Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1966, p. 8

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j 20 auction sales dual purpose shorthorn opportunity sale saturday june 4th 1 pm georgetown sales arena i mile south isio 7 hwy 8 miles north 401 hwv at inter change 40 on trafalgar road at georgetown georgetown ontario all female sale 41 head sell selected from leading herds daughters of excellent sires and dams daughter o rwf and cne champions daugh ters of high producers here are a few of he sires and service sirevr cheapmile prince 2nd a sire o champions glympton wild darlington 15th ex rwf champion clydjiph mars 2nd r-w-f- champion hill- view hindu cne champion hillvicw hostage cne champ ion lord dairyman cne champion hjhvew rosaccan ex watermead climax x the breed that fills everylmeed there are good cattle in this saie for every buyer cattle o strengthen a show herd to add depth to production aver- fies and sound practical cattle that can stand up and de liver in a commercial setup for catalogues write rockwood intfrnaiiokar limited box 67 georgetown ont sales managers phone georgetown 416 8774101 20h48 clearing auction sale -j- aai weed control news 1 by v e mcarthur halton weed inspector using wfjd sprays safely in 1965 canadians spent al most j4oooo00o on herbicides which was more than the am ount used on insecticides and fungicides combined in ontario alone about one and threequar ter million acres of crop land business professional n directory medical dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8534341 by appointment dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont afternoons by appointment closed wed sat evenings phone 8531240 the property of c clifford cunnington llol 29 con 3 east chingua- cousy 2nd line 2s miles me of victoria and no 10 ihvv 10 miles nw or bolton saturday may 28 at 1 pm edt complete line of machinery including 2 tractors internal iim- al 300 utility lpto hydraulic draw bar super 6 front end loader with manurj bucket dirt bucket and snow bucket allis chalmers d14 lfro power extendable axle snap coupler hitch 1400 hours cockshutt combine 7 ft pto with pick- -upi-scour-eleanerr-powe- orhand lifts like new drill cultivator mower hay conditioner etc dairy equipment stain less steel bulk milk cooler 2 seamless surge units stainless j guelph double sink stainless pails j woods pump andpiping 26 outi lets j hp motor pail rack i massey harris electric no lsi cream separator etc truck 1961 ford 350 with du al wheels 7x9 platlorm with racks and 5ton hoist 13000 mil es this truck is like new i some lurnilure and all miscell dr t b moore dr c hutchison dr d w van der bent physicians and surgeons 9 mill street west acton ontario phone 8532180 by appointment dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st e office hours 9 am to 6 pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 chiropractic donald j armstrongrdc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street phone 8227721 architect were treatedwith some kind of weed killer these chemicals arc plant killers they are only selective for weeds when used at the cor rect rate and at the proper stage of plant growth although herbicides are considered less dangerous than most insecticid es and fungicides they still need to be handled with cau tion the person applying them needs to have sufficient know ledge of the product concerned he should read the directions carefully on the label of every can or package further valuable information is available in publication no 75 guide to chemical weed control from the ontario de partment of agriculture there are several ways in which harmful effects may oc cur from the careless use or her bicides the following are a few examples 1 damage to plants adjacent to sprayed areas this is the most common type of damage and usually has been caused from 2 4d spraying on farms roadsides and railways it can be due to drift or in other words having to spray material blownaround by the wind it also could be from vapourtur mage which is simply fumes caching susceptible crops us ually caused bv using materials of high volatility in the wrong area with some weed killers such as tordon diuron simazine etc damage may result from movement in the soil these materials remain in the soil for a long time and mav move down to root areas of shade trees and other desirable plants 2 damage to treated plants or erops this may result from use of the wrong chemical using improper amounts or applica tion at the wrong time 3 harmful effects on children or animals this is one hurm- lul eftect that everyone should be verv cautious about the chief cause is mistaking herbi cides for something else even though most weed chemicals are not toxic when used as re commended if taken internally or spilled on the skin they can be dangerous jvlaterials should always be kept in their original contain ers when the can is empty it should be crushed or punctured and then buried the aftnn frf jrcs thursday may r 196a start photo president mac sprowl of the acton rotary club was no stranger to horses at style acres ranch horse show during the weekend mr sprowl was raised on a farm and although in his capacity of deputysheriff of halton county he doesnt ride a horse he is well acquainted with the animals he holds the head of dolphin ridden by peter godson of caledon the local rotary