Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1966, p. 3

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vr tjie acton tree ivosi thursility repttinlinr ii ivaa wafer diviner church hours on tv program robirt f hardy chairman of the credit val ley conservation authority foundation left ac cepts rhe bejl from churchville public school from art cumrrflns superintendent of public schools for the toronto township board of edu cation glen grice ward four representative on the board looks on at this historic occasion the bell will be hung in the foundation school north of hillsburg the school built in 1900 is being restored by the foundation to show future generations what a lillle red school- house really looks like restoration is almost complete and the school should be open to the public in the near future cvca foundation photo by joan rollings rf weed control leaky roofs kinliiiiiiil 1 1 mil lni- oiiil t to swell iht entries ami mako it good ccmiusi aolon anil iliilrivt jjiils ure iiiijctl to chut the- miss acton i contest ilioivs not ono entry yet from an acton girl all are 1roiii oiitomowu ooaillini lriilayl hails hakeiy lias an at tractive new sign at the trout ol the store alter hrinji closed lor re novations lor a couple ol days ledgers kia was crowded with shoppers on l lie weekend the banners advertising ac ton lair are ilyliib lelliny inn toi ists know wlial clays the fair is here dr vicki zaviu who heal ed plenty of district animals v hen she was a veterinarian in eoiciivh has been taking trainmi in scuba diving at leorgelown pool she is now as sociated with iiielph univers ity and with her new skill she hopes u conduct research on ocals no news is yoml news well not in the newspaper bus iness the papers will be bigger now willi more advertising and more meetings remember to let i he tree press know of any special events hack ibis week are mp dr lews by v e mcarlhur halton weed inspector mr v f imcarthur weed inspector county of halton jkuir sir after reading your article on ragweed in july and speaking to several people nbout ragweed control i find that interesting opinions emanate such as a that farmers nursery workers and dairy men are very familiar with- the weed and can control it readily b that highway men such as maintenance crews and griss cutters may pay particular at tention to its destruction c that sufficient seeds and pollen could come from small plots of hind such as unattended gardens vacant lots and rights of way to reseed and pollute the areas around causing itch ing eyes then hay fever asthma and subsequent death may re sult il is felt that your article is fur from being adequate in im parling education on this sub ject because although the haz ard of its prominence is clearlv told and the result ol letting it spread is discussed there is no description given no pictures or identification or methods ol it- destruction for those of us who honestly do not know what rag weed looks like in view of the fact i hat a great percentage of people suiter rum the pollen of this plant may we respectfully request that an all- out effort be made through the newspapers to prevent rag weeds existing another year if ou consider a warning andair penalty lor permitting this plants growth as in the public interest by all means proceed other causes of hay fever arc- constantly being tested and the palient is told what to eat eli minate or avoid and he can do just that but not so with rag weeds dreaded pollen this is your department sir lets see you go alter it a very interested party with out hay lever yours truly a resident ofhahon county be sure you recognize ragweed one of my weed control articl es on ragweed appeared in t he local papers shortly after 1 re ceived the above leuer from an interested resident of the coun ty this was to remind me that i had not given a description of the ragweed plant actually i took for granted thtft almost everyone was familiar with this health- hazard weed so i am now including a description ol this t ruublesotrie hay lever acti vator common ragweed is an an- ual plant and varies in height from a few inches to three feet the stem is simple or branch ing haiiy or smooth leaves al ternate or opposite and very much dissected usually hairy but sometimes smooth it has flowers ol two kinds the pol len producing ones are in long terminal strings on the ends ol stents or branches these are dropjuj small and greenish producing largo quantities ol pollcn- thc others are fertile repro ducing flowers and may be in single or multiples on the up per leaves and are quite incon spicuous in comparison to the others the fruits are rather pearshaped with spines at the upper end the mature seed cio- cring ia gray or brownish cut it pull it or spray with 4d during august and septem ber weeds used for