i i umth ult of acton who ud hit cuu of apprantmt in motor vhrla rapair trklaiftg at tts provincial imlltut of auftomobil and allied trd toronto reci pura- svlnnlno plaque from d c mtfiaill deputy director of industrial tiaming ontario dprtmanl of labour mr smith ii tft ton ol mr and mrv w d t smith b b 3 alton personal notes of vwftorat aftoi hmh sash golden aft club member ai mided the evening service at ac ton baptul church sunday ml uary cnalmcr of toron to tpeni the weekend in town with relative mr w t a dell of toronto spent a low clay with her mo ther mr r u mac donald thl mr morrow and mr allhouw of ouvinjton saik iuted atth mr and mr danin cnnp re cently mrv jack smclhurm and jac queline of islington visited with mrs edith mceochcrn un the weekend mr and mr peter mas von churchill rd s enjoyed a holi day motor trip in the united staia friend arc glad to learn mr hamilton pcul u home again al ter an operation in guclph gen oral hopltal mr marv mi autcs is spend tna couple ol weeks uith her p- rcnpondin to the daushler ami amily near lri- io 40tn v ijr r urawesa reese bill coulter hunk jcdtrn speaker rc gordon smi a lew alton area resident well alter the dinner and enier joined about 700 at the uheral tammy speeches there ua a victory parts at the qakvulc ga dame laxic club saturday night ihoix u a timik faihonnp mr and mr john a rraser ol lv ewnd the home ol fembroke wsiied with mr and j jj jor h lo y mr charlie gncsc weekend mu jean wamor of london nominations cnlinucd from paye i in the event an eicxlon is net essary oltmi uih take plawc n tuesdas dcccmher 7 between the i hi in of 0 am to pin at l lu luluming plates ward no i rnilliny subthvi riundwaiirr weiketid no i oij p of i we with vlulor with mr and mr bill veru ins a deputy return tny on ice i pulling subduiston no 2 mr d mathcun ml or illt kd alton with virginia ixnnarsh as deputy returning oilier wilson mis wamor v ho i mr wiluwi lmer it at prev ent working in new york with the ufc mission lo the united nation a prcs mention uav held ward no 2 council chai hers town halt with harriet monday at the credit valley con- hkuiz as deput returning ol terwtiun authority hcadquarj ters in mcadouvale when pro- wr no ubnion mcmotul orev reports were modi- alton u st with kathleen is in the credit watershed and murm u denut relurnmu ol contribute to the program r j r parker is our representative w no 4 old pom oiikc the rev a ii mkciuir who with annie anderson as dcpuls uat appointed by the general returning ollkcr assembly of the presbyterian chutih to mrvc on the board f management of prrb lenan college montreal for a three- year term was in montreal to at tend a meeting of the board wed nesda evening alton officials were among the receives top award in mechanic course a merhanir apprentice brian smith ton of m z- bennett pub lic tchoojprincip nl mr el mer smith completed a 10 wk oaic courttf at the provincial in- uitute of automotive and allied trade ui toronto to receive ho- nor in hit clau of so pupil brian who ha been terving hifc apprentkcehip at thompson motor in acton attended public chool in acton and received hi high urhuol training at john f rovfc c v i in guelph the training euure in toron to operated by the department of labor and department of ed titration and he return neit year for the advanced 10ueek course he reinved a targe plaque for hit high landing he first hegan his apprenlue- khip uith thompsons three iar ago and befuir oblauiuig ht me- itiantis luense will erc a live- year apprentuvship tauumafaj friends honor mrs ula allan a number of old oviuk and neighbor of mr ula allan gatb errd at the tuuiu of her on mr and mrs curriwe allan to spend a otul altenioin with her and wtkh her well in her new work at brampton alur a liv garnet of cuehrr mr allan was presented witfi a lodv pure with tomr money instov mrs allan dunk ed esrrvune fur the gift some liauinafad humm rt liunn home tn satuida with tin- deer lo the4r irrdil mr and mrs robert mel nerv mr and mr oosvar mr and mr llealev allrnded the llaptlt chunh in alton on sunday eve ning with the alton colden alk ml jf ospringe poll gives hales majority of two in election on nov s ekction the results at poll no 104 otpnng were hale 62 harney 60 mcfadien 40 mr andrew aitken acton ha been vtviting with her daughter and vun inlaw mr and mr george jackson mr and mr george cooke were guel at the anderson dodge uedduig at st andiewti pivsbvtenan lfiufxh guelpli on rrulav evening i1 stewart and cam frairr were fori una le enough to hag r deer on monday in stores bush 2nd line coiigi alulathini to mr and mi ckn