ninetyfirst year no 29 ha inth warden h h hlnton became the ninth warden to be selected from acton since the town wu incorporated in 1875 preceding mr hlnton were w h storey who held the poet in ism george havell in 1899 george hynda in 1914 george surber tn 1924 amo muon in 91j m mcdonald in 1943 and j j stfwkrt in mm guests attend erst meeting the election tl u county warden intruded a large gioup ol spec tators tu the inmiguial meeting ol llalton countv council in milton tuesday present liom aoton weie mavoi les duby couneiloi fiank oakest count flloi c r i cntihei land and mis lcatlui laud anil cleik ad minisiiatot jink mcgeachie also present to extend tongiatiilatlons to warden ii ii llinton vveie mis hlnton and kalhy llinton all wete introduced to mombcisrol llalton countv cminell bv the wiuden who welcomed them otheis piesenl included iminic ipal and countv otlieials assign nurse to acton twp beginning jannai 1 mis chai- lotte dickie was nislgncd bv llalton countv health unit 1o acton and nassagaweva a lull time muse in town and i he tivvn ship she will woik out ol mhun headquat let s she has vast e perieliee in public health inn s ing ucioiding ito miss g leavev supervisoi l nui sing loj the health unit mis dickers yvotk includo- school counselling and also very unpin tnfi is hei woik in the home with lamihes and pre schuoleis whom she helps piepaie ioi then entianee into sehool she will visit new babies twice in then lirst month again at si inonlhs and then ivgulurlv until lltey rench school age cacton ontario thjurjspay january 13ih1966 authorumi u mcond cum mall tr h pom ollica dtparunanl ottawa acton reeve ber named wardeo 4 ten pages ten cents tx- mi acton reeve h h hlnton was named warden ofhalton county at the inaugural meeting ot malton county council tuesday his election came on the second ballot when a lie vote with georgetown reeve william hunter was broken by qakvllle reeve herb merry who cast the deciding vote as reeve of live countys largest municipality in the first ballot reeve w coulter of nassagaweya squar ed off with reeves hlnton and hunter that vole gave reeve hlnton six voles reeve coulter three and reeve hunter five the second ballot was between reeve hinton and reeve hunter final ballot in the final ballot those supporting reeve hinton were deputy reeve parker reeve gallagher reeve ledwith reeve merry deputy reeve day deputy reeve hoey and reeve hinton auff phnio reeve h h bert hinton of acton was named warden of the county of halton for 1966 at the inaugural meeting of halton county council in milton tuesday afternoon he defeated nassagaweya reeve william coulter and georgetown reeve william f hunter in a threeway race for the countys top seat shown congratulating the new warden are ex warden reeve herb merry of oakville lett and judge alan b sprague right who administered the oath of office legion choraliers band present program for 250 at high school native of holland starts own business an elect iciun ioi the past 20 s jack van del koov ris st at ion lias pun based t ileal business lioni lui the llnest peiloimance evei staged b the royal canadian le gion choialieis was witnessed bv ovei 250 people sunday evening at the high school auditoilum choralieis maikcd then i list an mveisaiv with ii splendid vaiielv pioguim ine hiding numbeis bv ac km ciliens band individual solos and musical numhei s applause vuis tiemendotis ihioughout the evening altei each selection with the choialieis stealing the limelight dicssod in thcli new gold jackets complete with legion ciest daik blue trou- seis while shiits and bow tics lendei geoige musselle had the ehou members in fine tune as lhe sang a ailetv ot selections even stiangeis lienring the up in lioitl ol tin stage ioi ihc playing and singing ol o anada headed by band leadei all pi i loll banilsinen hiokc inlo the english in ii clung tune sussex in the se vi hid was plavid specially liu cicoi ge mussi lie llns was lollovvnl by coloiu i bogey nun eh willi mikes iii splencllel lulu the choialieis sang the lollou ing seleetlons aeeoiupanii il h mi ii ill al iht piano out boys will shine caliloinia lleie 1 tome i hi whllleiipnol song ihells ol st maty s ken lucky btfbe and the battle rlmn ol the republic with a solo pail by john mclliigh band iiumbeis moke into si i eel ions lioni the bioadwav mils gioitc ioi iht lust time weie very lti mllsll m iuu enivid pleased all atiiousl await u le j kul vauoii horn llu pit istd ptat pei ioi mallet in the