Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1966, p. 8

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b2 the acton free press thursday september 29 1966 lorry picket spilling five pins at acton bowling lanes top plowman in jr match nassegaweya wl speaker stresses importance of exercise berdmpr sopt 19 roer iolled mlo first plate willi a two and tot als win horn rockeis who yol on the win sheet bv taking the last chukkcr bill fabian 628 end frank mcleod 227 tripled and singled for rolleis foi ro ckers it was ed parent 623 dennis ciooks 616 and dave shannon 2h wonders made with the two and totals win when ttiov met up with the sn pers supeis got their lust win ol the season by fie pins in the middle canto jerrv post 704 332 1 vie cnpps 6s4 arlie white 631 304 jake vander koov 213 and eail west 210 were on triple and single pla teaus tor wonders ttiil lesu- eur 643 was a loner for supers ducky hams hot 856 329 along wilr doug dravcolt 607 and fd ttubbcll 228 put the fin ish in finisheis bowling el- foits and it was a two and tot als win itom wildcats wildcats went lot singles with helen le sueiu 206 deanna bullough 201 helen yalenuin 226 delairte ro gers 243 and millv tabian 200 231 gelling em league standing irolleis 10 wildcats 9 rockers 7 finishei s 7 wonders 7 supers 2 blue springs nursery sept 20 lilacs with a two pnd totals win fiom pansies took over top spot adele nolan 604 lil wagnei 219 mane lam bert 208 209 tripled and singled ifor lilacs mamie mellors 666 tuple was tops loi pansies dandelions won the inst two from orchids but oichids giab bed the singleton for totals when they rang up a big win in the third svlvia mages with a 613 for dandelions topped the trundling in this go league standing lilacs p pansies 7 orchids 6 dandelions 6 micro plastic sopt 20 golden hawks were a two and totals winner from sharks to stav in lirst place wavne eason 20s elmer white 218 and tom casse 225201 had singles jloi the hawks john b 202227 bob cat il eal t 224 and eail wallet 206 hid em loi sharks blue an gels tamed the wildcats with a two and totals win jim kel nan 702 wamie cum 244 and george tilcox 218 tripled and singled foi blue angels rnb uiusien singled 206 loi wild cats munsiers tame up with a two and totals win fiom ale cats who got into the win i mg when lhe won the second game bv two pins joan knight posted a 604 ti iple foi allev cats league standing golden hawks ii blue angels 10 mun siers 7 shaiks 7 allev cats 4 wildcats 3 industriakcommercial sept 21 the ab pos made with a tuple win at the expense of the tai dmeis with fred lockerbie 711 bob mai tin 646 309 and ken hulfoid 601 tnpling don giein made with a 614 foi the drivers allans collision seicice wiecked iga s hopes of getting points when they won all games jim bnl lough 7ss geoige williamson 642 and pete homer 628 weie on the u iplepateau toi allans chaihe augers 766 31s stood out lor iga mason knitting won the lirsi trom masson mot ors then massons tinned on the ignition ke and won the nevl iwo and totals jell tiei 824 318 and phil lesueui 662 paced masson s larr nolan 644 and bob vhelstru 400 douole wiu tle knillois besi i c iuc- standing ab bo s 7 allans collision sei u e 7 mas son mutoiscs vi isnii k ii 1 1 tns 2 iivi dnvei 0 iga 0 i acton ladies scpl 21 law i em cs won the inst game itom mai tins b 13 puis then went on to win the j nct two lot a clean sweep 1 1 sic hilchock willi a 20s smgk was llu olilv nunliiiiiahu in this jo iga wis a ihue game winnei liom canuos wilh anna soika 201 loi iga ind bca an dei son 20s and mai p ipillou 206 loi tmiicos gelling i he men lionablcs pal gelc is and helens hcitis lied loi t lie lusl game ihcil u was all paige le is loi a 6 1 decision ina mellon 2m max swaekhaniii 207 and don na kiapek 224 singled loi pai tcteis lleiensheici s oi the i loi elloil league standing i ninnies 12 k 12 paige tcis 8 m nuns 5 llelellshe i el s 3 c uncos 2 major sepl 22 neii in s b ubei simp dioppeel llle i ii si game to cum ei spoils b s pins die n shaip enecl then elippeis mil won ihe net two and totals diek du puis 688 and bill shannon wlo paced llu b ulieis pint in sueiu 731 wo id hubble t60 and han law son o27 weie tesps loi the spoils eloil lanes won the i ii si liom reliable i ll b 10 pins then weill into a ele chile and it was reliable 1 is i loi iwo and totals dun gum 7v 3s0 stin sw in tis7 md bell c ung 6t we i e lops loi kelllble ross moi loi ills been in i slump so we ii niintion ins 4m double hid dilciiesl dso uul ken hulloicl 602 win best i llu lanes in the hulk ol ilu taverns dominion hotel vicic i two and totals wunui liom si i lion hotel jell liei 722 lui mccjiiiow i 7 37 ml uul i d