club members were cosponsors of the show mrs john henry is hostess for nassagaweya institute the nassagaweya womens institute met at the home ol mrs john henry on wednesday may 18 at 8 pm with a good at tendance in the absence of the president the meeting was con ducted by mrs david de blauw vicepresident and was opened with the ode and marv stewart collect the roll call was answered bv an exchange of plants and slips an invitation was read ironi the mountain union wi to attend their next meeting which will be held at mrs velma norris on june 15 at 2 pm a thank you note was read from mrs jet lares for the con tribution to the sunshine school for retarded the proceeds ol a euchre held in brookvillc hall the letter also stated that there would he a bazaar and tea at the sunshine school on june 10 from 2 pm trll 5 pm to which all were invited other business was dispensed with and the meeting turned over to the pi- giam committee mrs malcolm moffat read a verv amusing article eveiy wo man is a thingkeeper a con test lollowed which piovecl verv inteiesiing and ihoughl-piovok- ng and the prize was won bv mrs pvatt with an almost per fect score the meeting was closed with the singing of the oueen and grie and imuh vvlis seived bv the hostess and help ers jail commiftee seek equal representation laneous articles too numerous j to mention terms cash with clerks on day of sale auctioneers walter and donald rein hart owner or auctioneers not res- ponsible lor any accidents on premises 20m8i donald e skinner barch mrjuc 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 optometrists ol ot 7ih 5th holstein dispersal herd ol e curry rr 3 georgetown selling friday june 3rd 1966 at 130 pm at the farm 2 miles vie- georgetown 2 miles west north halton goll club on sideroad at the corner el line ot esqucmng twp i 20 registered 10 grade cows this is a good herd ol sharp dairy cows with good udikis i the cows aie young and have been on dhi a test manv have gold seal records and are ol un it bloodlines a teature is a 4 vcar old daughter ol thoi nlcu teal supreme irom a roeliiid dam due at ale time this oflering aie all cows with the exception at a lew bab cilv es heileis and oung stock have been sold previousk milking eolipmfnt woods 33can bulk cooler siiec milker 4 units and pump stain less steel wash tank stainless steel strainers and pails hay 500 bales good mived ha owner not responsible in case i of accident on sale dav no reserve as farm is sold a mike brubacher 20b49 auctioneer e l buchner od r optometrist 14 king st s waterloo open daily except wednesdays j for appointment phone waterloo 7428867 or 7422339 1 acton office is closed arthur a johnson od milton res 8789678 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings friday mornings 184 main st phone 8789972 masters degree for dr p v hemsley dr ronald v hemslev receiv ed his master ot science degree friday morning may 21 at memorial hall guelph he is the son of mr and mrs thomas hemsley rr 3 acton is mar ried with three children and liv es now in guelnh dr hemsley graduated from acton high school in 1949 when the liveyear course was initiat ed here he received the degree ol doctor of veterinary medi cine in 1954 he worked for the lederal department of agricul ture in toronto and london irom 19s4 to 1964 he is pres ent lv on the staff of the univer sity of guelph in the depart ment ol avian pathology and wihl lite diseases his doctoral thesis was writ ten on escherichia coli in poul try in academic disciplines of bacteriology and immunologrv his wife and parents attended convocation i intend to fight for equal representation as long as im able georgetown deputy reeve jim young warned halton county council tuesday when discussions turned to the discus sions with peel countv on con struction of a regional detention centre under present legislation the countv with the greatest popula tion is entitled to three repre sentatives on the five man board this would leave halton with two this should be one of our prime consideration deputy reeve young declared confusion developed on the agreement peel countv had ad opted and suggestions the hal ton jail committee had adopted chairman reeve g gallagher emphasized the halton commit tee was trving to develop some thing satisfactory he noted peel had called a meeting ol the joint committee and despite the tact onl three ol eight were piesenl thev proceeded to pass a resolution warden h hinton sought to explain the joint jail committee ol halton and peel had agreed on the services ol one solicitor and the agreement resulting was suhmiitled to both coun ties peel had adopted it with alterations and halton had not subsequently it was noted toronto township had engaged a solicitor as a consultant representation is the main point isnt i reeve william coulter asked warden hinton suggested the minister of retorm institutions had lelt no doubt in the minds ol members the present arrange- vnent lor representation would not be changed we were as sured halton should have no fear ol its position being jeop ardized bv this lepiesentation the warden concluded funeral director phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker minr auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 30 chapel street e georgetowr telephone 8772s64 summer wedding inform your friendls through the news columns of the free press wed ding