Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1966, p. 9

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building the nation friday canada is 99 years old frantic preparations are moving ahead for the centennial celebration next year and already the crepe hangers are predicting econornlc troubles whan these are completed there is a feeling among some that the radical separatists in quebec have been corked only until the birthday has been celebrated economic pressures between govern ments between labor and management and between farmer and consumer have never been more pronounced political bickering on the centre stage of parliament has during the past year dropped surely to its lowest depth i can our problems be excused on tho basis of our relatively young age are we to plead immaturity while such a rationalization may be tho simple way out it is hardly one on which to place the foundation for our second century it is time we accepted the idea we have come of responsible age and pre pare to play a more aggressively inde pendent role nationally and internation ally it is time our voice was heard and rospected in the councils of nations not as an echo of our powerful southern neighbor but as a reflection of our col lective national thinking this does not require us to bo un- nelghborly although we may be occa sionally disagreeable it does require us as individuals to make our views more frequently known to our legisla tors we can learn so much from history look back to the earl newspapers of 1867 the pcoplo in that generation had the toll oi speed planning to drive on your vacation a motor trip is a pleasant experience provided you use common sense adhere to the rules of the road and take it easyl too many people spoil their vaca tions by failing to relex especially be hind tho wheel of a car they dont seem to realize that hurry hastens fa tigue and precipitates blunders on your trip allow plenty of time for each days ourney leave the speed records to the foolhardy and let the bullies go their mad ways according to experts chronic hurry ing not only frays the nerves but cuts tire life reduces gas mileage and re sults in more frequent engine repairs in one field test a driver set out on a 295 mile ourney trying to keep to tho hurners speed of 65 mph despite his frantic efforts the car averaged only 46 opinions and oxpressod them they par ticipated in the founding of our country they did not find political activity un touchable they revelled in it and they were able to defend their party s policies on trie slightest invitation or provocation our emergence as a nation will cer tainly require strong leadership but most important it will require the acrlve in terest and participation of individual citizens the lullaby of general afflu ence is a strong sedative to national concern it may be one of our greatest weaknesses our soft spot if we are to grow and develop it will be necessary to shako off a lethargy we see as far too prevalent it is a leth- argy that has pushed us from the pin nacles of ambition as a nation to tho depths of selfishnoss as individuals our unity in organizations is too often for strength alohe perpetuated- on the basis of personal gain we have lost sight of any national interest being so busy with our own selfish interests we have fenc ed our concepts of concern in too small an area sacrifice is not a now word it has been a key word in our development but in recent years it has declined in popularity the challenge has been low ered and we have willingly discarded it for less demanding roles our nation fraught with seam splitting tendencies reflects the change besides preparation for canadas centennial let us begin the building for after the party too as individuals with a national and international concern so much larger than our own backyard- thinking and without conscious effort our nation will reflect that broadened role mph it passed 126 other cars on tho road and made the trip in six hours and 25 minutes another driver took an identical car over tho same route holding his speed to 50 mph the car averaged a respect able 43 mph it passed only 62 cars and made the trip in six hours and 50 minutes the 25 minutes that the first driver saved cost ii per cent more gasoline 50 per cent more oil consumption and caused extra tire and engine wear on the hurried trip the driver arriv ed tense and fatigued exhibiting the characteristic symptoms of those drivers whose foot is heavy on the accelerator on the leisurely trip the driver sac rificed ust 25 minutes out of almost a full days driving to arrive relaxed and in good humor pages of the past were turned back tuesday night during a well received fashion show at the high school when canada s history was reviewed throuqh costumes three of the members of the iodic fair board left to right are mr stan marthfcws dressed is the stately suff ptioro maiden auntie mrs william mcdonald as annie koerlverg mother of marie dressier and mrs william thompson dressed as mrs adelaide hoodless the founder of womens institutes sandra van fleet ii with them i a victorian hifd sugar and spice by bill smiley muy you neyer have a child who as going to college and if you have one please accept my