Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1968, p. 12

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the acton free preis wednesday february 21 1968 esquesing grants conditional approval slaughter house it i hill wo esqueslng council grantedcon- dltlonal approval for opening of a slaughter house on the seventh una on the east half of lot 14 following a visit from alois niel- uspach with his proposal he was accompanied by mr powell of the halton lloalth unit mr nlotlispacli proprietor of als custom meats must apply to tho lloalth unit for tliolr ap proval and tlion nieot tlwlr ro- milrumonts boforo procuudlng mr powull uxplaliuid if fcsq- ueslng glvus oonsont lot ho pro- poai jilaughlo tiouwthe owner tniut uiool tho roqulroiiients of tho lluallh unit as wull as uki provlncla ptfpjarptient of afri- culturu who wit rogulatloiis ho askoit mr nmuapacli to m council ftrittd w tiiiui ajjdunj jloihm if it wa turned jlburtv ihornt no bylaw tu forbid lujil dopiityioovii imii new ixkutivf of the aclon junior institute discuss plans or 1968 following a highly suc cessful dinner and danc friday at brookville school left is carol lucas past prsidnt marilyn kirwood new prosidont carol swaclihamer vice prosidont and linda foster treasurer socretiry dirb dritton is missing -i- staff photo liavo a bylaw lorhldilliig objoiloiialili liiduftrlik aiu- wurud ulurk k c llndhay u pooiiui in thu nulktibbrhpod knil a slauihtur iioumj cajigoiiji wo havu no altornatlvu but to annovu rouiarluid councillor pat paitoruui i would novor doprlvu anyono of a uvulihooil riqulromont for thopropomid placu ai laid out unilor tho public lloalth unit outunodby mr pow ell uated it must bo 200 yardi wttji from any dwelling and so yards from any street council agreed only adjoining landowners needed to be asked for consent the proprietor intends to run a cus tom killing business a motion from the halton county planning board asking lscjiestng to concur with a pro posal asking all parcou of land 10 acres and over be approved by the committee of adjustment was turned down by councll 1 know what theyre trying to gstlal but uieyru overstepping ductared tho reove i doht agre with it it would be rotten thu tylaw patsod ayoarago hai workodroakdnablpwelfld- mlttodthumlork buttifwrootho 0i4 caw whore it doesnt if a fujlquliad 00 actus and walitod 16 will 100 wf havoto eomo bufora the coiaullton of ailjuhtiiwiip asked tlio ilapdlji- rouvu yui camo biplctho aic- wur if it wai all in qni parcol most councillors iiympalhl iod with tho kiln of thu iiotoo hut turiuiil ittown wliuiiltcaiikiloiho vqio school board chairman win a lawson aiidmipurviliigprlnclpal trie ilalklnd amiuhrud boforo council to ak advlcu on tho noc- o lty of nuttliik a uconmi tjo ofmjralu tho now hall in thu stowarltown school thoy woru advlmid to do io tho iward fuuli wo liavo till aroa and would 11 ku tho public to bo ablo to umj it iaidmr law- son ho roquo tod use of atown- iup gradur to inajco a parklnklot at tho school its not wlso to havu a hall and ask tho patrons to park on tho county or township roails i aikoil tin a mo quoitlon laut yoar and wa told tlioy dont ront gradors out aid mr hill yo conflrmod tho clork tho dopartmont qfhltfiways frowns on uung gradors on any thing olu lmt road and thoy pay so por cont of tho cost it was agrood a prlvato rontal would bo bettor for township and school board with not too groat a dlfforonco in cost tho board hoad llion asked council about plowing out school driveways he referred to the last storm when arrangements had to be made on their own i know what to do b1u quip ped tho deputyreeve bjrtaad of turning those young bucks loose in the gym hand them shovels instead council reviewed snow plow ing the schools out and asserted thoy would bo done after roads woru done after all said one councillor buses cant get to th schools unless thej folds are plowed ffru mr lawaon also asked tlutfjhe rofd superintendent rnarkuarrow bridged j1 the township jho ro- furred ono on ifta fourth line lot four where be was afraid something might happen ho re quested a narrow bridge sign at the top of the hill approach i council also received word there would be a hearing in toronto to dis cuss direction of a milton annex ation proposal milton requested 80 acres and got only 211 in tliolr last bid for land tho moot ing march 21 will rr viow the proposal waslnformed haroingprlce was appointed to the township hail board by ewjuoslll agri cultural socktty alutjme owned by h j stanloy member of the ifaltonpoel jersey club placed well up in the class leaders on ftop in canada for 1967 the now all- tltne class leader for milk in tho mature class 305 day div ision is brownlano kavolas josyl ownod by lorne ella hornby she produced 21710 lb of milk wclioltor fat shu also holds tlio 305 day record for milk in tho inauro class and tho junior 4yoar old class with 19263 and 17592 pounds re spectively maurice c boaty placod third in tho mature class for milk and fat with llndale bijou plwi rose at 1cgs1 lb milk 835 fat which is a aca of 237 ami 220 b h billandsonnorval placod third in tho sonlor throoyoar old class for milk and second for fat with brampton linos droamor 12934 lb milk c91 lb fat bruco nixon of norval had tho socond sonlor fouryoar old for butter fat with conorallons dolly 12234 lb milk 712 fat in tho doss leader y lorne ella junior fouryoar old clasi tor bgtter at ken ella and pons hornby with rock ella h c hath 12145 lb riillk 709 fat immediately following in third place was valets wanota with 12784 milk 70s fat owned by ernest alexander norval the first man to climb the 11780 hldi mattirhorn was id- ward whymper on july 14 1805 received a request from mr morris to speak at the next meeting on georgetown annex