mccilllcnv iv ts8 1 wile lop lllo loi dominion i oi simon ho j by ken hulford i li 1 1 is 62 atul 1 inie- i aw son 02 league stailellllg reliable last 12 station hotel 9 a foil lanes 7 nouns baibel shop 7 doiniiuoil hotel s toinci spoils 2 acton friends sepl 22 llle oppies with dolls low nsle singling 202 201 won all allies liom i lie kiinuel els lo si ii i oil ihe season re g vclanis posted i 2lh single loi roundel s ii ink i n le s i49 k t 1 11 vneliew s v4l mil mull llimteis 2js single highlighted lonkees two illel ttil lis win liom lleaelpnis john liapiiiin 271 lieku pipillon 234 mil dle 1 1 till te 1 24 weie oil llle simile plateau tin hetdpnis i i loop won iwo ji mil s tinui run untie ks bin losi out loi to i ils when run mine ks i nig up a big win in llle middle e into hob skiilgmoie 728 mil geoigi llii iinson mo liipleel loi llu i mops don diloiest ff2 oil t hapin in 200 unl dun ulti b lid 2is220 inpled anil sing le el loi rllllamileks 1 e vile stailellllg oppies 7 monk es s hoop 4 runt intieks 3 he ulpuis 2 rounds 0 headpin highlights s we go lo puss some le iglle settles mil leslllts lie hoi l iii title hut ue lit e ll ge i til le lilies stl lljlllelleel olll ll llcl wevk so loi how initios lllltts our readers write enjoy fair is nacidington street gall ontario septembei 22 16 the tclitor ac ion free puss acton ontano deal su through the medium of voui paper 1 wish to ollei m eon latulations to the tair boaid and all those who made it poss lble loi one o be most inci csting and i am sine most sue cessful fall fairs i have eei attended theie was something of inteiest ten evervonc and all those who weie there seemed to enio eierv ni i nu le ol il for all the old timet s who attendcil and he aid cam mc nab speak it brought back so man memoiies espeeialk when he mentioned all ihe notanlcs as m husband said ol ort to liflv eais ago the were ihe names ottcn mentioned am ongst the school kiels ol i llit their iews of these same top ics school board minibus could be asked questions and submit progress icpoiis high ill c- school boaid niuibeis could tell us where the respective liijli schools stand in the conn tv i kings il the laling is low iihv could iell us what steps are being taken to enhance ihe iitiiig i this ipe of nomination meet mg would allow the public to pirlieipate municipal politic ans would ntke then slant publiclv and beloic their con siiluuils then and onk then will nassaavvcva be read loi the iwo eir term ol ollice- w a johnson r r 2 rockwood its fall dry cleaning time time to look through closets and dry clean summer wearables for storage and winter garments for another season of good wear cs3 care custom cleaners same day sen ice rxeepl saluidav in by 10 a in out by 5 p in cash nd carry main st n phone 8531180 td lir oav anil hein suns pine old swimming hole which was also a populn sktiing spett in winter the tall tn is i meeting place loi all ind 1 1 lends cspc lalk those coming back i at the ela ihcie weie epille a numbii who came lo meet mi mcnab it was ooth a plea sure and a ilcdghi to cvcrwilni ii the less i all tan was an example ol what we mav c ped loi lw i im sure a gieat roans inoic old tmieis wilt make an el ion lo be theie lo meet old school linnets and acquaintances ol esieieai most sinciek ejuis kathleen cuiiic llis i t 1 loi nu i kil sal tec not rfady vx for tuo yijui tkrm deai si i suggestions that the lims 11 ohlce loi cetlllcllllls et in nassagaweva be emciiclcd lo two ius mitlt nu shuelilti imagine il ibis two seal leim hail bun in ellecl a couple ol ears oi se ago we in tssa liwea woulel httt het 11 s let died with t s000 aichilic tural then i ton inieitl ol i sooo0 oik the ml imous us i lie live uind bill would h lic hee n hullilozed thiough in m opinion assagawia is not mm ixadv loi the extend id turn ol ollice lust ol al we should uliiiip noitiiniiion meetings instead ol the usu il self pi use and coim jokes candidates seeking ic election should he allowed 1 shell i speech then subicelecl to is minutes ol questioning mem bet s ot good ro ids commit tees could be asked win cer tain loads aie in such shocking condition members ot quaiis and grael pit committees could be asked what was being done about nuisance trom blast ing oi wh certain operators over the ears have been allow cd to encroach on oii township toad allowances new candi dates ccuild heaueiiuincdjuie net 36 grapes by the case j at the best possible price we purchased a carload of california muscat and alicante grapes conveniently packed in 36 pound crates phone 8782460 for pickup or delivery canadian and california grapes 100 guaranteed grape press available for pressing your grapes or ours phone 