heurtlvlt condolences ours is a mule t dont know what college gills arc like any more he said sadlv but i suspect thevie jusl as much ol a cross to beat lor their parents i had to get out ol bed this morning at 6 a in to get rid ol ours but it was woith it alter hed climbed on the bus in a fluny ol lastminute kisses and ad monitions i must conlcss to ii distinct jilting ol tho spiilts it wasnt thai we dont love oui son we have the deepest allcclion lor him and show it in the- usual stupid ways thai is we woirv about his wcllaic wc putt with pnde when he docs something well we spend hours trying to figuic out what is best dor him and we put up with murder lnm him typical normal patents and it ihiii that hes a delinquent allhough theie ait times when ive been templed to look up the evatt definition ol that wuid no lies i cull v quite a decent avciage tolloge student hes geneious idealistic and penlettiv goodnatured if you dont tioss him he is leasonably polite to everyone but liis family he is thoughtful with old people anil cluldicn until thev bote him he cm work steadily for 12 liouis at something he jikes doing like sleeping he would give vou ihe shirt ofl ins back and is completely selfentred lie caif dance all night but collapses when llie i iwn is halt mowed youd wonder why wed have this sense ol leliel when he leaves theres lots ol lun when lies aiound ihe house lie plavs guitar and sings plays piano well plays mouth oigan is full of beans when lies around the house ay theres the rub ho has ust spent three weeks at home this includes a couple ol days visiting his grandparents it week olt hitch inking to monti cat and back three day with a friend at the lat leis cottage and a day with anotliei friend in the city hut it s nice to have hint home and hes betn a great help to me he mowed one thud ol the lawn one day harley to halton i by harry harley mp the past wetk li is been a productive one in the pailiamuit of canada we have passed various estimates of govern ment spending tor 196667 tor the de- paitments ol viltians affairs and natui al resources woi k is at various stages ol progiess on tin diuv commission the ciop insuiance act the canada assis tance plan and the health resources riiiicl committee work in parliament is vciy heavy al t he present time with al most ceiv committee also working on spindmg estimates this is a detailed sluck that is carried out and is designed to save time ol the house of commons to date this appeals to be quite success ful in atcomplishmg this the committee on drug costs has a very heavy schedule and has enough witnesses now to last until at least early december ol this year i hpe that we will have a useful repoi t to make to the house ol commons by the end ol this session theie has been discussions of the ithils of politicians or lack of ethics i ins week evidence ol this was picxluced in one ol the committees the member loi the yukon mi erik nielsen was quest lonmg the minister of northern af- laus and natuial resources and evidence was pioduccd by the minister concerning a confidential report prepared by officials ol his department on the north he also produced a paper presented by the mem bor for lhc yukon to the government of ihe yukon which was apparently ideiili cal to the confidential one with the change of one word throughout the whole report the member for the yukon at jirst denied tins but lattr is reported to have admitted to the press that he did acquire a copy ot this confidential report and use it for his own purposes without identifying the source he justified his action bv saying it was too bad the mm ister could not keep his reports confiden tial the amount of legislation passing the house of commons is excellent apart irom rare mild flareups the procedures in parliament are straightforward and without incident in addition to this the new committee system is working well this system allows very detailed question ing into government spending that is never possible when in the house of com mons itself there is no question in my mind that to date dus is a good and eflec live system queens park report by george k e r r in i a fc4 the ontario housing corporation is a voung and vigorous new arm of your ontario government established jess than two years ago under the chainman- slup of hamilton businessman kenneth isoble the corporation has made out standing progress the corporations housing program in response to requests from ontario municipalities now exceeds 11000 units during the 12month period between april 1 1965 and march 31 1966 1752 houses were built or bought and tiave been ol loeaticl to tenants contracts have been awuded for another 1634 houses all of winch are now unde- construction in addition 1 330 units hae been inspected and appraised with completion of pur- iham negotiations urnlerwav for 1966 renders or proposals hae been called and will provide another 3 109 units among the communities taking ad vantage of this program in halton are burlington oakville and georgetown and ol course a number of these units bave been constructed in the hamilton area the list contains the names of 51 cities towns and townships throughout ontario the purchase of existing multiple and singlefamily units