Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1965, p. 1

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hi jmfow nlwlyhrti vwno 24 5feopf9 noun fcss acton ontacio ywuftsday december 9th 1915 fourt4tn pqm ten csntt for tw hx ivc is h him mbibs taxi 516b- of voters cast ballots four new candidates elected onlv 51 per cent u actions in asuiiig for chiton results twuimn dunuixh uatv blr lo untock j for a seal tn ihe municipal yuv tmutucsinkh voter wrnt to tftr polls tuesday t line were bet constantly front the ballot bus und bejin counting iwncrit tklcaied iitcumbent ri i vlul candidates lor ouut post lo cast bahois in the mumcipaj ri i tku tunc tivlil stall mambcn by the hand on ttu clock had nuwd goodwin when he polled a total of i jus aaiied minus ujur ls nine u4io iul v w i to wa s r c4 li i nc d to ul la t juliiuliun and hvdru cciinm i ji v i i ii k dust kins j nd wtllivd mel aelwrn utto relieves cigarette 1250 damage result two parked vetuctes and an wlboond car on ulll st received an estimated tola i d-amafv- of j2i0 wcdnrsda esrning o lavl week when the driver of thr cast bound car claimed he wn reach tftf to irtrsrsc a dopped cigar rile dnvir of ihe catt hound car jack hauh of acton lold o f i convlahic bruc krcxlcr hr wax hrrcadv omc n reaching to pick up a dropped cigarette when ihe accident ul curred in tiottt of timilv unit til church eotion at ii2s out of 2112 ckgthle now dwuidlod lo twu gave up at jto 7j0 pjn imj ballots white mr goodwin voter exercised their franc4usr i 1 1 jo pan after rote v tog ciosc to i at 745 p m the lirst results lor polled 4m ballot 4 excitement ran high at the 250 call return were complete thr posmton of reeve were phoned in tlie contest for councd luwn office a- candulaics and 100pm to the town oilicc i turn lh be- 1 tandtitr waited to ux- snrctalors armed wwh papers and voting began at 10 am ami 1 gmuing it was csulrnl that incum would till su scuts wlwn caifv vvcie also acclaimed to offiec loi pencils ohamcd constantly u ailing poju ctord at 7 pjn in ward i bent ii ii llinfun was on his way results cramr in m was impossible 1 aitollitr luovrai in in u ta k anxiously for results lo be phon polling subdivision 2 at lie tiomc to another victory he polled a lo determine svticlhrr mtumtvcfils and telasrd as kiev waiud for ed lu returning officer jack mc at ur d ualtunm 311 orvtme j total of 7w vttte while hit op- wuuld be n turned to oft tie or election irultv lo be lomptlrd cemchic 1 uuad antuut voter vtvre lill poneitt lust tunc contender ted not a iinal laftujalkjii wnc lu utl 10 da fiutn tiur tune at the acton rrve pre office lined up at 7 p in hv tlw unw lu tler jr pulled 1j7 inatle it wjv evident llul council catululatt acceted the tlulunge ing4e bell taned nnging before lt ballot hatl into iruwkecl aiul j in the race lor clepulv reeve r lor f g oakt- kithert ii ink to vie for municipal oftuc pie lopm when the hrvl call tame tvefore tcpolv rrtutning oftmer j r parker making hi uxond bid j waiter and william w 1 1 1 1 u tn elet ikn camnuiyn kitt the polll would ntutn lor aiwriltet ii rm iit ihxiiiu ktrulteo in one of tlw hoi incumbent mi coryc i r r iiu liet cautiajgn for a numbei kamd 1 mayor duby gives comments after election results known once again the hand of lime haw gitxn to the ralepaei of e in leaderhip louav lo the 1 had drupped 37 vote befiiivd lojr rar lliwnn just m ft per ftitl vort of ictuntiog lo council c c im of ttu cligit4e vtrfti utir dr i rank uake headed llu iuued pon for council for le ecoihl