medicine livery herh or plant in exist ence lias at some lime had a be ginning manv ol our noxious weeds were brought here i nun europe and other lar ivniy lauds when we examine some ol i hi older canada weed hooks we note the editor almost invariab ly commences the weed desci ip- i ion introduced irom eur ope or native another char acteristic commonly found in these books lollowing the weed variety information is the use ot suitable quotations from lnn- ous aut heirs some of these are extremely ancient dating back to the 1500s while on vucullon a lew veils ngo we bad an interesting vkit at the plymouth plantation at plymouth mass usa here they have an historic replica ol the original plymouth sett le nient built by early settlers who landed there irom england anil holland in lr- here among the primitive houses was a nourishing gudeu ol herbs and weeik a lady dressed in the i igiual pilgrim costume was busy processing the plants inlomcili cines and pills anil other reme dies just as the original setlleis hail clone main weeds that are now mans enemies were the pil grims best triends for ev ample a soothing preparation for sore throat was heinj made irom the sumac shrub healing ointment tor wounds cuts ancl bruises emerged from oxeyed daisy and st johns wot i wild carrot made an el- leclive stimulant while a very uselul medicine was procured irom the burdock lrom the yarrow weed eame an excel enl nueiicine lor colds mil car- achc the eu l pilgrims appir- enlh treats warts succeslullv with juices lroni the nuillen plant sweet fern was an unlading cure lor poison ivy nilections is well as an ellicient source ol he material the lilliiyying quotation ap- pears in the 1hn canada weed book it- is an extract from a book entitled lloinal and v is written in the year i5ts by wil liam tinner in the old english spelling for the knowledge ol herbes trees uid shiiibbes is not only very delectable lor a princess minde but prolilable for all the bodies- ol the princess hole lvaimiet both lo preserve men t rom sickness soilciws and pavne that cometh thereby go li the polls every second year il wus explained lo inistee smith it would be too costly lo bold in iiiiiuil eleelion lor just three school board members lie said he was worried about the possibility ol an entirely new hoard which would discon tinue the present couliiiuily ol biving experienced members on the board at all limes in tnluiv pupils at both pub lic schools will not be allowed to use power equipment such as law n mowers trustee orval chapman expressed his alarm at seeing youngsters using the power lawn mowers on occas ion mil wondered what would happen ill the event a child was injured il is costing the board vth per pupil per year lor edu cation aiid the children should be in the school learning lie slated it was agreed lo mil it y care takers they would he solely res ponsible lor the use of power equipment in i lie tut lire secre tary treasurer william midclle- lon explained the caretakers would be covered under work mens compensation in the ev ent ol an injury but not the children teacher management chair man william henson reported eight new teachers had been hir ed this term anil only two were giaduales ol teachers college this is the lust lime wc bought experience anil i think it will pay oil he staled mr henson also snd the two graduates are food leachcis and he expects every thing lo he tinder control ibis year wants pen pals 1 should be very gratelul il you would be kind enough to publish my name m your paper 1 wish lo have some pen pals in your country with the view ol exchanging letters etc i am interested in photogra phy pictures of landscapes and beam il ill sceneries reading and writing anil music could sup ph new or used 1 liana postage stamps at ric m masks handi- s rafts vwitid iarv iiijj cunios locally woven ilolbs local leath er works and hand bags atrican sandals ami slippers alriian smocks t lumpers and novelties lui bii tcr in c ash 111 ink you crv much indeed lor lour issiniiii e in this re- gard x crv i l ill x minis eorge reiinei- po box ss7- accratiliani still swim despite cooler xveather the wading pool was open the last yeek ol holidays it will lie opened again il the weather is ei xsirm on weekend allci- noons quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance pln 10 years tojfay small carrying charge dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton t after hours 8532174 hairy harleys eoliumi will ten especially or ihe papers in his constituency anil bill coals bridge column plags were hying irom light standards on monday la bor hay thev are to remain living until alter ihe acton pall pair ouile a number ol children went back lo school monday il was just a day ahead ol lime they were merely restless lo get back to classes anil visited ihe school