Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1966, p. 2

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thr artnn froo prr3 thursday august 10 l76fi jammmfflm t ywuvtjfflmjtirfyitjf pounding the sports beat hotel herbs grab playoff leads disappointment was keen but the manager coaches and players ol actons inst girls soltball team in years are looking loi w ml lomm season now following elimination by west gaia iuuci oaivs montla niyht piobafilv incline who kit the dcleal most was veteun chailie ihoinson wiltlcrit mjnagei charlie has seen much walei go uiidri the budge ull many disappointments backed losers bejoif but uns gills itam was llie ivsult ol his insistence tliit then- ivum you infill tall il his biainthild along with ivtivation threcloi llovxiiel ivaite thai he would have liked lo have seen the puis go a lol luithei in itieii lusi ven ol league competition hiex showeil ihiough ho season ihex eotiltl heal any team in he league bai nonv il was icasoiiablc to assume they would do well in the playolls and llicv did the cals dropped the first game ol he playolls bul bounced back to lie he seiies up in extra innings the gaits sensing deleal protested melons use ol plaveis who hadnt played the ieqiiiicil number ol games thiough the schedule and toathes 1iank spiel ogel and john uuliei lind weie unable to use ihtiii laihti the team lost ate pilthei bonnie mcdougall lo tvfuigtvmn s olenvlo vteiriitn and vlieo ttirtt marortncl kelta slephinsilii weie ixnthed momlax il weakened the team luilhei luiuise all tout gills weie issxk al die plate and tie icnsaelv i hue ne no toniplunls iheie has to be a loser ami his lime it uas at ions hun nel seison could be a dllleient store we ilnl what vvv ml 0111 lo do said toaili flank spiel vogel poslhinnoush we niaile die plavol is in om lust eai then in headed loi a i ill tool one he miitlil hae addtd dial llie gals alii at ted a la i gt lollowing in llien initial teal loo ciowds al the gals games hie been laige cmceding the lollowing loi the own league games a nioit skillul biand ol ball a lew luis 4 hough t die tlon gnls plaved lor the stands patted loose toils instead l liemtlint stiaighl lor a base drive plutketl eveliuiws vvlnn he should haw been stealing second aw whal tin- heck these aie gu is and whod have hem am othei wav hope onll be back next year cats keep those new gold and bluck juckels shiny 1 a cooi breeze biew a lew drops ol lain sprinkled and 250 ptsjple stood al aiientmn lot a niinule a lew elultlien ton tinned lo hollo i and shout and iiuibevond the i elites ol wallace paik bul ihose siaiuhng weie silent the veiv at a baseball game the annual hallun counlx allstar game and they didnt stu because lliev weie pimiig then lesptt is lo he niemoiv ol pete memullen sattiuliv nighi pile died al milton distnet hospital and his dealh maikeci hi end ol an eia in llie annals ol the halton couritv basvball asstn lalum one lepoilei riinaikcd on sundav il h hadn l been toi him basebill in the county would have died a long time ago that niav oi mi nol be due but ceilainlv without pele mcmuliin baseball in the touniv would have been lai worse oil pete uis alvvavs a spoilsman anil when he accepted a posi turn he uoikicls main tolltet titles hang them on a hat lack and llun sit b it k and accept praise while olheis do i he woik but noi pele hed tell von it was diflitult looking altei the hallon league and it was he knew because he el id it his hie in spoils vwis cen- red around his love loi baseball he once told us 1 ve worked haul lot basehall but 1 in sine i received moie eniovment out or the game than most people- lould evei dream til ht was an m- wteiaie ball hull whethet il was an intel mediate oi senior game or iusi a hiuivli ol kids batting a ball aiound he loved lo watch amuel with a lawn chair hed watch