vocal umt llu l it sliaws abandonid thin liuliluinil sti iw hils as lisl whin slu tillered hallon musk lislixals was accompan led by miss maiy belli elliott at llu piano as she sang 1 could il darned all night and ca 10 mio bien bandsman and choiahei john inliniuel i loin page lluee rack em up side window carom needles two doctors eight ball in llie sale pocket is normal lingo used al pool halls hut when an vight ball pops into the side window hiats another lingo ioi vandalism doc ioi s oiyg hutchison nii brian mooie weie sutpilscul hhls week when ihev opened ihen ol i lie a hit coinoi ol mill and hlam sill eels lo liiul a oilliaul ball lying on the lloor inside ihe building aftei taking a closet look they loiind a loiind hole in ihe suit window wheie ihe eight ball had been tossed through ihe glass even willie hoppe the i anions billiard slunk would have a dit licull linn shooting the eight ball i mm ihe table at at ion bllllaids down the street aiufmaking a side pocket al the doclois olfitc it is believed someone pocket ed ihe ball anil tossed ii through ihe window pel haps ii was a mmc losei part time hire university student new recreation director nd hopes lo stai l his ow n gi oup atton citizens bantl seittd on tilt stage weie nivci bctlei as yi ol holland mi van learned the tiadt in bis homeland beginning in l with his wile and tiwnlv lit moved to canada in l0 and is piesenllv employed al beaidmore and co lid as m eltttiieian a twosttnev addition at his home is being completed mi van di i koov intends to opt n the bottom sittion as a ivoikshop intuit plans tall ioi a lttail stoic ioi appliances the uppt i si 1 1 ion will bt occupied as hung quail cis the hot met rieniei hetitiie stoic on mill st w siill contains eleellical appliances and the plaie as open 4n appointment ioi am one wishing lo pin chase al tides mi an tic koo who has tiu thildien all alleudine the robe it lit lit puhlii sehool slai led on own doing elutncal woik on a pal winit basis jaiuiuv i tc stunk up a nitdlev ol limes int lulling matches leligious mini be i s and selections lioni bioad wax inusieals spcclul numbers individual minibus weie giui h soloist miss llilen btnuin maun les dub chorahei john melluglkand daud benham who plaveul tho aecoidion tlu live sliaws compnsing loo happy lo play lot any pub geoigt mussfllt it bi istow 11a k touetil il guiii sulluiinl not milton pial anil lis duby yue ke lo pupaic biloic llu tin lain itcompamed by geoige hall at ami down foi inlt i mission the thiy sing inn lit 111 mi indies somtday 111 llndei siand hi mtmbiimi o mighl v om anil i liu ilk y ol old songs unhiding j hai he i shop and close hu ninny se let lions pi ioi o ink i mission band pi csitlc lit lid i v it- 1 ji told tin iiimd it was a pleasuie and pi i j viligt lo lit p ii i ol tin choi tin i s 1 piogiani and said the bantl is on children vete busy lnlloung tlu ictent snow tall shovtllmg oil lee at i any lake ioi skating the piano masiti ol iiiemoiucs ioi the evening hu lis kn kness in his usiiaf ov iaj numnei intioduttd llu numbeis anil piaised ihe singns and mtistcians altei each selection he told the luge crowd the choi alms vvtit ttlt bialuil t lie 1 1 lusi annivtisaiy with the conceit ami thiy hoped to makt this an annual altau 1 oi the piogiam openei mem bci s nl the bantl xviic sealttl on tlu stage and the choialieis lined id bantl plaved ileniy viii vaashmgton post divitl bt nh mi who his assisi ttl 1 ions club numbeis with niu sital shows m the past pltastel tlu idea llowutl itaiet alilutleni in llu ittieation touise al the uni vnsii ol diitlph yeas lined as a pill hint iititatiou duettoi al i ifgulai meeliug ol the rec itation otiimitlei rhui sday al iht toiiiiiiiiiiilv teiitie mi plain whodias had iv puitiitc as an assist mi dilceloi in ii ililnn ion nui two ycai s as ill 1 1 e ioi hi his hoiilt town glad halts in apt il he is inteiested m ohtaimnc llu position perman illllv 111 aelun while hi has i1 it tdv had lyptiieiue al the ym c a 15 hour week his in i ii s will hi on a is hnm pi i wnk btsis ioi which he will lttiivi 22 in salalv and a s3 pel vi 1 1 k 1 1 iv 1 1 allow nice his liisi ih villi be lo oiganit anil inn llu sihixil taimyil yvhitb will liklv bt in id i uly in m ii ill lmia htlp willi this and otliti pnttts must bt aiiangtd bv llu ihc aiiiliuiti uli i vuictl in i urn ol aceoidion iiumbei- and also played background nuisie ioi mayoi its duby who sang ul plavttl llu guitit ml dubv sang two nimnvis god w ilks these