Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1966, p. 2

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lwlrtass nevwnim f 1 966 roy coulter named governor onf federation of agriculture halton judges fifth in royal competition 4ltifl 1hulu m cum ttotmy for halton county w xxoo thi jr tv to acton 4h grain club ctwb leader nino braicia and club members walter tryjsenaar bill lasby and carhenne lasby are shown inspecting the trophy russell murray is the other club leader diana dolby among 14 delegates at national 4h club conference fourteen 4h clnh members from jcnass ontario were select ed to attend the sth annual national 4h dub contervixv hfld in ottawa and toronto from november 10 to lt diana dolby of r r i milton represent- 10 on fridiv the delegates at tended remembrance da ser- ioes at the national war mem- anal during the morning uml the atternoon session in the house ol commons at a special banquet on ft ula evening ouh ed halton coum at the conler member was presented with his ence this conference was sponsor ed v the canadian council on 4h club members irom aros canada as well as b eight dele gates irom me limted stares the conference opened in ot tawa on tluirsxla novembei or her eitilicates ol canadian citizenship saiurda moinmg the delegates were receied b then evcellencies goxcinur- goneral and madame vaniei al government house beloiv tlunii to toronto toi the remamdei of iiu weeks progiam situuliv ofa wants grain subsidies dropped favor stock grants the ontnrio federation of agriculture annual convention inst week voted in livor ol ab andoning subsidies on gum freighted into ontario irom western canada lor livestock feed delegates instead voted in favor ot pavments bv the cana dian government to livestock producers a r coulter of camphelh die told the convention the govern ment should spend the same amount ot monev 4 5 mil lions on the new pioposal as on the existing teed tivight sub sidv the 43 millions is the am ount whiili the government plans to spend veailv op iced lor on lu 10 but an economic council of canada stud quot cd at the ofa convention said the power ot the canada wheat board resulted in diversion of a maioi share of the basic sub- sidv to praine wheat produc ers the government pavs a sub- sidv of op to 4 80 per ton to leeil dealers who ship grain in from the west ontauo ginin firoducers complain this results n lower prices for their pro ducts the ontario wheat produc- ers marketing board has for some vears urged the canadian government to pav similar sub sidies on ontario grain moving into quebec and mantime mai- kets but the government has not done so evening thev attended the ke capacles al m iple 1 eil iiulens sundav the delegates went to morning ehuuli sei vnes ami then tiavellcd to nuigua i alls lot the lemuudii ol the iliv on mondiv moimn pioles soi paul tos ol lh depailnniil ol poll lu a i omiim iiuvcimin ol loionlv addiessed tlu con leieiue lollowed bv gioup dis iiissions the lmsdiv moiiiing discussion was on the suhcit ol unitv m canada minlue tcct bv di 1 m mesbilt ol vvuiiiihv 1 he hon i lien tan dough ol hamilton was the discussion leadei on wednesdav moining on the lopie ol citicnship during the afternoons the del egates visited the rov al onluio museum the roval agi icultmal winter fan and a miunee pei- foimance at the okeele centte the conloiemice will conclude wtttt the annual banquet on wedneselav evening novembei 16 the delegates will depai l foi their home on thuisilav illum ing undei i he supervision ol provincial leadei s the ontauo delegates weie accompanied bv mis pat squire home economist loi halton and pivl counties and don pullon associate agiiciilt mal representative lot union counlv c picket buyer glenvue holsteins sold personal expense for museum party extending an invitation liom the halton museum board to countx council members loi a chnstmaspait reeve h meirv stressed the invitation was liom the board mem bets who would be beating the expense pet son allv countv councillors have re cently been under fire for al legetl excessive expenses toi en tertaining last ear voters lists esquesmg and nassagavveva township voters lists tor the december eleitions have been posted throughout the town ships voters are reminded that anv errors oi omissions must be pointed out bv november 21 one of canada s most famous seed stock herds ol holsteins was dispersed nov 9 at oakville as the glenvue holsteins of d s dunton and sons ol brampton passed under the auctioneeung hammer ol senator harrv w havs encroaching suburbia of metropolitan toronto forced the sale the herd ol 62 head brought ji187s for the geneial average ol 1 804 each this is the highest sale average loi a complete dispersal sale of hoi stems m canada since 1960 a