baseball even night or the wcik il possible anil fl ou talk etl with him hod piobablv tell vou i think i ve seen moie- base ball than piuticallv anvone in innkeepers rally late edge grocers 1513 station hotel plaving then t liu d game in live davs untlei different auspices tame irom behind an 114 tlelicil lo edge delending thanipion iga is n in a wild anil woollv town league plavod opener sundav al- liimion lhe mnkeepeis diew in si blood in the best ol three league semi dual with a six inn lecov eiv in the seventh a pair in he eighth and a scene stealing lluee itui explosion in the ninlh that goneialed so much tension poil- k managei mel sheppaid i an out ol seegais bombarded by the giocus lot 18 bits pilthei ed phillips se i lied down in lhe list t in hings 10 ivslifel to a lo lvo pallrv blows aiul what was nunc inipoi taut no inns mian while ins tcamniales haniineie d llie ball al iusi the nghl mo nicnt lo oveitoine a ii 12 gunei niaigui in the ninth i3ob sheppaid stalled the ninth inning kills whith wiap peil it up loi the innkiepeis when he hit salelv thiough tin ill geoige williamson tliexv a walk anil willi a two on ivvo out situation cenlie heldci loine peavov slammed a ilou hie lo lelt toscoie he ving and vv inning runs wielding a potent live foi five batting aveiageit this point which included a home inn net bailer john dunn was ian nod hv pilthei al calvei bul he seampeied silelv to thud when lhe thud siiike gol avsav irom talehei gcome mallbv aiul the dulaved tluow went ovei lhe jieacl ol iusi sackei don blatk peavov stoictl lhe linal nin ol the name on lhe pla all toltl ti hits weie hanunei cd out bv both teams l b llu gioicis irom iztl phillips and id salelies bv lhe innkeipeis hun slailei al cahei anil lelievei hll tivei john dunns live hits weie lop lot both lectins and team male llaii phillips slamnud ivvo liouie i uns into tight lield beloi c- ins steaming bat was sil ent eil pil phillips noi onlv hung up die win hut ti ashed lluee hits thiough the gioceis baniei loine peavov tame thiough with ivvo clutch sale lies as did hob sheppaid i ate annal i cl south hi pled in die seventh ami ken leahniaii stng led geoigt mallbv leil the shop kienei in i na i ail ixjl1iuliilic westbrooke blanks league leaders 10 slick fielding herbs downs legion 94 campbellvillo diopped its filth game ol lhe season wednesday night in geoigelovvii 1 1 was lhe seiond lime ibis veai ihev have lost lo geoigetown anil the sec ond time lo pile her don wesi- biooke in fact westbrooke bulled a one hitter as he shut out league leaileis 10 ho walked four anil stinckoiit two in the abbieviateil live and a hall iiuiuig tonlest faek robtils lost a heat ibieakci as lie allowed one uneai neil i uu oil ivvo hits he walked loin siuiikoiit ivvo anil hit one ha iioi was the all inipoi t ml inn stoied in lhe second ail bui i was on fust bv virtue ol a walk with two oul vvhen bi at tain hit what appealed to be a lountine groundei on the un even cieoigolown infield u gol by buike hopped htidlv oll dt edges glove and into the oul- lield buil lated foi hint but diedge reiovered and ihiew lo hud bul lhe ball gol auav i mm repla and bui i stored cvdle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 2 glmvii 0 1 0 0 0 glown weslbiooke 1 2 2 hill i 1 1 111 liu six unhiding i inst hinit ti ipli led i i vi i hlasied a lionu inn in tin in si ami got iiioiiki hit m i in sivili in lol low mallbv doug black kov shullis hill nivvkin- dan mams unite cai gill aiul al c al vei all toilet ted two sileliis apieie anil bill shaimnn gol om si i oiul game in i his sei ies will be plaveil tonight unless the delviiiling champs tan ic iovci the slalion hotel squad will be one ol he dualists i h t s holt i 202 010 f21 is 16 i i a un ooi 200 n i station hotel i peavov 1 1 i dunn ii ii phillips i i phil lips p c