has been of great as- msutjice in jncctirg the most urgent jjetds hale planning and cototnictna of flew units is underwa at this point i would like to refer to housing corporations program which will be partly implemented this year we have recently been advised of the federal governments willingness to par ibcipate in financing through central mortgage and housing a major student housing program this will supplement but not supercede programs which sev eral universities are undertaking on their own to begin with this new scheme will be available to provinciallv assisted universities only however negotiations have begun ftith the federal government in an effort to evtend the program to include other educational institutions such as teaching hospitals and colleges of applied 4rts and technology- the second area of new activitv in volves a oint effort to establish a com munirv development program for ontario citizens of indian descent for some months now a special committee of senior federal and provincial officials has been examining this proposal of which hous ing is one part it is clearly recognized that provision of housing alone will not solve the problems facing many indian families but housing is important in this situation and mujt be provided a quxkiy as possible dug four feet of a 60foot border another and washed the car another at the coin- wash im not trying to imply the boy is bonelavy its just that hes too busy when he is home he usually gels to bed an hour sometimes two belore i get up at 630 when i get home for lunch about 1 30 he is just coming to by 2 30 its too hot to mow the glass but ts just light loi the beach honesty compellit me to admit that he did set a new record this time he got in at 3 30 one morning and was jusl shin gling downstairs lor breakfast it i 30 pm when his accomplices of the night befoie unrived to pick him up lor a dale theyd made for 7 pin even they were a bit stall led oh well youth and all that ja i guess anyway hes off to his summer job woi king on a ciuise boat on ihe west coast got a lice lailpass from the company he stuiled figunng out his expenses loi the tup out a hoi 111 for thiee nights meals in the diner for three days perhaps a couple of nights in a vancouver hotel in case his boat wasnt in plus meals for those two days mv jaw dropped gradual ly but steadily during this lecital he was pretty badly shaken up when i told him he would be renting a pillow for 25 cents and sleeping in his seat would be eating ham sandwiches wheic cvui lhc train slopped long enough and would stay al the ymca when he got there wc coinpi onnsed on 50 my wife and i were talking it over it seems odd she said that were forking out 50 so he can get a ob so that he tan save money so that it wont cost us so much next year i agreed anyway our vacation plans lor tin summer arc made a week ago the old girl staled flatly that the only trip wc could afford this summer was u week camping an a government camp with a boi rowed tent ten minutes aflei hed icll she in formed me that we were mtkang a tup to the west coast and taking a clause on hugh s boat 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thuriuy june 27 1946 on june 20 tlhe duke of devonshire chapter or the iode observed the 30th anniversary of their organization by an anniversary dinner in the united church s s rooms this most sumptuous dinner was prcpaied and served by the ladies of the tnendlv circle and 55 were in at tendance the regent mrs matthews called on mrs r m wacdonald to give i shoit review of ihe 30 years mrs dills lead the- piess report of ihe organizational meeting the six charter membflrs at the head table were mrs w gould mrs j svmon mrs hassard miss bennett mis r m macdonald and mis g a dills an excellent music iccital was pies- ented in knox church sunday school room by the piano pupils ol mis william govulv mis charles klrknes acted us chaiiladv taklnc pait were sheila fos- burv ibtitlv fosbniry sheila mcnabb denise coles joan coles elaine hufnagcl donna andeison joan matthews irene evans helen somerville joan somcrville jane flllotl shirley elliott lorraine mill lin maive bicen ricida harris eleanor beattv ailee me isaac betty masters ciawloid douglas and giorge elliott acton homes welcomed hack live more boys horn overseas pte a a hams tpr m l joidan rln a t mills sgt a w burgess and piper gerard karlev thev were passengers on the he de france actons newest industry went into production this week micro plastics is now tinning out oidtis foi extruded plas tics in a variety ol colois messrs j ii re id i ii siult and a long formed the company lhc opening dante al ihe park in dicalcd this will be a popular activity this season 50 years ago taken from the lusuc of the i rcc press of thursday june 29 1916 a special meeting of council was held to consitlei ihe petitions of citizens op posed to daylight saving time adopted lllh june petitions were presented as follows bcaidmore employees 149 w ii slorcv and son 40 business and ciliens 260 the citicns petition bore the iimu of 12 women who felt their work as hugely increased because of the conlliel ing tune 1 1 ivvas moved bv alex bell scconded by d a henderson that the tune be changed to conform with