mrs bauer has been a pal- jcnl in guedph general hospital friends of mrs james moore queen st e tegret that she is a patient in guelph general hos pital mr james morrison who un derwent surgery recently m the guelph general hospital hopes to be home shortly mr bob waston and mr sims mephcdran are on a motor trip to the east coast they will visit relatives there and in montreal mr and mrs iphndall of ful- lerton visited with mr and mrs robert mcenery on tues day w mr freeman wilson who liv es south of rockwood ow high way 7 suffered a heart seizure recently and is convalescing in a guelph hospital acton friends of mr william ballcntinc of guelph will be pleased to hear that he is im proving following surgery in guelph general hospital about 30 public school teach ers arc expected to tourney to pine lodge at port sidney this weekend for the eighth annual summer weekend outing m z bennett public school staff members arc planning to hold a closing party next mon day at the home of mr and mrs bill wilson mr and mrs fred smith of glen grove california art vi siting with his aunt mis albert iross of rr 3 acton for two weeks x the united church choir held a picnic in the park thursday of last week a blue mountain vase was presented to mrs j blundell who is moving soon to georgia friends are sorry to kain mrs edith frank was rushed to georgetown hospital follow ing a fall at home she has a chipped bone and is still in hos pital start 400000 motel and holiday complex near mohawk raceway mr and mrs edgar lidkea had as their guests recently mrs lidkeas cousin mrs earl spares and htr daughter shir ley of shuberacadie ns also visiting with them were mrs lidkeas brother and his wife mr and mrs eric michaud of waterloo mr and mrs lucien michaud of brampton and their sister mrs alfred knoerck of brampton mr and mrs gib jordan 224 mason blvd acton attended a social evening and presentation saturday at wrlton ivhtn par ents of the monday morning pre school clinic students of ontario school for the deaf presented clinic supervisor miss j fox with a figunnc their son jim attends the clinic the social ev ening was hosted by mr and mrs g ib clements r r 2 milton mrs j bluridell who leaves this weekend to join her hus band who has been working in georgia was thi guest oi honor monday evening at a farewell party and shower mrs eric lynch and mis tom lynch yyeic hostesses and she was showered with gifts lor her new home daughter pat blundell left for england last week by plane but mrs blundell and son graham expect to be in their home in manetta georgia next week visiting here for two months is miss maryan richards ol pl mouth devonshire england who is a cousin of mrs john rol ol caroline nurseries and niece of mr mchael richards of acton miss richards arrived by plane wednesday of last week lor her first visit to this country she joined the acton womens institute on their an nual bus trip monday and had a wondei ful time she will be taking short trips and visiting an uncle in the states while hcie making htr headquarters at the rols jehovahs witnesses attending current distnfct assembly in to ronto are mr and mrs j e mcmullcn and family of acton mr and mrs l schneider and family and mr and mrs w pd terson and family of rock- wood highlights of the gather ing will include the mass bap tism of new ministers friday morning june 24 and also the public bible lecture what has god s kingdom been doing since 191 4 henry c loewen presid ing minister ot the local group said that all meetings at the kingdom hall mainst n are suspended during the convent ion week construction mill start within two weeks on a 400000 motel holiday complex on a nassaga weya site on highway 401 and the campbellville road adjac ent to mohawk racewaj it was announced this week comple tion is scheduled tor late this year mohawk motor inn besides an initial 25 motel units will include a dining room coffee shop cocktail lounge banquet or meeting room and sunoco service station the exterior o the motel will be colonial style with stone and wood construction all the buildings including the service station will preserve the archi tectural colonial style the complex is located on a 70 acre parcel of land allowing lor expansion principals of the project point out the concept of the development is of a high class motel m a conservation setting establishing an ideal location for the development of a holiday centre a heated swim ming pool is scheduled for in stallation next spring besides the inside dining fac ilities it isjntended to develops outside dining and barbecuing areas to complement the holi day atmosphere heating j conditioning and services will be all electric lim- mr and mis l o johnston attended the wedding of their niece miss colleen wiggins daughter of mr and mrs c b wiggins to mr douglas hunter in toronto on friday evening ladies of the christian re formed church took a bus li lp to niagara falls on tuesday tjr gordon algie and family of sault stc mane weie recent guests of the formers mothei mrs robert algie here attending chai tcr night of miltons new st john ambul ance brigade wednesday evening were mi and mrs