sheppaid ss b slup paid h k i eu liiiiui 1 1 i vitktiv ih g williamson m shepptiil 2b t smith 2b iga d blatk ih r shul us ss b daukins t d m illbv ii i tivei i bill sh union il 1 manes 2h b caigill hi al calvei p uinpiies ii tovvnskv plait g vlasalts basts ed phillips fans 16 hotel blanks herbs heibs dehveiv was despatch ed lo a louilh place town league soflball linish when ihev diop peel 1 0 tlciision lo station ho lei last weilnesiliv in the two game elimination seiies desrgn- ed lo wipe out a tluee team i in ish in second place lhe innkeepers willi til phil lips hack in llie podium usui ing a slingv live hittei at cuniulalcd a scant 0 lead ovei the liisl eight liaines but chalk ed up anolhei six urns in the ninth lo win the inst sudden death placement seiies phillips a stingy pitcher with hits anytime mid as good as tin best in his neck ol the woods when hes on a rotation basis mn pttss sports pap 4 kh west gara sidelines wildcats in deciding game of playoffs the touniv he was practuallv licmg modest be nevei pete mcmullem should have used the wind beat bits actonlan pete law son shoitstop foi george town giants hi i ed a 400 toot home urn oul ol the giant park hi a reient game giants edged oakville oaks 2 0 lasi wednesday behind siiongai iihj btinie doic and mondav night beat camp belli ille loi the sainj time behind don westbrooks sparkling onehitdi the vlon llavorul gianls are out ol the running but aix- making things irusoiahlo loi lhe rest ol the teams in the halton couniv senioi baseball ciiun aclon merchants with two wins undei din bells tould be the dark horse in the inler- countv tastbal e iieuit a smug ol losses put them in the cellar but hev ic sin in tig signs ol a tapid iccovvrv score card was unavailable lo llie i ice pus- so no repoit id las thursdavs town league etia seiies which the i egion won fv to take second place and leltgati station hotel zo thud poaches and cream comple- ionod west gaia garvs won the deculing game ol he besl ol throe plavoffs 115 mojwtav nighl sidelining smaiiiited aclon wildcats irom tit grand river gnls soltball league loi die sea son garvs favored candlelit al ton park as heir base thcv took both victories in lhe seiies here in iron ol good sized crowds while the cas won heir lone decision in the wesi gaia park gall lcybourne a sister ol bin tev who pilthes tor at ton mei chinls ot he inloi couniv last ball tirtuit hui lid gaivs to v ltlorv scatleimg nine has jo anne landsboioujili was nicked lor n as she twirled for the cals the visitors fell behind in the first inning as the cals tapped lour hits and stored ivvo runs bul hev lied the stole in the second mic went ahead in the hud lo slav cals could muslei onlv singles in die thud iii 111 and si vt h while gai s plated lluee in llie thud anothci tluee in the tilth a paiq in the sivth and wound up vvitli om in the seventh pitcher leybournc helped hei own cause b slaniming tjiicc hits including a double lor the vvinneis eaila mcgovvan and maiv simpson also gol lluee base knocks loi gaivs one ol maiv sa hornet maig miclellan collected two til ii d baseman 1 1 kiiby sock ed thite hits toi he cats gail tivei and joanne lanclshoiough belled two salelies each sancha slingerland and be brunelle one apiece weanng biand new jackets to matth their unifotms the ac ion gals lost no time congratulat ing lhe seiies vvinneis altei lhe game fhev had eiesls ftom n roller skating attendance up attendant al toller skating is increasing m ugust owi julv average attendance on tuesdavs and thin sdavs is about 80 a marked incieast about iso en- jov the new spun on satin tlav evenings rollei skating is an innovation heie his eu sports corner 124 mill st f at wilbur phone 1532160 cycle helmets by kangol of englandt 1425 to 2250 wallets for man and ladies by buxton sports corner beginners or