hills aviiii mo and he i iv is ni l dooi aliss helen benton joltl nutlil i 111 eotllllllltl i lllscllsscll mi undcryyav with only a lew vuink les lo lixin out vending machlnch i di nun in hugh palltrson told llu eoinnullee he ihoughl the problem wild ihe vending ma iliuus had been dialed up he said the company responsible yvas not aveaie llu in u limes yeeic not being piopeilv sei viced 1 told ihein to sural ten up the sciaice ol gel out ml pallet son sard tlu committee also interviewed mis l dittriell ioi the position ol sccictary ilea sulci passed a motion continuing owen coultrup and harold townslcv as new numbeis on the committee discussed plans ioi cenlcil n ii i ce lehiations in aelou members piesenl al ihe tlnec hour meeting ycerc hugh pallor son charles pel r haiold towns lev john gov lcn lovell helen 12 breakins arrest four smash and giah ihleves led a distinct trail ol d e s i i ii c i i o n lhioughoul hallon in the euly hoius ol thuisdiv morning ot lasl week when they hit is gai- ages and stole quanllties ot sllvei soil dunks tigaivttes and small vending machines deloie being appieheudtxl in biunplon two biampton men ami iwo meadtwvale nun weie aiiesltd by constable tom dube ol the milton o p p deluejimenl police investigated 12 bieakins and found signs lliit anolhei three had been altempied all weie in milton acton george town norval and brampton ur eas the men are presently in cus tody awaiting trial in town bill tolhs shell sei- vice was enleied when a side window yvas smashed a small peanut vending machine yvas smashed ami coins lakent and a pop vending machine smashed about h25 in change yvas taken at pauls sunoco station t lioni panel window was biokeii jot lasl week l watch hundreds ol lo gain entry and a pop vendm chi islmas liees go up in flames mat hint coin box smashed and during ihe acton chamhei ol money taken as yvdl as a quantity i coinmeice seventh annual chi isl ol pp mas lice binning at little motors ihc fiont dot t maqr lo 0lbv aij was pmmicdopen and a pop vend chamber president ted lylci si jug machine smashed but coins klndlcll w st thc inside ihe box yeere id i untouch- k o cil io1 oul lrc0 u d at all thiec places cigarettes and candies were iclt untouched constable nick i anon was cal led lo investigate thc brtjkin at toth s but ihe other two which are located in the township were cheeked by millonopp detach ment inlorniation gathered by mil ion police department assisted in rounding upfhc suspects those supporting reeve hunter were deputy reeve rogers deputy reeve hunter deputy reeve young deputy reeve menefy reav9 g leslie pepulyrreeve w leshe and reeve coulter refer lo torn system -r- addressing the council prior lo voting reeve hinton noted it was i i years since acton had tilled the wardens position he suggested the turn system informally used in the county should not be the only basis for selection the person must also b adequate reeve hinton reviewed ins four terms as reeve and assured members he had slood lor the tilings he believed in and would devote himself lo county work reeva hunter reviewed ins four yeers as deputy reeve and indicated if elected be would devote himself almost full time to the work reeve couller suggested that while he did not agrea with ihe turn system he was standing to indicate nassagaweya wat in line if it was continued he predicted a great deal of expansion in ihe county structure and 1966 would be one of the most chal lenging oath of office administered judge alan sprague administered the oath of office to members and spoke briefly representing the judicial branch of government and assuring ins cooperation i now wish you mag nanimity patience wisdom courtesy and good judgment in oil of your deliberations he concluded accepting ihe ohice of warden reeve hinton sad lie raal ued the great honor it was lo serve the county in the office of warden i will do everything possible to conduct ihe affair of the county in a fair ust and progressive way undertake heavy responsibility or t dustan addressed members expressing his pleasure al the quality of service he found being rendered in the munici palities and the county he warned members of the heavy re sponsibility they had undertaken and called for the kind- of influ ence john kennedy exerted wild ins est imagination and integrity following the conclusion of ins invocation members ad- lourned to permit ihe committee of reeves lo prepare committees for 1966 i council members members making op the 1966 county