lo see il there were any exterior changes the acton liee press stall kept ahre isl ullh piodnclion this week by staggering the la bor day holiday some- look ihe holiday friday and returned to work monday so ihe rest could enjoy the day oil quite a nuniner ol acton lesidenls attended the cnk air show friday and witnessed ihe unloi luiiitc- death ol pilot lieut c oininaiiiler richard oliver ol american naval hlne angels as he pcitormcil lor the vasl cinwd at the water front coiiiilerleit hills are still nulling up in other parts ol llie district ne ol the lilting ideas lite eiileiiinil comuiissii jii has ad npleil is ihe plan next year lo piisent i special scroll to those in irking their klolb biilhilavs is there anyone jn ibis ilisliicl hoi ii in 1867 who will receive one ai curding in statistics there arj s4 in canada households are hack lo ihe new roullne which centres ar- oilllil school hours most pal euls and children loo welcome the change ihul like must rim tines it will lose ils appeal 1 can tell a train has been through said someone after the strike was sell led irlday because i can see ils hacks some students altending university or technical schools arc cheeking in this week al though classes dont begin yet work on the new centen nial library was halted monday 1 1 was labor hay anil ihe workmen enjoyed ihe holiday sonie from acton and dls irict enjoyed the steam show in milton on the weekend ihallinn- iad it i ul limeliouse jroups had booths miss milton chamber ul commerce miss carolyn lloey nl mollal was in llie parade saturday riding in a snrrey ad vertising llallon county mus eum were two acton girls mary vvalson and kathleen dills the surrey was lent ny jack pein- herlon ol lisiiuesjiig and driveij by museum board secretary j ii andiews the band day cam at hock wood concluded friday al- s week the constable llttice tmcarlhnr ihaiged u slreetsvlllu man with impalietl driving while he was ttiivint through town the posl oil ice was closed lahoi day incoming mail irom other provinces was delayed by ihe strike calamity corners record ed an aci iilenl this week and there are nlcnly ol near misses a i llie mill main corner too salelv palrnt members are mi duly already hut there is still some organizing lo he done kteven wolle loriiierly ol ai ion and now ol iiielili has been awai ileil a scholarship hv the tlniverslly ol toronto lie was also an ontario scholar children iiii their way to ihe rl school the i ii m day were ooiut and al lint over ihe new lineri y cioodbve suilllliei theiell likely be ice in llie aieui o lo her 15 a special cuc television pro yiaiii on water ibis week began with picluiis ol mis john spiowl aiion diyiniiii lor wa ler she explained her talent which enables her lo locale she mis and estimate their depth m width mil showed huw she lines il willi a divining roil ihe shots weie taken about thiee weeks ago al ihe spiowl bum cast nl liiwii slu divined a slieam llowiun llliillgb lhcii piopiily while ihe camel a i lew liolil loroulo look pii lures ihe pniglain iiiuliuueit alioul viilci ll oiihoil ihe av oi id and ihe minimi csliinatfd to he be loss giouild si lentil ii ilelails made llie pioglilll lllleieslillg lllliillglioul inn vh and sunday si hool u- hun lo reiiilar hours 4 his week jherejya chaiigc at i lie llniled church wheie smviies will he al iii a in ii ni now in i on a six iiaiiilhs lilil hi-1- llieie will lie an iii a in scrvlie al chili- i bill llurteil cbiin it alu-eiin- ilucled bv the ke dsmglil in fcel making good pro- ler a very s juniors art tress il was back to se hool lor high and public school students luesdav the ftavn seemed too ipiiet wilhoul the youngsteis dioul in ihe caielree way liny have been all summer business meeting precedes speaker the duke ol devonshire chap ler iodii met on tuesday sepleinlier 6 a i the home ol mrs ii r i o ce will the kc jciii presiding al the i inclusion il the busl ness poilion ol the meeting chapter members proceeded lo the legion lo join with the lakeside chapter and members il ihe iolileil age luh lor the piogiam the speaker lor ihe evening was mrs a k ioilon liaison nil icer ol ihe ontario division canadian ai llnilis and rheumatism society ol can ada caks who showed an inleiesling lilin on ihe research and work carried bv this sociciv later mrs iorlou inswered iuestioiis put by the inliresled audience sun e sepleiiibei is arlhrilis month it was pal i u iilai iv a jmipriate to learn more about the woi k at ibis lime mis il munpiic iliauked the- speaker and lunch was serv ed in ihe jjyotip by the lakeside chapter members no known cure listeners told fails ahoul the canadian al llu ills old rheumatism soci ely were niillined tltesdv lo an hollering along alliiiilaiici- at roller skating was sllll good ihe tirsitlny ol si i lout with ahoul nil at ill- ii