champions we cater to them all lets go bowling league bowling starts soon anyone wishing to join leagues male or female contact bowling lanes management in lhe meantime take advantage of open bowling starts september 2nd agon bowling lanes 10 main st n phone 8530170 i oakville tournament saliutlav in which i lit v won one and losl two o sew on the golden atk- tts which should help hem to icmcinbei a most successlul sea son atlon gailfivei ih joanne i aiidsboiough p sancha sltnt- eiland e kav chisholm cl li kuliv 3h bev brunelle ss palsv whetlei if lois karkwood 2b donna landsborough rl gail breen ii g vlietslra rl acton recreation summer schedule park and community centre thursday august 18 8 p rn roller skating 8 15pm aaens sofball payoffs friday august 19 intercounty softball saturday august 20 8pm roller skattnq 10 p m teen dance with the topix sunday august 21 130pm men s softball playoffs monday august 11 7 30 pn senior citizens shuffle boa1i tuesday august 23 8 p rn roller skating 8 15pm men s softball plivvlls wednesday august 24 7 00 p rn minor lacrosse recreational swimming every day 1 4 p m in the pool sliutk oul 16 ol lleihs battels and didnt issue one pass lo lns onlv one ol the loseis jo past thud and lie was nabbed living loi home one ol the few shutouts m a ballets iciyue his season it shunted tin innkeepei s inlo the hunt loi second plate with 1 e liionnaiiis who hail a bve phil lips got strong support liom his teammates they lolleited 14 hits unhiding a home run bv i ii si saikei john dunn irom lleihs i i til aitlirhald who went lhe distance loi the loseis wliilling ihiee ian itldilall paced the winners at bal with three salelies while allan mtnabb anilv vilhains and john dunn vvhaekid two apiete dunn s hornet was he loud shot ol lhe matth and he along with ttl smith slammed a double stations six run explosion in the ninth was a pi elude to td phillips striking oul the- sidt lo finish the game k ii r station 200000 106 0 14 i ileibs oflooooooo 0 4 2 station hotel l peavov a mtnabb i itiddall i phillips a williams e smith b shep paid j dunn g williamson ii phillips 7th herbs p mtcnmall j gov ii townslev g rullefer t archibald j mason h pearee h leadei h dodds i arcln bald shunted to last place in a sudden death etia suits st ramble heibs delivei v if giouped and tinie out with all guns blaing lo beat seionil pi tie liiushing i egion l in the first game ol the own leaiitie semilinals luesdiv nighl i n as good a yaine is voud tare lo walth he sink helding di lively new uiged on bv sponsoi heib dodds lattened a slight 4 1 lead with a live inn del litre in the top ol lie ninlh gave them a one game lead in llie besl ol ihice sc i ies which iisumes sundav jltetnoon the winners backed up i ling 1 1 trcchlv aichibald with an ilrrmsr hnvlcss lelding pel loi inini i putl scalteieil ii luls ovti die distant c loi ileibs i ost i link milrit was laggid loi nun hits bv llie vvinneis on iifldeis fiuv lailliln uu don aithibald vvnc oulslaiidinit loi hubs as was the inlield ion ibiiial ion ol will duval al tliu il hultli kit hinond il shoi t llaroltl lowiislcv u sttond and scoltv mc i ist i ii on inst ihev kipl the litiv lulling i eejiun naiies liom tapilaliing on iht hits ihev did punch thiough tin defensive uiiihielli herbs gol the liisl inn ol lit game in he setoncl vvhtn eitih ti movvaid peat i e dun i pisv lollrivveil hv ii 1 old lovwisliv s salelv ieaue was lliiovvn out lull lownslev madi il lo bud hid stored al it i guv riillelii s bias i lo right was caught i cgionniiu s came back in tin lillh when don pi ice and pud civ i hompson bai ue lllioll and km maltb ill hit salelv lo olile two i oris loi a 2 i bad phil mecnslall started a i illv going loi he ills in the sixlh willi a iip lo right ind ruli ii ritliniond lollovvid with i walk bob dovlt singled ii