the acton free press thursday march 24 9c36 edin milis euchre penny table winners listed after institute party si iff rhulu nearly 50 students from acton district high school visited the blood clinic monday to donate blood for the first time watching thi ptjcess as student gay white donates blood and red cross worker colleen weston checks are students linda smith linda gilmore and laura sullivan during the day 331 donors gave blood i he uden mills womens insti tute sponsuild a veiy successlul cuchieancl pennv sale last satui- iluv evening in fden mills hall nineteen lahles l euchre sseie- in piotsiess winneis weie tian tol- lon lila campbell caiol wal beiy yenls j- lollou bill andei son mi i loud i win lie i s toi pennv table mae moonev iuelph cleaning vouch ei huihaia mai shall at man vio lei dill mai tin guelph choeo laics hohoic wi ight baibic doll mis bui net i guclph pillow us es mis 1 millei 10 quails milk vnuchci peat i anderson guelph s ins sugai j ha mcbiain guelpli euellei miniiv bncli an lloial ai laugemenl cuiy at kinsoiv anion pot hdldcis svl via ncvelle clothes disci mis ii mclheison socks ail caids i 111 sinclaii guelph egys bob gilhei tson plitc and tails led ie1fffuiistrsel and bath salts mis vic biistoss acton tie and clips anil pilloss cases mis b clusv pillows uoiolhs black lock plate and mtil t ins gcoige bince tloial a i i a n g c- in c n t jeoigc biuce giasv boat pat waulle vsagon iind plough mis i mill roc kwood nslous mis ii goitlon acton lahlcclolh tind bowling league stores recorded rockwood seven to nothing scores boosted the totals of hoi- top millers strattons esso and corner pins in rockssoucl and dis trict bowling league this week going down to deleat seie rimlstones alle cats and jet stones ihiee 5 2 scores went to ricks conleetionei v osei pink- ness dunes big six downed hopefuls and humes tcaco took roots rooteis carnevs plumbing and heating had a 43 winovci nichols pals those helping their team to these sioies were dick dupuis who took high tuple hat at 710 and a 722 foi beit aichei with handicap high single hat went to vic daies toi 320 and 323sith high single handicap the kuhcs did then shaie shu le salmon taking high tuple hat at 624 and high tuple with handi cap was capluied bs janet peart with 629 janet also look both high single hat at 2s8 and with handicap loi a 263 high asei age- had i 220 lor dick dupuis and 20s lor shnlcn salmon in seasons pla doug butten ham has high tuple hat and with handicap loi 821 and 8h shirles salmon loi the ladies high triple tlat has 726 and 74 w nil handicap high single flat goes to dase bacon loi the men with a ho i sshili beit aichei has a s1 with handicap j sluiles salmon also holds wo mens high single hat loi the sea son it 31ts sshile ls ritchie has 31h loi high single with handicap come puis aie now alone in top spot with so while dune s big six lolloss with s4 points cai ne s plumbing and healing stand thud at 4 lolloued tinsels b 1 loi lop milleis ssho base lolleel up 42 riek s conlcc lionets stand itllh hasmg 3 pmnis a tie loi s th eaeh with s8 toi stiatloiis lsso unl hum s leaeo jet stones aie on sesenth lung ssith then 16 points 1 ben a ihiee sas tie toi cighth ssilh nichols pan pinkiies s and llopetuls each has- inu 14 points rollosvinu aie mies cats at 12 hintstones m and reots rootcis sith 28 points men eei 600 aie diek dupuis 710 ie dasies 70s dase bacon 6s0 beit ichct 080 it nightin gale 66 and doug butteiiham oil women ovc i s2s sluiles sal mini n4 janet peail f4 and mai llllllli sjs qckuec4 facat m4 fatetrict kleu school plans fire equipment clock on eramosa council agenda i rockssooil reese cameion lush and all members ol ciu- mosa tossnship council met lot then maich meeting iecentls the road supei intendeiit robert ham ilton and acting cleik s s rosce ssere also present seseral conespondence items ssere discussed bv the members a donation lor the lions club svas mentioned and a letlei fiom eiamosa school boa id svas read on appiosal of sketch plans the pin chase ol a hose and a pump lor the tossnship fnc tiutk was i asked loi bs the village ol rock ssooil and a letter leceised tiom a tossnship lesident legaidmg a tianslei ol land consent motions curried seseial motions sseie passed and carried the ireeing ol eramosa tossnship lot ssas ie moved and a transtei ol land ap piosed orfeoncession 2 jack peart and fiank schneidei seie authoned to caie toi he tossnship cenotaph and the cosi charged to the township the road superintendent ssas allosscd allan mcphedran tops eramosa rockwood schools select top public speaker roekssood light students loin liom rockssthkl and lout liom lramosa public school took pail in the eiamosa tossn ship public speaking contest held in the eiamosa school pimeipal robeits ol eiamosa school ssas bliry glass hiokeii glass is a dillicult thing tei get i lei ol and dangei- ous to base aioimd dei not toss hiokeii glass oi shaip metal in lo waste conlalllels ullelc an oiu haiidhug the mitenal could ix