Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1968, p. 5

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the world of outdoors ywtth a by hawes in the lower droit leases particularly pollutloo vid enrichment over the last two deaides have resulted in biological physical and chemical attoriuons of tho environment for fish the walleye lake trout awtwhltdflin have reached low levels of abundance while alewlfe white bass white perch and smell are predominate while this particular problem i not as marked in lake huron and is practlceuyncoeitistaot tuxakediavribft another factor has caaa- ed deflnlte chsnfes hvlbe fisheries hire theperasltle lamp production of lata treat these labia for example has- oh froiri a yearw averaft of i5 mlluon pounds to leas titan half mjlllen ppuismalnly becaueo o this predator ttwaejfactsv thought limajwnaiserft introdilclne fljhes frdm other areas- that would bo tetter suited to the changed envlrahment thso the native ashes coho salmon kokanwaiu splataviave already been iptroduced the splake was deelor specifically wtthlamprey predertao artherpothir7 in august and september a study was mads id nine european countries england4cotund sweden finland soviet union yugo slavia ctachoalovakia austria andfraneejto assess the poaslt ility of ihojr ashes living in our water spoqieutliat caotoloratii enriched anil polluted waters hotter than our own those that grow quickly and mature early as a factor in cambaitai thji sua lamp rey and thoso that ajro prodaoooua and would utilise the huge stocks of coarse fish in thegroat lakes wore of partlcularlnterost the european plkeperch although very similar in appearance and habits to our walleye has certain characteristics that may make it particularly suited to the lowor great lakes it is a hioro versatile species than ours living in shallow lakes of 300 acres or leas and in the saline waters of the gulf of finland it tolerates higher temperatures and lowor dissolved oxygon values than its north american counterpart turbid wator is essential for good plkoporch production and it can withstand higher levels of pollu tion rate of growth is generally castor and they roach a larger site up to 44 pounds in go no re f it matures a year oarllbtand spawning is on plant roots and muddy areas that would he ohtlroly unsuitable for our walleye tloet sturgeons of the world mature at an age of 1215 years and are thersfrfro quite vulnerable to exploitation soviet sclont- lsts through hybridization studies are attempting to develop uarl- ier maturing sturgeon these are particularly needed fortho impoundments created by hydroelectric developments on their major rivers the slow growing smallaired up to 30 indies early maturing 4 years fresh wator starlet has been hybridliod with the fast growing largo up to 15 tons lato maturing 10 years migratory beluga the ru sultan t hydrld matures at 4fi years has a growth rate approaching thai of the beluga probably although this is not known yot roaches a large slzo and can llvo in fresh or salt wator the hybrid is fertile although it is not yo known whether it will reproduco in naturo backcrossos of the hybrid to both parents permits a wide selection of characters 1hat may be required the european brown trout can llvo in a wide range of environ ments the sea warm sluggish rlvors or deep cold lakes tho cold water lake dwelling form which occurs in a numbor of coun tries is called the lake trout in lake loman gonovalt occurs down to depths of 130 feet tho lake trout grows rapidly even at northern latitudes and may roach a wolght of 50 pounds it is a highly pradaceous fish maturing at threo yoars although prim arily a rivor spawnor it can also spawn in lakes drown trout have bean introduced to north america jn tho past with only mod erate success thoso early introductions are belloved to bo of tho warm river forms of england and kranco many european author ities fatt the rapid growth and cold water habit of the lake form is a fixed character and would bo retained in north america one of the mora spectacular fishes oncounterod was the danube salmon or huehen this salmonld is only found in tho danube watershed of central europe france go r many austria yugo slavia it is nearest to the lake trout although not too close of our north american salmonlds the huchun can live in warmor waters up to 80 85 degrees tolerato lower dissolved oxygen values and