en i ihe piograui will inn i ii me eu ii luesdav ihuisikiy anil saturday until october i lxctpliolls are tiio days ihe il ill i is iiililnl oi llie i hi iliuisday sept is mil li lllghl we specialize in armstrong corlon tile check our prices visit our booth at acton fall fair lakeview discount centre main si n acton 8531 190 ontario hydro requires the services of station operators minimum grade 12 cducaliitn suiccsslul candiilales vsill be reiiuired lo work on a shill basis will be ieiiiiied lo loui- plele a thieeyeai training coin se composed nl i lassrooiu and onthejob instruction during training and lo a lesser degree lollow ing the triining period operators vsill be transferred at periodic intervals within the province salary and bcnclits eiv tavourable mo expeiienco rcipiiivd an iiing man vvishing lo embark oji a ineei ol ihis iiatiue shniilil direct a siilten applicilinij slating age iualil ii ations aid other pcrtiueiit data tn personnel officer ontario hydro box 157 hamilton ontario acton fair baby show saturday sept 17 at 230 pm cuss 1a for girls up to 6 months of age 1st pr1i- gilt iwk morris pliirmicv 2nd pr1l ciill pack mollis 1hiniiiiv class ib for boys up to 6 months of age is i-ri1- gilt pai k acton pliiimav 2nd pr1i- ciill pack ac ion pliirinai v class 2a for girls from 7 12 months of age 1st prii- voucher yslx lanuk stoic 2nd prizi voucher s3o0 holland shop class 2b for bqys from 7 12 months of age 1st pril viiiuhcr ssch ledgers iga 2nd pril voucher 5vo0 kay riscll class 3a for girls from 1318 months of age isi prii von her ss041 alfsmpermarket 1 prizl voucher jvoo class 3b for boys from 1318 months of age 1st pri1- voucher s500 benson shoes 2nd prizli voucher s3o0 acton home furnishings class 4 best set of twins up to 2 years of age 1st prii voucher v5o0 minions entries must be in to the secretary not later than 2 pm saturday september 17 interested gioiii ol iiiembei s ol the two chapters ol the loi h and the golden age i lull ihe lakeside chapter ui ihe i oi p ailed as hosts in the legion hall mis a k goiioii liaison ol liiei loi olllilio lor llie noi lely explained theie ale lour mills in onlailo xvluie trealilieiils ale given live ol chaige hill the i ii k nl ii lined pliysjotherapisls delays llie vcork ihe assoi ii- lion gives 2ilt eaih yeu in eai 11 unit i or lesearih some ol the inleiesling lihn illlistraling her talk shoived how a pouiitnl mil losiojie inigiil lies ihe illeiled llhies lor study she uiged del llsliliels in 1 1 ii si then local dmlois as ihe liealineiit is slow ami then- is no known cure she was inn mini id hv mrs ii r ilirii- ol ihe duke ol jjev- onshiie cliipler and llianked bv mrs i relet ol the seuioi tili ens club she was piisenled willi a gilt by mis ii main- pi ie come to elm tree farm on saturday sept 10 to the show anp sale by leading artist craftsmen ellabeth hoey daphne lingwood joan alfxander 4 jack and lorraine herman beth mclaughlin arthur brecken marie harney mabel fells aimd othlrs this is the fall showing of silk screen fabrici ceramic tile leather jewellery batici pottery i ceramic sculpture hand wrought silver enamel wool a handipinning in a truly rural setting of the hoeysi studio sheep farm enjoy the country lunch served by the ladies of sf johns anglican church rock wood 10 30 to 50o how to get there no 25 sideroad nassaga- weya 11 j miles west of guelph line follow the signs from mohawk raceway harvey laverty heating iwmb1wqan e sales and service repairs lo all make of furnace custom sheet metal work oil and gat furnace installations conversion burner main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwgod a full duty portable at a lightweight price new 1966 sterling by smitk corsna tim mw ufovd famllf fil lot mm udq- ihiilndad num rmlutm ii dtotactar wa 1m uytaoard aktmd mf labiktar plu ettur eaavlar stvfung umtvim famoui 10 day imvtk typjusj cum an ip imntdt ov m93 wmi purrfiaw of maw stalu tls ri m v prckot aporaaly tad iypa mm m ixrti fi juillnn todor ij- weraite vauies backtoschool supplies sheaffer pens wide selection to choose from pens cartridge and lever filling 100 to 595 ball pens 15c to 198 ballpens 100 to 295 sheaffer school fountain pens cartridge lever action 100 to 295 ring binders 1 and 2 rings assorted colors from zipper ring binders school bags 89c to 295 398 to 750 235 to 395 esterbrook fountain pens your choice of nibs 295 to 3 95 loose leaf filler paper per package 25c to 98c exercise rooks ruled and plain wide selection 1 5c to 98c felt tip markers 29c to 89c bail pen refills for most kinds of pens loose leaf refills pencils erasers cehotape rulers math sets slide rules pencil pouches color pencils compasses brief cases and under arm zipper caves 325 to 995 dills stationery 56 mill st e 8532030

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