photos and stories arc pub lished without charge the 50th anniversary dinner of the duke of devonshire chap ter of the iode is being plan ned for june 7 appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8530720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton the mutual life as awn comin or in ua roberts hart agent 341 orville rd acton bus 41645k3460 res 5198531527 spring cleanup special glidden paint indoor and outdoor 2 gallon fetuiix 9 2 gallon k 10 2 gallon 1299 also available by the quart shop early limited supply lakeview discount centre 126 main st n acton 8531190 personnel bylaw passes county staff given raise detailed changes in the hiring and lirint pioceduie ol i he countv ol ihdttiu weie enacted in a personnel blaw appioved hv the countv council tuesdav the same flylaw also incorpoi- ated change in the countvs sal ary schedule that results in a minimum five per cent increase for all salaried countv emp loyees under the new procedure all personnel lecords are to he mainlamedjn the clerkadmin istrat ouiie aslandard a pl ica 1 ion lor emploment loi in is to be developed and adver tising of positions available is to be done hv the clerkadmin istrators office interviews for the positions are to be conduc ted bv the depaitment head concerned during the discussion ii was noted the countv prcsentlv em ploys about 250 and the open ing ol martin house the new home lor the aged could in crease the number to 00 obituary warden ii minion suggested the toiiiiiiitlcc imeligalc the hiiing il a pcisniirul diicilor hi implement the in law he suiziested i he committee should ii lei mine il h is leasihle to in clude such a position within the tountv sliucture peisonnel pol ities aie piesenth developed bv the committee with the guid- inie ol a personnel consultant georgetown depnh reeve j younii piesscd loi t detailed tudv ol the hv law in the cimii- l miiji 1 1 1 mjjcluic- ii s ifliipiiim actcmijiiipntvielver r puk- er nmed the hv lnv no he tie- laved iheie is senile del mite uniest he suggested in seveial countv depailiuenls ind fiuther del iv mieht sugyeit the lounlv was not opeialiiu in good i nth menibeis agreed in adopt the bv law and submit it to the sol- uiloi loi his stmh ind sugges iioi1s so iikicims 111 sllllks would not hi delued thev wee made elhctive miv 1 object to meeting of two chairmen a 4540 account for the at tendance ol two chairmen of committees at a meeting follow ing a ail break wis the subject ol an uhjistioii at the monlhlv meeting o the 1 1 tit oil county otuu il reeve w hunter of george town suggested sliielv it didnt take the ivvo committee chair men to determine i man sawed through a bar he argued onlv the chaiiman ol the proper v committee should have been summoned reeve w coulter chairman of the peisonnel committee defend- ed ins at tendance noti it was not onlv the piopeilv committee that was ultimately involved its loolish lo atlopt the atti tude that one committee chair- man cant talk lo another wih- oul wiiting it in the lel of a meeting report reeve gallag her dcilaied i be pivment of the s45 40 ac count was not lurthei opposed muriel thompson miss muriel thompson a re sident ol halton centennial ma nor since mav ol 1953 died at the manoi on tuesdav moinuij mav 17 fiincial seivice was held horn the ii t mcclure funeral home cletir getow n on thins dav allernocm with mtcimn in greenwood cenielerv george town miss thompson was a daugh ter ol the kite mr and mis john a thompson ol geoige- lown and a sister ol the late mrs ro arnold of acton she laughl high school in this aiei including minv wars at hi imp ton high befoie her retiieiiunt she was lamiliit lo manv ac ton aiei lesidents thiough hei lengthy iiewslcttci s lioni ion manoi which weie publish ed in the ac ion fiee press ovei the past i yeais she attend eci most ol the entertainments and tlliiicli services provided lor manoiiles hv groups im chinches tin ouuliimil lldloii and laithlullv recoicled them in hei icgular newslel tei s an e cillent niihlu ipeikci she was olten tailed iipcm lo cpiess the ic deiits thinks visiting yioups miss thompson began mail- iiii hei hiudw iilleii iiikics lo i in- i ice 1iess lull in lecenl eils otliel new spipel s isked loi topics and she linl the mi nor su noliiphci s tvpe out hlei il c opic s lo be in ulcd lo the ioiiiik iiu she devoted unit ii id her lime lo helping olheis at the 1inoi and o fen handled tin icspuii- deni e loi those unile to wiilc then ow n lel lei s pollock and campbell miihilicliircrs of high grade memorials memorial engravimg 62 water st north gait telephone 6217580 spring cleaning heih rile hie 11 is been lulling the glass and ilcimnu i he wul mg pool at the piik ibis week have you found the answer to ensuring your children a college education call the mutual life of canada representative robert s hart 341 orville road ac ton phonk 8531527 is ollr business a complete garden and lawn seivice let us advise you on the best way to get the most out of your home grounds we have ail supplies at economical prices too call us for helpful advices no obligation of course 8782097 or 8782741 milton ont rainbow landscaping milton hot water for any size job specify an economical job rated gas water heater for your home industrial or commercial application rent or buy free surveyfree service united gas company

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