gfl thg aclon free prett wednetday february 21 168 ebenezer news of the district georgetown rd tape has stalled progress o an addition to centennial public school to toe point the school board is concerted about what will happen in september trusted john allntern spokesman or a board delegation old council moiday thai untoss approval lr- eelved soon for this an or a contemplated school inmoora palk accommodation will be at aaayruum corno septtmoar we have bad an increase of 40 students in the past manth tod anticipate 400 more in the astern part of town and 100 in moore park before september be said we must start immediately on the centen nial addition it it is to be ready for the fait tnu problem lies in governrant ruling that if a town exceeds itscaplul expenditure forecast it must receive approval of the ontario municipal board for debenture borrowing council drat approached i be okfb last july with the j68000q proposal and at the boards request again moved for this at the first of the year said mr mlnjern me was informed that council eipects the approval within the nul ew weeks georgetown council voted to loin central ontario regional de velopment association the group formed i couple of years ago i for municipalities in the four counties of hallon peel york and ontario mayor les duby acton is presently chairman a worthwhile organization cr jim young termed it gives us closer liaison with other towns in this part of ontario said dep-r- uty reeve a speight but mayor gibbons said he doesnf consider membership will moan anything to georgetown where are we going to stop this sort of thing and where will we get the people to attend the meetings he wondered reeve hunter and cr em- merson joined him in opposing the mc mhershlp erin a fo believed to be rabid was running about the east end of the village the animal eventually ended up in mountain vie subdiv ision where it was killed by dogs the head of the animal has been sent in to the laboratory for confirmation of rabies elora bantams eliminated the erin entry from the playoffs with three straight wins in the best of five series scores wore 103 32 and 52 with only the second game played in erin milton oakvllles airport project was shot down in names last week as both oakvill and burlington councils withdrew their financial support of the proposed municipal airport at oinagh but the air port may still be located in halton oakvllle reeve alan day plans to ask halton county council to step into the breach and attempt to get the airport settled somewhere in north halton steamera will return to milton for the eighth annual reunion of steam and antique equipment in the fair grounds directors of halton agricultural society approved rental of the fair grounds to the ontario steam and antique preservers association for the labor day weekend show steamera sponsors had hoped to move their reunion to new grounds at the kelso conservation area milton heights for the ims eunlon the association is to par ticipate with the ontario government in a museum of canadian agricultural implements on the former archie service farm adjoining the kelso park but the property is not yot ready the first seven steamera reunions have been staged in mltton orig inally a twoday show it had to be expanded to three days to accommodate the crowds that hit a record peak of over 30000 in 1965 and 1968 oakville a satellite city of 100090 is proposedfora new housing develop ment touching on oakvllle but mainly in ttte sireetsvllte area of misslssauga the proposed city would stretch from highway 401 south to the dundas no 5 highway from oakvllles ninth line to the credit river water and sewer services are proposed to be brought from clarkson area for the development erin mills a subsidiary of don mills development co which is controlled by e p taylor recently sold a 6100 acre parcel which would form the core of the new city to ceup investments ltd the project has been under study for the past ii years but officials say now it will be a reality in fivo years about onethird of the land involved is in oakvllle uh after death ministers topic by mrs r mcloan rev russell flnley based his interesting remarks on the well- known passage from revelations chapter 7 thoy shall hunger no more neltherthlrstany more the sun shall not strike them nor any scorchlngheat forthe lamb in the midst of the throne will be tholr shepherd and ho will guldo them to spring of living water andgod wit wjpeavayovpry tear from their eyas we know tittle about life after death the bible is understood less and loss mr flnley told a amuslrlg little story an inspector in a sunday school oussvas que tlonjng the pupils who broke down the wallsof jericho after a pauso one little boy stood up bravely and said pleesesir j didnt finally the inspector askedthe teacher to tell thoclais who had broken down the walls she said i dont know who did it but if jimmy says he dldnt doit why he dldnto the inspector sent in a report to church headquarters after