rftother auccemfol clinic j cjrgaoiw mrt vyillum flnlay and thoiiv atlfotacl jrtor in the blood ciribrcllriat thhjgion4tail isst thurs- chry tha affair o smoothly and with such a minimum of fuss it makes them appear ridiculously easy although there are numerous little details and large amount of prepara tion which go into each clinic mrs finlaya flair for organization and her choice of helpers creates a cheerful climate which could be widely emulated by clinics elsewhere the success of the affairs is meas ured by the number who attend and donate the most recent one was an other success numerically and the num ber of repeat donor is high which speaks highly for the efficiency of those in charge there us another facet of the clinics which must go unmeasured however even though it may be more important that is the willingness of so many peo ple to go through the discomfort slight as it is for the benefit of other people some of them have probably benefitted personally from transfusions and feel obligated but there are r many who donate solely in concern for their neigh bor even though theyll never know who he is ditorial page aforae publicity jfv cxpc one actonian of french extraction ismorehan rllttle miffed at the ad verse publicity accommodations for ex po have been receiving at the hands of the daily press in toronto marc laferriere suspects there is jealousy involved because montreal ra ther than toronto was selected as the site for the exposition this he feels is coloring the truth of the matter his view conflicts partly with a re cent report by the canadian automobile association which made a comparative study and found rates would be hiked an average of 4 a day for a double room however marc had some proof for his case and he produced it it consisted of a letter from a small montreal hotel he had written the week before confirming reservations for a double room at a cost of 8 it is clean comfortable and recently done over said marc but the best thing is it is only a block from st catharines street and the metro which takes you right to expo he admitted the rates had doubled from the usual 4 a day to 8 but felt the cost would be more in the neigh borhood of 5 because of a recent quebec government ruling forbidding surcharges over 15 percent most of his satisfaction came from the speed with which he received a reply confirming good accommodation was still available right on expos door step when toronto newspapers were proclaiming montreal was all booked up- recent charges of official complicity in pocketting deposits were featured on front pages but when top expo brass said they were without foundation the item was buried in the back pages these and many other such hints make one wonder if some people wouldnt be glad to see expo a financial flop rather than a crowning achieve ment for centennial year canadians will be proud to realize that this exhibition of 1967 was done by canadians it is not a frenchcan adian exhibition and it not an english- canadian exhibition it was made pos sible by the mixture of both cultures in this great national achievement said philippe de gaspe beaubien dir ector of operations for expo 67 using the words of a negro spiritu al to this we add amen amen amen i foerial hctej canadiana 67 the ice revue pre sented by the acton figure skating club saturday night was delightful enter tainment and a credit to all who organ ized and participated in it the elabor ate costumes done mainly by mothers of skaters reflected pride in their work and an artistic sense which blended into the centennial year theme the revue was certainly the most lavish and pretentious centennial event in this dis trict to date housing costs increased significant ly in 1966 while the index of prices of residential building materials increas ed by only 22 per cent from 1965 to 1966 theindex of wage rates for build ing labor went up by 120 per cent over the same period before marriage a girl knits her fellow socks- afterwards she doesnt give a darn battista laugh and the world laughs with you moan and you sell a million rec ords springtime means showers and pud dles the ontario safety league thanks the maority of drivers who take pains to avoid splashing pedestrians and hopes that this courtesy will become universal in time splashing is danger ous too when it suddenly obscures the vision of another driver another hazard on side roads is the fact that puddles sometimes conceal a deep hole aaa picture jallerif wihbf acton was adamsville the ransom adams family lived in this frame house which is shown being mov ed down mill st about 1905 it is now a double hods near the tannery before the day of the move if occupied the comer of mill and john st where the home furnishings store is now behind it to the right is the home of mr and mrs harry mainpnze with a vacant lot where iheymca was later built and then the present barber shop writing on the old postcard lent by e e perry- man says ransom adams one of actons oldest landmarks pimt warm day op smino brought greetings from john vos chris dudley billy adair brad chamberlain and paul bolton perched on the arch of the pic turesque bridge spanning the river in eden mills taff photcj sugar and spice by bill smiley f remember its 1987 and we have uniforce alias the canadian cobras 100- 000 strong pure bone and gristle mas terminded by jutjawed joe garibaldi minister of national defence the yanks are all upset because he is dickering with the chinese a