council are from nassagaweya reeve w couller deputy reeve w hoey from acton reeve h hinton and deputy reeve r parker frorrt burling ton reeve g gallaqli i am deputy reeve f rogers from oak- ville reeve h merry and deputy reeve a day from tsquetlng township reeve g leshe and deputy reeve w leslie from georgetown reeve w hunter and deputy reeve jim young from millonreeve a ledwith and deputy reeve c menefy twelfth night bonfire has biggest crowd yet nuts weie led i ylersrorvil1 cliapman john rol doug rogers kill cainohan and blake sell some ol ihe kiddies mode rc- cit niis lo the truck and many patents and children went away liungiy lach cai chamber members increase ihe number a doughnut bui each year the crowd increases as well the event is held traditionally on twelfth night ihe i ire tighters were on hand with the town truck the s john brigade was also on duty beginning another year ol voluntary assistance cold ei isp an and low icmpeia linvi tailed lo detei a vast c loved which galheitd thinstlav evening pi im s ipi initiations with him oltei bem chailes lcalheiland anil nitlic ilnl lluv would be in and owen coultrup leu steel in ins application ye inn i i ii il t i tile till e e ioi is llllltl iii tin spi iiil mi ieaite told thc put out ioi gai bage collection this j redistribution of seals massive glove which lighted the ky tor miles lxciled children arrived eailv and tumbled through ihe pile of trees playing games and keeping warm as lluv waited thc arnval ol chamber members cars lined the lower end of churchill road and many pnketl in thc field ad joining thc dump area where llie trees were piled within a hall lioni 2s doen ur harry harlev visiting the kiec press plant this week men idoughnuls and 12 gallons ol cof loned that one person in halton i fee disjpjxaicd as chambci mem news bulletin news of the election of reeve bert hinton tu ihc wardenship was specdly dispatched from vlillon lo ihe i rcc prcs tues day ivped on a sheet ol paper and a levy christmas trees were has wjitten him concerning the bcrs handed them out liom ihe posted in the sljtioncry atore he gets back ol a truck while glinting cm- window newsol particular im- hough bcrs began lo die from thc bon poilaiice is posted litre oil special comnullvi he came liom a town week loo late lor ihc tree bum letters on other subjects smillii than acton and he wis m ceiemonv he said well equipped lo deal with piob i lire doling out coflee and dough i occasions crai frsbfe start photo hundreds of trees went up in flames thursday night of last week during the annual cham ber of commerce twelfth night christmas tree burning part of the crowd is shown watch ing the dry trees burn over 25 dozen doughnuts and 12 gallons of coffee were handed out to the chilly spectators icills ioi iclilies this sie j i en i ovcll chairman i llie i iimnittee chose i en i ov i ill to succciel hugh patterson as ehaii man foi l6 m elections ioi lilt i iiious committees new ineilibei clinics pciiv yvas elect c il v kc c ban man i onimittee ioi ptin chosen i aic as lollows wuh llie inst nam cd til ui man i imiiiei hugh pilteison c i i ithci la ul owen coultiup l binlilnv haiold townslcy j c hu its pun piogi mi loui gov helen otltibtin hani ptal vlnumsttation i en i ovcll cliuliv peirv hugh patterson i uold lownslty john frnv siw ehaiiman i tn lovtll took ovfi i llu dia f i llu remainder ol llu milting- th mkitv mem b i s ioi the conltdeiicc placed in him changes needed tolm oy notified numbers thc community centiv had been in spctid ioi liquor license pnvtl- tve- and sum tliingts yvotild be m t did hi ton a incuse vv iv grinttd ini ujduig mstallatmn of a three sre tirn smk i the night incnsfs are issued tin lommunity untrc ynll no longir he a publu building the comfiiittce was told the public can not be admitted on these oc casions negotiations betvyecn the curl ing club and the committee to purchase a sink and to make olhui hceebsar alteration aic i legion songsters entertained at their first anniversary conlare henry leachman jim higgins bing remsden ken papillcfi cert at the high school sunday and sang a variety of songs leader george mussel le vic patrick jack cooney and loui choraliers seated in front left to right are gil malcolm jim j petric beck row left fo right ere grenville masales paddy didt mcknighr bob lourtet bill taylor phil mccnstall john barr herb dodds john mchugh ray agnew george hall and hugh frank spjelvogel and hamilton peal second row left to right i crourke