en i t the collage don i t hi oss hiokeii bottles oi othei glass uilu the lake it might wash up tei the shoic oi ti the kitloin ol a tasoute dising spot put glass oi china liagments intel tins and biu the ssliolc- thin hillsburgh girl finals winner roekssood the inspectoiate public speaking linals taking in pusliiieh guelph eramosa and bun tossnships sseie held this seal in liamosa pubhe school inspeetoi c r whilticld ssas ehanman loi the occasion lhabeth sehut ot hillsbuig ssas the ssinnei speakmy on the conquest ol mt cseicst placing second ssas maulsn hamilton ol ei in sillage ssho chose the lite of simon bohsai allan mcphed i an ol roekssood public school was thud ssith his topic consei- salion olbeis taking pail ssere le gilchusi ol maiden speak ing on i he dans indumis and dawn sehssut ol abu tin lc gis mg some liels on llnidentilieel i 1 ing obeets the indues sseie- miss m k i bos ol guelph who teaches i ng hsh at j i ross d vv hanks the guelph public school inspee toi and iiasei hogle the inspee loi ol sepaiale schools while the iiidges weie dehbei aiing ilu student ebon ol eia mosa school entertained the auel iciice the speakeis sseie all eon giatulated and best wishes go to lhabeth sehut in hei elloit at the wellington counts contest to be held in maiden in the near lu hue cliauman lor the occasion allan mcphedian of roekssood placed fust ssith his topic conserva i tion which should be ol nnpoit ance to eseisone bienda ingle i also ol roekssood came second choosing the human bods and lis functions as hei subiect i thud ssas chi istme lanclom ol eiamosa public school speaking on musical appicciation otheis taking pail weie kes in root ssho cinphasied the abilits il tiee expression lnn dunlup ol eia mosa school speaking on- ma dame vamei tom landom liom the same school ssho eleseiibed main chlfeient tspes ol wea ponsvmrianne duibei ol rock ssood chose abe lincoln the great human being and buan 1 lack ot eiamosa brought a ipjcs lion as to oui origin 1 judges foi the occasion sseie mis e talor res g dunlop aej muiras tasloi trfe speakers ssere all congiat ulated on then line el tort and giood ssishes extended to allan mc phcdran ssho svould compete in the inspectoiate finals the use- el the tossnship tuiek loi tossnship business and tianspoi tat ion i lie ilelk ssas lusliuclcd lo vsule ihe ontauo culscil and metal piodllcls i lei ol witciloo ibanking iheni loi then gill ol in eleelilc clock loi the tossnship municipal olliec pi esc lite el by ml spai iou repeal bylaw a bs lass to iepeil lsl iss no 10 i9s8 a l lass to designate an aiea ol subdivision contiol and lo designate lei lam icgislcied plans ol subdisision shall he eleelilc tl not to be icgislcicil plans loi subdisision loi the puipose ol that bs lass lo he gisen the nee essais leadings passed and nuin be led 6 16 aecomits amounluig lo m 62 74 weie passed loi pasnieiil and council adouined lo meet apiil 4 oi at the call ol the iece llosd hmdles tossnship cleik has letmned lo his duties lolloss- mg suigeis manj thanks lo s s rosce ssho caiued the duties of i cleik liming ml hindlcs s ab scnec i fred a hoffman opteimetust 58 st geoiges sq guelph out telephone 8242071 your red cross is serving l today tb ready for tomorrow nt be a piker why stop at an easter bonnet buy her a car shop now save on tax only 7 days before the hike lous used cars main st rockwood no down payment if credit approved 8564235 pot holdcis noia kranti doll mrs bullard guelph theimos mis clink aimstiong acton cookies and can mis edna ken nedy campbellville food vouch- ei ms w lasbv plate cook ies wallace lasbv dishpan mis riemmmy aikell ash hays mis riemnunu aikell tote bag mi william early tosvel set silver bells the silver bells were hosted last sseek at mis ii batdens and this sveek a i mu maishulls win neis sseie mrs h gilbeitson mis susan wilson edith jen mugs saila gilbeitson noia mc 1 can and catheune gilbeitson ihe caidelte club met monday evening at joan lasvues win neis sseie finn lollon lela campbell and aleta mai tin auction sale auothei successlul auction sale in the community hall last siitui ila svas conclnctcil by mi haivey 1 til 1 in auctioned next sale ap ul 2 miss bonnie macdougall ssas hostess monday esemng loi a shossei loi a hi ide tobe bienda wught svho svas taken complete ly b suipnsc thuts eight li lends gatheied lo svish hei svell allei a less games and contests bienda ssas seated to open the numci mis gills assisted bv hei loui at tendanlstobo bonnie macdoug all elizabeth knby pat wi ighl and joanne wi ighl bienda giaoiouslv thanked ev cisonc loi then ihoughtlulness hm kindness relieshment loi loss eel ebenezer sale banquet social in news res w lceman based his ie inaiks on sunday moiiung on malthcss s 44 lose youi cue lines and pi ay loi those ssho pel scenic son it is possible lo lose people ssilhout likiiij them it is not the same kind ol spontaneous lose sse gisc naluially to out inciuls ii ul 1 unils the ebon sang be still ni soul 1 lie loiil is on