Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1966, p. 10

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i r ff mmthi rfsr the- acton free press thursday october 20 19aa others opinions on plunkett report a vote for plunkett trora hie dally joirnal4lecowl oakvhie aside irom hcinj a positive bluepunt showing the way to rcgiorml goveinmcnt for the hallonpcel area the plunkett repoit issued this week is equally significant in that it ends an untnir tradition which has allowed the rural communities to feed off the plate of the neighboring urban centres undei the- existing structure of local government it has been a case ol uibun units like oak ille paving the way at the countv level while he rural areas rule loi tree this has resulted fiom the in ban ccntie being jorced hv law to contribute heavilv lowaid the comilv t oiinnitnidget ilthough uual representatives have prelt nuiih held the voting powei the control the yatcm i a holdover from a bv gone via from the davs ot mral oiitano when pimincitl politicians went kir out of their way to please the lumiei that ihe couiitv system is outdated is made cleai in the plunkett repoit which notes- the hasit powers and rctponsihililv ol the countv were set out in ihe act of 1849 and in the intervening 116 years these have- not been alteied substantiallv tile new iworegion split proposed in ihe hallonpeel sluitv repoit is designed 10 put ihe mban centres in full charge of theii own affaiis and most impoitantlv or then own monies it puts the mral areas on iheu own hv bunging these centres under the proposed niral counts ol halton peel baalcaliy ihe twocounty spile outlined bv plunkett knocks the hail points out ol the existing countv svxtvnu going furthei huktwi llu- iepoi t makes a strong case lot regional government bv alst shovvuiti ihe oveulue need lor a sweeping renovution ot the hometown government siiuciiuv in halton and peel i hum is flunked lommissionei loi the halton peel studv cniplurel tlvit the dav ol the local coinnuinnv in ihe sense tit whal i 11111- was m longei ixmiiv exists in this area iheiv vui be litlk- doubt that ivgiuns like halton and pool re oxxi gownicil iul miiiu torni of lenlialwed control as pio- pev hv plunketi eim hius much iinilotmitx anil elhciemv lo littiirr dexelopnunt and to the laxpavei the main roadblock in the wax ol lalionuliation of local jowmnwnt ot iviirsi has been iikii lutunoim with its nixiiul ol kal jvslilvians and thoi piicle and possesion of a rnxuad of ikxjtl juthonnes but the fvt so mam kkallevel primps and inunicipl bodies pijvv swe tvpx- ot ixmiking ot the existing stniciuic in bnels to fhinven is ev i jeiv thai even the hometown politico aie eilhng to j that tvlormit ion is in oixlei and overdue ttie threat tvu i regional government concept max pose to ia1 njernux is also a ixudhlcvk although one which is more ttmh than tact the plunkett repoit said that the loss of the yiveseni xvjj fernmcnl siiusiure max lead some to the con elusion that paints ot identification will also disappear such is not the iasf fun her it is liel that names such a oakxille burhncton brampton bramalea pott credit cooksville milton acton el will still be used as means ot identilxmg where one lives while- ai the same turn the residents ol these units will be reaping the hcnclits ol regional goxcrnmenl ironically one of the very real benefits from a unified re gion could tutn out to be the added protection against the danger ol large parts of halton and peel being swallowed up b the two xast citx areas on the east and wxst therebv completelv and lolillv eliminating ideiitilication regional setups such as the pioposed urban countv of mississauga would prove a much great ei stumbling block to the mitio monstct visavis what now exists the plunkett repoit his eontured up a dazling vision of the futuie of the halton pec i region two large centres one urban and the othei uual the report is an imaginative design and shows thought i ul vvoik on the pait ol thomas plunkett as he eliminates some ol the ineoinpaiihihtv and inequitv of lodaxs mrm-th-rtf- bv dividing- the- icptun rural and urban the halton peel study includes its shau ol controvsial proposals but as a general pattern loi inline government the uport is admirable area is too big from the editorial page column random thought by benjamin b buckboard in the burlington gazette well monsieui plunkett has dood it he came out with a plan that did not satislv ewnone he made the great mistake ot not asking 1 pei cent i estei to be on his teum his lepoit as linallv piesented last week had manv things in its favor thi iclia ol splitting the uiban area awux from the rural noithein pnits ot thi counties had a lot of merit the idea of onlv one plateau ol government is