord rreellon milton burlington bronte oakville brampton and georgetown key convention speaker will be joseph scaglionr supervisior of the iso southern ontario congre gations of jehovah s witnesses me delivers the main discourse entitled tfie moral breakdown what can be done about ii sundav at 3 p m a peak attendance ol 1200 i expected great canadians frontier farm woman records life of 1830s what would you do if you were alone on a frontier arm with your children suddenly realiiad that there wai no milk for their tuppev and that you had no way of getting any be cause you didn t know how to milk the one cow awaiting to be milked you say wem i d oily well learn how o milk that cow if it took roc hours would vou even af you were desperately afraid of cattle susanna moodi had lived a sheltered gracious life in eng land and had nevr been requlr ed lo think about cows let alone milk one hence her terror yet on the canadian frontier she overcame her fear and after many ineffectual attempts she succeed ed at last and produced half a pail of milk thit is just om episode in mrs mooui- s book roughing it tn th- bush which describes the life ol a pioneer mother in the ujo s born ims mr moodie has made lur mark us an outstanding canad ian writer and mother she was born in ims near suffolk eng land married lieutenant j w d moodie in 1ui emigrated lo canada in 1812 to settle near co- bourg upper canada they had two sons and five daughters in ism the moodies purchased bush land near peterborough through a government grant they moved to this virgin country in the winter and en route one of the sleighs overturned and every piece of susanna s precious china and crockery was smashed to smithereens with minimal equipment the moodie s lived in the tiny shanty which they constructed from ced ar logs obtained from a nearby swamp the cabin vas about the sure of a modern twocar garage i furniture was limited to a few crude basic plecr- light was provided by randies when they had fat for their manufacture liuuaa friaada susanna made many indian frunds among the mississaugas i who camped nearby she thought they had natural grace and good manners were scrupulously hopv est and most utsd in a sketch concerning ian indian friends susanna k genuine christian woman tells how the indians had no swear word for their supreme being until they learn ed blasphemy from the white she tells too how an indian woman walked tea miles through the bush id vdtttemely cold win ter weather carrying her 12yeajr old ton under a blanket coming lo see if moodies uguaw could save papoose susanna w the hoy was in the last stage of consumption and knew he was beyond all help she could an swer only with tears one winter whm the moodies wer near starvation indians unobtrusively brought them quar terv of venison fish or a fine hunch of ducks would place the food on the doorstep and quiet ly slip awy not wishing to be thanked they must have loved susanna greatly wheaihey returned her kindness in this way a morning coffee party sas an unknown thing t susanna simply because- comee was not available but susanna uu en terprising and simulated coffee trla aeionfrn prats thursday jon srd 19o5 11- bemn by routing knd gnodh dandelion roots when the found the dandelion coflcm quits de- uciouiike nurtured her dande lions aloof wha the potatoes s knew trouble once when she was alone with her children their log cabin caught lire in the dead of winter and she rescued the little one dragged out several chests ol drawers with beddlnf and pot each child in a separate drawer covered with blankets to keep them free from frostbite she gave birth to one of her son- without the help of a doctor or midwife while her husband and three children were all sick with the fevers of the ague through it all she tried to be cheerful and work for better days quality ba products save you money a omalatvh meter oib duul tvi m rwoj sovoir on sww twiiaw htm m s yaar pay ft tw c w iifilti thompson fuels ltd actom won im1i am hous us 1 74 annual cubaree at georgetown whdl is the eapita ol the pn- stnte whit is the floral cmb- hm of ik provinee what pro- duet r industry is the largest in iht prosincc what are the people like and how do ihes live can sou learn anv special tolk mauxi espxijlv relative to the prosincc when vns the pro vince minded ami when did it join con i ede rat ion these quev lions have been asked and an sstred bv boys and adults alike n georgetown acton and sur rounding arrai making up the gcotgctovsn district ilo scouts all this has been in prcpara lion for canadarama 195 to be held this saturday m the georgetown park caeh wolf cub pack in the district drcv frum a hat the name of 1 pro vince or territory to be repres ented and displayed add my to their displays the boys ssill be dressed in native costumes and two grand marches or cusium c will be held at 2 pm anil 5 p m duting the alurnoon sisit ota will he able lo imir the dis plivs and also lake in a musie camda s heritage in the ev cmng the public is again insit cd lo join the bujb a ith ltd up their soiccs in the ictlowshlp of camp fire canadarama 1965 is sh tping up to be a scrs exeitinj and in icresting das lor the cubs and puhlic alike georgetown park will be open lo the public lrom i 30 to ss p m and from fc 7 pm to camp ire end special for this weekend w ar offering you motwm light flxtum at really old fashionedricest 20 discount on all stock room ught fixtures 10 discount on all display room ught fixtures excellent bargains on au hand apthjances table lamps electric clocks etc going at itziv auiwy pri come in today youll be glad you did i a l riemer equipment co electrical numbing heating contractor it mm st w attm ont l5344mkmt blouses 69 1 ff meat roundup specials all prices are for acton round up week only so take advantage of these genuine beefed up bar gains and you will feel full of beans before the week is over i ladies department tafmis 1 oft bioums 65 tryurv 35 cotton ito r 391 19 short suava rao- 3 q blouses easy car front jh ccw3rdinati rao- 3r bermuda shorts a tops z 8 lafmev rag 3 in or outer blouses 198 knitted sleeve tops 298 rao 391 198 girls knitted poptops oiris shorts ragubr 3 a taachars pel 298 oiris slims by teacher pel r0 4 9 298 mens and boys department 598 esspants medy t ctura 798 all above n matte in conllnanlal stylo trim rnlnfl tor tkal slim isold golfers 100 poplin jackets golfers 100 nylon jackets squall jackets boys- 100 nylon 498 mels100 nylon 598 turtle neck tshirts forsyth and others h paul nielsens clothing mm acton 373 mill st 5342m