i slwnlv alur nofiiioalumi ingtu tonecuttve er utun im fiolied warn- carklidale began lo divtil tuitt pciooal leitei ktwick ori acton their dice live and active claimed mayor lr duby vaid tu altitude with regard lo town bii da after the election iqminev made it pomble lor nun will rx- xmu- new lace around pioiwt to be accomplivluxt i ik cuunc il t hamber woi k bench j m7 vote making ituir firm hid lor cuuiuil i hi vcar wc re sue tewful tarulidali- i ail maau- und c i ixutherlamj a tonmrr iiuu ujunlma nnllwd ul 0- jtiwruilkir hamilton peal will khiikil meet a naillcd ualion wogtm uunrd and m j w nrw bv j me mathews uf auon wj will be added lo the atrutk bv the llaleh car and ihen niunicipal lamilv tree we mild a car owned by trod v sampwrn a 4 that new pviminal r r 4 ac tun whkh wa parkxtl lllrs rtmifki wm klndlc a ahead ij tlw malticw cai wa nice in lown allalr ajui involved coiimahu kiiki chaiged mi uan pcimallv lhank hatih with caiel- ilimnp and i member of council who hc- estimated tlamag lo tlie lladh declined nomination thi year car at vw llu mathrw vehicle wonderful tajpport they al 1vw ami i he sainpum car at wr accorded me in the nasi 2s0 and fur the fine service i fury oor ohvi low yjfdlvn ol llu penerilagi w ik iiijuih their iufhl lo vole ih irilcpavei ol ac ion haw through llu demo cratic pnuen awiimed tlu ir rv poaihiht in 1 lee liny us winc- l 01 unwiel o llu- lwft cthin cil lot the puiiiom- ol coiidiklinir tiporatum fhjmnew ii 1 our rvpomihilitv to eccr i again luke a e i ing in i italurnad to board bcskx led lor a iwovoar lenn on school board were uuuiitlhnts willum ilenson vic hnsunt and dvi- or kfwmu voter a thev muiylil siriport in tlu cuxliori slivxi cortur tkisrd wjftl rlec imiii lalk as maiiv womuied altout tlu- luftcimu of ifu vu smiu mki issf ul caiuutlalc irxxlil iiuni camfialyns with win mng lluni a iiuimopal mat olh irs an uoiukriitg vctuie kv wcnl wruri- and mmiu- an sijcut uunt we caiitut cxlu all the voic es we hear in the backgiuumj h 11 was this simple a dale pro rrrton machine would give you a nunc satisfying council members ol council must uas assemble all ol the faclv ami yi 1 itu- linvc lurcrvkarv to stud ilum whkh the average e hien is mil prepared to do if wv do our honvework well and i ol low tug is a summai o vitlum tuesday by wants listing in have live courage of our cunvtc- ae h division ilu muiiki ol nieelnl aiul unmaiked ballots total turns we can with outdance i numur of voters and iesulls with llu nanus ol eandidatcs elected sc the lead 1 ship enttusled lo 1 inun oor administrator come to oltiec m cap la s voting by wards i tome up unh llu hesi povmblc an- ibe greatest uraliirsv mutts to our prohloms mmmswtj mt kikt w v high school board chairman rev engel gives resignation wjrl 1 i wcl i 2 waij 1 waul waid 4 t11i li lmiiai ltil voliin s 17 v i l 1 12 ii s7 177 2 rev dwitfhl cupel 1065 chim nun ul ihr ailun dihlru1 llijh sliujoi busrd rrvirwrd ihr pavl live year hr ha bcten m burd mrmhar hrich and lhankrd prr- icm mcmhitn lr their iplcndid compel ton hclore annuururink he uixikl nttl relum as a lrulee nevl xai during ihe lavl utlicial imi etended him aiul hl lall i it ujn ayreed lu pav ihe in clrnmiin lnpil said uv uivj dunny ihe war and vald he had slruilur al hv rale ol jiso lor peeled llutullur vchuuk held j enioved wurkiny wilijjiulh very usrtmin inntnulion and 18 per ekamx url nmrc lor ihe benelili niuah kuden loi dnei italmny it itof iik- slall than the uudrtuv r buard members ousler and considered lhal tusi tvmrses per