verx sound you have hcuii il old ben talk ol the cost ol government before so max be there is hope vet iven honest john mav retire hut dont hold vour breath however ben believes the total area involved in mr- pun ketts repoit is too gieit pet haps toronto township bv the xvater and the lowei pails of both oakulle and burlington would be sufficient 1 liev have a lot in common overall ben is satis fied with the repoi ts basic analxsis of this general area and the problems facing the lapid inline yrowtli ben does not agree with mavoi berrvman and mavor copps that builrngtons intuie is diiectlv involved with the citx of hamilton can vou just imagine the pandemonium in this area if ne gotiations pirn ceded on a ugional basis like those of la salle paik and the sewagti livatment plant of the burlington beach ou will mall that the ctt ol hamilton appealed to the omb against builington building this nc edict plant the ctk of hamilton has nevei given an inch in negotiation concerning lasalle park and it nist seems to it there like a big while elephant study and from the dally journalrecord oakvillc the halton peel regional government report is far reaching and xwdeiangmg in its proposals not overlooked is the problem ot opeiating the communilv hospitals located within the tvvo- countv ana the haltonpee report on page 61 deals with the matter ol t inane my new hospital construction the leport notes in pai t it is ctcai that it hospital bid expansion is to keep abreast ol the needs geneuited bv uiban growth the hospitals will have to be assuied ot some miasm i ol stabilitx with respect to the finan cial pui i ieipit ion ot all lewis ol government this newspaper shares the hallonpeel reports obvious concern ovei the lack ol stable tinaiumg toi eommunitv hospital building an editoi nil published in this newspapei on april v hospital financing expressed the opinion the traditional busi ness ol begging muncv tixm dooi todooi is no longei an acceptable wax t tinaine the-eonsiitnt-um- oltomniumtv hospitals r particularlv in areas of urban growth like our own as indicated in the halton pexl studv a moie etlieient reliable and economical wax must he i omul to pi ovule a need so tunda mental to the health nnd will being ol oui citizens and this new method ot financing must involve all levels of government this paper believes if we ux evei going to match the pace of hospital building with the gi owing need hospitals will have to be financed out ot laves it is a bcliet not out ol step with the hallonpeel repoit which sas insofai as the tinalieial responsibilitv ot the proposed countv of mississauga is concerned this hospital linaiicia should be confined to a speiitied piopoition ot eonsti notion costs in thi connection jn interesting formula is outlined in a brief sub mitted bx the committee of general hospitals of halton and peel counties wherebv hospital eonstiuction costs would be met bv xvax ol a lixed allocation mom municipal pnninoal and federal governnicnts qnlx bv this fixed allocation method through taxation can the public be assured not onlv that our present needs arc met but that hospital constitution keeps up with out expanding popu lation along with fixed financing for hospital building is the nefd for the establishment of a regional hospital council such a bodv would look after the interests of jhe region as a xvhole not jusf of any particular community a regional council would rule out costly and unneeded duplication in hospital facilities services and administration that cooperative endeavors can decrease hospital costs has been proven in flier areas with areas within the proposed countv of mlmitwlgti now tajking about future hospital needs oakville one it would be timely to begin taking up the regional council concept adopt it quickly r lsam the heaver oukvllle the teel ifallon loiil urn iiiiin nl kcvlew ooiuliu led hv special lommissione i i liomus j phuikill mav eiuiiingei oakulles uulonomv but will eximinlv help to reiuin oui idcmitv in the light ol being swallowed up liv the- meno inoiislei and it mi plunkett s uiimumeiulaltons nu lolloweil up it is a ceilainiv that weve got the inonsin hv the tail it must be iealied that legioual govviiinunt is oui onlv salvation in keeping up with pioguss tlie consolidation ol numuipal tunes in one lounlv govuii ment does not onlv ml expuises on l in loiil level hut imiu im mitint it is the onlv wav ol establishing eooidiiiilion it cut out political huikv piukvi it ensuies a luglii i talihie- of ailminisiialive emplovees it does avvitv with manv ol the bouds ami loinmissioiis and lonimillet s whhli is one wav ol culling down on a loj o ud lupt the eonsolid ilion as it applies to the lakeslime loniinun hies is even moie impoitam heeuise iuh ol these