some weeks delay the answer came back send in your bill for the walls and well look aiterthe ropalrs revolatlon is one of the most loved books in the whole bible john wrote it in difficult times the last few years afthertirst century at smyrna in 195 b c a statue of the roman emper or was erected the first ones were embarrassed with the idea that the emperor should be treat ed as a god nero one of the worst roman emperors burnt the city and blamed the christ ians all that was required of the people was burning of incense and passive obeisance admitting that caesar was a god those who refused could find sanctuary in the catacombs people would be safe in a cem etery the symbols on the walls of the catacombs deal with ufo after death many paid for their faith in horrible ways with groat tribulation what is life after death like nonchristian gravestones pro claim hopelessness examples are bereaved forever or i was born i lived i died i am no mora two children found a dead sparrow and wanted to have a funeral for it one child said what shall we say however they prepared a little box tndthe other child looked after the nec- other child looked after the necessary formalities in this manner in the name of the father and the son and in the hole she goes life is a preparation the child is preparing for youth the youth for maturity the mature person for old age and the older person for life after death in the much quoted vorso in my fathors house aro many mansions the word mansion should be translated as astop- plng place or a resting place where the soul is prepared for fullness of life the professor of mathematics whose little son asks him for help with an arithmetic problem cannot tell him the whole concept of higher mathematics at once we learn stage by stage until the soul reaches its destinedpor- fection this immortality is forever and ever mr george thomas has re turned to st josephs hospital hamilton the worlds dayojprayor will be held at ebeneiar on march 1 with the nassagaweya ladies as guests bauinafad beryl mcenery president of ballinafad 4h dub ospringe ladies aicf meeting visitors public speaking winner in news t canadian citizenship applications applications for canadian citizenship will b accepted every wednesday and friday from 930 am fo 4 pm at qurans square building 34 quean street east brampton ontario applications alto accepted monday through friday from 830 am to 430 pm at the court of canadian citizenship 150 main street west hamilton ontario for information regarding documents required fees etc phone brampton 4514240 extension 1 sife t aaafatfl vrw- t 0fjtrw y mrs a g unborisdti mr andmr4jswaldmead6ws bockwood mrv jaum dougltis georgetown mrs etta harden eckrrt mills mr and mrs freu uaptle mra1vlnfishotguolph mis phyllis watson kitchener mr and mrs lionel watson hlllsburgh- mr charles trimble helfountalrt were recent guests with mrs m jackson rev basil motz minister of evqron christian church called on monitors o hi j eonjiregatlod in the village last week mr and mrs m hutchison and sons of toronto visited with the letters parentb mr and mrs gordon altken during he wook- ond both sons steven and jef frey underwent recent surgery but are recovering rapidly congratulations to uremia bruce who won flrf place in trw township puilic speaking contest held at the local miioo1 her subject ustt word ha uuuri received of the j death sunday night ofmurray mc- tkinald 2nd line abv 17 sltfq- raal b had been 111 tot several months aikj had boon staying with hli nephew m rray an im s began trindalo mrs l fisher preild d and mrs b clarke road the minute alt the uadlot aldmeotliiijiif knok presbyterian church held at mrs fisluwb homo holl call blncarrloh4 and introduce hor mrs g altkon introduced the now itudy book christ and the faiths of man ami also gave tho devotional relative to tho study silverwood native breads from europe sampled at wl meeting by mrs harry scott eighteen members and six vis itors met at the home of mrs marchlngton on thursdiy aftor- noon feb 8 for tho moithly meeting of sllverwood wl and the first lesson in baking with yeast ladles from europe wore tho welcomo guests thoy oach brought loaves of tholr native bread french irish gorman dutch and yugoslavia mrs marchlngton and mrs henderson leaders of tho pro ject demonstrated on a while loaf and rolls and a dark rye summary day will bo fobruary 23 at the junior farmors hall in brampton mrs henderson was in the chair for the business part of the meeting minutas were road and adopted the roll call was answered by an exchange of slips of favorite plants to tho lady on the left the group rocolvod an invit ation to tho 50th annlvorsary party of bannockburn womens institute at umohouso hall on march 20 a commlttoe was chosen to arrange for the nth annlvorsary partv if suvorwood w i mrs sally dufflold agrood to attond tho officers conven tion in guelph april 2030 and may 1 the april birthday party at tho contennial manor is being plannod mrs wr norton mrs