counting for canada canadians will be counted next month and the district enumerators are training this week to be prepared for the task its interesting to note that the taking of the census is not an innovation of modern society it dates from the very dawn of civilization and through the ages history records the taking of the census in many ancient civilizations early records clearly show that in babylonia in 3800 bc in china in 3000 bc and in egypt in 2200 bc population and agricultural censuses were carried out by official census takers appointed to represent the rulers of these early cultures the bible tells us that about 1500 bc moses numbered the children of israel and in 1017 bc king david ordered jacob to take the census of fighting men six centuries before the birth of christ the greeks are known to have in stituted the census the romans were assiduous census takers under the king the republic and the empire one of julius caesars claims to fame comes from the factthat he reformed the census to supply know ledge for the guidance of public policy to substitute certainty for conjecture and he incidentally gave the census its name censere the breviary of charlemagne ad 808 and the domesday book of william the conquerer ad 1086 in which were listed all the lands of england are prob ably the most celebrated medieval cen sus but then for many centuries the census disappeared in europe all of these early censuses were un dertaken basically for such reasons as to count available men to form armies to form a basis of taxation by rulers to determine the political status of rulers or to a the availableabor forces for state purposes editorial page be careful be courteous for the past several years highway accidents have been canadas number three killer right up there behind cir culatory heart diseases and cancer what is the cause of this carnage on the high way some contend that high speed and modern freeways contribute to the acci dent toll and recommend that only well qualified drivers with excellent driving records be allowed on the freeways others point out that during peak traffic periods such as summer vacation time more people are involved in accidents on secondary highways than on free ways still others insist that its not speed but alcohol which is the villain on the road and recommend the use of breath and blood tests to disqualify the drunken driver but if the ideal could be reached when all cars travelled at the posted speed and all the drunks called a cab there would still be accidents for other reasons as desperate people plant bombs on jetliners so the family car at times be comes a lethal and homicidal weapon recent reports from investigators reveal slashed hydraulic brake lines and other forms of tampering with motor vehicles to promote a deadly accident people are shocked to discover that this sort of rthing is being done even by a few persons yet the unthinking and the dis courteous driver is little removed from this as is indicated by the charge which may be brought against him of criminal negligence recently a young woman who took an examination for her first drivers license was passed by her examiner who commended her on a good road test though she was aware she had made some mistakes why did she pass youre careful and courteous said the examiner thats what is required of a good driver the rest is simply practice dont sign in u hurry there will always be those who will take advantage of a trust just as there will always be those who cant resist the somethingfornothing bait its that combination that leads to a good many problems as the spring season brings out the doorfodoor promoters an 80 a week factory worker must pay 64 a month for five years for goods he was told were free a woman tricked into signing 60 promissory notes by a salesman runs up 3840 unawares it couldnt happen to you it is happening to people all over canada who are being tricked by sham salesmen these men are experts they often represent themselves as vicepresi dent or sales managers of reputable firms whose literature they are carrying they will assure you that your signature s just a formality it is not every time you sign one of their bogus documents you may be signing your savings away certainly there are reputable door- todoor salesmen the fastest way to find out is to ask time for consideration if the pressure is for an immediate signa ture there must be something that wont bear closer scrutiny a list of suggestions for you when a salesman calls urges that you first ask for identification then phone the office of the firm he says he represents or wait and write if this is impracticable if you are a woman check with your hus band tell the salesman you are check ing and ask him to call back in 24 hours if he is not genuine this may put him off but all the suggestions in the world lose their value if the something-for- nothing bait usually offered is so over powering as to cause a buyer to aban don all common sense this is the soft- spot on which the unscrupulous fraud artist will prey and as long as there are those gullible enough to accept such reasoning there will be those willing to tike advantage dont rush into d deal and dont sign papers without full consideration queens park report by george a kerr m i an announcement was made last week by the federal government that a medicare program was to start in canada on july lit 1967 there was nothing new in this latcst announcement and the tour main principles set down as requirements to the provinces in order to receive a subsidy have not really changed in the last vear or so the tour principles ire that provincial plans must 1 provide doctor services 2 provide universal compulsory co crape ot the population that