fttv l i i wx i w vi itt a certified minnows are david holmes col leen de bruyn and ron kuiken after swim ming tests at the wading pool last thursday staff photo they were presented with their minnow cer tificates friday by instructor paul cooper an other course began this week obituary heather millar 15 buried at fairview heather lamame millar ol to ronto passed awav in hei 16lh year alter a bnet illness seivice was held at the trull funeral chapel toionto satin day july 16 with interment in fairvicw cemetery acton manv acton fi lends attended ho sci- vice in toronto and in faimeu the ofliciatniji ministei eis rev james h williams of glen view ave presbvtei lan chinch pallbeam s weie di t a wil liams cooksville ronald nim- ens oakville robeit riddle william riddle glen cheis and petei olixci ol toionto claik aimstixin wiiimiyi nel- les and mckm mcculloupli of acton and kenneth spenee or rockvood heathei ius bom in toionto apitl 13 i9si attended the john w a n i e s s elementary school from which she gi actuated in 1965 as an honor student slit- was piesented with the jesse ketchum tmst tund aw aid m recognition of excellent attend ance punctuality conduct and diligence in sttul she continued with hoi usiiit scholastic abiltts during the past school ncui at laurence paik colleguile hei iceoid june 1966 indicated a in si class honoi standing of 90 pel cent heather was a loxal nicinbei ot meliose pai k pivslnteium chuieh wheic she had attend ed sunda school and church heathei earned 17 badges in the biownies and became a pa trol leadei in gut guides slu became a skillnl swtmnici at hei summci couises and scieed as a nionitoi at the lauiciic pai k pool the past two sum niers heathei was 1 piolicieiu high land dane c 1 having won a mini ber ol awaids in competitions in her nieinoiy the lastctn canada highland dance is al lianee has donated a tiopliv ten tut m c compel hot s lett to niuui 11 hei loss aie bci paixnts h uul mis 1 m1ii11 hei brollur mm 1 i and hei gianclniotbci mis wislcv hn lav tticiuls and ncighhois cvtciid svmpathv to the txtvaved lam ilv churchill summer visits in areas news mrs annie bums spent a week with mr and mrs dave smith of gait mr and mrs tonv stiokov and family spent the week at a cottage at tenelon falls mr antl mrs w c gnfrin of mishawaka indiana also mi- ancl mis aithur gt if fin and mis t kcclci of eiin visited then niece and nephew mr and mrs w ii thompson acton and also othei cousins miss i v nda damni is spending two weeks at pioneei camp at port svdnev mi and mrs r l davidson accompanied bv mrs t keelei and mi und mrs howard mc aithui of erin spent sunday with their niece and nephew mr and mrs theodoie mat tin of beamsville he had just ic tin ned from being in st cathai ines hospital lor three weeks ml and mis dave williamson also mi and mis don andei son spent the weekend at mis bucks cottage at pine lake mi and mis c gicin and miss edna macarthur ol toiono called at their brother s home mi and mis fied macarthui last tiidav and all attended the luneialol llieii aunt mis v j young ol guelph the uncial seivice wis jlflin united chuieh with bin uvl in lluiev cemeteiv hillsbuig lightning struck fence beside field dining sundays late attei noon tliundei storm lightning stiuck a tciice at the laim home ol mi and mis r l davidson prompt action bv net elooi ncigliiwis mi and mis bob mil shall met tanulv and then 1 delude ol lain put out the en suing glass ln beloic it spicad lai into a tie id ot 1 ipe wheat the maishalls saw the hall ol 1 11 c and located the hi le aheadv catching hold in the knee and glass tbcv louglil it with biooins and uttci beloic the lain began to lall the la ulsiiiis wlii not liouie 1 the tunc g do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either why run the risk of do it yourself insurance our expert help ma kes it easier safer and less expensive call us today b safer save money insurance see y our safeco expert dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e acton 15301 so i residences bill 8532645 harold 8532565 iimehouse visits holidays in district news pelei muller of toionto vis ited with his cousin frankie meuiei mi mannus smit and mi hendnkus smit ol bakel hoi land visited with mi and mis a swinkels and laimlv mr and mis lawrence sin elan of geialdlon and mr and mrs arthui patteison ol hous ion texas visited with mr and ml s a c patteison mrs ted monow of toionto iisiled willi hei inothei mis r lane- mrs dalzicl of woodbi idge visited with hei daughtci mis j glenn mis biuce kellar s molhcr and little sistcis liom toionto are wsiting hei this week mi and mrs chas meiedith miss noicen noble and the karns have returned irom holi dav s at naughton mi and mrs holtmui and lit tie son were in hahburton last v e ek mr ind mrs dav 11 batten ueic peal b il 1 tor a week mr and mrs a aiscnault and lunik spent ten dies at wind sor mi and mistohii fax 10 were holiday in j ileal pany sound vli and mis gcoigc rose ucic with his patents at home pav ik mi and mis ted blown anil laimlv vveic guests at the dolsin blooi wedding in st john the baptist anglican chinch dixie on sumdav misses bettv ann and maiv lou blown sang the wedding piavci and o perlect love during the cerenionv on july 16 mis bloor held a tiousseau tea loi her daughtei vlisscs bettv ann and marx ton seived and the bnde tobes aunt mis ted brown pouied tea in the evening mis 111iesvls inel chlldlell