gcoige hai grave and robert hait ol ac ton all actively associated vith the brigade here bill wilson had a most un ique fathers dav gilt his oungest daughtci sallv oooked a telephone call to scotland and he had a talk with his onh sis ter there shortly after his new soninlaw and daughter susan called from los angeles miss margaret zimmerman ot neepawa manitoba has been visiting with relatives in acton and vicinitv mrs duncan wal die und m henry sayers at c her aunts her lather who ic sides with her in neepawa was i lormei resident ol acton jnd issagaweya mi and mis r h elliott and mr and mrs wm t bu chanan of comber left on mon da foi a tour ol the west coast thev nre travelling west b tinm and returning bv cu mis j dennis is in chaige at the stationers stoix while mi elliott is twav mr and mis john chapman duul and michael ol roik wuod mi and mrs lal me cutcheon heather carol hos- aid and baibara ot eun mi and mrs ernest west petir paul and michael of watei loo msited on sunda with mi und mrs fycd west when count couivil en tit stained coimtillurs lrum all hal ton municipalities in milton on wednesday evening ot last week those- present tiom ton were muoi les dubi ieee and county warden but h in ton deputnec boo pu- ker mrs gtorge frsei bob ortnkwaltci di hank ojki and chaiks jlc t the land with clerk administrator jack 1e geachie eton customs ottiecr vinee imontgoimrs was a mo up the mum customs ottieers slu attended a speoal nieetmp ot the customs and excise oft le ers association zone 5 it guelph saturday to discuss nd oppose the pewlv adopted pro gram b the federal govern ment regarding retlassiticat ion during the meeting the zone president was authorised to attend a national meeting in toronto to discuss the prob lem hutucr at a lamilv gathering in wes ton last sunday former acton icsidents mi and mis roy j brown celebtated their 40th wedding anrmeisary their bro thers and sisters present who went to school here were host ess mis bill sinclair mary lou stewart miss elsie stew art bill bob and george stew ai t with their families miss bcithu biown and mi em brown fnends children and giandchildren increased the la mily gioup at the happy occas ion four acton couples made up a squaie at a special squaie dance weekend at hospilahtv inn in halibui ton last vseekend attending liom acton were mi and mis mansell nellis and mr and mis e whilicd who sta ed at the lodge and mi and mis s reed and mi and mis geoige hargiavc who camped neaibv social cllieetois at the lodge lie ml ind mis jack caipeiiter ol acton the sum mei lesoil was not et tilled to its capacity ol 250 but the squaie daneeis thoioughh en otd themsohes fne public school teaellels who aie leasing the stall at the robcit little school at the end ot this teim weie leted mon day night at a gathci mg at the home ol mi and mis lome idobeitluen west ot town ab out 30 including stall membeis and husbands or sies and the secretary and hci husband en lined a buflcl dinner lollovvcd by presentations to the liu tea eheis gifts yvcie grntn to miss mary golem mrs june dobei thcin mis dorcen bvcrman ross fairellv anil john leu is at the conclusion ol the pieseii tations the gioup enjoyed chat ting on the pitioat the dobei thien home h alton county council hosted members of the county s local municipal councils to a buf fet dinner and social outing at the county building wednesday evening of last week warden h h hinton of acton right is shown sla photo greeting some of the councillors who attended from left are councillors percy barr of milton robert drmkwalter of acton mrs ann mcarl thur of nassagaweya william green of bur lington and geoff drew brook of oakville f j a big veai loi measles and ilkjsqilltoes the eonesponclent s lepoit ol the rockyvood eainiyal yvas not complete this yseek so it will appeal net thui sda the aiehiteets sketches ol the new centennial libiarv aie on display in both thy station ei stoic window and acton home furnishings yvindoss hae a look there ii he no tennis this seal aecoidmg to discussion at the iceieation committee meet anothci telllindei the tlee pless would like to hue any lid pictules ot local people ol scenes ou mielll be eonsulei uiji tliroywiiti out dining ceil unnial ycai speeiilly intcicst uv ind old ones ysill be publish id in the pipci too lis e p ec ec census taking will he 1 llllshed in this distl let ills vce k jemc is d ill month nest july 1 hulida is fi idav flieie yseie in illy tayoiable commuits on the aiclutect s concept ol actons centennial 1 1 hi a i y in the tice pi ess last week the oilgmal yvas eoloied and ecii mole attiaelise the utist lelt out the sticuni and hillside yshich make the loea lion even 1oyiih glide eight students hum both schools ysill cno then c uluation banquet it the ro belt little school nei tuesday spcvsiile raduatioit bmquet is i tils fit jay liniehousi thins il n today and biookillc last lunmc weililesil iy picss pillules will be liken at them ill flii hi ulgc column e n chides i ins yeck lii ihe sum uk i ii sou especially in lov the column ucd like to heii about it hi i ihil ill those niosqui iocs cviiiie horn they ic as hi as iniiiials loo