mr hansen said he had nlwattjls son tom walvon kejskin mt eai are possible uorncd in llie nasi about tht j phait nti duncan motlat cash ol ih llismimmii inliicli4n druphill in attendance when ex exprrsscsi their rrjrrels at mr cost the denanmenl ol luliiia ams were car knjiel s desiin and said ii minion ttui ji r park ik liiikiu 111 ltr riivl id ii 12 2 2110 km iiv ss 9 4ft rtr uiplityritvl 171 91 s iii 79 66 tor codncii i n mu tries i tum pas a urant ol 71 per cenl meelm lo idfcs monday nfhl cn hls j i and lhl diner iraininy costs inmmin i hispcnky lht vt ol transport ihe brd ihe charrman lal j memtxrr m p j p j r i linal slaves in complelinp de- scluiol bturd n responsible lor i lads ol ihe rvscntls adopted pamenl ol rhe iir license insui jdnier irauuny tsxlrse al the ante soiape and mainunint school al the nusrtini trustee ol ihe tar momhcis avreed ihe t andersoii uas instnktetl lo lin- iliner iraininy toiuse can fce a j alue aiimjkhrnls lor propel complislicd al iiuil additional i sloiaye ol iht diliei lianui cs ijxpnuv cat and than man kneel agreed sccrctarya salary lo siyn in aeieeinent belisvs n it was aresd lo pi secrelars ilk htuid and i tolh domii ol ihe velikle h00 vilnv this eu relroactist settlement uas made regard lo januars i isvis this bnnps mr lnpel miled ihe- board had v prmnl to the dnitilraimnj uv- sccrelarss salars up i uall with a krcat mam maor inmruclui teacher clarence robiv t j00 trusiee chcsier anderson pskllls in ihe past uhlch had as wvll as the minimum rcfistcisxl ihe onls dissenli bexn overcome ihrsuieh trust and maximum number ol mud vole k i mr aiidcison iikjinilxl um christmas examinalions al ihe atlon school seie laur than other schools m sunihiikline ir eis principal 1 a hansen sild il exams xcic eaik llu- stall sas unable lo coier sulllcienl uink lo make llie exams uxii ihuhile also it held eiili llieie uas a loiter ol ttunka ed i have seen ihe board born lor ihe second time dunny ni term and il has had a great number birth panjp finding il sell since the dissolution ol the lurmer north llallon lliyh schtmil fuuiixl lie xaid he look eel lorxcard lo seeing a yood pel hul ol development al the acton scihmii and antictpated that uilh in ihe next 10 wars acton vxould hive a line much larger inslitul- ton and maximum number ol slud cxnl idence ul each induiduai l tiumber he wished holh buird numikrs and school stall ever success in the lulure mr tnyel is one ul tun coun ciuipnoiiiled ivpiyscntatives cjeprtefla apfkvdallon pniklvil l a hansen express eel his appivcialhin to the board and scxrelurx loi the eti-opera- students wishmy lu lake the course- each pa si0 and take a leeiuircd tiuniber ol sessions ol classixhiui insitxiction as well as cettain dimni bcuits in the cat accordm- lo boaid police estab lished mondac each course should bale a ininimuni ol 10 i i oak us iii pia1 c 1 iijktiiirijkni sboaid members wxrc pleased l masalis lo receive a letter ol apprecia r drinkwaiti r lion lixim stixcn coles who re- vv williams cinetl a board pruliclcno larho- 1 rrver larship at commencement exer w wilsem in miller tikv were- also happx lo learn iik- liree icllers naming the scihmii chich were removed irom w iiinson llu- outside wall dunny the con- xl smith struction ol ihe new add hum v br1stow old he- replaced on the outside lawler mol in wlmiam middlrlon an additional w llv judllonum appixnal was yiven aclon citi ens rami lor us- ui hie school annual dinner audiloniim sundae rarcsrrtrber 19 lor lis annual chnstmas con cert pniiidiny desks