crowd of approximated 1 sw cattlemen including bin eis irom mam countries jam ired the havs sales arena loi the event thntv two head weie sold loi export going to italv uruguav peru jamaica and the i s a top price of 8750 was paid bv claude picket georgetown for the vers gocxt cow glen vue reba texal sued bv the all- canadian and roval winter fair grand champion thornlea tex al supreme and from the noted rilla female familv at glenvue thirtvfour head sold for at least 1000 with ii al s 000 or nunc and lom cxceedinj tile s 000 mark many of canadas most fam ous holsteins were bred it glcn- vue which is the onlv- holstem herd in canada to have twice qualilied lot a master bueelci shield lirst undei the ovvnei ship ol d s dunton and agim allei he had taken sons ralph and eu i inte parlneiship olhei local inineis included geoige ami l h lehet ot campbellvihe who paid s 100 tor a eiv good cow and waid bumnridgc ol geoige town who bought two milking females at si 000 and si soo by mm denxll llawrene liai4ejsjh au hi i i eivl cm i-o- cessing and lelniluig husincss smd oi ioiil siiuslin pnncipal ol keniplville a p i u il i i it i il si hi ml di sluison was speak nig at the banquet given at the koal yoik hotel in l lie oniui in leileialiou ol agi iculluie on the inst evening ol then llnee uav convention nov 7 8 and di stiuson did not teel lu nuts weie qttttlltied to enlei ihe high lv specialieil lhimiiiwofpiiijs sing and lelulliin as il has in mine lodav i lie lainiei lilies pixilessionil people to iiu lease his lu ills- piodiicmivilv and di slhlson toll lilt- laimei needed piotessiiinal people to help linn sell lis pioduel ihe demaiul loi inuev packaging advei llslng and the geneuil presentation lo i lie public lodnv 1 1 quhes a spec iulled piolesslon ol us own dr sllnaon feels ce aie look ing lo ihe inline h helping nu clei developed coiuili les ihtil ttiev hiivinie piospeelve cilslouieis as lltt develop llwmsehes as then standaid ol living im panes thev wim vviuil niiinv things we lake loi gt anted here thev will be able to add niiiiv ihings to uui diet anil we can add lo ihens tle loll high pi iced laim land was ulding lo the expense ol i inning on ihe use ol coni- pulois in inline i uming he said lu on is will need in he veiv iiielul not in loll it ans lies as it onlv kit ws what humans toll it ihe ihenie ol ihe comenlion was puncholid liilinei and the galheied lanncis weie coil- litinleel llnoughoilt with ihe del iihu possihilnv ol using com pulois to help decide main thinus in lluii i a mi eu ii done pjofkilv ii should lake a gull ileal ol ihe guesswotk oul ol laimiug besides giving ans wcls al jl elti i sh eel after being welcomed in p ilk iii llll le s llllll 111 iii tlu iii voe ition was given hv rev beit nivnaid liom sulla mi hiv naul hioughl oul ihe lliouglil lllll is we hieollli pillllllllld i minis ui shoulil hew lie ol lllc ilinjci ol losidy sight ol the inipot iiiin ol ihe iiulividu il aiul not value onlv those who secin to he t lit uiosi useluj i veivoiu has value in the siglit ol doel is it mis illusli lied 111 ills paiablcs ahout mds and i limns kivnole speakei on mondav was di d 11 pliunl associate unit 2 of ucw plan for christmas the novembei meeting of llnil 2 ucw ol i mux united chinch was held on nov is with mis velelhius in the ehui al tn opening pledge and piav ei 1 miss simmons mis j 1 ambei t led ihe devotional sei vice with piavei as the theme mis real and vliss d simmons issisted shoi l ivv lew ol rev bulevs talk on home missions was giv ui loi the bene in ol those who weie unable lo attend whin lie spoke to gump 1 in the business pai t of the inciting all weie asked lo at lend the woikshop on nov 22 and asked lo bung a pot luck uncli how eis ate to be bought loi chi ist mas a pol hick sup pei willi gioup 1 and the santa pan weie bt ought lo ihe alien lion ol all and ai iingements made loi helpets mis e lambert was voted scciclaiv loi 17 mrs shoe niaku coiivvnei ol su k and slim ins is lo convene ihe com millee loi packing the chiist baskets imlessoi putin mnnngenienl luveisuv otgik4phrhi eoiinld eiing the inline ol liilnung oi imaiuil lell lood loi lliouglil loi all people associated willi lu in mil was jusl who would he hum lug eve n iii 10 veils time al mi dljji to sin lisiu s iiu ineis ii a leaving llie iiullisli v al an alailll jitg inte and we aie lold we inust liiiiiiicllalelv unport bullei to covei a seiious shoitnge ol this loiniimdltv in opliuto anil caiiiidn oi plaiint asked dele gales lo pul this oumook loi liiiniing ngiiiiim the lood ivii ol the woi id and against ihe known low itiiouie hiukel ol iiu inets he niihl there u howevvi a hilphi sme lo lannlny some laiiueis me making u good in eoiiie hut ihe big question is whv one lainiei dues and a lit