weic with the ron human s nut dick pool s at sauble beach last neck any way you hgunit i the finest welcome i to acton is welcome wagon i a imt from our hnlrvs will m ike x n 1 feci t ionic ith h bsk t t f uft- 1 ci n ut h t question b ut tlir ovn its t uix till uviltln just t 1 phone 830m trllcove kwlomr8 vc this coupon to let us k iovw ou rc here 4mc tow n 1 pic tue the wel come jron hotes call on mc i would like to aub- sliibc to the acton fvee press i already sub cnbe to the aton fycc press fill out coupon and mall to circulation lpt the acton free prct the actor free press thursday july 28 1966 civic holiday monday another break in the summer less than five months till christmas dont complain remem bir how we disliked last sum mers chilp bill coon continued from page one in the municipal field he served on acton council and was at one time deputy reeve serving on county council as well he was a member of the district high school board lor manv years me was an active participant in the building of the scout hall not only serving on the scout group committee but recruiting ilcluxilizing the labor that made the fine building possible he was also a major eontubutor lo the actual construction that cieated iluxton memorial hall he was a member of the exec utive that operated the inter mediate hockev team while ac ton was entered in oha compc tilion and he was a strong sup porter of the minoi sports pro- grim funeral service al the rumlev- shocmaker luneial home wed ncsdav afternoon was conduct eel bv laurence dubv il 2 00 p in pallbearers were sam snow john gov jerry paigeter al kirkness mick holmes and don black flower bearers were manfred hirtt hairx holmes herb me arthui sam brunelte chaihe spires dave dills jack hai- gi ie and gordon beattx ovei q members of the legion attended a memorial service tucsdav evening following this a masonic service was attended bv about 35 members ot coun ell adourned then meeting that evening lo call at the luneral home pollock arid campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 6217580 windmill interiors on the guelph line a miles north of mohawk at brookville antiques elizabeth hoey ceramics swedish wine glasses real beeswax candles we buy small tables desks chests of drawers pictures china crocks etc open 1 2 30 to 5 tues to sat do you like your hot water really hot and plenty of it for your laundry for your bath for your dishes for your children for dozens of other things about the home if so youll like hydros new hot water service which provides you with a new modern automatic elec tric water heater and all ilie hot water you need for one attractive low monthly payment our staff wol bo pleased to tell you all about this allinclusive hot vater servichl acton hydro electric commission 3 llgtn st n 8532410 with some of the local in dustries shut down for- liolidavs onlv skeleton crews are ie1t working children taking pjit in the summer playground program eiioved a camp out tuesday night at the park the playground campers some of them still awake at 3 a in aroused again al dawn omc ot them went liomc in the morning lor a good sleep quite a numbei ot childien as well as parents aie- using fjiry lake to beat the heat every dav a ciowd of svwmmeis take a dip the steady hot spell has claimed quite a numbei ot vie tmisol summe ilu quite a lew residents have complained ot lechmg- ill awav on hohdrvs we talked to people in one ontario town who said the re luckv if their weekly newspaper comes out once a month appaientlv the ediloi ets pretty busv at other things recent dovvnpouis weie a welcome sight alter so many weeks of ctiv spell gaiclcneis aie complaining vegetables are lough liom lack ol lain most agiee a two oi thice dav rain would do no harm glass is burned to a crisp and lawn mowers have been quiel foi manv weeks now were right there when you need help when theres an emergency a call to us gets action fait f reliable service reasonable rates oa l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 fred a hoffman qplometust 58 st georges sq guelph ont telephone 8242071 caroline flower garden shop complete line of nursery stock gardening needs sprays insecticides fertilizers fresh cuthowers alwars available flowers wired anywhere phone 853 2980 anytiaae open 7 days a week 8 00 a m til dark visit us today 1 miles west of acton south side of highway o z q funfilled vacations a go go with cash from gac international 75 mill st acton loans 50 5000 up to 60 months to repay write or phone 8532960 al atkinson manager to rn z o 5 prices effective july 27 28 29 30 we reserve the right to limit quantities shopsys frozen dinners 5oz 3 for 100 royal gold ice cream vs gi 79c iga oven fresh cherry pie family size 4vc iga oven fresh king size sesame hamburger buns pkg of 12 39 ve mga hnnid soft drinks towels aylmer jam sav t if i p rrrm n libbys beans tablerite fresh grade a cut up chicken o iloc basket 4 j alpine primrose triangle beef steakettes lb 65c coorsh sliced 2oz boilable bags colrned beef 2 for 49c tasty olmsteads 16ozpkg cod fish cakes 57c 12 85 43 2 89 2 39 sunkist sweet and juicy oranges size doz j c can no i grade sweet corn- 10 for 59c produce of u s a can no 1 grade barrett pears qt 4 9c produce of u s a thompson seedle5s grapes lb 25c orders taken for chilled cherries by the pail drive carefully take it easy tp 1kb cmc h0udav wefkend lmlemflalck jve ledgers i g a