couple of waiters from the nanking restaurant its obviously a second cuba in the mak ing joe gets a call from the white mouse he states his terms and hangs up he knows his man lsd president oflthe us of a is a tough cookie he came up through the unions like joe but owes his position to the huge wealth of his wife mary warner of the hideously rich boston warners twenty minutes later joes phone rings its lsd himself now look joe we dont want trouble we paid eight million for alaska and i think five mil lion for the l purchasething- yeah yeah we know theres inflation how about a straight eight billion after taxes you want ten dont be ridicu lous we wont go a nickel past nine after all we own most of the country anyway a deal right take over it wasnt quite that simple of course joe had to call a meeting of the war council this group had supplanted the cabinet which was relegated to such tasks as studying the immediate hous ing bill introduced in 1968 and the old age unemployment act prepared in 1969 but it didnt take long joe had handpicked his senior officers marsh aladmiral louis latour had wanted to be king louis the first of new canada the second after joe had explained how awkward this would be louis settled for the liquor concession at all martyrs shrines in the country the others went along colonelcom modore nils jorgenson of winnipeg balk ed little at getting no more than the remaining mineral rights of the prairie provinces but finally acceded grumb ling the rest accepted what they got the fishing rights in hudson bav the rocky mountains or whatever ir was perfectly timed at jioon on julv 1st our national holiday the cobras struck flving squads took over all com munication media without a drop of blood being shed 0fjf the cujff there is increasing indication that mortgage rates are turning down slight ly in the wake of easing credit and generally lower interest rates in other money markets some of the large in stitutional lenders are directing more funds into mortgages conventional mortgage rates at present are around 7 to 8 percent against 74 to 8v4 percent at end of 1966 the financial post says national housing act mort gages are expected to drop to 7 per cent from 7 percent soon and may go to 6 percent in three months time nearly everybody was pooped after the long hot holiday so that only a few heard marshal admiral latour an nounce on the 11 pm news that uni force had unearthed and promptly squashed a communist plot to take over the country next day the full story came out in all media and the honorable joe was lauded for the speed and decision with which hp had handled the emergency there wasnt an iota of resistance parliament was on holidays the prime minister was ill and in seclusion the universities were closed so there were no students protests the mounties and militia had long since been disbanded as needless expense everything was perfectly calm bus iness as usual most canadians were starting their holidays a few noticed that there were a lot of new radio and tv announcers and newspaper columnists but they figured the new guys were just vacation replace ments then the good news started coming corporation income and sales taxes were all to be reduced farm subsidies were to be raised food prices were to be lowered free housing for everybody making less than 5000 i guess i dont have to tell you the rest popular movement demanded a republic and joe for president joes sincere statement that he had no ambi tion except to serve the canadian people through the democratic process big convention only stipulation for dele gates was that they be members of uni force joe elected unanimously you had to han- to him from president of the destruction workers union to presi dent of the great republic of canada in a few short vears thats all oh a few people disap peared quietly here and there but that was because of the new relocation act the agon free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded m 1175 and publithtd evrry wednesday i 59 vtillo si at on qnino- member of ih auj i burtju of circulation the cwna and ovia advening rie on rcqun subkrip- iun pawbu m advance moo in canada s740 in jii vountrtf other iun canada unjla copers io auihorutd a second clavt mail potl otk tvpjrinwnt ottawa adirriiiinj i accepted on ibe ondiiton that in the eem of iporpfaicaj rro thai purl ton of ihc adrtinf tpac oc up ted b the erroneous item together with reamnabw allowance for vifnature i thargitd fur bui ine balance of the advrrttaeinejit iir be paid or at the applicable me in the merit ol a typographical error adwrttain hf or eticr at a wrong price goods or arrvicei max nt be ld advertising ii merely an offer to wll and ma be withdrawn al time dcft prmtmc ami filmlfc 20 years ago 75 years ago taken from the imim of the acton free press thursday march 27 1947 funm are now available for tenant who desire to muke application for the tifiv huines proposed to be erected by wartime housing veterans get first preference in these homed bill application from all should be filed now these homes are for rental ind not for kale the first meeting of the newly-np- pointed board of health of the halton county health unit was held in milton on march 20 mr and mrs g brownlow celebrat ed their fiftieth wedding anniversary snowdrops are in bloom extensive alterations are being made in the inlerioi furnishings floors and arrangements at watsons lunch 210 20 acknowledged in aid to china fund for acton 