ation of 70 acres on the eighth una read a third time and passed a bylaw authorizing the stopping up of ashbury sl on tho east half of lot 15 second concession at spoysiclu reave george currle presided fir the meeting wtth pepufy- reeve torn hill and councillors pat patterson apd bob lawson in attendance counduor w leslie was unablaloattend your dealer for pride t hybrid seed corn mr johm f hitching ft r no i moffat ontabio fhone 1243770 quality ba products save you money gasoline motor oil dietel fuel fuel oil stove oil sotain oil burner finance plan 4 10 years is ray small carrying charges oapendsbu service thompson fuels ltd 44 young sy acton phon s33174 ga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods loa foods ka a acton junio farmtk executive for 1968 was introduced at the gala banquet and dance held friday in brookville school left to right 11 joint secretary howard rosxell secretary brian annual acton junior attracts largest crowd cargill vice president bill coxe president brian bessey past president earl burt and treasurer ross burt staff photo farmer banquet ever to attend the largest crowd over to at tend the annual banquet of acton junior farmers nearly tilled brookville public school auditor ium friday night guest speaker for the auspic ious occasion was incoming act on club president brian bessey who reviewed brotherhood from gail douglas 4h president of dublin east the first meeting of the dublin east 4h club was held at th home of their leader uis uc- carron on saturday february 11 seven iris were in attendance officers were selected as fol lows president gail douglas vice president margaret slaven secretary treasurer la irenu rennlck assistant secretary cathy hlnlon press reporters bonnie armstrong andcathy hln- ton airs douglaslsasslstinl lead er lbthlsclubentitledfeaturing fruit the girls will be learning how to prepare fruit pudtings pies and shortcakes biblical times to the present he was introduced by secretary brian cargill and thanked by vicepresident bill coxe past president earl burt pre sided joy hayward said grace before tho ladles of sodom pros- byterlan church sorvod a delic ious dinner thoy woro thankod by ross burt the largo head table was intro duced by marilyn klrkwood new president of tho junior instltuto a toast to the junior institute was proposed by john ramsey and replied to by kalhy bowman a toast to the junior farmers was proposed by marlono brit- ton reply was by robert foster john cockburn assistant agri cultural roproumtativo for halt- on and peel brought greetings from the agricultural office ontario president pat krr was also introduced as well as the halton county junior farmer president and a group of grey county visitors treasurers reports were giv en by linda foster and howard rosiell for the junior institute and junior farmers respective ly a report on ttu years act ivities was given by marilyn klrkwood the new executive was intro duced by junior institute put president carol lucas pre sentation of past proidintspins was done by marilyn klrkwood and brian bossoytlplr success ors with a few appropriate words chairman larl uurt concluded the program with a feu uell chosen romnrks and thank you notes boforo the auditorium uas cleared for tho dance officers of tho junior instltuto for 1968 are past president carol lucas prosldont marilyn klrkwood vlcoprosldont carol swackhamer secretary barb dritton troasuror linda fostor junior farmor oxoculive con sists of past president earl burt prosldint brian bossoy viceprosidont bill couo sec retary blan cargill troasuror ross burt joint secretary is howard roszell sou chicken tub serves 8 to 1 0 persons 525 box 14 pieces buns honey 390 box of 9 pieces 250 individual dinner plus tnmminqs 135 light snack 2 pieces french fries 80c fishburger 65c cheeseburger 40c and 50c hamburgers 35c and 45e fish and chips 50c french fries 2se onion rings 25e sandwiches made to order hours open monday to thursday am la aw friday to sunday lam to 10 p m deliveries 50c extba bp snack bar 8532114 frozen foods iiip1iti awakeq jk drink oftd jiiu 49c h 49c 49e 4 mf 99e in the dairy case chin iiint mum uh ui- inch iiiis tmlfl son milts ult mow 1umi vom rut iga save on health l beauty aid margarine j la ull t oiouiid riii mmmm shortening 39 iga cheese 61 01 till 1 right guard udutat ik lit m faat colgate 100 4c 111 nlutii utimfilm a hair spray i i oi 69 1 shampoo 69c dinner 6 99 ltut u hllilllumi afak pancake mix 37 jell0 6- 69 bakery treats about savings ii h h hit ul ii fuh ttl bl vitl sf cuf u tubt lb 141 mm i iw u jm mm wi m ll tul bm kl ttimti cuuj cfulii twu i til will wl w4 wr mlua im lu immf m hbktit un mi in 1 1 m tuut vu i vn m j m h iu ntwilauiulluiiuwfwj t llll m if i i1m1 m m trj uf sgrapefruit 10 79 tomatoqoqc uice oov c0h0e llcsk salmon tl wm0j iii imcv lit iga bread 3 65 us ul ii m u wl mm lemon rolls 41 onion rolls y bridge mix 39 potato chips79 biscuits 69 iun mho cukid sweet pickled cottage rolls dotmiw family dental or medical bills are easy to care for with ready cash from 6ac international stop in or call we ii help you smile your brightest smile ask bii9 m nrernjt0njil im i smppv smci conn urt bananas 229 cillhhwl cusp i hum ti v lettuce 229 ciiifolml uici fih niiis cabbage 19 mpgim imou pears 54 heinz spaghetti ftoclisteakettes blfb j 11 i mthlun uicii m cajg york wax beans 3 49 meats ua m lillllllc tasle syrup 2 49 side marmalades 35 i bacon tllllllll ilhmiii itlcit cake hues nanct cohp ltd loans up to ssooo n m ii sum plwtsu 2060 -cconcrrown- 12 mun sluel south phojn 87 mm -hitchcner- 12s2 kini stmt eisl priwi744 uu for your idehvi ioch1s if a foods iga ootls ica loom loa koi- ta iooih yhufts and htl niohts til 9 pm

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