xvhich wili he- in use- lor srudents wnting ex ams in the auditorium arc re- plucd alui the concert appro- tl was also yuen the rxcrea lion conunillcx lo use ihe livm i continued on payc three 2v iki im 14ft iv 1119 127 114 94 117 kit 102 ho 109 7 sit fto 74 iu 124 9i ft ftl 74 v ftl ii i or school hoard 244 2tl i4s 77 94 92 110 lift 80 s2 179 109 2j7 174 is4 iftk 147 121 118 89 8 i7t rft i hyilile s44 182 10ft s22 428 ift2 41 hi 69 lft1 140 i2h iii 82 94 89 69 48 178 i 8 107 46 v4 461 so sft 48 8 16 766 j37 wrf nuaa ckdtjt vote who cast hl ballot- toaulay on chi kelly browne he will be 96 next birthday and made a date with deputy return nrj ollter mrs j t hunt lo use her at tlie poll next year mr browne and in wile dons oparata a conlecttonery vtorc on main 1 a ca u geography jamboree planned in robert little auditorium a kimtionc tor ytotfiapliv leach- en live aciikn souare ixincintf ers uirtaujlajtft llallon cottntv job to iim llie robert little has been scheduled lor llu- ko- scimmi aimhtorium esvry wedne-v- rs7 722 ms fsol sis 4jts 44ft n o 82h so ikii iillle ptibhc scikmii iiuitilot tunt tvccrnhct 16 a si ial ih alv cr will be pnseot lo nqujnil all jmibtk aiul ii hftl selntol leiehrs vvttli the latest d n tn teaching ycoyrapl pnikipalcj vt msksiiciv 11j lu robert lttlle sc1mi ninffuil in tlie public selkmd honil it the n nutling lavl thursday the ac ion dt cvniitvr pivvidin1 i he audi imikiit is imii neuued lor school a 1 1 mies rrappolnt rrprrntatlv loin vls4ii was 4 c- appointed is hihlu stlnl botiel niiie-senta- tivi on itn ailin oislikt llijih vlhmi xuel lot aitolhn leini aiiminls inlilliiiw j7an2 20 vere sehotds mxiuld nis the sne ial appiov vxl loi pivtllitll mecliny and hval an neeniiapiis h nt eotiuratujalnl letifhers thniuptimii the county pn h i smith of the m wotdd be wekomc to atcnd lunnetl school lor puirting the send statistic t erlinj of iim- sitl nm and eare- itoartl memnts alsej leuned mkei colin me imi for taulking ncsvlwormcd ohiois consullulivk the veihiii in one of the clasv committee tl vehich jack civicli ton is the acton represent iiliw io- qiltnxl slttislks on eehieitkhiil fhilllies in acton instkiitw w 1 me neil is sectelirs tieisuu r ol lite cotmniltev trusiee vie lliis low uas insinnleil lo compilc necessir inlotmation apn ul uas iiiii it i acton 1 1 1 livers to use the m heniutt scimki lnhinils lor insttih hon k t hm mils 1 1 was also dex ulexl to paint olle ol the elasmxkxui ut the m iu run- it selukol lutmu christnuts holidiw tlu pnxiiv eooiiiiirtce lepurt- ed iik n ulvi list ailed hie escape at the slonv sc hol ts now etmti- pleteel ami lht iiuisnn ments had k n tikeii lot a i h liiss ova iii lplue llu pi ls ut wiihlovv at is purposes appmval was im p tile u verbal bouquets cheques fete beardmore volunteer firefighters indents aiulmiamimim uf 15 items lick etl stuelent mien attendance dcviasd i altei and joe jancar buys baxters store joe jaikit picsidcnl il ham llton slukc companv uhich is u elleel iii i ive loillkl oo colli lv 1114 bulletin jtas puivtusem the loi met ilaiexjuiiinv the ivtl esiitc deal uas iran vac ted bv north llallon real la4ale com panv il has ixen reported mr jaiwar p vu intends to open a al siuk nust toi w b1 ikiidiiiorc 1 hv department thai business at the lanncrv uas oils was ellcclive llmnivli ihe e membeis mil onlv 1 evened verbaha hllle on the slow sde at pic opciation ol itoth einplovevs and tmhiqoets liitlay niiihl durmn sent but scvcial new lines uriv i manapement then annual banquet al the le- bcini