iehliin down ihe mad lailng the same liixiunsianies does not he lll ihe onlv nine lusioii we could come lo was ihe illb leience in ihe man di plaiint lell laimeis should ask themselves what as hum roy coulter oia governor lis i he x would like dill ol lllc more monev inmc lei siiic- we have main deiisions lo make as we weigh l lie dilln enl i ii loi s o take into consul eialion as vie plan whal we want loi ihe inline out ol oui lann and oul of hie recoids aie ihe most impoitant item in help nig us plan rti ihe luliiii taini molds lell lis what we need lo do lo me tease inn income whal oui lu in needs and where changes should he made oidm u iceoids donl give vou what von need lo change methods i his is where we see a changing modem 1 1 end ihe consulting ol a competenl tann manage ment consultant who can come o voui lu in and lell vou the most piolilahlc and economical cli nges lo make a moie suc- cesslul lu in operation the women delegates gathei id111 74r nan nit iticsdas nun n ingrin lite- oniitrio knum tin n i udlei iheakliisl mb llehn mibeuhei duei loiv ol the home i oiiiiiiiii s hiin h ol ihe di pailllieul ol agi li iiliuie vvis i lie siieakit she spuko ol ihe main seiviees aviillahle lo llu liuhlli uml iiu in women in pu llitilit lliepiililcni euim in ihe liul thai these sei vices weie usl mil being pul lo use as ihes should she asked lllo la dies pieseul to help he people in iheil eoiiununilies lo leu n iusl whal seiviies weie avail able and lo make usi ot them epulis vvele made l ihe vanous lommlllee i hall nieii ihe atlilitois kepoi i was given and aipioved main lesohilions weie hiouijhl liriwud and ills cussed ami passed leleiieil lo lomilllllees oi iusl a resolution was passid lo luge ihe depu iiiienl ol agiliut line and atilhiullles responsible lo g4ve immedlale coiisideiallon lo i lie enliiigemenl ol liuillliis al all the agikiilliuil schools lo ensure accopinnce and n eoininoililion ol inlei esled upph cants ibis lesolulion was hioughl lorwaid hecaiise ol iho lelusal ill mam applkanls both hovs iiihi gills because ol lie k ol aieoinmodalion nud lacilllies i the agi uui i ui al si hools in on ano a ichilllllloii wiih also passed lo leipiesl ihe ieileial govein iiienl lo pit mil onlv ihe agiuitl- luiil slahilialioii uoaiil lo im pint hitllei il deemed neces saiv anil thai ihe bullei im- poi lettmreel quiililv slandaids ol canada no i fit tide and he pi leiil in xtryli a iniiiiiei lliat il will not leduce the leluin lo c team piodiuci s wedmsdav ivening the annual meeting ol nieniheis was held lo consalei the financial stale menl and ihe election of gov e in ois denil i ivv i ence piesidenl ol halton ledcialioii ol agnelli hue was nominated loi govein oi bill lost on the second vole ihe vole was lake ii 1 1 ill lllc ontai in nieiiihei s roy coulter ol camphelh ille sicieluv ol llnlloii iedeiilioii ol agllellllllie was tile c led as govcinot liom the giaiu su hon mi coullei was represent nig the ojo wheal piodiic- eis halton delegates present at ihe convention all three days weie denil lawienee president halton edeialion ol agiuul- line flmer foslei ol builing- lon lust viee piesidenl llillon ivdeianoti of- agiicnltuie and mis 0eni lawrence mi charles munio of emhro onluio is the new president ol ihe ontario fedeiatton o agiieulluie lot the coming yeu ihe reining piesidenl charles huffman had capably seived the oiganialion loi i wo veais fly gooff taylor on tlturiilliv november iii llhlhm cuunlvs flnyal lve- sloik judging if am lompeled agalusl lloliiil liatiis ol ihue nienihii i i in h i lom vat mil pails ul thi piovuai i in aiinii il inli i loiuilv i iv e slut k hiilgmi t ompf llllllll is lilil al tin itoval atiiiiillinil vvinlri i all md llu niioiil ol iiiiinbeis pu lli4ftatii7g wne liuilor liuineis horn i he vaii mis lounlles and disltuls in ihe pioiifite file halton leainion sisted ol ihyau mat shall kr i mill m don lhandei kr i noival and linv picket r r iioiielovvu i lir llillon team placed llllll out ol 14 leains i oinpeling during ihe morning learn iniliibiis wire iciiiuii lo juilge the billowing ilasses ol livi sloi k llolsleins hisevs h s news ills phvslial idikillon tia ihu miss i habelh alkev ol ihe high si hofy has a husv sihe ilille ahead ol hei loi ihe winrei months will the stall ol mil mg lo dali slu has 21 iiiileis taking lissons each moiuliv al liinuiui and has loimed live ii nils she hopi s lo tin in one ui two it a hi i s i mis iii 1 oin pili agilllsl students is well iusl siitmdiiy miss alktv lo nine i aiidslioiiniih and maltha hik ille udi d a basketball i linn at wmilsoi basketball pi ac hie- has slatted al ihe high si liool hill llu legillai schedule will iioihcyin until ihe lust ol the ve n nevi lucsdav night the guls vollevluill team will compete