standard time the spirit of the resolution was acted upon by reeve hynds and on saturday evening al six the clock in the government building was turned back one hour we are therefore living again in the even tenor of our way and using the basis of time which guided the activities ol our fathers and giandfathers mi murray crawlord has pinch ised the hotel at campbellville and intends making it a modern hostelry flic enhance examination to which the young candidates went up with teat and trembling were completed last week all ihe papers were reported to have been very fan a lint modem verandah is being elected at the knox manse 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of tliurjduy july 2 1891 the strawberry festival on the spao tons grounds in cornice lion wjlh st ai- bans parsonage last triday evening was a pronounced success the attendance was good the grounds brilliantly illumin ated with chinese ian lea ns the band discoursed well tuned music tot tho pronienaclits and tin moie quiet listen- eis and the bevv ol voung ladies who piesided over the lefieshment tables were evci on the alerl lo scive their guests mi ii ramshaw pliolo aitlsl has pisl put in a new background of floiul design and a new loieground the iiinior latiossc club irom george town played here and wcie tlelcatecl a grant stand has been elected in the p ii k to ie place ihe one desiioyed by a inn i italic- last july ihe 101 held us legulai meeting and elected to lhc cxicullvc neil mcgill las plant jas sliaip mnluiel cobban c c speight john i wiiglit ii blown ihos i bhagt john mcgill maik stilton i hos mooie and w ii loivty june has always been a lavonte month for the consummation ol matri monial alliances and a lrn ol out young ladies this week followed the couise of thousands ol then pi edecessors tho lluee aie among ihe bushiest and most generally esteemed of actons young la dies have all been energetic workeis in llu church the disuplis and were ill mauled on luesday by the- rev camp bill who has been conducting evangelistic sei vices the past week miss aggie ram sav man led loscph peleis miss annie mclean gne hti hand lo mr james slewail and miss mallit black was unit ed in the bonds ol wedlock to rev w g hi ii lion pasloi ot lilt disciplts chuicll geoigctowri the acton free press business find ediforidl office phone 853 2010 fniiimtrrj in 87 mid pubjjihrd vvrry iliurhtiitv h 10 willow ml a ton on- larlo mernbrr of t audit burrau of c ircul hon i the c wna tid own a arivrrtfnjiift rntrn on rerjuf tt siiharrjp- tiomm puyjiijle in nlviunt u of in ciinarfa 7 00 in ull coiinlrfcn ouvr tmn curuidn hlnfflc copied 10t authorized t second cluita mat pomi ottitt drrwrtmcnt ot tawa advnrtlhltitf injected on ihe condition thut in the rvuit of typotfrjjph it mi rror thii portion or tli mlvcrtlitni spur octuplrd hy mir riioiemi it rn tofirlju i w hf r iftniidhlr il it ivnu r or icnatiirr wll i not or h irerrl foi blt the hiliintr of thr idvrrtinerr cut vlll br pild for it ihr tppllr ibr r tlr in tlir rriil nt it tvpoi r phlc il error dverutlni soodn or sc r t rs it i wmnji prj t koodn or arrvlce iiuy not be sold advertising ii mrihv i nflrr to frj urj may br v it dlrfwil i it v linn ruhltorirf bv thr ihll rrlntitie nd piibllshto i n i id diwrj milt minikina tdjtor t opynjjil i trinity church the united church of canada minister rev lwight i engel ba b d oiganisf mr george elliott ma phd chuich school withdrawn for summer months presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew ii mckcnic- ba bd minislci mr han vrr stt organist and chou ivlitcr combinld summer servicts al trinity church sunday jlly 3rd 1966 at moo a m preachet rev andrew ii mckcnic theme ihe romance ol real religion acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph s5j 1615 slntmy jlly 3 19o6 9 45 am church school adult claso 10 00 am morning worship unul he ccme there will be no evening services during july and august wednesday prayer and bible study 7j0 no thursdav choir practice for julv ll visitors welcome to our services doctrines we preach and beiieve- lhc virgin birtfi the diely of christ his bodily resurrection the second coming evangel pentecostal tabernacle pajoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 3532715 bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev uicbe van dijk phone 8531585 si nday jlly 19b io 00 a m english serv ice 2 30 p m dutch service 3 45 p m sunday school the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner wdlovv and st alban s drive ret ritchie mcalurrav ma stb irinitt iv sundvir jl i y i 10 i in nuclei the tliiection oi mr tnce dubv ma duung julv ttkre will be one ervice matns win sermon apd music at 10 a m ud the direct on of mr laurence duby maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday july 3 1966 1000 am sunday school for all ages 1 1 00 a m morrnng worship service 700 pjn evangelist service tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible sludy thursday 8 pjn christ axnbussado sunday july 3 1966 9 45 a jn sunday school ii 00 am morning service 7 00 pjn everting service wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting acton s531950 georgetown 176666

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