iminii ipalilu s sirlieis honi the same setbacks bv cooulimition ol a iihivoment to build up a pmgtissiie- countv svstem the coimnon piohlenis will heconu one and will he dealt with through one administrative hoelv though ihe plunkett iveoiniihihliilions ale lai liom beingr a realm and though tlivx will be tossed aiound on the munuipal and pixivmcial levels loi snnu nine tluv ai e without eloiibl a step in ihe light direction neither k theie anv doubt that it bast pail il mil in its enfirctx ihe plunkett upon should he adopted ns soon as possible whats all the hurry trom ihe hollon rntiipilse the iipoit bv i homas i plunketi the consultant leiuiucl bv the onlnio govt i mih nt tee omnninliiig ilu dissolution nl boinidaiiis in ivvl and halton eounlies iiilnnalcs that niilnuipil ulministialion ol oui changing legion we believe that all levels ol govcinnienl need ovei hiiuling stalling at the rvdnal anil piovnieial mil ending with the coiintiv we have alwavs thought oui miuiieipil councils gave us tin lust leiuin loi out tax dollu so wv n not piepaied to siihseiihc to change loi the sake ol change until the whole mallei is moie lullv undei stood ll ii understandable that oltniak in peel and halton aic obicding to the pioposed amalgam it ion some an pissing out liidgmcnt showing lmniituim and a luk ol eaielul siuclv ol tin plan the hon willied spoomi ol the ontano goveinmeiit who took the wrappeis oil plunkett s repoit plated a limn ol die si 1966 as the terminating date to legisiei ohcc lions to the pto posils we suggest tins is not eneii linn loi the people ol peel and halton in ev ilu ite siieh a scheme ruitlui it is the puhlu who slmukl make such a i u leaching decision not the elected otlicials us the last wold should tome liom tilt people a number of public meetings should be t illed mmi tin- reasons foi abandoning oui municipal svslcm and houndaiics ail xinced and carclullv diseussul in laet the main weakness in the rxpoi t is we haven l heaid mough liom mi plunkett ii would hi appropiialc to have him spe ik in deleiict- elf his pi in at tin class loots level the alnadv hiiassed taxpivei will want lo know xvhat this thing is gemij io tlo to his lax bill must consider changes from the canadian champion milton release ot ihe pecl halton local government levievv piepared bv thomas plunkett has been received in mumcip1l elides with xarxing degrees ol acceptance and reiection there is little douht however that it announced a whistling wind of change ip ld government i there have been snide remarks about the leport and there have been glowing acceptances but each municipalilv icpresenled bv its council has a distinct and clearcut resonsihilitv lo think construclivelx and deeplv to achieve from these preliminary pro posals a sound and acceptable form ol local government we have no difficulty in supporting the abolition of all the local boards and seeing their lesponstbihties transferred back to local councils the current groupof boards and commissions can certainlv carrv on a valuable woik but there are constant aieas of friction then too the efficient management ol stafl xvoulcl be better served bv a consolidation of responsibihtv rather than eon tinning the fragmentation that piesentlv exists there is a degice of concern in our mind for ihe democrat v of the whole structuie the mavor would have limited veto which pives a gnat deal of power the icpresentation is tut drasticaflv rrom what we presently have as a nine man council lo a ihiee man local service commission the public school board of six members would go as would the seven member high school board to be replattcl bv three members whose responsibilities would cover noith halton and peel involvement of the tillens reduced to this extent can diasticallv el feet citien intcicsl it does not seem to us ihe merit of the east west split his been adcquatelx pioven in opposition to a north south spin of the area retention ol the noith south boundatv between present halton and peel would create two hetlei balanced municipalities with developed and- undeveloped land but then we didnt gel 6s 000 lor out opinion milton council wiselx those not to discuss the plunkett report until all membeis had lead it then thev nlan to begin a review ol the proposals in preparation for compiling a brief to the province hoperullv the sessions will not be clouded by nar row mindedness and taustie comments but will seek with vision and depth lo piepaie tor the inevitable changes a fact to face now from the bramalea guardian the plunkett reports iccommendit ions were as inevitable as montlav morning no one paiticularlv looked foiward io them but even one knew the weie coming and in iht told cleai light of a montlav morning it is hard to lault the reasoning