withstand greater pollution than any other salmonld it is extremely pradaceous and cannibalistic tho danube salmon grows very rapidly and may attain longths of 25 to 27lnches and weights of five to eight pounds in five years individuals of 115 pounds have been reported and hah of 50 to 80 pounds havo not boon uncommon spawning occurs huaprll or may in small tributary streams and hatching takes place three or four wooks later it is a superb game fish and rated only next to the salmon on tho tablo unfortunately with these desirable qualities it is strictly a river form and not found in lakes larger rivers with alternating pools and rapids are preferred deep loose gravels aro essential for spawning r a number of other species were investigated including the eur opean perch and tho whltefishos and chars but none appoarud to offer advantages over our own fishes tho four speclos the pike- churchill mrs mary agnew- toronto mr and mrs dpbort c agnew and daughters carol and helen brantfordj mr and mrs earl vanatter and mr and mrs jack vanatter and daughter cheryl unde and nancy fenelon falls mrs iluck georgetown mr and mrs donald anderson donald and david mr and mrs ilob kerr mr and mrs strosov and family spent christmas with mr and mrs archlo kerr mr andmrs itotwrt tyler phoned from slml california on cjirtstroas morning to wish the- kfcrrs k merry chrfatmas ptogauiz the alton free prt wadnetday january 3 ip68 r no liqu cha quiet weekend for opp tobogganing on llwi lerrirr mfranl of the robert little rclinnl we i favorite iport for tlwr children durinrj ihn chritmi iiolicloyf nnmi yhornhill jim nic lohn pink onjoy the twlft stff photor j keep your- car windows free of snow and ice s ports coreboardl better koup your cars windows clean for safutys sake the mil ton opp dulachniont submits effoctlvn octolior 1 minn tli following soctlon came lntooffect in ontario under tlui provisions pf tho hlhway traffic act soc 41b 1 no portion shall drive a motor vohlclo upon a highway a uiiions tho windshield and tho windows en either side of the compartment cen tal nine tho stecrlni while aro in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear vlow to the front and sldcol tho motor vehicle and b unless tho roar window is in such a condition as to afford tlui driver a clear vlow to tho roar tit tlui mo tor vehicle 2 clauso b ol aubsoctlon 1 does not apply lo a uujtor vehicle that is uqulppnd with mirror or mirrors socuruly attached to the motor vehicle and jaced in such a position as to afford the driver othorwiso than through the rear window a cloarlyrofleded view of tho roadway in the rear nt any voldcle approaching irnm thu roar 1iantams gp w n n 5 2 i 0 scoitlng dei1dy g garth taylor i steve coiituill p hon limited b dave iliik h 5 gord murray ii 5 gary turkos h 3 hriii irwin h 4 tim coles p 1 cliai kill ken ii 3 luff cooper p 3 pek wees 11 1 2 a 3 mike ware w daimy wglistor b hob kllhy ii jolin thompson 11 novice pjckoy naginskl nf john mccutchooo ii dave morris 11 lilly ware st k gordon toth h jim ellorby st k ford alton st k john scoyno o eddie easing nf ivan llearn h stavn ilrunolls st k hlalno clolando pee wees 2 3 2 2 1 1 0 3 ymtt ulllt w umrahavia mh tu wum lot out knrhmi makkwit rowi vv wmrrkm ma4md w1mih1i iiiv iuimw tsv jf4h fh 1fk mtm4hi eyr tor yxr yi ut ml iwi u 1 13 7 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 4 3 3 should a driver tut into a skid on icy pavement li should re main calm the hamilton auto mobile chili iirgiis dont slam on tho hrakos slonr in tiio dir ection in which tho iteak of tlui car is moving gnntly kiculnr- ato whon the aulomobilo is aacu again going in the proper direct ion and lu carniul not to over- stoor if tho car is kept in guar the engine can bo an effective brake the milton opp detachment reports a fairly ojutot new years weekend in north haltan area the force laid no charges for luiuor infractions aver the holi days the holiday weekend traffic was heavy but there were fuw ac cidents theofflcerslnveatlgaied two accident friday two salur- day- aikl three on sunday witiia clear ahrfeffpr monday property liaraageln the hvun weekend apr cfdents totalediuhiliutirt3000 odurtai jusj otfi toklj hotorsli r -i- v following is asuniinaryoflast wovs lnvostigaiiois by tdooiij pi f- v- o daring tits ek gfuaeanibar 144 to- doeumbsr 3d pursonnel warkeda total of 730 liourfc aiklpaironod 8i5 inlwonja