rtnvvivs uc hem leellcd i tile new 111 eotiisc iloith yscst ol town acton is ihcul ol evil vtherc with its first centennial shoys net tuesday ul the high school our june ealciidai ol en eagenienls at the r ce piess is lammed ysilh speciil events as many as lour in an evening that must be attended lor news stones and pictures tylers buses have been chattel ed loi mam tups this month date ol the united chuieh eongicgational picnic is set loi sunday alteinuon june 26 at the shields i a rm halton mp di hairy hai ley is among government icpre scntativcs attending a safe car conference this week distnet paiks aie yvell pat lomed on the wcikcllds fred a hoffman optometrist s8 st geoigcs sq guelph out telephone 8242071 petty officer donald lamb of acton instructs able seaman steven lacelle sturgeon falls in the operation of engine room equipment on board the helicopter destroyer skeena the skeena is one of three shios of the third canadian es coil bquiidion now parlieipat- canadian forces photo mg in the nato escort squad ron matchmaker ii the squad ron will visit ports in holland norway germany denmark sweden finland belgium and britun while participating in a series of naval and air exer cics centred in the north at lantic special catholic and protestant foster homes are urgently needed to care for older children tins is a challenging opportunity for those who will take the responsibility of caring for and providing a regular family life for children up to age is for further information contact mrs p lythgoe co the childrens aid society of the county of halton telephone 8531480 ited outsideareas may also be heated electrically the motel wdl be developed or a single level although in itial plans had called for a two- storey plan of construction adequate- land for expansion however precluded the need 1o go to q two storey plan the initial 25 units planned lor the motel will determine the need to expand that part of the complex if use indicates ex pansion yvould be warranted an additional 25 units will be add ed after a tnaj period the coffee shop dining room and cocktail lounge will each seat about 75 a banquet or meeting room will accommo date an estimated 50 we hope to develop a hohdav centre away from it all and yet close to home we want to pre serve the rural setting the de velopers told this newspaper staff estimated at 40 to 45 w ill be hired from this area the site is about half an hour from either toronto or hamil ton and is within 2i miles of three major conservation areas the developers noted the acton free press thursday june 23 96o variety of charges charges laid by acton o pp detachment recently led to a total of 210 in fines with 30 in costs when offenders appeared in court at milton monday eleven of the offenders yvcrc charged with minor traffic vio lations an acton residenfwas fined 520 plus 30 court costs when he was convicted of com mbn assault two other local residents charged with consum ing while a minor and having liquor in other than their resi dence paid a total of 140 in fines plus 10 cost another acton youth appear in on three charges received a remand while two other youths charged with drinking under age were remanded pending a pre sentence report apartments driver training classes conclude six driver training students at acton district high school took driver tests monday at the department of transport in guelph with four of six suc cessful those yvho passed their tests were fay adams jill bag- by susan radford and eleanor karn driver courses have ended foi the year and the training car will be returned to toth motors at the close of school june 29 there were 24 students regis tered 19 completed the course and to date 13 haye received their license and certificates instructor clarence rogmald- ion says that courses yvill be open again next september and january j attendance was small but in terest great at a meeting last week called by acton develop ment committee to discuss low rent housing for senior citizens in acton see editorial last week georgetown en gaged a full time engineer for merly like acton the town used the services of a consulting firm and paid for the yvork on a perproject basis ontario y summer food specials specially selected value checkd branded round steaks or roasts and minced round steak all one price 79 lb boneless rolled rump roasts 83 lb ideal for stews or meat pies boneless cube style stewing beef 69 c lb fresh sliced i mild seasoned beef liver 59c lb bologna 39c lb special 50 pound cotton bag granulated sugar 399 sunshine fresh produce large size delicious watermelons 99c tasty no 1 new 10lb bag potatoes 65c garden fresh green onions 2 bun 15c best buyl save 6c kam 1 2oz tin large size lunch meat 53c canteloupe 29c best buy save 10c hostess 1 2oz bag potato chips bag 59 best buy save 19c rose colored 1 lb pkg margarine 3 79c best buy save 6c orange pekoe 60 to pkg red rose tea bags 79c save 8c 14oz pkg kraft dinner save 9c fancy or choice 20oz c culverhouse jfyy 35c peas 4s77 save 9c refreshing frozen 6oz tins sunkist lemonade 44 9 save 23c libbys 15oz save 14c mr lukes 24oz deepbrowned strawberry beans 5 1 jam 39