joiksofi ml tjiur on iir- ar nal of a uui on hiulav nov 12 mi aiut mis 11 stewjil mi and mis ctitr lang wtif yoesls at thi tfieakt i 1ang wolding at kiuis pieshvlriimii luirxli in iu iph on satuidav afltiiummi mi and mt aiimild suntn 4 sugaia falls isitol on ihots tla with the ftkimurv nxilhrr and aum mi suiitri and miss i batduk tongralulatiiiiin limilgt jail miii wimi hmiuii a ihud aiut mlh piia- on ims laltu stwiun at ith uoal winfr lair the osniingr p j piiimis- i iik i at llu- luiiiir of ljuirl slut i hingiiui all irptalrd ifie 4 l pirdgi bittlkv klooslrr ti al tlr minutes and lauti1 sluhtting ion ialkij llu- roll tfie leaders mi- doris i nus and mcs c llurrxn imtx imiu to tw late ori inali rial by hamj the git is wimkiil on llwir pvfa nut and vome completed their umple eaml chutchiu pirv totally destroyed an eight room frame farm house owned by allan puwrie totaled on the uuid line of eramosa townslup one half tnite north of 24 higbwav mr powie and lut lather dave were not home at the time of me lire the ruikwood fire depart men resounded lo the fire but w unable to uvc any portion of the liouse the liiemen ran out of walrr and hod to go to a nearby farm owned by henry nitles tu fih ihe fiirtiuik allan pow r tc has uw iu d i in fiinn for about iwu vear ihe foi nu r owner of ihe farm was ijotne pallison nuw living in ai ton mr pow in intends to ie build a mw tuxiur at tiie same lo cation ttmaaon rra pr thurmdav movnur 18 19- fortnercouncillor m- j carton to cut nassagaweyas ribbon at openingof office building struck by vehicle a pedestrian hatty k kuld il low n rtirivrd nilrkk bruises wlrni lu ran into ihe path of an otkodtlug iar in front of ihe re- liahu snaik bar i rlda evening us rgnvaldwon r r 4 ailm was diiwng north through lown and in sthkii struik ihr prdev ulan aflu the man ran from ttchmd a pai kid iar into his patli am a pecial ueetimj motiday evening nauaweya townaip councillor lad out final plant for the ufficial opaiag of their iuwr office building at brookville saturday afternoon m j carton oldest of the form er luunctuor stiu living in the township yill orvupv a puut of honor on the offwukh piaifonn and he will iut the rtbbun to of tklallv open the new building a dateione will be laid by reeve willum coulter and dep- uivjtax- or b d young mp hairy llariry mpp george a i kerr and i la on s warden herb imetry of oak wile will cath bnng greeting and doarris of other iouih liuw s and ihgrutanes from jaiooiwi hal ion and surrounding munu malilir vtill tie miruduird anv foitner member of the town sthip courml were also tnvited lo annul ifie ierrnoii ttuti muiivit is fiiwii llu iiwi siitp rv r p i jrffare rev j hitrf and hv w a lomtnan wtu panuipale in the insuialion and ikdualioti srhvc rivw coulter will ihair uu prvttoni whkh begint at 2 pjw in front of the guelph line buildirirg after ihe brief ceremony vital- or will be able tu lour the oftk- e and meet staff mamber re- fresjuneiiit wdl be erved in the b me h 5 rtoldcri offglmttfutt u cat 14 eaal guelph ta tiim first prtktke new bmd hai alton citirrns band held its v pracluc session in its new mjmatitmtyng ttv walloae avimn- wed- ihr last evening wednesdav at n mg j tn the club gauie oakville reese lhc recent it install- ben hmton took part in the jj um n c n siitulis einin alln lunior hand piklin the iimws load ed eeimhine movable on a i nu k ami translcrred instrii i nunls i hairs benches and mu mi lo the tuw quarters ai ihihih the building is still not iviuiputetl bandsmen hope to hold woik bees as well as prai tin sessums until ihi work is ttm past cdbve to vm peter who vl leaves sotui to he on ihe stall ot the canadian deugatitn to mr laura dittrich has re- the international advisory com turned after visiting with her m it tec at saipon south viet on and his famllv in frohisher nam he will be home ajain bay the terrmcnitutx reached 20 uivkend belore leaving he below aero flies from montreal to vanioo ver from there to tokvo then mr m a mjfcph sngapore and on to saigon on apent a lew da nxenik with ihetr um opp sergeant mr m cdon likkei ol aichic and mrs macphcron and tdmuntun alberta have been v family at clark von was a spixial guest at tlic lit mr bob skidmorr is hack in ion remembrance da dinner acton alter spending the sum i he went to sihool here as a bov mer on the west coast a lormcr hut left town in 1908 he keeps induatnal huckev nlaver he ha up vvith the news bv reading the been refcrvctng alrcad i rrix- press and has been buik ive i noes siiki- iw moid avsas friul will he happv to heat mr am mls uklcr haw that mr dean leslie bower avi lhc 0 htf cam k