is a mini mum 90 per cent rising toward 95 per cent 3 provide benefits portable to other provinces 4 be under public control that is be operated by a government or by a non profit agency subject to government audit the main conditions in effect re quire compulsion and the elimination ot all private medical insurance plans in the provinces there is some encouragement in the report out of ottawa that although the plan must be under public control that is operated bv the government it allows a nonprolit agencv subject to government audit i hope this means plans such as psi and those provided bv minv arm coops in ontano will be acceptable it so this will eliminate much ot the ontario governments objection to the federal conditions and allow our own provincial plan oa1sip to continue to operate as well however i mill feel this is a pres sure plav by the federal government in terested in embarrassing ontario we in ills province have a new plan now in operation it provides low cost subsidiz ed or tree medical insurance tor nearlv two million subscribers it all people who we expect to join do about 98 per cent ot the population in the province will be cov ered by some form of medical health in surance it is important to realise that medi care is a provincial matter the federal government is saving to the province that it ou operate a plan that is based on the four principles i have mentioned ottawa will pay half the cost however this is estimated tobe only about 40 per cent of ontarios oot and the produce will still sugar and spice by bill smiley virtually everybody these days is up- et about our educational system the public schools are not teaching the ur chins to read write and figger the high schools are riiassdve seething faotories turning out illiterates the colleges are septic tanks of sex marijuana and lsd most of this is purely poppycock of coursebut a critical society is a healthy one according to hugh dunnit that great welsh bard and beatnik of the eleventh century this makes canadians about the- healthiesit critters in the hemisphere columnists aver that high schools are run like military camps producing lock- step conformists who havent learned to think this is patent baloney they think one helluva lot more than did these same columnists when they came out of hay fork centre with not much more than a burning desire to get away from said centre a lousy basic education and a shiny blue serge suit lots of parents and some teachers are of the opposite opinion that there is far too much freedom of speech dress and action too many frills not enough good hard work and good hard punish ment these comments come from par ents who worked onequarter as hard in school as their kids do and teachers who atropmsstsome years ago the kids themselves depending on home background their own personalities and their talent or lack of it look on school as a jail or a ball some think of it rather like having a ball in a jail school boards beef about the cost of everything and the administration beefs about the shortage of everything and the teachers beef about the paper jungle and the custodians beef about salaries and the hours and the teachers and the adminis tration and the school board yon might think from all this nag ging that there are some slight imperfec tions in our high schools and you might be right but its not as bad as it sounds what i cant understand is that i havent been approached for a definition of the perfect high school its probably just an oversight and because im not a pushy type but who is better qualified ive been to high school myself i worked in the blasted factory every day and i have a daughter who comes home every day and moans do i ever hate school well here goes dont panic now the changes would be slight and inexpensive i think wed all enjoy life more students parents and teachers first of all lets cut out the muttered mumbled morning prayer i believe in prayer and practice it quite often usually when im in a jam but its almost sacrilege the way its delivered the rcs whizz through it and leave out the last part the jews and atheists are silent the teacher winds up leading three or four clogged protestants who arent always sure of the words next out goes the queen while i am a royalist and have the utmost respect for queen elizabeth i see no reason 30- odd teenagers should be submitted every morning to a pompous and bad piece of music the words of which have no more relation to their world than does the horse and buggy how would you like to go to the of fice and stand at attention while a tape recorded band blares out one of these awful tunes before you get down to serious business like waiting for the cof fee break in place of these i would suggest a warmup period were all pretty dang doggy first thing in the morning the class cutup would be master of ceremon ies witty sayings announcements brief weather report some beatles and bob dylan and the rolling stones an original poem or song from the students if a girl has gogo boots let her demonstrate a new dance probably on the teachers desk by this time everybody is friendly warmedup the real learning atmosphere has been created but unfortunately i have run out of space read next weeks column for a fulher thrilling instalment on the perfect high school harley to halton by harry- harley m p wednesday afternoon started in the house of commons like any other after noon in the morning the various parties had held caucus followed by lunch the usual business of correspondence and dic tation as the session began at 235 pm i was in my usual place in the chamber below and to the speakers right of the ladies gallery the routine mutters were completed and the question period began suddenly there was a