8782460 anytime save 10c case by picking up your grapes at the cpr station beginning october 1 alfonsos fruit 174 mill st milton barrels demijohns grape press available market 8782460 i anv pnkel kit lunge town won ihe i 1 wluii lock ivleinoi 11i i lophv loi the high csl scoi iiv eoilleslailt ill the llillon j1111101 plowing match this aniniar eveiil was held on the laini ol canicion maishall milton h r 4 with si eouipeti ioi s geolge lloslllwsel ol it r 4 kllelleilel cole lied ibe colllesl tills 111 llle lllol lllllg itllltlwiilg which each lllelllhcl plowed a soil and slnbhle in c lass 1 loi lliosi 14 lo lo veils ol agi llle wlllllels 111 tile setd c llss will ro miv kr 4 millon 71 pouils jane i lav loi illw ap plehv 1 me b u 1 i 1 11 g i o 11 points llai lev picketing 7 back concession rd last oik llle f0 points kc it 11 1 cliche millon r r 4 s7 points utility class rov m i 64 poults mllliv plekellll ss polllls keith lelltlie si polllls i lllls rov mil won llle i llss 1 loi lop combined settle iii i iss 2 lot- lhoe he live 11 14 illel 21 sells ol tt 111 v 111 mush ill millon r r 4 won llle soil i tss willi i stole ell 70 lollowed in i anv pie ke i 11 howivel iiiiv weul oil jo lie it il hiv in in ihe liiliu 70 pomls lo tis ind i lii is winning llle i ii si iic liophv i ai iv villi leeelv ills ilopllv il tle biiiiliel lollovving ibe lltllon c entitle plowing male h on sal in d iv oilobci 2 the septiiiihii meeting ot the nassagavvi v a women s insliiiiu- was held at llle honu ol mis c nicholson duilph i me on jwe dilesdav i veiling septembei 21 wilh a good rt icrnlance- ol niembei s and sonu visitms ihe vice piesdent mis d de blauw was in chuge and lollovving the hiispiess p ti i ol the meeting llle i oil tall was jtiswiicd bv i suggestion nl hnieli loi in uiii kc led gllest a complete tepoit of ihe aiea t onveiilion indiiilph wasgiveii bv llle apptiuiliil ilikjmie mis de ijiiiiw the program conveners weie mis m mtllllt hid vlls pi lee ind il litis ptuiil ltliei look ovl i llle luecllllg llle gill si speikci mrs a iibstui wis in tltldlleed willi llle i iii ol dll gianis she showed llle luiiilion ot till lie ii i illel llle ssle iii ol veins and 11 idles llle illipol i tnci ol iveieist vi is iinplia sized is 1 c ill e and pivcnlilivi ol common tilnieiils suci is ii ii k le 111 lllll llelvous it iisioii llle l ml 1 isis wile delimit siialed and weie til sin h a sun pli naliue 1i111 i ik v could be piiilueil aioiinil ihe house in ihe loiind ol dulv limits liillowing hie address iwo in lei 1 sling contests supplied bv mis mollall well pieseilted lit the ladies and enioud bv all mis lied i dw nils and mis i millie 11 isslslcd the hostess ill selling lelicstinienls and 1 sue 1 il lime was spc ill all mvilalion hail beem pie- viouslv 11 ci 1 veil fiom llle bud- iiioek bi null ol the w i lo visit i liein al thin meeting in the ii iiknoi k c onimiimlv llill ihe invilation wasgieallv appieciat cd mil seveuil niembei s were able to attend the guest speak- ci mi denbv of the guelph bell telephone showed a fm and poke on the llisloiv and devel opulent ol the sun 1 1 i 1sou1 sin 11 rmits isillesllll lownship isslltll 21ti 2ik woiih til biiildiiv ie 1 mils 111 angusl up 1 1 0111 ihe v167 100 issued in jills building inspntoi i 0111 1elelll lepoils ihe laigesi ienriil w is 70 000 loi lhc in w cluisiiin rcloinied lllll e 11 oil llle se le iii 11 1 llle quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils 0 oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8532174 caroline flower garden shop complete line of nursery stock gardening needs sprays insecticides fertilizers now is the time to plant your evergreens and shrubs fertilize and seed your lawns buy and plant now top size quality bulbs low price all varieties fresh cut fiowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 853 2980 anytime open 7 nv aw 8 00 am til dark visit us today 2 miles west of acton south side of highway sincere thanks ot behalf of the directors of the acton agricultural society we wish to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of this years fall fair with your cooperation we wereproud to present another successful fall fair for acton and district jack marshall president irene swackhamer secretarytreasurer bcw gfrqusr achine 350cnvao sea the new 1967 chevrolet chevelle chevy ii corvair corvette and camera today at your chevrolet dealers authorized chevrolet dealer in georgetown andrew murray motors limited 61 guelph si georgetown phone 8776944 be sure to see bonanza and nfl football on the cbctv network each sunday check your local listing for channel time s- 1 1

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