cossar and mrs dufflold aro arranging tills mooting closed with social hour over coffeo and tea tho lovoly broads brought by tho guosts and momborsworoonjoyodbyall tuesday fobruary 13 was tho second losson and 17 members woro eager to get startod on rolls six dlfforont ldndsattrac- tlvo and crusty woro made sov- oral members showed their skill and the results woro satisfying tho miostlonandansworporlod filled tn tho tlmo tho baking was going on tho social half hour over toa coffee and rolls onded a reward ing afternoon acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too small phone 8530234 65 main st n acton before you sign on the dotted line know what youi loan will cost borrow up to 65000 take up to 60 months to repay you re told in ldv ince it household finance the cost of your loan is spoiled out clearly simply and in dollirs no extras nohiddencharues no surprises afterward you get the tacts first before you borrow when you need a loan you ii find that you too can borrow with confidence from the company that tells you the cost in advance compare hfc charges on loans over 1500 with charges of other companies of our kind you ii probably find hfc saves ydu money 4sa ibout cfd t i it insurance on lojns it low group ji town gt oetorottowmi 41 moln strmt northtelephone 8775221 omki to lllvi n what does your fahh m6an to ydii stresslmrthuneudnf know ing onug own faith v the history of the 1ymn tho ninety and nfrio w giyoufby mrs gaorgu jacjcsqnj vho mert- tlonedthe author ulaalwlh cec ilia clephaaot brother is bur led lna church yard in fergui mri fuller wjvuki wtnhor in a loner contest tim hostess and akslstaiau served refreshments jnda social tirmi qnjoyod mrs david mewart ws hos tess for the meeting of ho christ ian womens church ton mem bers and oho visitor wore pres- unt mrs john mcdonald opened the mooting with a poem little itoads lo happiness followed by prayer marilyn klngthury assistant secretary read lie minute and correspoidmco i lie roll call toll a biblical love story wafc woll responded to with a numlwr tolling of itulh in tho ausonco othe troasuror tho financial report was road by mrs a ulllo in place of llio spring rallies workshops aro lo be presented with hlllsburgh church as hosts for this grouping on march 26 mrs mcdougall reportod a gift of su pairs of salt and pop- por shakers fron eramosa wo mens institute thoso wire idndly aclcnowledgod the worship portion of tho program eniluring poople was glvon by mrs dg ilobort- son this was followod by an oncollont study disciples shoos in japan by mrs a harris by mrs h shortlll the 1st mooting of the ball inafad 411 club was hold on sat urday at oatualllnafadcommun- lty centre with 14 members pre sent the leaders are mis too jamiobon and mrs william bu chanan the officers were chosen a follow president doryl mc- eoery vlce pruslilehr nancy inow lecrolary miolla jam- hicon- treasurer arlehe slior- rhocub name has not ixjui chosen us yet mr and mrs donald mouan mr and mrs lon jkowp and donna also mr red cnmvo visited recvjilly with hamilton relative i tile february euchre party was liojil lq tlo count mjfy centre on tues fob 13 tleven tables wen playikl and all reportod a j with tin aid of a iiijj and hart i a most comprehensive account wjs pivon of nils loiuiles er- vlng the country plan of lvanice- llmri and liristlan centre foliowlnc tho cwf benedic tion the hostoss assisted by her daughter inlaw mrs vernon stewart served rult bread and cookies mrs john alton was welcome j liack aftur her unfortunate acci dent when he fell and ractured hor ulbow oarly in the winter pleasant social time together mr blllle mcclusosy visited the frenchs homo on saturday several couples from here at tended the valentino ball at hills- burg community centre on fri day evening this being scout andcubweek 14 cub and their leaders at tended church service hei 3 sun day am cub jlfnmio coles reaf thoicrlpture ov mr johnston the pastor rotated a slorygrowihjuppro- porly ahd chosafortitasstmnn text duty to god plans aro holng maile for a imfful church supfiov id bo hehl inllnnrilturo i tiritiy weather spoiled in ice fishing- trip for several on sat ipiliy karen miohiu hail the mkfor- tinui to break iter wrist while skalng at ihiistmirg arena o- curtains or draperies should iju hnnc o that their edipjs and fold harmonize with those of the window and the main feature 67 the room h s holden oitomttllsr m cork si el cvelph mwiw ta i7iw 24 hour towing service tires and batteries service and repairs gasoline and oil richs bp service on hwy 7 at 5lh line of eiquetlng renny and dick voskamp 853 2940 guelph s oldest and largest department store where you can shop for the entire family whether its a gift or complete outfit for any member of the family you can rely on walkers for complete satisfaction for the home seamstress visit walkers yard good department and choose your spring wardrobe patterns and material r uk about out houn for satisfaction guaranteed shop at walkers of guelph