loud explosion coming from the front of the house of commons lobby in front of the main door of the chamber for a moment there was stunned silence broken by whispers queries and exclama- ions from members and gallery specta- ors alike its a bomb cried a startled voice but there was no panic on the floor of the house or in the crowded galleries nothing further happened at the mo ment and then the speaker called for order and the question period went on i was suddenly summoned along with four other doctors present in the house of commons and led to the mens washroom just above and to the lei t of the open lobby in iront of the main door of the house of commons the door ap peared to be damaged a glance inside showed that medical attention was al ready there and already too late i returned immediately to the house ot commons to hear the leader of the op position ask the prime minister it we should adjourn the prime minister agreed and suggested we meet at 400 pm to continue the business ot the house at that time the business ot parliament re sumed question period ended and we moved on to legislation this dreadlul and t lightening occur rence again reveals the lack ot suitable sldiritv measures in our houses of parlia ment this was demonstrated in the last parliament bv the bucket of blood tin own onto the lloor of the house ot have to find about 15010000 tor such a plan the cost ot omsip on the other hand has been estimated to cost a maxi mum ot 70000000 i feel that ottawas monev would have been more eltective and less con troversial it it was used to increase its hospital bed giants up trom 2000 which is about 15 per cent ot cost and which amount has not been increased since is8 the proviikiil giant is about 5300 per bed and with the cost ot hospital con stitution steadily inciejsui we are now required to provide more money by way ot loans i further the federal government could have assisted in the cost of provid ing medical schools nursing schools clin ics etc as well as providing supplement ary help for the cost of drugs and other needed medicines and treatment on this basis the province could have provided the medical insurance that our people need without the wholesale upheaval which occuro on july lt 19t7 commons from the gallery while the house was in session yesterdays explosion took place a few yards away from the ladies gallery which was jammed with school children and only a few yards away in the other direction from the office of the prime minister i would sincerely hope that this episode will cause adequate security measures to be instituted and carried out on monday evening the government survived its closest vote by a margin of only seven votes this was a non-conli- dence motion criticizing government ec onomic policies the government was expected to win the vote and the actual vote was much closer than anyone had anticipated had the government not re ceived the support of three social credit members it would have won by only a single vote quote of the week in every village in our intant country we have the quiet graves ol those who subdued the wilderness who beautified the land by their toil and lelt not only the iruits of their labors but the thoughts and feelings that cheered them in their solitude to cheer and stimulate us amidst the interior trials and multiplied cniov- ments ot a moie advanced state ol soci ety joseph how tiery 19th centiuy nationalist the acton free press j business and editorial office phone 8532010 kounded in 1875 and published rv ci tliurmli at o9 willou st a clou on tario member of the audi ilinciu nf tlu ul tion- the c v n a and own adtrliink ritc on rrqurm stitw i ip- tiona pa ihle in adxuue 4 0o in ointdi 7 00 in all countries oilier than cnnada liicl copic- if authorized as sri mid cum mail pcvi oifup depart mn1 t- ta a advert isms n a rpted on thr londition that in the event of l pofrraph leal irror thut pot lion o thr id frtt- in if pare orouptfd h the frrfneou item tocethor with rttonablr allouame pr mtnature v ill not be charged for but the balance of the aderliicmrnt witl b rjtd for at the applicable rate in the eent of a t poarphic il error adxertimns goods or services at a wrong price goods or services may not be old advertising is merelv in offer to sell and may be vvitbdrawn at an lum fabliahed by the d11u printing and publishing co ltd david it dills munagmn editor lops i 130b back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 23 1946 the canadian electrical association meeting in guelph made recognition to mr chas w wilson superintendent of acton public utilities for saving a life in july of last year a certificate and special medal of the association were presented last year robert dixon came in contact- with a power line fell stopped breathing and appeared lifeless mr wilson im mediately applied resuscitaitidn and his quick action and the prompt response of dr kenney were the means of saving dixons life reeve kirkness and commissioner j r macarthur and messrs j larhtbert and e rognvaldson of the public utilities were in attendance council by resolution decided to ex empt from poll tax for this year all men who have served on active service with the armed forces during the last war the ys men scored a fine success with their play nothing but the truth in the town hall three nights last wek the cast was a strong one many of th mem bers having taken part in other local presentations the play was under the direction of syd lome assisted by karl klanfer and hal robinson in the cast were monty roote syd lome ray arbic fred helson grant kalbfleisch miriam ritchie lulu warner jean harris verna bean irene michel ruth masters members of the orchestra under the direction of mr chas mason were rudolph