lbs side on wednc silas lasl the ucw elul a lushmi business at the boo lb at rogusons sale the teigusons se illxje much missed in ihe coinmunils on satin das ihe ucw calci eel loi the halton medical sei lees coopoiatise annual ban- eiuct di hany hai ley mp loi llallon ssas the guest speakei 1 he mission band will meet next sunday the young people had a social satuidas esemng letuining ivlieshmcnts on lo waul loi mortgage protection through life insurance contact iain williams 107 elizabeth dr acton 8531897 sun life assurance company of canada from lovell bros modern meat market maple leaf sp cryovac cottage rolls fresh small link sausage lean beef shoulder roast lean beef short rib roast 69 79 c lb c lb stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e arton phone 8532240 daily delivery supervisor glenn banks has a boys unchanged voi ces duet at home now the banks huve a new baby boy scott campbell mofrat svas champion in biology at the l43id college poyal at the umvei sity ol guelph a iliiilv- pupel has the headline premier robarls is opposed to match wt wi and how about januatv and febiuary to6 but it turns out the story is about a laimcrs march to queens paik here sve thought somebody svas finally going lo do something about the svealhei soine ol the firefighters weie veaiy tuesday theyd been at then venison dmnet saluiday cv eiung up till 4 30 a m at tei a i lie sunday night and assisted the police in searching for a missing pei son monday night a few vere in the bonspiel too you wouldnt know it out its spring a numbei ol lesidenls sveic auakened lluougli the night mon day by the loud clash ot thun der und shurp crack of lightn ing this svas followed by a hea vy dosvnpoui ol ram again tues day evening theie svas a single crick ol lightning but no thint del oi i am i lie seliool cieek is mowing lapullv and liny tykes aie being isai lied to stay asvay woik is piogiesstiig on th iiess com cat wash lo be opened soon in ihe hp gaiayc location on quceii st l ihe squaie dance c luh is plaimuig to sponsoi a biy night ol dincing in the iicna lulei this spi my aiol whll ions elailce pupils aie pi aelisliij loi the annual ic dial eailv ill june dossil coiinell is expanding its lice- planting piogiun again this seal and lalepaseis dcsiiiug to liase a lice planled on then pio pel ty aie asked to contact the losv nvlei k anadveilisciihnl ap pealing in this sveeks issue ol the i lec pi ess glees all details ol the piogiam red cross is always there with your help l jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer farm service end supplies dump trucks for hire concrete brick clay brick stone fully insured pcv class fs f acton phone 8530730 now automatic chain oiling homeute xlautomatic chain saw chila uw cutting li anlf r ihin tvtr iww no nnd n tim tfoubltd wltli manual chain oiling with tha xl automatic lull ill iho it ituivolf and lha chain li oilad aulomalkally at you cut mora pawaf lor vi latlar culljni lata you cut through a 10 inch oak log in lust swcondi sum a lihl wtlfhl ik xl automatic lhl only 14 pounda lata bar and chain avillibla la alralghl ban from r u w plul pluncacul bow clearing ana utility bare alia dlractorjiilgrlife- saa ua today lor a lie demonstration ot thla great aawl i a kerr ft son hr 2 5th une n acton ont tfl 8531959 how to know when youre well off think positively youre well off wf- en youre comfortable you have a feel ing of wellbeing i when youfte not vcl of yo fee uncomfortable your skin is dry cd itchy your kids are coughing and sniffling your throat feels dry and rough in the morning first youre tco hot then too cold youre trice n- fortable because the indoor cmato in your home has fallen into the whte area of the chart i in countless canadian hces dry oir causes confort problerrs because comfort involves nore than ust heat it involves humidity too heres hcv it works humidity is the arount of moisture per cubic foot of air when air is heated if expands along with the moisture it contains tho result is less moisture per cub c foot of air therefore a lower relative humidity the air becomes thirsty and draws moisture from the surroundings includ ing your body when moisture evap orates from your body it fakes hftat orway and you feel cool the family ccpars end yc- frn lp frf i-qto- stjt and pa a c jjer i jt onl co fort is o i a j i ojt arcprcpec3 cc vcrc tokeepec ce a tam a ree ve i r o 35 ad a temperature c 73 occe s tt at w il pjt our i o c t re cc ort zone or s r c c rvicaern jj- a j ss con give ycj tt c c c t c crt ccl autoatia be sc 75 rcotirj controls i u ogsac sct well hep you ac- cc re pcrcr iraoor c rrate in ycr c o end vc yoj mocy do g it willi rcaern g iicti g yoj lovv yojro we i off so cj i yoir i eatirg contractor depart jjont store or gas co ipjny phone or y- rite to your local gas compan for a freo comfort is brochure ticdlt ledt a jn ih jpi jr-f- mff tig rrcr lot ic a l lt t rott ztlt 95 o 0 the pccplc lutjrl united gas limited goi makes the big icomlorlable ditletencm