against oiangeville m an exlnh i ton euue al the aeton school am slides sheep swine hog an asses mid angus shorthorn and jleielunl heel cuttle following luni h reasons were liken on sewn ol ihe 10 classes al a banquet in the overling ie nils mh pi ies were award- id to the vu ions winneis the iliiinpioii leiirn was an enirv 1 1 mil wellington lounlv with a scoii ol 2 288 oul ol a possihle 2ss0 point the billowing halton mem- heis placed sixth and eighth tespeelivelv oul ol 42 conlest- anis don llmrider irjr i nor- val and i v picket r k t 1oiyelown ihev willejeh ic- nive 10 pne monev as their avvaid gtieitt upeiikrr for ihe evening was nelson ilium insliuilor in i nglish arul feonoiniis at kimplv ille aii leoltuie school mi llaiui is veiv well known among liinlot i u mei members me has insliiic led at ihe jnn- ini lutnei hllcilive speaking eoilisi each veai held al ihe al- bum hills oust i valion seluxil in ai liollon uid ihe junior lumci leidii ship camp held at geneva calk 1 akc coiichiell- 1 1 ill each vein his talk loi the evening was ciim cd aiuuiid een- luiimil piip ii lions loi im 7 candy or midicinf don i liv to pcistiide a small e laid to lake niidli me hv tell mg him it is candy especially ll il a foully looks like emilv he might laid some adults me- el le me mil decide these too weie candies ii a voungslct is loo voting lo swallow a whole pill in tablet eiush il and mix il with some sviup oi jelly and iced it lo him golden hands bars awarded to brownies last wiilnisilty a golden hand and a gulden bai presen tation was held loi ihe iii own- ics at ihe scout hall hals were awaided lo winnie kioes carol ann marshal susan stevenson imilv hodgson hienili kings null debbie i unk i illian de vi us and deny vanderkooy golden hands weie given to palsy joidau valeile mile hell jocylvn diigle mm tel holmes shale v monison sliulev ioe que i iiula savies dorothy nivvlon and debbie sluup a ictoid tuiinbfi ol molhtis weix out aii seveial small bio- lluis and sisleis i he oldei gills served tea tm looked allei the mothers allei the ceremonies little ones iiimed the olheis in lite singing ii was a busy day ml loi the next lew weeks the biowmes will be bitk lo their knitting needles waking on then ilghan caroline rower 3 garden shop complete line of nursery stock ft oardinino needs sprays insecticides fertilizers fresh cut flowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 853280 anytime open 7 days a week 8 00 a m til dark visit us today i 2 miles west of acton south side of highway wifesaver sale gas ranges gas dryers as low as mas cheei baskets and anang v ing hei monlhh visit to the manin allei the mipah benediction a social tunc was held over the tea i ups now for a limited time you can get a famousmake gas range for as low as 19995 were offering you top tradein values no down payment and if you wish as little as 435 a month on your regular gas bill modern gasrangesinoludesuehfoa as infini heat selection automatic ignition and clock control low temperature ovens smokeless broilers large oven windows and lift off doors save on one of these modern gas ranges now and youll know why gas makes the big difference in addition you have a chance to get a modern gas dryer for as low as 19995 no down payment or as little as 435 a month on your regular gas bill each quality gas dryer is gentle enough for any fabric and a must for permanent press garments uniy a gas dryer gives you complete circulation ofwarm air at a speed that leavesctothes fresh and wrinkle free and what a big difference in operating cost take advantage of the special low prices on these gas dryers now municipality of esquesin6 nomination meeting a i ef the municipal electors of the township of e will bo held in esqoosinfl community hell stowofttown on monday november 28 1966 at- 730 deck inthe evening for the purpose of nominating cendtcbtos tor the offices of reeve deputy reeve and councmohs for the year i97 and two members of the school teard of township school area no 1 for the yoor 1967oa k c undsavr rmurning officor pr- christmas sale terrific values at budget saving prices shop now buy now save now brass and copper ware wall plaques assorted still life and ships old dutch jugs jardinieres kettles etc ideal for christmas gifting holland d assorted dutch mmmn kcls patterns ft colqrs rbrenka controlled quality machine washable weight only 83 ounces double bed size approx 75 x 94 single bed size approx 60 x 80 also crib blankets the holland shop i airf ai r- moffat fihdlay tappan gurney enterprise beach moffat hamilton maytao westinonousst thor inclis simplicity 71 mill st e acton orrt 8530950 4c x see your gas appliance dealer department store ojr united gas aam x

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