added in ordet to civatel companv ke picuknl r k pon hut compinv otlieials hand- 1 new malkels pid eoniinuc em iaiker had the pleasant ehoie o skcial d xhit their tirl allotment plnvmcnl me siul ihe companv hamlin mil eheepies to ttu- onn uikii was was now appmachiul the linileel n buade immtxis luanl ihihnhi ve states mllket loi sdes as ihe iiiou v lllo iiu ol llie ixllil tllv the iu l sp ihnicel hinkelom nun kel hul elc depai lnunls thnuihont indusliv j v ivascul j conliniieel on pijie two eutail- scap lloalel illcllllkfs leoihel willi ueriel iik woi kin n s c onifxnsa lion ife mid hid itusett viment to ehtllke i amh i t rtiiis4ill vfo siitl ted a biokt 11 hv o e i a veur i u 111uut11il mitliih d ite wt sit lot januiiv f it the rothlt ttttle- hr luiinun hll iu li st m lluinked all ucirel nietnber toi llull spulltllel e m pe i m loll dunil llie vs u thlon the illcct- llli aulajinilcel special meeting eluques for sen ices lendcrvd 1 ir annual kuimoii whieli is hifihlikshteel bv a dinner and dance was attended bv llrtiutc mem lnij of eountv elllesl ves1enllv al- lnesda i to eristiisi 111 llu le nltthv e 1 ic 0 open v lltat in the buddinj lxrs ami wives as well as a host o special piles ts who ueix on hand to piaisc llie lirvllthlcrs pralae cooocratlon companv lire thief aiul deputs hiel ol iik- munie ipal i v pa 1 tin lee t uas chati nqnet and praised surt nwt4b two men wott ihjuted nd tent by mbulanc5io goclph general hoipitalm a reiult of this ctih wednaiuiav noon bobart sv driver of thtf car tittinp on the baptist church lawn and a pasteroeriri the car ttn the highway steven trtfvait were both hotpi tali zed the sly car was travelling touth on elgin street across the mill st intersection and the second car travelling et on mill st was driven by lyanltmarttcak he received a cut over his eye and another pauenger in the martscak car d01 franldin complained of a sore arm men hospitalized following accident i wo e ion men ucrv hospital ed cai lv wedncsdav a i tc moon with miuius tweived 111 a two- eu clash at ihe micrseviiehi of ui j aiul ilusttcvt ln-hp- lal an- rolvit m and steven i tevail mi sl was tlnxvi o a eu piexcvehnj south on lljfin slrtvt aioss mill and i tank manse a k uas dinci of an cast hound vc- huleeto mill stixvt xfr trvsail uas a pswsmiicr in the mansvak car as well as don franktm on clturcji lanum tlw six ear uas completely turned a rotund and cntktl up n tltv baptist church lawn a com plete urvek the uanck car bleu a front tire aiuauwa jbadlv i smashed 111 the front end -con- j stjhle nick farrion inwtisatcd j and via assiktcd bv corporal ray i mason and cuhwuble bruce mc- arthur dr craig hutchium and 1 dr bnai aloorv- attended the in- i jutvd men be to re i hey wenj taken j to husxpital slktc shun l ahiv retli i municipal ami eoinpatn i in- de- paiimenis nilh at liielusliial and loed hies he dso vommendcet uit emplovev- at bvardmorv and to ltd hr their keen inteivsi in in prevention tlu- httfyest ptcse ol eqiupmeni iixtas in ceip- ni with tires is lite pivxcnlion he cinphasivel nlfhtmare corrected companv prxstleni w j heallv expivsstd thanks on hehalt of ol heiau tei all viimpun bnyade me in hern lor tlur splendid rk in the past he noted the trouble some dust collector hid been rvc tihcel and as a result this area had been live of luvs durmj thv past year this area has been a nihl- mare to both tlw company and uoikcn- a car aja uc stated ue had hopci ant plans to over come this problem and to date this has hen accomplished it lias aluay been the palievof