spielvogel reno braida duke hall ray agncvv john agar george elliott george smith george simpson don lamb o stapleton doris wilson george mason entertained with acts of magic r r parker ithanked all cadets of acton continuation school unloaded from troop carriers and gave a demonstration at the annual inspection maj beal oc ot the district gave praise for the smartness and drill principal stewart took part in the inspection with reeve kirkness the girls demonstrated first aid and the boys showed their skill in firing mortars and piat guns and laying a smoke screen 50 years ago taken from the issue of the lree press of thursday may 25 1916 dr w g c kenney vs son of wm r kenney j p and lorrricrly of the free press who is on active service with the royal veterinary corps of the british forces in france has been promoted from the ramk of lieutenant to captain cap tain kenney sounds good for our billy corp george corp smethurst corp swackhamer of the acton platoon have been promoted to the rank of sergeants and pie ernie barr is now lancecorpor al after 14 months ol prohibition ol vodka in russia crime suicides and absenteeism have dropped drastically the free press was glad to receive a note from mr j walclie son ot alex wal- die esq dear mr moore i thought 1 would drop- you a line or two and send you mv photograph in my war uniform i am driving an armv transport wagon in france for the british forces driver walclie enlisted at brandon man his training on the old farm home in handling horses will be a great value to him in his present responsible position in the army service vice c a zavitz of c a zavitz of the oac has warmed farmers to beware of a change of name or oac 72 oats since burlington put on rh airs of a town the taxpayers have lound it costly the hands ol all clocks in britain were puhed forward in accordance with the daylight saving act a movement has been on foot in acton to adopt this plan for the summer months ft is difficult to see how this plan can be worked satifac- torily unless it is dominionwide advertisement waste paper rags and rubbers wanted by the red cross the boy scouts will collect in june the receiving station will be the old baptist church elgin st mrs w h stewart convener or committee the businessmen of rockwood have contributed generously to a collection taken up for the building ol a shelter or pavilion for picnikers to lhe rocks 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 28 1891 the new farmers society patrons in industry is enrolling the tillers ol the soil in every direction during the past week strong societies have been organized at bannockburn lome dublin and leslies schools we learn that the officers at bannocloburn aiv president n f lindsay vicepresident alex ken nedy secretary john m warren treasur er j a moffat guide g mcdonald sen tinel p kennedy mivcra miss i c warren demeter miss a e gordon rev w k norton was ordained as pastor ol acton and georgetown baptist church the oueens 72nd birthday was quiet ly celebrated mondav many of our citi zens visited other places she bids fair to continue mi the throne ot the greatest em pire the world has ever known notwitih- standing the fact that the prince of wales is gelling on in years and is now a grand- lit her victoria has been a model consti tutional ruler and a paragon of virtues the queen s birthday is significant fot canadians and should be celebrated with gladness the congregational church church hill is presently being supplied by stu dents from toronto scores of our citizens visit guelph each week for the purchase of goodsi our local merchants dont appreciate the fact and think the gtr should discon tinue the cheap saturday trip passing knowledge it pisseth knowledge that dear love of thine i lord jesus saviour vol this soul of mine would of thy love in all its breadth and length its luiglits and depths us everlasting strength know more and more sttt jjrtss church notices presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andievv h mdkenzie ba bd minister- mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday may 29th 1966 94s am church school 1100 am divine worship sermon theme the wonder of lite man and god fvervone most welcome bethel christian reformed church acton ontano rev wiebe van dik phone 8331585 sunday may 29th 1966 10ih1 a in hiiriisii servue 2 w pm dutch servue ai pin sunday school trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m i hoinan pastor 8532715 sunday may 29ih 1966 iihm am sunday school for all ages 1 1 01 a in morning worship service 7 00 pm evangelist service fucsdav 8 pm priver and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassadors 1 ridav 7 pm crusaders sunday may 29th church school 9 jo a m grades 48 1100 am nursery to grade 3 services of worship 9 30 am service withdrawn j 100 am pentecost sunday ordinance ol confirmation saci anient of baptism nurserv provided during 11 am service st the church of alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidev ave ph 8s3 ims slnday may 29th i9f 4s am chun h sihool adult class 1100 a m morning worship the word ol god 7 00 pin hvening serviee oil and iho hi miming cup wednesday praver and bible stud 730 hursdt- choir practke 7 jo liida no b 1 1 f or eiplorir text lor the week be ye thorefor ot god as dear children eph 51 white pentecost sunday sunday may 29th 1966 900 am holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am holy eucharist monday may 30 10 am holy eucharist tuesday may 31 10 am holy eucharist wednesday june 1 ember day 10 am holy luuiarist maple avenue baptist church georgetown sundayrmaywfh 1966 945 am sunday school j 1 1 00 a m morning service 700 pm evening service wednesdav 8 pm prayer meeting acton t5irl93b gcoigotowji s776665