how aid pearie put anolhei one in tin hole lo gvt heibs i line inns and a 4 2 edge catcher fredilv thompson rhl hiavv utilliiv loi llu i i lrinn in die openn blisud i home inn in iht si vent h to nairovv the rxip to 4 1 both teams vv e n i seojcjes s in the eighth bul hfi b s vvripneil it up in in inn ih with i five inn explosion haiolil rmviislev gi eel t cl cluck imilne wilh a single in lhe lop t in ninth and rndaichi bild diew a walk will duvals gioundei was gobbled un ind tht alt 1 1 1 1 gion inlit id ii roivnslev ofl on bud don at ihihtlcl w is hit bv a pilchd bill mil linishtd loitlmg up the basts inlo the slluutlon stepped phil stollv mtcnstall and diet veieian sucked a line dnve inlo iighl tenlie sionnc ivvo runs iht ad ol hun lie pulled up al si toncl shoitstop hu itll ritliniond lolloivid stollv wilh a lower nig ivxo i uu tnple into tleep lelt ttntie vx huh he might have siieithftl inlo a home tun bul he was belli up al thud and when hob doyle tracked a sin- gli ovei iusi bute h went in lo stole numbei nine the losers got one back in tht bottom half when ken dun- t in singled and pied thompson 1 1 ackeiliiiulheilong lirt-lo-cen- trt scoiuig ken ihead ol him st ot i imcc i istill bulth rith- iiioiid dob lol and llaroltl lownsltv ltd ileibs altaik willi ivvo bits apnie while fieililx i hompson s i hi iv hits weie lops ol the i tlion bit paiade ken mallbv and dan aibie collet ted ivvo apiett i h e ii in intiv oio mn oos 9 i i tgion 001 020 101 4 ii 0 hub s p vtitrislall lb b kiiliiiiind ss dovle rl ii pi nte i ii lownslev 2b g lullib i ii i aiilnbald p w dm il lb i aithibald tl ligion b riholl ss k mallbv ii i ai jut b c ma salts 2b r mas lies 2li in 8lh a 1 1 i vv ud 1 1 k diuitan tf i pi it c ih i thompson c c mi hit n llmpiies billie caigill plali it 1 1 fivti bases villogers lose exhibition game camphellville plaved an exhl bit ion fjitif with orillid in campbellville saturday and dropped a 10 7 decision in a looselv plaveil lonlesl camp bellville oul hil onllia ii 8 but ilidn l trel them when thev count ed nu made loin eiiors lo hen pponenls two gary field hurled a ciedilable on i irin in es he onlv allowed one unearned nin oil iivo hits ralph rinloul the losei had an ofl tlav as he gave up eighl runs all seven bus ken moore led the campbell ville allaik with a home run and llun singles al wingrove horn- eitd and doubled elmer dredge doubled and singled rick repta hit wo singles stu king and rav grisold doubled jnd garv field singled for only join the smart buyers at pete masson motors now buy a brand new p0ntiac buick buick special beaumont acadian 50 over factory invoice plus license sounds unbelievable but its true pete masson will sell you a brand naw 1966 pontiac buick buick special beaumont or acadian for our factory invoice price plus only 50 00 plus license 20 for a six and 25 for a v8 and ontario sales tax this is no gimmick you can match lhe serial num ber of the car you chose with our factory invoice any accessories you chose to add will be priced at our installed cost pete masson wul take tradeins bu please bear n mmd that with new car prices so low we will buy your car at the same once hat a vvould pay at the auction or from other dealers in other words wholesale it all bois down to the facr that if you want to trade yoyrcar the dollars difference is the ost unpofan dqure for you with this in mind we are sure a e can save you money use the gmac finance plan the rates for this sale compare favorably with every bark finance oan ony 10 per cent down if your credit is good hurry dont delay for the buy of a lifetime this sale ends august 31 1966 and will not be extended masson motors pete limited acton georgetown 351 queen st e 8530450 124 guelph st 8776986 open each week night till 9 pm

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