oi juu raiunwd home irum guelph mr j lnp general hospital where he has been a patient lor the lam lew the last kxlutv in the tmirxe wek i on nuinniival allatr at the cn iversitv of waterloo was last ev slating is still at a premium id old i tiatis would be wekomc car overturns a iu dinen bv damn llaiklev aitin oxirtumvd in a diuh at the snenth hoe ittnur on o 7i hiplmas sundat vausiny an eh r t v ipv matid j2m damage to tin- c i mngin auon uui mi tixker hkt vi inmiies were iwntcfl b the di iv 1 1 and passengers constable joi liuuaraj i the milton opp diiahiiiiht invtt gathering in hall change church hour a happy galtunng was field in chunhill hall on satuidav nov h when frunds nut with mr j ma allan who ts nw li mg in uramptiwi als mis painter who has mmed to gergeliwn the ivinmj was spint plaving game mrs painlir reieivetl a lowly iup and uikir and mr- allan a purse aiul an en vi lope it inorurv i iumti hunhill frunds they had nxn m faithful lo help in the past all gathered around a table mherv luiuh was spnad and a mm ta i 1 1 me spen i i beginning on novxmber 21 the chunhill chunh si rv lie will bc- gin fine halt hour later at 10 jo oitkk lor ihi winter months outiralulalhmis to mr and mis foiye millbs on the pifl ot a mm nov em hi i 10 guv rich ard a wee brother for gregory mr ami mrs tom rot mich itl and i inda visited with their son mr ami mrs ken rot jim mie and dibbie in kitchener on j sunday visitors on saturday with mrs alfred saunders were mr and mr j piaive and mr and mrs i rii lawrence alt ol tomnlo and mr and mrs roy hall and kimbcrley ol guelph listen here saidnij irvws tnim the de- paitmenl ol hiltwavs sard west ot town win mi tlw ob wednes dav muimnt tu s tl ml joanne luca of scarbor cn tlv pcakcrs on thl clphl aufih and miss mar mult at both i h w h palmei atwwnu at macdonald college d mim ot munu pat at guelph- pcnl the wceknd uith alrs mfcs charlotte whitum law parent mr and mr dun j p lrvutcr ol cn moffat rr 2 rockwood toronlo uacklin hancock ol paut international yn men project manner j bocomb st chib prckident g w mckcnzic john department of education mr mckeruie and dauchter ka alton reutcr mp waterloo thy attended the 40lh anniver- south unh two sets ot panels ary meeting of the belleville club i mr j dcnnv his sort mr jetl saturday evening mr mckciutc dennv and mr david dilu took ww suest kpcaker i the cuurc 1 shop early for christmas ua our convaniant layaway man twl ckriumu sim f milton department store 3d93ddi9i3i9ddd train to toronto akkkbeuteenvnintdtmrtur no muni uiw cm fms csst camammlmational i 75 keep informed sck mtmf yun in um mw braxlcutlfw kinlmu ml hi u tnimlcti tmi cmlm leak m hw uy whits hjv mmtn mm hw brct widlanca o any mwrwhr in csrudj hw u mwicitti t 00 u nd wo pm rwd hhl cryuhl th inwrtlwii canluilng hmh n tn day an tn imwiutlan uuarulaint ueilhww rebw who mxtg ft van mamwl w habbwinc ki th y j nii inc ts jack otnmtt ifflm omtamo mmuv tation announcement we regret to announce that due to insufficient re tail business we are forced to close our retail store and showrooms located at 17 mill st west wc wish lo offer our sincere thanks to all our friends and customers for their patronage during ihe past year and a half our retail store and showrooms have been in operation th thowroomt and ttore tpmta ar available for uata immediately suitable for beauty salon dry cleaning butineu office retail store etc our construction and repair business will continue as usual phone 853omo0641 for appointment or service call ihease mail all payment of accounts to a lr riemer equipment company po box 480 acton ont seemingly it take a uvuw storm to alert motorists about haviro cars w interned and uow tire installed local caram were busy with these chores uu wednesday rnornuur 21yrs old when you turn 21 youre rx toitgr co red by your parente hoiplta insurance to keep insured you mutt take out lndp vidual membership within 30 day get your application term at a bank a hospital or from the commis sion newly wed the family hospital insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife notify your group without de lay or if you both pay premiums direct noti fy the commission new job to keep insured follow th instructions on th hospital insurance certificate of payment form 104 that your present employer le required to give yon en leaving your ontario hospital insurance plan now on display at bill toth shell service the 1966 mercury meteor comet the 196 meieor 2door montcalm hardtop sit mm now at bill toth shell service 318 queen st e acton 8534660 aden represenlalivo tor bob russaw mercury sales ltd milton