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday march 22 1917 the resignation of j s coleman the man who has taken care of the public and high schools for the past nine years was received by the school board the reslgmtion is to take effect in a month mrtcownriiin has dehdedto remo to hnmiola manitoba the secretary was instructed to ad vertise for applications for the position of ianilor at the salary of 600 per year messrs blow and overholt of wood stock have purchased the goodwill of b f caldwell and will open a first class machine shop and garage in acton these new men have the reputation of being experienced motor car machinists molor cars are running in the lower end of the counlv on the new toronto- hamilton highway word has been received that cap tain j firsrbrook is recovering his mother and father of toronto are visit ing him rt berne switzerland cditcrial trietfj those who establish leg exercises and stay with it will have less blood pressure less hardening of the arteries less arterio sclerosis less heart trouble and fewer strokes than those who dont states dr murray blair of vancouver general hospital he advises that the lost art of walking physical exercise in moderation is essential to our well- being as we grow older evangel pentecostal tabernacle pjvoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday april 9 1967 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 7 00 p m evening worship evangelis tic service tuesday 8 p m prayer and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday april 9 1967 945 ajn church school for ages 3 to 15 9 45 am church membership class for teenagers 1 1 00 a m public worship of god ser mon theme taking hold of lifes serpents 7 45 p m presbvtery elders rally st andrews church brampton everyone most welcome acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 murky coin editor ootid it oh publlskn copyright iw7 don ryder u u sunday april 9 1967 1000 ajn church school and aduh class 11 15 ammorning worship the breath of god 7 00 pjn special evening service sua dent from the baptist training institute of brantford will put on the evening service singing wit nessing and message all are wel come monday april 10 mission circle at fryers wednesday 730 pjn prayer and bible thursday 6j0 pjn explorers thursday 7j0 pjn choir practice friday 700 pjn bju text so then every one of us shall give account of himself to god romans 1412 taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday march 24 1192 the minister of finance shows a sur- clus hon mr foster delivered ms udget speech and pointed out he great prosperity of the countiy the receipts of last year were 38579110 the expendi tures t36243562 leaving a surplus of 12335748 the annual meeting of acton branch bible society will be held in the method ist church rev mr fiae the agent of the society will deliver his annual address the first annual supper of the sons of scotland of tvanhoc camp sos was held last friday evening the contract for the new school building goe to a brampton man ms lender for brick being the lowest 4789- about twentvflvc minutes sufficed for the transaction of all business re quiring attention at the regular meet ing of council monday evening the committee of finance presented their fifth report davs and nights of equal length just now it is pretty generally hoped the snow storm of this week was the last of the 100 years ago taken from the issue of the c champion milton april 4 187 it is much to be regretted our elec tioneering meetings should be so much taken up with personal squabbles no doubt a candidate for parliamentary hon ors should be a man of sterling integri ty and undoubted loyalty but then neither the lawson property bugbear nor the oakvillc harbor affair can have any- thing to do with these as far as the honest yeomen of old halton are con cerned neither mr chuholm nor mr white can long keep what the law does not give him a right to let each party erect his platform when where and how he likes let him do as the lumbermen sometimes do have it written in chalk on his back if he likes on the same condition it can be rubbed off only when the account is settled for sale the halton herald office georgetown with press type and all the fixtures complete at a bargain address w barber and son georgetown canadas new flag a controversial subject when introduced is winning wider acceptance as time goes on many centennial flags flying with the red maple leaf brighten the long winter days church news trinity church the united church of canada minister- mr john may interim supply organist mr george elliott ma phjd sunday april 9 1967 sunday school 000 a m junior school to gr 4 11 15 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 10 00 a m trinity church acton nur sery provided 11 15 am churcmll church churchill rd n all welcome betha christian reformed church acton ontario sunday april 9 1967 1000 ajn english service 1110 ajn sunday school 230 pjn alternating dutch and baa lish service saturday bible classes 101230 ajn everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday april 9 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776663 u the church op st alban tm marty anglican comer willow st and st arwns mm rev ritchie mcmurray mjl stb saturday afro 8 800 pjnrget acquainted night to which the whole parish is hurtled especially newcotners to acton sunday april 9 1967 easter ii 900 ajnv holy bnrharlst 10j0 ajarchurch fr i0j0 a m morning prayer