both workers and official never lo turn our backs on fire hazards and the loyalty of our fire depart ment hav overcome munv of these klrovvkod tlie company prvsidcnt- devlatlns from trattilttoje of firo fighting mr beatty noted in eoiiehision mi hcillv slat ell the iliptlls eoulel thllv pi os j pel wilh the e oopeiil ion ol the uoikeis aiul he hopeel thai business in ihe tlllicet slates uilh ailditioilal hues added at the plant would enable eonlintieil success geiteial nijiiiee 1 nonitiu thai da esuuisuil ihe eompam htv depiitinen ntembcis atiel said he iv as quite pleased with then tv- eoiil ovei the past sears commit lee chairman ikpuiv revvc ro crtkxiuin reptesentinj the lown on behalf ol 1 tw mavoi said that as chatr- tlim of the ac ion lire and point voinmittev he ivvis quite pleased fuu oiid ld eh me l ve k lull seek invitational bids for new hydro building had acton llvdro commission clos ed 0111 ihe u nder call tin the proposed building on alice street and will vvk invitation bids in llie hope of contimnn- wiih thr pmicct t an approximate cost of usonn at a special nice tun thwrselax eventny of last ucck three ten opvratim with clers iwu ol uluvh wvre icvistl mccitnv f hiirsd3vn suggestions irom tlwse contrac- lois uere still tell to he extcsv tt v th null lite dcpailmcnls it ue lor itu see ond june were viewed in on uilh lliis exeellcnt j iml wtie considerrd impiaetical onlv been shuhlls ieelucd aitited tiom thv to 105- 41s iiieludini exitas such a pav- v lriavellnit ami mkiiiiii this time llu- itchitcwl wai istnuted lo eontiet ihe three low bideleis lo see it there ua possibihin ol a tmthci cut b k k in eosis al the special ji ranee nient i ean see no ivasoti uhv as ion needs ansthitil hut j volunteci ilepaitmeni he em phasieil aclon tire duel mick holmes veiiiyralulated ihe beardmore bnyaelc loi assisting the town fire department during summer ludis the beard more men are onls too willing to cooperate as welt as throughout the entire vejr safely vital speaking on behalf ol safety pretention officer al lauder er nie cocr cmmehoeipthc com pany brigade on its excellent re cord and stated that fire and safctv cannot be separated he noted that injuries throughout the plant this year had been re duced by more than half and said alter oriental plans lor the piposcd building uere complet ed an estimated etisi ol 7ti00 u as gtv en b architect donald skinner the linst set ol tenders it was agreed to close hit ihe piesent tender is sue and seek invitational bids on the nuiuung following ate the three bid ranged from j 1 00000 to j1z5 000 opened al the special meeting no and the architect was asked to ting the second basic bid a conv levieu plan in hopes of redu- pared with the final uigyetliuns ing costv mr skinner revised mcnallv cortslruclion ceorge- pl1111 deleting an estimated 1 toun basic sovxlicxutss7000 20000 m co it basevd on the low- giving a final bid of smj0o whit- er tender and expected an addh ne construction brampton t inn 1 1 15000 sasing under a basic sw3q2 credits 7210 uilh winter worlu program a ttnal bid ot fu092 doral con- sceond call working with revised plans and est imu ting the building ar- ound5060 commissioner call ed tenders tor the second time when these tenders were opened the commission leroeclhces st met ion brampton basic 90- 515 let crcdit 517352 making a final of 8534248 another special meet ing 1ias been called for friday evening to deal witiny4nitatiun bids that may be received r

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