which would create one huge urban countv ot mississauga stiettlim horn toionto lo hamilton and a ruial countv of peel halton embiacing the northern poitions of halton and peel each with a single idmimstratmn there are many detailsover which to niggle and negotiate and one maioi question which itquires an immediate answer is tull amalgamation which the upon lecommends the logical first step oi the logical secind siep which should follow cieation oc rxvo metrofvpi administiattons to work out the del uls which is bet let an end to loeil ul ministiat ion with one brutal blow i t giadual tiansition th vxpenence of oui neighbor to the east must have heen in mr plunkett s mmd w lu n in icaclud hs own dtison and with great reliietaiut- we hue to agree with bis eonclusion hu supercounties and then supeiexiuncils mav not be the ultimate answeis but total amalgamation is as inevitable here as it is in metropolitan toionto and for all the turois total amaluama wto i v sland a leas to be paretl much of the lastditch hitter in lighting of toronto s local municipalities dvinc a slow and agoniing death bv decrees all in all mr plunked deserves congratulations for a report which while will kindk- nwnv a bonfire was as toull a n a re uld p- htxe been se- us n g ag do not scc our as others jack ridley cartage rsir concmte brick s stone uvistock and ftttiuzh fakm service and supf ues dump trucks for hire rwhy insurad cv claas w f acton phone 8s30790 lets play bridge hy bill oal tlu ponlllon unl hcfoie south lends the last iiump i lls lllllowk s- ii m a l i its alwavs nice to mnke u guind slam especiallv ii v have bid it its even nicer to make the opponents ihiovv avvav hicks in oulei to make voiu conliacl this was a hand plnved bv m wile and mvsell i hjsjsifmwk it coniains sexei- id inieiesiing points deahr suiitll llolli sides viilneiable north s a 0 l ii a 0 1 d a a wem ol wivhlnii lo give anything ii wav weht ii uds a mump lie eluici cmiinlid iiuul- a plan lop ihe mlh come liom a ii 1 ills tlieks and dieit aie 12 s7 hl 7 6 p0 8 7 l 1 8 s i s s piimi h k 0 s 4 2 d j 6 c it 7 n sou 111 s k 18 6 4 2 1110 8 iv- k 10 5 2 ck ilu- bidding smith wem notill smilh pass piss i pass i s pass 4 s pass unit pass st pass 7s all pass norths hid of lour spades shows suppoit lor spadts and a hand woilh at least 20 points in older to iilse smiths one- spade lo loin it must be sliony since smith mav have as ll ide as six points in answei lo the- blackwood bid ol i on i no tiump north bids live clubs to south this shows none oi four aces since- south has no aces and since ninth must have at least 20 points this must show all the ii it us oil i in liltk should sinieei pliv i in 1 1 is a most sprit ttiiln sipiei e pluv lliiohid hen ll involves selling up a tllek loi lilt opponents and then sepiee nig i hem mil ol ll list illnl ihe vltnjia coup declurer drew trump in two mullets and led a iluh hi ills singleton king now a lieail is ltd lo ilu act i his gives hulli ill si and west a uatiiid inail link ll i lit e can get 11 ihe ate and queen nl chins ait cashed son i ti distndinu two diamonds i mil lilt hen i 10 i i limp ait led lo dtt i hi i s ii mil and humps ait coiiliniii tl gfjhjlllllli lv ill tllllllll wcsl ioes mil itillt ilu value ol ilu lit ii i u k wesl dist nils in u di i lo pioli 1 1 ill inioiids and it lub on i s 11 li e- is i i h 2 it k chancing dirt the japanese duiiv industry has grown rapidly the coun trys r018100 head of dairy cat tle is six times larger than il was in i9m1 in ihe same period pro due lion increased bv eight lim es vl v7tl mplili tons in hwiuiri 1o18i0o metric tons in tfft 1 his development is use rib id to the swill iluiiuri of the- tlu i ul ihe jipaiuse aflci the war inllueiutd bv the toun livs school lunch pingrutn 10 when ihe spude dtiitt s ltd wesl people huv the fife press lo ieihrsulljeal ihe tiee pi ess lo buy its up to wtii io play inn si ktep the- club hence a din ilioild is illseaidcel declarer dis i ii ds ilu tluh loin liom duin iiiv ami now its up lo past lo dec ide ii bust dtseuids a diu mond then dummy is good if lie discaids a lieu i then souths heal l 10 is good a giind slam hid is uiade j 1st wteks wllllleis wtle lust am sinelali and loin wiintb second hclly ashley and itimv hnsiow thud duke wilson and vllke iniussii frrd a hoffman oploinelilsl sh- st t roi grs sq illtlpll out telephone 1124 2071 mtim wifm intifmtlmul wtta mm moo athnim hat mart thai nitty pn urnimtt la ftttntm tm witf in butlium tn4 luanr lift ht aura mimt- harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metsl work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burnars main street n 8369934 24 hour service rockwood arvf phone 853w45 ioi3w4i 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