highways- as remill of jiairol 15fthara woripjrefprrud 20 traffic warnings wuro lnsiwdand is vehicles werosafilty cjjuclunl tliiiro wore- seven prujwrty lumigi jwlibnls rusultliui in four persovn luilng injured and one fatalacclilent resulting in two persons lielug killuif prop erty damage totallud t8085 causes of accidents wre spnod too fast for road or traffic con ditions inattentive driving im proper turns as a result of these acclikints four charges were laid thuru were- convktloou niglatorud lu georgetown is wondering whether to ljulld an addition to the library tliere or wlmlluir to build a second library in annllior part of town thats a proliluni acton hasnt got magistrates court there were 27 general occur rences reported during this per iod including two premises found insecure two disturbance com plaints two la infractions two stolen cars recovered one per son admitted to tlui mental hos pital one sulcide one break enter and theft hr 4 tir and nss to have sjood tires nyt th ontario ssfetr tesaue your brakes n stop the whcela bu only your tlr tits sr v hwflhi rrlnwc driving ramemberlhai brldget can be traachav ou apt in tou weather tven when tha rest of the pavement is dry the toad autfaea en a bridge may be lc- oatwi for yearround peace of mlnil you need ade quate insurant protec- ion for information call i e r pasmore hiu kuiui hmats ciacf insurance toopeiulois insurince ahsiiclulioiis of guelpli gp w lialtlmorc ilocliuntor springfield clevuland scoitlng ijeitlty atoms team g scott malcolm ii 10 left shields w 10 mike morris w 0 gordon hrucc ii n hruce mclliall w 3 liave mcglllowiiy h 1 2 davo forester s 2 glun mckonzio it liornlo taylor s jim ucnab b stovo ward li t clias mcllau ii 1 lirlan storey h 1 sieve marshall c 0 tony lmbort s 0 potna harnrave it joiirtltocliuster it mlko ferguson b rramplon weston atoms gp w l t 0 5 1 2 8 15 2 25 5 18 c 10 13 7 10 0 4 8 5 10 0 8 1 0 3 0 2 0 2 5 4 novice hamilton 8 7 st kltts 8 5 nla falls 8 3 oshawa 8 0 1 0 2 1 4 1 a o pee wees naltlmoro 8 7 o 1 dochestur 8 4 3 1 sprlngfluld 8 4 4 0 cleveland 8 q 8 0 p headquarters 1 plinl ndwl see our telectlon of trees evergreens shrubs cut flowers and potted plants open 7 dayt a week i km till dark phone 132910 say ii win iiowipi ihiv av it 10 micciv caroline flower garden shop two mllti wtit of- acton sojth sidi of hwv new year bargains at porch tlui hybrid sturgeon the lake form of thu brown trout and tho danube salmon appear to he the most immediately promlslnc j i europoan scluntlsts are imlte concerned about enrlchmuot and pollution problems at thr moment ajiij ooiisldorablulnvostlgatlon is iwlnr carried ojit in the field in general they apiwar to ho somewhat ahead nfnorth america in handling of effluents afid have dovlsod a nuinlit ol ingenious ways of treating wastes however they have no waters comparuhle tiwnagnltmk to the great lakes large lakes such as lake geneva anil lake malarcn in sweden arohutdorgoini similar changes to oclr lakes there are conflict ing opinions among the european scientists as to the irreversibil ity of the enrichment trcht plans aro being made for the official opening of stewarttown senior public school on friday february 2 heading for heavenly used car savings then head for lous used cars main st kockwooo i 8564235 save save save save january furniture sale 7pc bremetone dinette suite large 30 x 60 toblc with wiikt uborto top st high backed chdrs in supposed vinyl special 995 krof hler suite 3 pltcc chesterfield chaw 3 tthl4mt kiltfllt d chair m zippored cuimoi rvlon frieze covering mxtimvst fobtfc urfl for long weer bg ilx9s sali 22995 i 3 pc bedroom suite double dresser and mirror chest and panel bed m walnut finish special sale 16995 i39 rtkorcj cabin rg 31 5tjfr5p4ieial 2495 hassocks 395 drapery ends ftam 125 magazine racks 295 these are but a few of the savings during our january sale acton home furnishings rib portion m s loin o pork 53 lb loin o pork sssjsssj am tender loin portion 59 lb pork chops 69 lb redpath 10lb bag us no 1 texas cabbage 225c sugar 83 red a white 24ei loaf bread 3 65 frozen food supreme 2lb bag frenclr fries 49 heese slices 35 fancy quality 19ox tins applesauce 22c presswood wieners 49 fresh produce golden ripe bananas 2 i 25 kraft 8ox pkg prices effective january 3456 jang 3vio pkg orange cry stals 2143c plenty of free parking t ji

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